[Bug] Step by step walkthrough of how to reproduce (console/UI/etc). When and how did the problem begin?
Was anything tried that didn't work? Anything that reviewers should pay attention to or difficult or tricky that should be explained?
These checklists are to help ensure the code review basics are covered. Consider removing to reduce noise.
- PR title accurately summarizes changes
- New tests were added for isolated methods or new endpoints
- I opened an issue for any logical followups
- If this fixes a bug, "Fixes #XXX" is either the very first or very last line of the description.
- Update title and description to account for additional changes
- All tests green
- Migrations were tested locally and do the right thing
- Booted up the branch locally, exercised any new code
- Percy changes are purposeful or explained
- Css changes are happy on mobile (via Percy is ok)