/$$$$$$ /$$ /$$ /$$
/$$__ $$ | $$|__/| $$
| $$ \__/ | $$ /$$| $$$$$$$
| $$$$ /$$$$$$| $$| $$| $$__ $$
| $$_/|______/| $$| $$| $$ \ $$
| $$ | $$| $$| $$ | $$
| $$ | $$| $$| $$$$$$$/
|__/ |__/|__/|_______/
Replace the above with the name of the lib. Use figlet font 'bigmoney-ne'.
> https://patorjk.com/software/taag/#p=display&f=Big%20Money-ne&t=f-lib
Altenativelly, install 'figlet' and font 'bigmoney-ne':
> figlet: http://www.figlet.org/figlet-man.html
> font: https://github.com/xero/figlet-fonts/blob/master/Big%20Money-ne.flf
is the f-utils
lib that does something.
- website: futils.org/libs/f-{lib}
- contact: [email protected]
- discord: coolab
|-- __init__.py .............. import main.py
|-- main.py .................. import modules
`-- mods/
|-- module1.py .......... does something
|-- module2.py .......... does some other thing
`-- ...
The installation is from the branches main
and dev
of this repository.
- With
# main branch
/path/to/venv/bin/pip install git+https://github.com/f-utils/f-{lib}
# dev branch
/path/to/venv/bin/pip install git+https://github.com/f-utils/f-{lib}/tree/dev
For other installation methods, see futils.org/install.
The lib provides the class {Lib}
. We suggest to import it as:
from f_{lib} import {Lib} as {lib}
For more details, see futils.org/libs/f-{lib}.
- Open issues in f-utils/.issues.
- Join our Discord server.
This lib is licensed under BSD 3-Clause