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Contributing to Featherweight Design's Feather front-end repo template

First and foremost...

🔥🎉 Thank you for contributing!!! 🎉🔥

This document contains a number of guidelines for contributing to this repo. It is an ever changing and constantly growing document, so if you have any questions reach out to one of our team members. If you think something needs to be tweaked or want to propose a change, feel free to submit a pull request updating this document.

The configurations in this template are not rules that are set in stone but recommendations. Any standards aim to provide quick guidance for some of the development minutia that can often feel cumbersome or are overlooked, such as formatting and testing. If some of these standards don't fit the needs of a particular application, they can be ripped out once a new repo is created. Any changes to this template will be considered on a case-by-case basis or, potentially, converted into another, more-specific repo template.

Table of Contents

Code of Conduct

Please thoroughly review our Code of Conduct.

I have a question

Note: Please don't file an issue to ask a question. You'll receive a faster response by using one of the resources below.

The first place to start is referencing this document or our

Most issue specific questions can be answered by the issue's "Acceptance Criteria" and/or "References" section or by posting a comment to that issue.

If talking to a real person is your jam, reach out to the #questions channel in our Slack and someone can point you in the right direction. If you've been assigned to a particular client for which you are developing, you should also have a client specific channel as a resource (e.g. #dfx, #rose-glass-design, etc.).


Git Commit Messages

  • Use Conventional Commits
  • Commit types we have adopted are:
    • fix (PATCH)
    • feat (MINOR)
    • build
    • chore
    • ci
    • docs
    • style
    • refactor
    • revert
    • test
    • optimization
  • Use the present tense ("Add feature" not "Added feature")
  • Use the imperative mood ("Move cursor to..." not "Moves cursor to...")
  • Limit the first line to 72 characters or less

JavaScript Styleguide

  • All JavaScript must adhere to our Prettier and eslint formatting

  • Destructuring should be used whenever possible

  • Prefer the object spread operator ({ ...anotherObj } to Object.assign())

  • End of file over inline exports

    // Use this:
    const Component = () => {};
    export default Component;
    // Instead of:
    export const Component = () => {};
  • Place imports in the following order:

    • Third party Node Modules (such as react)
    • Local Modules (using relative paths)
    • Stylesheets
  • Modules with five or more imports should have visual space above and below them

TypeScript Styleguide

  • All TypeScript nust adhere to our Prettier and TSlint rules
  • All interfaces and types should be exported from a dedicates types.ts file located in the /shared directory
  • The vast majority of JavaScript files should use TypeScript with rare exceptions

CSS Styleguide

  • Component/page specific stylesheets should live next to their respective TS files
  • Component className attributes should be namespaced with an abbreviation for the application name (e.g. "Rose Glass Design" should use rgd for a className of rgd-app)
  • Colors, measurements, and other common styles should be referenced as variables through variables.scss
  • Reusable style groupings or functions should be reference through mixins.scss
  • Branding variables for the @f-design/component-library are imported in main.scss and can be overwritten in either mixins/variables.scss
  • A loose BEM formatting should be used for className attributes:
    • Block: rgd-button, rgd-checkbox
    • Element: rgd-button__value, rgd-checkbox__label
    • Modifier: rgd-button__value-hidden, rgd-checkbox-disabled

React Styleguide

  • React hooks should be used for all state handling
  • Actionable props should be prefaced with the word on (e.g. onChange, onClose, etc.)
  • Methods passed to components as props should prefaced with the world handle (e.g. handleChange, handleClose, etc.)
  • Any boolean props should be prefaced with the words is/has/was (e.g. isLoading, hasData, wasSuccessful, etc.)
  • All possible states should be considered (e.g. empty, full, disabled, loading, etc.)

GraphQL/Apollo Styleguide

  • All queries/mutations are stored in their respective directories in /shared
  • Each query/mutation should have comments explaining any inputs, return values, and schema types
  • Query/mutation files should be in PascalCase with descriptive naming
  • Exports from query/mutation files should be in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE
  • All queries/mutations should be executed through hooks from Apollo Client (e.g. useQuery, useMutation, etc.)
  • Any GraphQL schemas should be added to the repo and the .eslintrc.js update in order for GraphQL template literal linting

Testing Styleguide

This repo template is opinionated when it comes to testing, but provides options for several approaches. We consider Cypress to be a more accurate, developer friendly UI/UX testing approach and all components/pages should have corresponding Cypress tests. We also use Testing Library for Cypress specific DOM queries/commands.

Jest should be used for testing utilities and under-the-hood functionality of pages or components. With this approach, tests using the jsdom are not needed. However, if someone uses this template and prefers to use Jest as a means to test components/pages, React Testing Library is included and examples are provided.


  • All "happy" and "sad" paths should be tested when possible
  • Mocks and static content should be reused from the /shared/mocks when possible (e.g. copyContent, etc.)


  • Tests should generally be reserved for utilities and any under-the-hood, functional logic of component/page (e.g. filtering, sorting, formatting, etc.)
  • If a test has specific data mocks that are not reusable, they should be located in __tests__/mocks with a <FILE_NAME>.mock.ts convention (e.g. capitalizeString.mock.ts)
  • If a test has utilities associated with mock data, they should be moved to a __tests__/utilities directory


  • Should be used for end-to-end (E2E) functionality and all components/pages when possible
  • If a test has specific data mocks that are not reusable, they should be located in cypress/fixtures as either *.mock.ts or *.json
  • If a test has utilities associated with mock data, they should be moved to a cypress/support/utilities directory
  • Tests should be written using more behavioral, product nomenclature:
// Use this
it('Should show a company logo on the landing page', () => { ... });

// Instead of this
it('Should render an image on the landing page', () => { ... });

Your First Contribution

Picking Up an Issue

  • Find an issue of interest in the "To Do" column of one of our Feather project boards
  • To have this issue assigned to you, leave a comment on the issue itself or post in the #component-library Slack channel (an admin must approve your request)
  • Once approved, move your issue to the "In Progress" column of the project board
  • Pull down the latest changes from main and checkout a new branch with a descriptive name (e.g. pr-github-hook)

During Development

  • We use yarn as our package manager
  • Each new component/page should have a corresponding stylesheet and Cypress test files
  • Each new utility should have a corresponding test file
  • Integrated components/pages should be cross tested (e.g. functional testing) through Cypress
  • There are two development hooks we use to ensure standardization:
    • pre-commit: Run commitlint for commit message formatting
    • pre-push: Run linting for general code formatting
  • Useful commands:
    • yarn start: Starts the application on http://localhost:3000
    • yarn clean: Wipes node_modules/yarn.lock and reinstalls packages
    • yarn format: Formats all files according to our Prettier standards
    • yarn lint: Checks all files for linting errors
    • yarn test: Runs our Jest test suite
    • yarn cy-open: Opens the Cypress test runner

I'm done, now what?

  • Celebrate! 🎉
  • Rebase with main
  • Push your changes to GitHub and open a new PR
  • Fill out any relevant sections in the PR Template and remove those that are unused
  • Run through the "Sanity Checks"
  • GitHub will randomly assign someone to review your PR, but you are welcome to select additional reviewers
  • PR checks will run via GitHub actions. The following must pass before PR approval:
    • Linting
    • Jest Tests
    • Cypress tests
    • Build

Receiving Feedback

  • Feedback is non-objective and in the best interest of the codebase
  • Comments are meant to foster dialog; you are free to communicate your thought process and explain any reasoning to reach a joint decision
  • When changes are requested, implement them to the best of your ability
  • If you have questions, reach out to whomever requested changes through a comment or in Slack
  • Admins reserve the right to dismiss PR approvals and change requests

After Approval

  • Another team member will be assigned to test your changes though you are encouraged to test them as well
  • If any bugs are found during testing, open a new "🐛 Bug" issue (you are welcome to tackle this afterward if you wish)
  • Once your changes pass QA, your PR will be moved to the "Done" column in the project board
  • 🔥 You did it! 🔥


These Contributing docs were adapted from the Atom Contribution docs.