A notable Mutation Event which happened on the infrastructure
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
iamUser | User | [optional] | |
requestId | String | Operation unique identifier | [optional] |
iamRole | IamRole | [optional] | |
zone | String | Operation targeted zone | [optional] |
getParams | Object | Query string parameters (free form map) | [optional] |
bodyParams | Object | Body parameters (free form map) | [optional] |
status | Long | Operation HTTP status | [optional] |
sourceIp | String | Client IP address | [optional] |
iamApiKey | IamApiKey | [optional] | |
uri | String | Operation request URI | [optional] |
elapsedMs | Long | Operation processing time | [optional] |
timestamp | OffsetDateTime | Time at which the event happened, millisecond resolution | [optional] |
pathParams | Object | URI path parameters (free form map) | [optional] |
handler | String | Operation handler name | [optional] |
message | String | Operation message | [optional] |