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Logos Verbum 10 for Linux Release Notes

T. H. Wright edited this page Oct 10, 2022 · 22 revisions

Good news, it works!

You can run Logos 10 on Linux from release day… and yes it was a challenge getting it ready for you all - enjoy!

With special thanks to:

Bradley Grainger (from Faithlife) and our Beta Linux Group: James Bernard, Frank Sauer, Taylor Wright, and John Goodman.

Behind the scenes

We are very grateful to Faithlife! With the release of Logos 10, we have seen significant signs of concern for Linux customers. Firstly, they allowed a limited few of us early access in order to work on it so that it could be ready for release day. Secondly, we have seen them bugfix code and make it work for Linux - which is a wonderful gesture. Thirdly, we continue to have occasional interaction and advice from Devs.

Linux remains officially unsupported but we are moving in the right direction! For support use Telegram

Getting the dotnet patch into staging is a big win. The installation is much simpler than before owing to the use of dotnet 6 and some extra bundling of dependencies in the Logos installer. Many users may find no custom config is needed and you don’t need to install the linux version of dotnet 6 either.

Install Procedure

Sorry no download links until Faithlife make it available to all… currently only those licensed are supposed to have access.

Please make a full backup of your data!

Install wine 7.18 staging or newer (a required patch is only in staging, earlier versions won’t run or will crash intermittently)

Some users will need to substitute wine for wine64 e.g. Pop OS? Some users may need to give a full path to wine64 e.g. on Steam deck.

1. `mkdir Logos10`  
2. `cd Logos10`  
3. `mkdir data`  
4. `WINEPREFIX=~/Logos10/data wine64 winecfg` (set win ver to 10)    
5. `WINEPREFIX=~/Logos10/data winetricks settings fontsmooth=rgb` (probably not needed)  
6. `WINEPREFIX=~/Logos10/data winetricks settings renderer=gdi` (optional in wine but not needed in proton, same effect is to turn of acceleration in Logos own program settings, but better to have the acceleration IMHO)  

run the LogosInstaller.exe (note the download progress slider doesn’t work but it is downloading) inc full path to LogosInstaller.exe 7. WINEPREFIX=~/Logos10/data wine64 LogosInstaller.exe
Run Logos
8. WINEPREFIX=~/Logos10/data wine64 ./data/drive_c/users/$USER/AppData/Local/Logos/Logos.exe

Traffic Lights Colour System.

🟢Green (fix exists / is coming soon), 🟠Amber (no fix but still usable), 🔴Red (bug prevents daily driver usage)

Known issues (also present in Logos 9)

1. 🟢 gdi renderer is needed to avoid black box graphical glitches. This is fixed in proton which can use the default gl renderer without any problems. The fix is in proton not dotnet 6. We expect wine will be patched with this update soon.[](
2. 🟠 Printing only works with win7 set in winecfg.
3. 🟢 All downloaded resources are wiped when an application update is installed. I think this is fixed in proton experimental. I also think I’ve isolated the patch… I have been unable to address this until the public release but hopefully we will have a fix out soon.
4. 🟢 Media playback issues: Audiobooks seems to be fixed in proton and since wine 7.15 staging. Videos still don't play but you can stream via the web app.[](
5. 🟠 Some of the menus require a double click to open after having been opened once already -[](
6. 🟠 Read aloud / text to voice doesn't work -

Known issues in Logos 10 not present in Logos 9

1. 🟢 Media browser and some images don’t show. A patch is included in proton which fixes this. I have not yet been able to isolate it but it should be possible with a full regression test. The patch will likely land in wine without intervention anyway so look out for an update soon.  
2. 🟢 Searching causes a crash in proton… otherwise I would recommend that instead of wine because the media browser works, the fix is present in wine though so proton will likely get an update without intervention.  
3. 🟢 The download progress bar in the installer doesn’t progress as it download the msi. This is such a minor niggle we will report it but consider it a WONTFIX.  
4. 🟠 GE-Proton and GE-Wine may well be useful soon but there is a regression in one of them which causes a launch crash. It is fairly important we find this and try to get it fixed otherwise we might see it merged into wine. A regression test is needed.  
5. ~~🔴 dotnet 6 apps all crash on load~~ - fixed in wine 7.15 staging  
6. ~~🔴 Logos crashes on load every 2nd time due to dictionary file error~~ - fixed in wine 7.18 staging  
7. ~~🔴 crash every time something is typed in the commad box~~ - fixed  
8. ~~🔴 installer fails to run without .net 4.8 installed, mono works!~~ - fixed not needed at all  

Better than in Logos 9

1. Occasional indexer crashes in Logos 8-9 seem not to be present in Logos 10 -[](  
2. No need to separately install dotnet48 (was very unreliable and took ages)  
3. No need to install corefonts.  
4. With proton gl rendering with hardware acceleration works!  
5. Audio books play!  
6. Everything is faster, installation is drastically faster, indexing is also much faster, other areas also improved.   

Given the above, my own choice is to use it as my daily driver… I think most people will feel it is reliable enough for day to day work. However, our testing pool is very small - just 4 of us so early adopters do so at their own risk! Please make a full backup of your data!

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