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Update submission.R
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AdrienneMendrik authored Mar 23, 2024
1 parent 75be10b commit e399169
Showing 1 changed file with 85 additions and 43 deletions.
128 changes: 85 additions & 43 deletions submission.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,54 +1,96 @@
# edit the preprocessing function using the code you used for preprocesing the train data
clean_df <- function(df){
# Process the input data to feed the model
# This is an example script to generate the outcome variable given the input dataset.
# This script should be modified to prepare your own submission that predicts
# the outcome for the benchmark challenge by changing the clean_df and predict_outcomes function.
# The predict_outcomes function takes a data frame. The return value must
# be a data frame with two columns: nomem_encr and outcome. The nomem_encr column
# should contain the nomem_encr column from the input data frame. The outcome
# column should contain the predicted outcome for each nomem_encr. The outcome
# should be 0 (no child) or 1 (having a child).
# clean_df should be used to clean (preprocess) the data.
# run.R can be used to test your submission.

## Selecting variables
keepcols = c('nomem_encr', 'birthyear_bg', 'gender_bg', 'burgstat_2020','oplmet_2020', 'cf20m454')

df <- df %>% select(all_of(keepcols))

# imputing missing values with mode (for factors) or median (for interval variables)
my_mode <- function(x) {
x <-x[!]
ux <- unique(x)
tab <- tabulate(match(x, ux))
mode <- ux[tab == max(tab)]
ifelse(length(mode) > 1, sample(mode, 1), mode)

df <- df %>%
mutate(across(c(gender_bg, burgstat_2020, oplmet_2020, cf20m454), ~replace_na(., my_mode(.))),
across(c(gender_bg, burgstat_2020, oplmet_2020, cf20m454), as.factor),
across(birthyear_bg, ~replace_na(., median(., na.rm=TRUE))))

# List your packages here. Don't forget to update packages.R!
library(dplyr) # as an example, not used here

clean_df <- function(df, background = NULL){
# Preprocess the input dataframe to feed the model.
### If no cleaning is done (e.g. if all the cleaning is done in a pipeline) leave only the "return df" command

# Parameters:
# df (dataframe): The input dataframe containing the raw data (from PreFer_train_data.csv).
# background (dataframe): Optional input dataframe containing background data (from PreFer_train_background_data.csv).

# if necessary, edit the function so it returns predicted classes (1/0), not probabilities
predict_outcomes <- function(df, model_path="./model.rds"){
# preprocess the holdout data
df <- clean_df(df)
ids <- select(df, nomem_encr)
# Returns:
# data frame: The cleaned dataframe with only the necessary columns and processed variables.

## This script contains a bare minimum working example
# Create new age variable
df$age <- 2024 - df$birthyear_bg

# Filter cases for whom outcome is not available
df <- df[ !$new_child), ]

# Selecting variables for modelling
keepcols = c('nomem_encr', # ID variable required for predictions,
'age', # newly created variable
'new_child') # outcome variable

## Keeping data with variables selected
df <- df[ , keepcols ]


predict_outcomes <- function(df, model_path = "./model.rds"){
# Generate predictions using the saved model and the input dataframe.

# The predict_outcomes function accepts a dataframe as an argument
# and returns a new dataframe with two columns: nomem_encr and
# prediction. The nomem_encr column in the new dataframe replicates the
# corresponding column from the input dataframe The prediction
# column contains predictions for each corresponding nomem_encr. Each
# prediction is represented as a binary value: '0' indicates that the
# individual did not have a child during 2021-2023, while '1' implies that
# they did.

# Parameters:
# df (dataframe): The input dataframe for which predictions are to be made.
# model_path (str): The path to the saved model file (which is the output of training.R).

# Returns:
# dataframe: A dataframe containing the identifiers and their corresponding predictions.

## This script contains a bare minimum working example
if( !("nomem_encr" %in% colnames(df)) ) {
warning("The identifier variable 'nomem_encr' should be in the dataset")

# Load the model
model <- readRDS(model_path)

# Preprocess the fake / holdout data
df <- clean_df(df)

# IMPORTANT: the outcome `new_child` should NOT be in the data from this point onwards
# get list of variables *without* the outcome:
vars_without_outcome <- colnames(df)[colnames(df) != "new_child"]

# !if necessary, make edits to produce predicted classes
# E.g. if you used glm() function to train a model, add 'type="response"' to get probabilities
pred <- predict(model, df, type="response")
#and then transform them into predicted classes
pred <- ifelse(pred>0.5, 1, 0)
# Generate predictions from model, should be 0 (no child) or 1 (had child)
predictions <- predict(model,
subset(df, select = vars_without_outcome),
type = "response")
# Transform probabilities into predicted classes
predictions <- ifelse(predictions > 0.5, 1, 0)

# adding prediction column to id column
ids$prediction<- pred
# Output file should be data.frame with two columns, nomem_enc and predictions
df_predict <- data.frame("nomem_encr" = df[ , "nomem_encr" ], "predictions" = predictions)
# Force columnnames (overrides names that may be given by `predict`)
names(df_predict) <- c("nomem_encr", "predictions")

# Return only dataset with predictions and identifier
return( df_predict )

# ######## do not edit this ############################
# df <- read.csv(args[1])
# predictions <- predict_holdout(df)
# write.csv(predictions,"predictions.csv", row.names = FALSE)

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