In advance of the design workshop, all participants produced a one-or-two page advance reading to be shared with the other attendees on either:
- A specific problem that they wanted to solve with a web-of-trust solution, and why current solutions (PGP or CA-based PKI) can't address the problem?
- A specific solution related to the web-of-trust that you'd like others to use or contribute to?
If you will be attending Rebooting the Web of Trust March 2023 in Cologne, please upload your advance readings to this directory with a pull request.
To add a paper, create a pull request to this repo with your contribution (preferably as an .md file, but if you can't, as a PDF), along with updates to the in this folder. Please also include a byline with contact information in the paper itself.
Please also enter your paper twice in this README file, once in the topical listing (adding a new category describing your topic, if necessary) and one in the alphabetical listing. Please be sure to include the full URL for your paper in the README, so that we can copy it to the main page URL and have it still correctly link.
If you don't know how to submit a pull request, please instead submit an issue.
To those who have submitted an Advance Readings paper, RWOT12 offers a steep discount on the ticket price for participation to the event. Please obtain your discount code as follows.
- Copy the link to your Pull Request (see previous section)
- Email to [email protected], paste the link to the Pull Request and ask for the discount code
Please make sure to make your Pull Request Submission BEFORE you buy the tickets for RWOT12, in order to apply your discount code.
These primers overview major topics which are likely to be discussed at the design workshop. If you read nothing else, read these. (But really, read as much as you can!)
- Advance Reading Primer — About the advance reading papers
- RWOT Primer — How the design workshop works
- DID Primer — Decentralized Identifiers (extended version also available)
- Functional Identity Primer — A different way to look at identity
- Verifiable Credentials Primer — the project formerly known as Verifiable Claims
- Glossary of Terms — a brief dictionary of technical terms used at RWOT
- Data Generator — a data-generator for SSI
Please add a level three header (###
) for your paper's topic if it's not there already, then link it in the form:
* by [author](mailto:if desired)
* One to two sentence synopsis or quote
* #hashtags for topics
Verifiable Credentials for Company Identification using eIDAS Qualified Seal Certificates
- by Hans Boone
- proposal to bootstrap company identity by using qualified seal certificates.
- #qseal #eidas #ODI #vc
A basic conceptual model for verifiable identity
- by l. boldrin
- sketch of a formal model for verifiable identity
- #identity #model
Trust in Verifiable Digital Product Passport
- by Christian Fries
- Using verifiable credentials to transform the digital product passport into a verifiable digital product passport
- #vc #verifiablecredentials #dpp
Verifiable Credential Resolver (VCR) for supply chains
- by Mirko Mollik
- Resoling the endpoint to request VCs from a product having a DID
- #did #vc #verifiablecredentials #supplychain #dpp
Please also enter your paper alphabetically in the form:
* [Paper Name](link)