diff --git a/.openapi-generator/FILES b/.openapi-generator/FILES
index e89f326..c35c5be 100644
--- a/.openapi-generator/FILES
+++ b/.openapi-generator/FILES
@@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ docs/FetchAbiRequestDto.md
@@ -284,7 +285,6 @@ docs/NetworkRecord.md
@@ -489,37 +489,18 @@ docs/TransferPeerPathSubType.md
@@ -595,6 +576,7 @@ fireblocks/api/embedded_wallets_api.py
@@ -611,7 +593,7 @@ fireblocks/api/smart_transfer_api.py
@@ -887,7 +869,6 @@ fireblocks/models/network_record.py
@@ -1084,34 +1065,15 @@ fireblocks/models/transfer_peer_path_type.py
@@ -1465,7 +1427,6 @@ test/test_nfts_api.py
@@ -1670,36 +1631,17 @@ test/test_transfer_peer_path_sub_type.py
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b14f1eb..a97a9de 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -309,8 +309,8 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*ExternalWalletsApi* | [**set_external_wallet_customer_ref_id**](docs/ExternalWalletsApi.md#set_external_wallet_customer_ref_id) | **POST** /external_wallets/{walletId}/set_customer_ref_id | Set an AML customer reference ID for an external wallet
*FiatAccountsApi* | [**deposit_funds_from_linked_dda**](docs/FiatAccountsApi.md#deposit_funds_from_linked_dda) | **POST** /fiat_accounts/{accountId}/deposit_from_linked_dda | Deposit funds from DDA
*FiatAccountsApi* | [**get_fiat_account**](docs/FiatAccountsApi.md#get_fiat_account) | **GET** /fiat_accounts/{accountId} | Find a specific fiat account
-*FiatAccountsApi* | [**get_fiat_accounts**](docs/FiatAccountsApi.md#get_fiat_accounts) | **GET** /fiat_accounts | List fiat accounts
*FiatAccountsApi* | [**redeem_funds_to_linked_dda**](docs/FiatAccountsApi.md#redeem_funds_to_linked_dda) | **POST** /fiat_accounts/{accountId}/redeem_to_linked_dda | Redeem funds to DDA
+*FiatAccountsApi* | [**get_fiat_accounts**](docs/FiatAccountsApi.md#get_fiat_accounts) | **GET** /fiat_accounts | List fiat accounts
*GasStationsApi* | [**get_gas_station_by_asset_id**](docs/GasStationsApi.md#get_gas_station_by_asset_id) | **GET** /gas_station/{assetId} | Get gas station settings by asset
*GasStationsApi* | [**get_gas_station_info**](docs/GasStationsApi.md#get_gas_station_info) | **GET** /gas_station | Get gas station settings
*GasStationsApi* | [**update_gas_station_configuration**](docs/GasStationsApi.md#update_gas_station_configuration) | **PUT** /gas_station/configuration | Edit gas station settings
@@ -439,12 +439,13 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*TransactionsApi* | [**set_transaction_confirmation_threshold**](docs/TransactionsApi.md#set_transaction_confirmation_threshold) | **POST** /transactions/{txId}/set_confirmation_threshold | Set confirmation threshold by transaction ID
*TransactionsApi* | [**unfreeze_transaction**](docs/TransactionsApi.md#unfreeze_transaction) | **POST** /transactions/{txId}/unfreeze | Unfreeze a transaction
*TransactionsApi* | [**validate_address**](docs/TransactionsApi.md#validate_address) | **GET** /transactions/validate_address/{assetId}/{address} | Validate destination address
-*TravelRuleApi* | [**get_vasp_for_vault**](docs/TravelRuleApi.md#get_vasp_for_vault) | **GET** /screening/travel_rule/vault/{vaultAccountId}/vasp | Get assigned VASP to vault
-*TravelRuleApi* | [**get_vaspby_did**](docs/TravelRuleApi.md#get_vaspby_did) | **GET** /screening/travel_rule/vasp/{did} | Get VASP details
-*TravelRuleApi* | [**get_vasps**](docs/TravelRuleApi.md#get_vasps) | **GET** /screening/travel_rule/vasp | Get All VASPs
-*TravelRuleApi* | [**set_vasp_for_vault**](docs/TravelRuleApi.md#set_vasp_for_vault) | **POST** /screening/travel_rule/vault/{vaultAccountId}/vasp | Assign VASP to vault
-*TravelRuleApi* | [**update_vasp**](docs/TravelRuleApi.md#update_vasp) | **PUT** /screening/travel_rule/vasp/update | Add jsonDidKey to VASP details
-*TravelRuleApi* | [**validate_full_travel_rule_transaction**](docs/TravelRuleApi.md#validate_full_travel_rule_transaction) | **POST** /screening/travel_rule/transaction/validate/full | Validate Full Travel Rule Transaction
+*TravelRuleBetaApi* | [**get_vasp_for_vault**](docs/TravelRuleBetaApi.md#get_vasp_for_vault) | **GET** /screening/travel_rule/vault/{vaultAccountId}/vasp | Get assigned VASP to vault
+*TravelRuleBetaApi* | [**get_vaspby_did**](docs/TravelRuleBetaApi.md#get_vaspby_did) | **GET** /screening/travel_rule/vasp/{did} | Get VASP details
+*TravelRuleBetaApi* | [**get_vasps**](docs/TravelRuleBetaApi.md#get_vasps) | **GET** /screening/travel_rule/vasp | Get All VASPs
+*TravelRuleBetaApi* | [**set_vasp_for_vault**](docs/TravelRuleBetaApi.md#set_vasp_for_vault) | **POST** /screening/travel_rule/vault/{vaultAccountId}/vasp | Assign VASP to vault
+*TravelRuleBetaApi* | [**update_vasp**](docs/TravelRuleBetaApi.md#update_vasp) | **PUT** /screening/travel_rule/vasp/update | Add jsonDidKey to VASP details
+*TravelRuleBetaApi* | [**validate_full_travel_rule_transaction**](docs/TravelRuleBetaApi.md#validate_full_travel_rule_transaction) | **POST** /screening/travel_rule/transaction/validate/full | Validate Full Travel Rule Transaction
+*TravelRuleBetaApi* | [**validate_travel_rule_transaction**](docs/TravelRuleBetaApi.md#validate_travel_rule_transaction) | **POST** /screening/travel_rule/transaction/validate | Validate Travel Rule Transaction
*UserGroupsBetaApi* | [**create_user_group**](docs/UserGroupsBetaApi.md#create_user_group) | **POST** /management/user_groups | Create user group
*UserGroupsBetaApi* | [**delete_user_group**](docs/UserGroupsBetaApi.md#delete_user_group) | **DELETE** /management/user_groups/{groupId} | Delete user group
*UserGroupsBetaApi* | [**get_user_group**](docs/UserGroupsBetaApi.md#get_user_group) | **GET** /management/user_groups/{groupId} | Get user group
@@ -488,7 +489,6 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
*WebhooksV2BetaApi* | [**get_notifications**](docs/WebhooksV2BetaApi.md#get_notifications) | **GET** /webhooks/{webhookId}/notifications | Get all notifications by webhook id
*WebhooksV2BetaApi* | [**get_webhook**](docs/WebhooksV2BetaApi.md#get_webhook) | **GET** /webhooks/{webhookId} | Get webhook by id
*WebhooksV2BetaApi* | [**get_webhooks**](docs/WebhooksV2BetaApi.md#get_webhooks) | **GET** /webhooks | Get all webhooks
-*WebhooksV2BetaApi* | [**resend_notification_by_id**](docs/WebhooksV2BetaApi.md#resend_notification_by_id) | **POST** /webhooks/{webhookId}/notifications/{notificationId}/resend | Resend notification by id
*WebhooksV2BetaApi* | [**update_webhook**](docs/WebhooksV2BetaApi.md#update_webhook) | **PATCH** /webhooks/{webhookId} | Update webhook
*WorkspaceStatusBetaApi* | [**get_workspace_status**](docs/WorkspaceStatusBetaApi.md#get_workspace_status) | **GET** /management/workspace_status | Returns current workspace status
*WhitelistIpAddressesApi* | [**get_whitelist_ip_addresses**](docs/WhitelistIpAddressesApi.md#get_whitelist_ip_addresses) | **GET** /management/api_users/{userId}/whitelist_ip_addresses | Gets whitelisted ip addresses
@@ -754,7 +754,6 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [NoneNetworkRoutingDest](docs/NoneNetworkRoutingDest.md)
- [NotFoundException](docs/NotFoundException.md)
- [Notification](docs/Notification.md)
- - [NotificationAttempt](docs/NotificationAttempt.md)
- [NotificationPaginatedResponse](docs/NotificationPaginatedResponse.md)
- [NotificationStatus](docs/NotificationStatus.md)
- [NotificationWithData](docs/NotificationWithData.md)
@@ -951,35 +950,16 @@ Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
- [TransferValidationFailure](docs/TransferValidationFailure.md)
- [TravelRuleAddress](docs/TravelRuleAddress.md)
- [TravelRuleCreateTransactionRequest](docs/TravelRuleCreateTransactionRequest.md)
- - [TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth](docs/TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth.md)
- - [TravelRuleGeographicAddress](docs/TravelRuleGeographicAddress.md)
- [TravelRuleGetAllVASPsResponse](docs/TravelRuleGetAllVASPsResponse.md)
- [TravelRuleIssuer](docs/TravelRuleIssuer.md)
- [TravelRuleIssuers](docs/TravelRuleIssuers.md)
- - [TravelRuleLegalPerson](docs/TravelRuleLegalPerson.md)
- - [TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier](docs/TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier.md)
- - [TravelRuleNationalIdentification](docs/TravelRuleNationalIdentification.md)
- - [TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier](docs/TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier.md)
- - [TravelRuleNaturalPerson](docs/TravelRuleNaturalPerson.md)
- - [TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier](docs/TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier.md)
- [TravelRuleOwnershipProof](docs/TravelRuleOwnershipProof.md)
- - [TravelRulePerson](docs/TravelRulePerson.md)
- [TravelRulePiiIVMS](docs/TravelRulePiiIVMS.md)
- [TravelRulePolicyRuleResponse](docs/TravelRulePolicyRuleResponse.md)
- [TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo](docs/TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo.md)
- [TravelRuleUpdateVASPDetails](docs/TravelRuleUpdateVASPDetails.md)
- [TravelRuleVASP](docs/TravelRuleVASP.md)
- - [TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth](docs/TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth.md)
- [TravelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest](docs/TravelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest.md)
- - [TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress](docs/TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress.md)
- - [TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson](docs/TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson.md)
- - [TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier](docs/TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier.md)
- - [TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification](docs/TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification.md)
- - [TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier](docs/TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier.md)
- - [TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson](docs/TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson.md)
- - [TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier](docs/TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier.md)
- - [TravelRuleValidatePerson](docs/TravelRuleValidatePerson.md)
- - [TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS](docs/TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS.md)
- [TravelRuleValidateTransactionRequest](docs/TravelRuleValidateTransactionRequest.md)
- [TravelRuleValidateTransactionResponse](docs/TravelRuleValidateTransactionResponse.md)
- [TravelRuleVaspForVault](docs/TravelRuleVaspForVault.md)
diff --git a/docs/CreateWebhookRequest.md b/docs/CreateWebhookRequest.md
index 1f80f75..ea2b71d 100644
--- a/docs/CreateWebhookRequest.md
+++ b/docs/CreateWebhookRequest.md
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**url** | **str** | The url of the webhook where notifications will be sent. URL must be valid, unique and https. |
-**description** | **str** | description of the webhook. should not contain special characters. | [optional]
+**description** | **str** | description of the webhook. should not contain special characters. |
**events** | [**List[WebhookEvent]**](WebhookEvent.md) | event types the webhook will subscribe to |
**enabled** | **bool** | The status of the webhook. If false, the webhook will not receive notifications. | [optional] [default to True]
diff --git a/docs/FiatAccountsApi.md b/docs/FiatAccountsApi.md
index 3a18b61..73eddd0 100644
--- a/docs/FiatAccountsApi.md
+++ b/docs/FiatAccountsApi.md
@@ -4,171 +4,15 @@ All URIs are relative to *https://api.fireblocks.io/v1*
Method | HTTP request | Description
------------- | ------------- | -------------
-[**deposit_funds_from_linked_dda**](FiatAccountsApi.md#deposit_funds_from_linked_dda) | **POST** /fiat_accounts/{accountId}/deposit_from_linked_dda | Deposit funds from DDA
-[**get_fiat_account**](FiatAccountsApi.md#get_fiat_account) | **GET** /fiat_accounts/{accountId} | Find a specific fiat account
[**get_fiat_accounts**](FiatAccountsApi.md#get_fiat_accounts) | **GET** /fiat_accounts | List fiat accounts
-[**redeem_funds_to_linked_dda**](FiatAccountsApi.md#redeem_funds_to_linked_dda) | **POST** /fiat_accounts/{accountId}/redeem_to_linked_dda | Redeem funds to DDA
-# **deposit_funds_from_linked_dda**
-> DepositFundsFromLinkedDDAResponse deposit_funds_from_linked_dda(account_id, idempotency_key=idempotency_key, funds=funds)
-Deposit funds from DDA
-Deposits funds from the linked DDA.
-### Example
-from fireblocks.models.deposit_funds_from_linked_dda_response import DepositFundsFromLinkedDDAResponse
-from fireblocks.models.funds import Funds
-from fireblocks.client import Fireblocks
-from fireblocks.client_configuration import ClientConfiguration
-from fireblocks.exceptions import ApiException
-from fireblocks.base_path import BasePath
-from pprint import pprint
-# load the secret key content from a file
-with open('your_secret_key_file_path', 'r') as file:
- secret_key_value = file.read()
-# build the configuration
-configuration = ClientConfiguration(
- api_key="your_api_key",
- secret_key=secret_key_value,
- base_path=BasePath.Sandbox, # or set it directly to a string "https://sandbox-api.fireblocks.io/v1"
-# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
-with Fireblocks(configuration) as fireblocks:
- account_id = 'account_id_example' # str | The ID of the fiat account to use
- idempotency_key = 'idempotency_key_example' # str | A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. (optional)
- funds = fireblocks.Funds() # Funds | (optional)
- try:
- # Deposit funds from DDA
- api_response = fireblocks.fiat_accounts.deposit_funds_from_linked_dda(account_id, idempotency_key=idempotency_key, funds=funds).result()
- print("The response of FiatAccountsApi->deposit_funds_from_linked_dda:\n")
- pprint(api_response)
- except Exception as e:
- print("Exception when calling FiatAccountsApi->deposit_funds_from_linked_dda: %s\n" % e)
-### Parameters
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
-------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **account_id** | **str**| The ID of the fiat account to use |
- **idempotency_key** | **str**| A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. | [optional]
- **funds** | [**Funds**](Funds.md)| | [optional]
-### Return type
-### Authorization
-No authorization required
-### HTTP request headers
- - **Content-Type**: application/json
- - **Accept**: application/json
-### HTTP response details
-| Status code | Description | Response headers |
-**201** | Transfer succeeded | * X-Request-ID -
-**0** | Error Response | * X-Request-ID -
-[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
-# **get_fiat_account**
-> FiatAccount get_fiat_account(account_id)
-Find a specific fiat account
-Returns a fiat account by ID.
-### Example
-from fireblocks.models.fiat_account import FiatAccount
-from fireblocks.client import Fireblocks
-from fireblocks.client_configuration import ClientConfiguration
-from fireblocks.exceptions import ApiException
-from fireblocks.base_path import BasePath
-from pprint import pprint
-# load the secret key content from a file
-with open('your_secret_key_file_path', 'r') as file:
- secret_key_value = file.read()
-# build the configuration
-configuration = ClientConfiguration(
- api_key="your_api_key",
- secret_key=secret_key_value,
- base_path=BasePath.Sandbox, # or set it directly to a string "https://sandbox-api.fireblocks.io/v1"
-# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
-with Fireblocks(configuration) as fireblocks:
- account_id = 'account_id_example' # str | The ID of the fiat account to return
- try:
- # Find a specific fiat account
- api_response = fireblocks.fiat_accounts.get_fiat_account(account_id).result()
- print("The response of FiatAccountsApi->get_fiat_account:\n")
- pprint(api_response)
- except Exception as e:
- print("Exception when calling FiatAccountsApi->get_fiat_account: %s\n" % e)
-### Parameters
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
-------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **account_id** | **str**| The ID of the fiat account to return |
-### Return type
-### Authorization
-No authorization required
-### HTTP request headers
- - **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: application/json
-### HTTP response details
-| Status code | Description | Response headers |
-**200** | A fiat account object | * X-Request-ID -
-**0** | Error Response | * X-Request-ID -
-[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
# **get_fiat_accounts**
> List[FiatAccount] get_fiat_accounts()
List fiat accounts
-Returns all fiat accounts.
+Returns all fiat accounts. Endpoint Permission: Admin, Non-Signing Admin.
### Example
@@ -233,82 +77,3 @@ No authorization required
[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
-# **redeem_funds_to_linked_dda**
-> RedeemFundsToLinkedDDAResponse redeem_funds_to_linked_dda(account_id, idempotency_key=idempotency_key, funds=funds)
-Redeem funds to DDA
-Redeems funds to the linked DDA.
-### Example
-from fireblocks.models.funds import Funds
-from fireblocks.models.redeem_funds_to_linked_dda_response import RedeemFundsToLinkedDDAResponse
-from fireblocks.client import Fireblocks
-from fireblocks.client_configuration import ClientConfiguration
-from fireblocks.exceptions import ApiException
-from fireblocks.base_path import BasePath
-from pprint import pprint
-# load the secret key content from a file
-with open('your_secret_key_file_path', 'r') as file:
- secret_key_value = file.read()
-# build the configuration
-configuration = ClientConfiguration(
- api_key="your_api_key",
- secret_key=secret_key_value,
- base_path=BasePath.Sandbox, # or set it directly to a string "https://sandbox-api.fireblocks.io/v1"
-# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
-with Fireblocks(configuration) as fireblocks:
- account_id = 'account_id_example' # str | The ID of the fiat account to use
- idempotency_key = 'idempotency_key_example' # str | A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. (optional)
- funds = fireblocks.Funds() # Funds | (optional)
- try:
- # Redeem funds to DDA
- api_response = fireblocks.fiat_accounts.redeem_funds_to_linked_dda(account_id, idempotency_key=idempotency_key, funds=funds).result()
- print("The response of FiatAccountsApi->redeem_funds_to_linked_dda:\n")
- pprint(api_response)
- except Exception as e:
- print("Exception when calling FiatAccountsApi->redeem_funds_to_linked_dda: %s\n" % e)
-### Parameters
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
-------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **account_id** | **str**| The ID of the fiat account to use |
- **idempotency_key** | **str**| A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. | [optional]
- **funds** | [**Funds**](Funds.md)| | [optional]
-### Return type
-### Authorization
-No authorization required
-### HTTP request headers
- - **Content-Type**: application/json
- - **Accept**: application/json
-### HTTP response details
-| Status code | Description | Response headers |
-**201** | Transfer succeeded | * X-Request-ID -
-**0** | Error Response | * X-Request-ID -
-[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/NetworkConnectionsApi.md b/docs/NetworkConnectionsApi.md
index 637d0cb..0a5cfcc 100644
--- a/docs/NetworkConnectionsApi.md
+++ b/docs/NetworkConnectionsApi.md
@@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ No authorization required
[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
# **search_network_ids**
-> SearchNetworkIdsResponse search_network_ids(search=search, exclude_self=exclude_self, only_self=only_self, exclude_connected=exclude_connected, page_cursor=page_cursor, page_size=page_size)
+> SearchNetworkIdsResponse search_network_ids(search=search, exclude_self=exclude_self, exclude_connected=exclude_connected, page_cursor=page_cursor, page_size=page_size)
Search network IDs, both local IDs and discoverable remote IDs
@@ -790,14 +790,13 @@ configuration = ClientConfiguration(
with Fireblocks(configuration) as fireblocks:
search = 'search_example' # str | Search string - displayName networkId. Optional (optional)
exclude_self = True # bool | Exclude your networkIds. Optional, default false (optional)
- only_self = True # bool | Include just your networkIds. Optional, default false (optional)
exclude_connected = True # bool | Exclude connected networkIds. Optional, default false (optional)
page_cursor = 'page_cursor_example' # str | ID of the record after which to fetch $limit records (optional)
page_size = 50 # float | Number of records to fetch. By default, it is 50 (optional) (default to 50)
# Search network IDs, both local IDs and discoverable remote IDs
- api_response = fireblocks.network_connections.search_network_ids(search=search, exclude_self=exclude_self, only_self=only_self, exclude_connected=exclude_connected, page_cursor=page_cursor, page_size=page_size).result()
+ api_response = fireblocks.network_connections.search_network_ids(search=search, exclude_self=exclude_self, exclude_connected=exclude_connected, page_cursor=page_cursor, page_size=page_size).result()
print("The response of NetworkConnectionsApi->search_network_ids:\n")
except Exception as e:
@@ -813,7 +812,6 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**search** | **str**| Search string - displayName networkId. Optional | [optional]
**exclude_self** | **bool**| Exclude your networkIds. Optional, default false | [optional]
- **only_self** | **bool**| Include just your networkIds. Optional, default false | [optional]
**exclude_connected** | **bool**| Exclude connected networkIds. Optional, default false | [optional]
**page_cursor** | **str**| ID of the record after which to fetch $limit records | [optional]
**page_size** | **float**| Number of records to fetch. By default, it is 50 | [optional] [default to 50]
diff --git a/docs/Notification.md b/docs/Notification.md
index 8be75f2..76cdc7c 100644
--- a/docs/Notification.md
+++ b/docs/Notification.md
@@ -6,12 +6,13 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **str** | The id of the Notification |
-**created_at** | **int** | The creation date of the notification in milliseconds |
-**updated_at** | **int** | The date when the notification was updated in milliseconds |
+**created_at** | **datetime** | The creation date of the notification |
+**updated_at** | **datetime** | The date when the notification was updated |
**status** | [**NotificationStatus**](NotificationStatus.md) | |
**event_type** | [**WebhookEvent**](WebhookEvent.md) | |
+**event_version** | **float** | The event version of the Notification |
**resource_id** | **str** | The resource id of the event which the Notification is listen to | [optional]
-**attempts** | [**List[NotificationAttempt]**](NotificationAttempt.md) | The attempts related to Notification | [default to []]
+**attempts** | **List[str]** | The attempts related to Notification | [optional] [default to []]
## Example
diff --git a/docs/NotificationAttempt.md b/docs/NotificationAttempt.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b79350e..0000000
--- a/docs/NotificationAttempt.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# NotificationAttempt
-## Properties
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**sent_time** | **int** | The time when the attempt was sent in milliseconds. |
-**duration** | **int** | The duration of the attempt in milliseconds. |
-**response_code** | **int** | The response code of the attempt, when missing refer to failureReason. | [optional]
-**failure_reason** | **str** | The request failure reason in case responseCode is missing. | [optional]
-## Example
-from fireblocks.models.notification_attempt import NotificationAttempt
-# TODO update the JSON string below
-json = "{}"
-# create an instance of NotificationAttempt from a JSON string
-notification_attempt_instance = NotificationAttempt.from_json(json)
-# print the JSON string representation of the object
-# convert the object into a dict
-notification_attempt_dict = notification_attempt_instance.to_dict()
-# create an instance of NotificationAttempt from a dict
-notification_attempt_from_dict = NotificationAttempt.from_dict(notification_attempt_dict)
-[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/NotificationWithData.md b/docs/NotificationWithData.md
index ff39cf4..af6b108 100644
--- a/docs/NotificationWithData.md
+++ b/docs/NotificationWithData.md
@@ -6,12 +6,13 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **str** | |
-**created_at** | **int** | The creation date of the notification in milliseconds |
-**updated_at** | **int** | The date when the notification was updated in milliseconds |
+**created_at** | **datetime** | The creation date of the notification |
+**updated_at** | **datetime** | The date when the notification was updated |
**status** | [**NotificationStatus**](NotificationStatus.md) | |
**event_type** | [**WebhookEvent**](WebhookEvent.md) | |
+**event_version** | **float** | The event version which the Notification is listen to |
**resource_id** | **str** | The resource id of the event which the Notification is listen to | [optional]
-**attempts** | [**List[NotificationAttempt]**](NotificationAttempt.md) | The attempts related to Notification | [default to []]
+**attempts** | **List[str]** | The attempts related to Notification | [default to []]
**data** | **object** | notification data | [optional]
## Example
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleAddress.md b/docs/TravelRuleAddress.md
index 9c3263e..0d71bcb 100644
--- a/docs/TravelRuleAddress.md
+++ b/docs/TravelRuleAddress.md
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**street** | **str** | Street address | [optional]
-**city** | **str** | City | [optional]
-**state** | **str** | State or province | [optional]
-**postal_code** | **str** | Postal or ZIP code | [optional]
+**street** | **str** | Street address |
+**city** | **str** | City |
+**state** | **str** | State or province |
+**postal_code** | **str** | Postal or ZIP code |
## Example
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleApi.md b/docs/TravelRuleBetaApi.md
similarity index 60%
rename from docs/TravelRuleApi.md
rename to docs/TravelRuleBetaApi.md
index 59c4ca6..fe1d785 100644
--- a/docs/TravelRuleApi.md
+++ b/docs/TravelRuleBetaApi.md
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
-# fireblocks.TravelRuleApi
+# fireblocks.TravelRuleBetaApi
All URIs are relative to *https://api.fireblocks.io/v1*
Method | HTTP request | Description
------------- | ------------- | -------------
-[**get_vasp_for_vault**](TravelRuleApi.md#get_vasp_for_vault) | **GET** /screening/travel_rule/vault/{vaultAccountId}/vasp | Get assigned VASP to vault
-[**get_vaspby_did**](TravelRuleApi.md#get_vaspby_did) | **GET** /screening/travel_rule/vasp/{did} | Get VASP details
-[**get_vasps**](TravelRuleApi.md#get_vasps) | **GET** /screening/travel_rule/vasp | Get All VASPs
-[**set_vasp_for_vault**](TravelRuleApi.md#set_vasp_for_vault) | **POST** /screening/travel_rule/vault/{vaultAccountId}/vasp | Assign VASP to vault
-[**update_vasp**](TravelRuleApi.md#update_vasp) | **PUT** /screening/travel_rule/vasp/update | Add jsonDidKey to VASP details
-[**validate_full_travel_rule_transaction**](TravelRuleApi.md#validate_full_travel_rule_transaction) | **POST** /screening/travel_rule/transaction/validate/full | Validate Full Travel Rule Transaction
+[**get_vasp_for_vault**](TravelRuleBetaApi.md#get_vasp_for_vault) | **GET** /screening/travel_rule/vault/{vaultAccountId}/vasp | Get assigned VASP to vault
+[**get_vaspby_did**](TravelRuleBetaApi.md#get_vaspby_did) | **GET** /screening/travel_rule/vasp/{did} | Get VASP details
+[**get_vasps**](TravelRuleBetaApi.md#get_vasps) | **GET** /screening/travel_rule/vasp | Get All VASPs
+[**set_vasp_for_vault**](TravelRuleBetaApi.md#set_vasp_for_vault) | **POST** /screening/travel_rule/vault/{vaultAccountId}/vasp | Assign VASP to vault
+[**update_vasp**](TravelRuleBetaApi.md#update_vasp) | **PUT** /screening/travel_rule/vasp/update | Add jsonDidKey to VASP details
+[**validate_full_travel_rule_transaction**](TravelRuleBetaApi.md#validate_full_travel_rule_transaction) | **POST** /screening/travel_rule/transaction/validate/full | Validate Full Travel Rule Transaction
+[**validate_travel_rule_transaction**](TravelRuleBetaApi.md#validate_travel_rule_transaction) | **POST** /screening/travel_rule/transaction/validate | Validate Travel Rule Transaction
# **get_vasp_for_vault**
@@ -48,11 +49,11 @@ with Fireblocks(configuration) as fireblocks:
# Get assigned VASP to vault
- api_response = fireblocks.travel_rule.get_vasp_for_vault(vault_account_id).result()
- print("The response of TravelRuleApi->get_vasp_for_vault:\n")
+ api_response = fireblocks.travel_rule_beta.get_vasp_for_vault(vault_account_id).result()
+ print("The response of TravelRuleBetaApi->get_vasp_for_vault:\n")
except Exception as e:
- print("Exception when calling TravelRuleApi->get_vasp_for_vault: %s\n" % e)
+ print("Exception when calling TravelRuleBetaApi->get_vasp_for_vault: %s\n" % e)
@@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ No authorization required
Get VASP details
-Get VASP Details. Returns information about a VASP that has the specified DID.
+Get VASP Details. Returns information about a VASP that has the specified DID. **Note:** The reference content in this section documents the Travel Rule beta endpoint. The beta endpoint includes APIs that are currently in preview and aren't yet generally available. To enroll in the beta and enable this endpoint, contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to [CSM@fireblocks.com](mailto:CSM@fireblocks.com).
### Example
@@ -119,15 +120,15 @@ configuration = ClientConfiguration(
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with Fireblocks(configuration) as fireblocks:
did = 'did_example' # str |
- fields = ['fields_example'] # List[str] | A CSV of fields to return. Choose from the following options: (optional)
+ fields = 'fields_example' # str | CSV of fields to return (all, \"blank\" or see list of all field names below) (optional)
# Get VASP details
- api_response = fireblocks.travel_rule.get_vaspby_did(did, fields=fields).result()
- print("The response of TravelRuleApi->get_vaspby_did:\n")
+ api_response = fireblocks.travel_rule_beta.get_vaspby_did(did, fields=fields).result()
+ print("The response of TravelRuleBetaApi->get_vaspby_did:\n")
except Exception as e:
- print("Exception when calling TravelRuleApi->get_vaspby_did: %s\n" % e)
+ print("Exception when calling TravelRuleBetaApi->get_vaspby_did: %s\n" % e)
@@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ with Fireblocks(configuration) as fireblocks:
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**did** | **str**| |
- **fields** | [**List[str]**](str.md)| A CSV of fields to return. Choose from the following options: | [optional]
+ **fields** | **str**| CSV of fields to return (all, \"blank\" or see list of all field names below) | [optional]
### Return type
@@ -164,11 +165,11 @@ No authorization required
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# **get_vasps**
-> TravelRuleGetAllVASPsResponse get_vasps(order=order, page_size=page_size, fields=fields, search=search, review_value=review_value, page_cursor=page_cursor)
+> TravelRuleGetAllVASPsResponse get_vasps(order=order, per_page=per_page, page=page, fields=fields)
Get All VASPs
-Get All VASPs. Returns a list of VASPs. VASPs can be searched and sorted.
+Get All VASPs. Returns a list of VASPs. VASPs can be searched and sorted and results are paginated. **Note:** The reference content in this section documents the Travel Rule beta endpoint. The beta endpoint includes APIs that are currently in preview and aren't yet generally available. To enroll in the beta and enable this endpoint, contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to [CSM@fireblocks.com](mailto:CSM@fireblocks.com).
### Example
@@ -195,20 +196,18 @@ configuration = ClientConfiguration(
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with Fireblocks(configuration) as fireblocks:
- order = 'ASC' # str | Field to order by (optional)
- page_size = 500 # float | Records per page (optional) (default to 500)
- fields = ['fields_example'] # List[str] | CSV of fields to return (all, \"blank\" or see list of all field names below) (optional)
- search = 'Fireblocks' # str | Search query (optional)
- review_value = 'TRUSTED' # str | Filter by the VASP's review status. Possible values include: \"TRUSTED\", \"BLOCKED\", \"MANUAL\", or \"NULL\". When provided, only VASPs that match the specified reviewValue will be returned (i.e., VASPs that have already been reviewed to this status). (optional)
- page_cursor = '100' # str | Cursor for pagination. When provided, the response will include the next page of results. (optional)
+ order = 'order_example' # str | Field to order by (optional)
+ per_page = 3.4 # float | Records per page (optional)
+ page = 3.4 # float | Page number (optional)
+ fields = 'fields_example' # str | CSV of fields to return (all, \"blank\" or see list of all field names below) (optional)
# Get All VASPs
- api_response = fireblocks.travel_rule.get_vasps(order=order, page_size=page_size, fields=fields, search=search, review_value=review_value, page_cursor=page_cursor).result()
- print("The response of TravelRuleApi->get_vasps:\n")
+ api_response = fireblocks.travel_rule_beta.get_vasps(order=order, per_page=per_page, page=page, fields=fields).result()
+ print("The response of TravelRuleBetaApi->get_vasps:\n")
except Exception as e:
- print("Exception when calling TravelRuleApi->get_vasps: %s\n" % e)
+ print("Exception when calling TravelRuleBetaApi->get_vasps: %s\n" % e)
@@ -219,11 +218,9 @@ with Fireblocks(configuration) as fireblocks:
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**order** | **str**| Field to order by | [optional]
- **page_size** | **float**| Records per page | [optional] [default to 500]
- **fields** | [**List[str]**](str.md)| CSV of fields to return (all, \"blank\" or see list of all field names below) | [optional]
- **search** | **str**| Search query | [optional]
- **review_value** | **str**| Filter by the VASP's review status. Possible values include: \"TRUSTED\", \"BLOCKED\", \"MANUAL\", or \"NULL\". When provided, only VASPs that match the specified reviewValue will be returned (i.e., VASPs that have already been reviewed to this status). | [optional]
- **page_cursor** | **str**| Cursor for pagination. When provided, the response will include the next page of results. | [optional]
+ **per_page** | **float**| Records per page | [optional]
+ **page** | **float**| Page number | [optional]
+ **fields** | **str**| CSV of fields to return (all, \"blank\" or see list of all field names below) | [optional]
### Return type
@@ -243,7 +240,6 @@ No authorization required
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | Get all VASPs | - |
-**0** | Error Response | * X-Request-ID -
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@@ -285,11 +281,11 @@ with Fireblocks(configuration) as fireblocks:
# Assign VASP to vault
- api_response = fireblocks.travel_rule.set_vasp_for_vault(vault_account_id, travel_rule_vasp_for_vault, idempotency_key=idempotency_key).result()
- print("The response of TravelRuleApi->set_vasp_for_vault:\n")
+ api_response = fireblocks.travel_rule_beta.set_vasp_for_vault(vault_account_id, travel_rule_vasp_for_vault, idempotency_key=idempotency_key).result()
+ print("The response of TravelRuleBetaApi->set_vasp_for_vault:\n")
except Exception as e:
- print("Exception when calling TravelRuleApi->set_vasp_for_vault: %s\n" % e)
+ print("Exception when calling TravelRuleBetaApi->set_vasp_for_vault: %s\n" % e)
@@ -330,7 +326,7 @@ No authorization required
Add jsonDidKey to VASP details
-Update VASP Details. Updates a VASP with the provided parameters. Use this endpoint to add your public jsonDIDkey generated by Notabene.
+Update VASP Details. Updates a VASP with the provided parameters. Use this endpoint to add your public jsonDIDkey generated by Notabene. **Note:** The reference content in this section documents the Travel Rule beta endpoint. The beta endpoint includes APIs that are currently in preview and aren't yet generally available. To enroll in the beta and enable this endpoint, contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to [CSM@fireblocks.com](mailto:CSM@fireblocks.com).
### Example
@@ -362,11 +358,11 @@ with Fireblocks(configuration) as fireblocks:
# Add jsonDidKey to VASP details
- api_response = fireblocks.travel_rule.update_vasp(travel_rule_update_vasp_details, idempotency_key=idempotency_key).result()
- print("The response of TravelRuleApi->update_vasp:\n")
+ api_response = fireblocks.travel_rule_beta.update_vasp(travel_rule_update_vasp_details, idempotency_key=idempotency_key).result()
+ print("The response of TravelRuleBetaApi->update_vasp:\n")
except Exception as e:
- print("Exception when calling TravelRuleApi->update_vasp: %s\n" % e)
+ print("Exception when calling TravelRuleBetaApi->update_vasp: %s\n" % e)
@@ -403,11 +399,11 @@ No authorization required
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# **validate_full_travel_rule_transaction**
-> TravelRuleValidateTransactionResponse validate_full_travel_rule_transaction(travel_rule_validate_full_transaction_request, notation=notation, idempotency_key=idempotency_key)
+> TravelRuleValidateTransactionResponse validate_full_travel_rule_transaction(travel_rule_validate_full_transaction_request, idempotency_key=idempotency_key)
Validate Full Travel Rule Transaction
-Validate Full Travel Rule transactions. Checks for all required information on the originator and beneficiary VASPs.
+Validate Full Travel Rule transactions. Checks for all required information on the originator and beneficiary VASPs. **Note:** The reference content in this section documents the Travel Rule beta endpoint. The beta endpoint includes APIs that are currently in preview and aren't yet generally available. To enroll in the beta and enable this endpoint, contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to [CSM@fireblocks.com](mailto:CSM@fireblocks.com).
### Example
@@ -436,16 +432,15 @@ configuration = ClientConfiguration(
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with Fireblocks(configuration) as fireblocks:
travel_rule_validate_full_transaction_request = fireblocks.TravelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest() # TravelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest |
- notation = ['notation_example'] # List[str] | Specifies the notation of the transaction. Possible values are: - `notabene`: Uses Notabene notation (default behavior). - `fireblocks`: Uses Fireblocks notation, with automatic translation of asset tickers and amounts. - ``: Defaults to `notabene` for backward compatibility. **Note:** The default value for the `notation` parameter will change from `notabene` to `fireblocks` Update your integrations accordingly. (optional)
idempotency_key = 'idempotency_key_example' # str | A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. (optional)
# Validate Full Travel Rule Transaction
- api_response = fireblocks.travel_rule.validate_full_travel_rule_transaction(travel_rule_validate_full_transaction_request, notation=notation, idempotency_key=idempotency_key).result()
- print("The response of TravelRuleApi->validate_full_travel_rule_transaction:\n")
+ api_response = fireblocks.travel_rule_beta.validate_full_travel_rule_transaction(travel_rule_validate_full_transaction_request, idempotency_key=idempotency_key).result()
+ print("The response of TravelRuleBetaApi->validate_full_travel_rule_transaction:\n")
except Exception as e:
- print("Exception when calling TravelRuleApi->validate_full_travel_rule_transaction: %s\n" % e)
+ print("Exception when calling TravelRuleBetaApi->validate_full_travel_rule_transaction: %s\n" % e)
@@ -456,7 +451,6 @@ with Fireblocks(configuration) as fireblocks:
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**travel_rule_validate_full_transaction_request** | [**TravelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest**](TravelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest.md)| |
- **notation** | [**List[str]**](str.md)| Specifies the notation of the transaction. Possible values are: - `notabene`: Uses Notabene notation (default behavior). - `fireblocks`: Uses Fireblocks notation, with automatic translation of asset tickers and amounts. - `<none>`: Defaults to `notabene` for backward compatibility. **Note:** The default value for the `notation` parameter will change from `notabene` to `fireblocks` Update your integrations accordingly. | [optional]
**idempotency_key** | **str**| A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. | [optional]
### Return type
@@ -477,7 +471,86 @@ No authorization required
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | Transaction validated successfully | - |
-**0** | Error Response | * X-Request-ID -
+**400** | Invalid request body | - |
+**500** | Internal server error | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **validate_travel_rule_transaction**
+> TravelRuleValidateTransactionResponse validate_travel_rule_transaction(travel_rule_validate_transaction_request, idempotency_key=idempotency_key)
+Validate Travel Rule Transaction
+Validate Travel Rule transactions. Checks what beneficiary VASP details are required by your jurisdiction and the beneficiary's jurisdiction. **Note:** The reference content in this section documents the Travel Rule beta endpoint. The beta endpoint includes APIs that are currently in preview and aren't yet generally available. To enroll in the beta and enable this endpoint, contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to [CSM@fireblocks.com](mailto:CSM@fireblocks.com).
+### Example
+from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_transaction_request import TravelRuleValidateTransactionRequest
+from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_transaction_response import TravelRuleValidateTransactionResponse
+from fireblocks.client import Fireblocks
+from fireblocks.client_configuration import ClientConfiguration
+from fireblocks.exceptions import ApiException
+from fireblocks.base_path import BasePath
+from pprint import pprint
+# load the secret key content from a file
+with open('your_secret_key_file_path', 'r') as file:
+ secret_key_value = file.read()
+# build the configuration
+configuration = ClientConfiguration(
+ api_key="your_api_key",
+ secret_key=secret_key_value,
+ base_path=BasePath.Sandbox, # or set it directly to a string "https://sandbox-api.fireblocks.io/v1"
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with Fireblocks(configuration) as fireblocks:
+ travel_rule_validate_transaction_request = fireblocks.TravelRuleValidateTransactionRequest() # TravelRuleValidateTransactionRequest |
+ idempotency_key = 'idempotency_key_example' # str | A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. (optional)
+ try:
+ # Validate Travel Rule Transaction
+ api_response = fireblocks.travel_rule_beta.validate_travel_rule_transaction(travel_rule_validate_transaction_request, idempotency_key=idempotency_key).result()
+ print("The response of TravelRuleBetaApi->validate_travel_rule_transaction:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TravelRuleBetaApi->validate_travel_rule_transaction: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **travel_rule_validate_transaction_request** | [**TravelRuleValidateTransactionRequest**](TravelRuleValidateTransactionRequest.md)| |
+ **idempotency_key** | **str**| A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+No authorization required
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | Transaction validated successfully | - |
+**400** | Invalid request body | - |
+**500** | Internal server error | - |
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diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleCreateTransactionRequest.md b/docs/TravelRuleCreateTransactionRequest.md
index 3ac5501..7587130 100644
--- a/docs/TravelRuleCreateTransactionRequest.md
+++ b/docs/TravelRuleCreateTransactionRequest.md
@@ -5,26 +5,19 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**originator_vas_pdid** | **str** | The Decentralized Identifier (DID) of the exchange (VASP) that is sending the virtual assets. This identifier is unique to the exchange and is generated when the exchange's account is created in the Notabene network. | [optional]
-**beneficiary_vas_pdid** | **str** | The Decentralized Identifier (DID) of the exchange (VASP) that is receiving the virtual assets. This identifier is unique to the exchange and is generated when the exchange's account is created in the Notabene network. | [optional]
-**originator_vas_pname** | **str** | The name of the VASP acting as the transaction originator. | [optional]
-**beneficiary_vas_pname** | **str** | The name of the VASP acting as the transaction beneficiary. | [optional]
-**beneficiary_vas_pwebsite** | **str** | The website of the VASP acting as the transaction beneficiary. | [optional]
-**transaction_blockchain_info** | [**TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo**](TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo.md) | | [optional]
-**originator** | [**TravelRulePiiIVMS**](TravelRulePiiIVMS.md) | |
-**beneficiary** | [**TravelRulePiiIVMS**](TravelRulePiiIVMS.md) | |
-**encrypted** | **str** | Encrypted data related to the transaction. | [optional]
-**protocol** | **str** | The protocol used to perform the travel rule. | [optional]
-**skip_beneficiary_data_validation** | **bool** | Whether to skip validation of beneficiary data. | [optional]
-**travel_rule_behavior** | **bool** | Whether to check if the transaction complies with the travel rule in the beneficiary VASP's jurisdiction. | [optional]
-**originator_ref** | **str** | A reference ID related to the originator of the transaction. | [optional]
-**beneficiary_ref** | **str** | A reference ID related to the beneficiary of the transaction. | [optional]
-**travel_rule_behavior_ref** | **str** | A reference ID related to the travel rule behavior. | [optional]
-**originator_proof** | [**TravelRuleOwnershipProof**](TravelRuleOwnershipProof.md) | | [optional]
-**beneficiary_proof** | [**TravelRuleOwnershipProof**](TravelRuleOwnershipProof.md) | | [optional]
-**beneficiary_did** | **str** | The Decentralized Identifier (DID) of the person at the receiving exchange (VASP). This identifier is generated when the customer is registered in the Notabene network, or automatically created based on the `beneficiaryRef`. - If neither `beneficiaryRef` nor `beneficiaryDid` is provided in the `txCreate` payload, a new random DID is generated for every transaction. | [optional]
-**originator_did** | **str** | The Decentralized Identifier (DID) of the person at the exchange (VASP) who is requesting the withdrawal. This identifier is generated when the customer is registered in the Notabene network or automatically created based on the `originatorRef`. - If neither `originatorRef` nor `originatorDid` is provided in the `txCreate` payload, a new random DID is generated for every transaction. | [optional]
-**is_non_custodial** | **bool** | Indicates if the transaction involves a non-custodial wallet. | [optional]
+**originator_vas_pdid** | **str** | The VASP ID of the transaction originator | [optional]
+**beneficiary_vas_pdid** | **str** | The VASP ID of the transaction beneficiary | [optional]
+**beneficiary_vas_pname** | **str** | The name of the VASP acting as the beneficiary | [optional]
+**transaction_blockchain_info** | [**TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo**](TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo.md) | Information about the blockchain transaction | [optional]
+**originator** | [**TravelRulePiiIVMS**](TravelRulePiiIVMS.md) | Information about the originator of the transaction |
+**beneficiary** | [**TravelRulePiiIVMS**](TravelRulePiiIVMS.md) | Information about the beneficiary of the transaction |
+**encrypted** | **str** | Encrypted data related to the transaction | [optional]
+**protocol** | **str** | The protocol used to perform the travel rule | [optional]
+**skip_beneficiary_data_validation** | **bool** | Whether to skip validation of beneficiary data | [optional]
+**travel_rule_behavior** | **bool** | Whether to check if the transaction is a TRAVEL_RULE in the beneficiary VASP's jurisdiction | [optional]
+**originator_proof** | [**TravelRuleOwnershipProof**](TravelRuleOwnershipProof.md) | Ownership proof related to the originator of the transaction | [optional]
+**beneficiary_proof** | [**TravelRuleOwnershipProof**](TravelRuleOwnershipProof.md) | Ownership proof related to the beneficiary of the transaction | [optional]
+**pii** | [**TravelRulePiiIVMS**](TravelRulePiiIVMS.md) | Personal identifiable information related to the transaction | [optional]
## Example
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth.md b/docs/TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dec0b6..0000000
--- a/docs/TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth
-Represents the date and place of birth for a natural person
-## Properties
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**date_of_birth** | **str** | Date of birth. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**place_of_birth** | **str** | Place of birth. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-## Example
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth import TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth
-# TODO update the JSON string below
-json = "{}"
-# create an instance of TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth from a JSON string
-travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth_instance = TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth.from_json(json)
-# print the JSON string representation of the object
-# convert the object into a dict
-travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth_dict = travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth_instance.to_dict()
-# create an instance of TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth from a dict
-travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth_from_dict = TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth.from_dict(travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth_dict)
-[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleGeographicAddress.md b/docs/TravelRuleGeographicAddress.md
deleted file mode 100644
index aefb368..0000000
--- a/docs/TravelRuleGeographicAddress.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# TravelRuleGeographicAddress
-## Properties
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**street_name** | **str** | Name of a street or thoroughfare. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**town_name** | **str** | Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**country** | **str** | Nation with its own government (ISO-3166 Alpha-2 country code). The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**building_number** | **str** | Number that identifies the position of a building on a street. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**post_code** | **str** | Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**address_type** | **str** | Specifies the type of address. Acceptable values are: - 'HOME': Residential, the home address - 'BIZZ': Business, the business address - 'GEOG': Geographic, an unspecified physical (geographical) address The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**department** | **str** | Identification of a division of a large organisation or building. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**sub_department** | **str** | Identification of a sub-division of a large organisation or building. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**building_name** | **str** | Name of the building or house. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**floor** | **str** | Floor or storey within a building. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**post_box** | **str** | Numbered box in a post office. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**room** | **str** | Building room number. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**town_location_name** | **str** | Specific location name within the town. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**district_name** | **str** | Identifies a subdivision within a country subdivision. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**country_sub_division** | **str** | Identifies a subdivision of a country such as state, region, or province. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**address_line** | **List[str]** | Information that locates and identifies a specific address, presented in free format text. Each item must be encrypted. | [optional]
-## Example
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_geographic_address import TravelRuleGeographicAddress
-# TODO update the JSON string below
-json = "{}"
-# create an instance of TravelRuleGeographicAddress from a JSON string
-travel_rule_geographic_address_instance = TravelRuleGeographicAddress.from_json(json)
-# print the JSON string representation of the object
-# convert the object into a dict
-travel_rule_geographic_address_dict = travel_rule_geographic_address_instance.to_dict()
-# create an instance of TravelRuleGeographicAddress from a dict
-travel_rule_geographic_address_from_dict = TravelRuleGeographicAddress.from_dict(travel_rule_geographic_address_dict)
-[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleGetAllVASPsResponse.md b/docs/TravelRuleGetAllVASPsResponse.md
index 9749dff..3a42e9f 100644
--- a/docs/TravelRuleGetAllVASPsResponse.md
+++ b/docs/TravelRuleGetAllVASPsResponse.md
@@ -5,9 +5,7 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**data** | [**List[TravelRuleVASP]**](TravelRuleVASP.md) | An array of VASP objects, referencing the TravelRuleVASP schema. |
-**total** | **int** | The total number of VASPs. | [optional]
-**next** | **str** | The URL for the next page of results. | [optional]
+**vasps** | [**List[TravelRuleVASP]**](TravelRuleVASP.md) | |
## Example
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleLegalPerson.md b/docs/TravelRuleLegalPerson.md
deleted file mode 100644
index bab23d6..0000000
--- a/docs/TravelRuleLegalPerson.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# TravelRuleLegalPerson
-## Properties
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**name** | [**TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier**](TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier.md) | | [optional]
-**geographic_address** | [**List[TravelRuleGeographicAddress]**](TravelRuleGeographicAddress.md) | The array of geographic addresses associated with the legal person. | [optional]
-**national_identification** | [**TravelRuleNationalIdentification**](TravelRuleNationalIdentification.md) | | [optional]
-**customer_identification** | **str** | A unique identifier that identifies the customer in the organization's context. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**customer_number** | **str** | A distinct identifier that uniquely identifies the customer within the organization. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**country_of_registration** | **str** | The ISO-3166 Alpha-2 country code where the legal person is registered. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-## Example
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person import TravelRuleLegalPerson
-# TODO update the JSON string below
-json = "{}"
-# create an instance of TravelRuleLegalPerson from a JSON string
-travel_rule_legal_person_instance = TravelRuleLegalPerson.from_json(json)
-# print the JSON string representation of the object
-# convert the object into a dict
-travel_rule_legal_person_dict = travel_rule_legal_person_instance.to_dict()
-# create an instance of TravelRuleLegalPerson from a dict
-travel_rule_legal_person_from_dict = TravelRuleLegalPerson.from_dict(travel_rule_legal_person_dict)
-[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier.md b/docs/TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier.md
deleted file mode 100644
index cdeabd2..0000000
--- a/docs/TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier
-## Properties
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**legal_person_name** | **str** | Name by which the legal person is known. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**legal_person_name_identifier_type** | **str** | Specifies the type of name for a legal person. Acceptable values are: - 'REGISTERED': The official registered name. - 'TRADE': A trading name or DBA (Doing Business As) name. - 'OTHER': Any other type of name. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-## Example
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person_name_identifier import TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier
-# TODO update the JSON string below
-json = "{}"
-# create an instance of TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier from a JSON string
-travel_rule_legal_person_name_identifier_instance = TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier.from_json(json)
-# print the JSON string representation of the object
-# convert the object into a dict
-travel_rule_legal_person_name_identifier_dict = travel_rule_legal_person_name_identifier_instance.to_dict()
-# create an instance of TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier from a dict
-travel_rule_legal_person_name_identifier_from_dict = TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier.from_dict(travel_rule_legal_person_name_identifier_dict)
-[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleNationalIdentification.md b/docs/TravelRuleNationalIdentification.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bef13c..0000000
--- a/docs/TravelRuleNationalIdentification.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# TravelRuleNationalIdentification
-Represents a national identifier for a person or entity
-## Properties
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**country_of_issue** | **str** | Country that issued the national identifier (ISO-3166 Alpha-2 country code). The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**national_identifier** | **str** | National identifier (max 35 characters). The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**national_identifier_type** | **str** | Type of national identifier. Acceptable values include: - 'PASSPORT': Passport number - 'NATIONAL_ID': National identification number - 'TAX_ID': Tax identification number - 'SOCIAL_SECURITY': Social security number The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**registration_authority** | **str** | Registration authority (format -> RA followed by 6 digits). The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-## Example
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_national_identification import TravelRuleNationalIdentification
-# TODO update the JSON string below
-json = "{}"
-# create an instance of TravelRuleNationalIdentification from a JSON string
-travel_rule_national_identification_instance = TravelRuleNationalIdentification.from_json(json)
-# print the JSON string representation of the object
-# convert the object into a dict
-travel_rule_national_identification_dict = travel_rule_national_identification_instance.to_dict()
-# create an instance of TravelRuleNationalIdentification from a dict
-travel_rule_national_identification_from_dict = TravelRuleNationalIdentification.from_dict(travel_rule_national_identification_dict)
-[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier.md b/docs/TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 265df50..0000000
--- a/docs/TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier
-## Properties
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**primary_identifier** | **str** | The primary identifier of the name. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**secondary_identifier** | **str** | The secondary identifier of the name. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**name_identifier_type** | **str** | The type of the name identifier. The value must be encrypted. The value must be one of the following: [LEGL, DBA, TRAD, NICK, ALIA, MAID, FORM, PREV, BORN, OTHR]. | [optional]
-## Example
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier import TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier
-# TODO update the JSON string below
-json = "{}"
-# create an instance of TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier from a JSON string
-travel_rule_natural_name_identifier_instance = TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier.from_json(json)
-# print the JSON string representation of the object
-# convert the object into a dict
-travel_rule_natural_name_identifier_dict = travel_rule_natural_name_identifier_instance.to_dict()
-# create an instance of TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier from a dict
-travel_rule_natural_name_identifier_from_dict = TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier.from_dict(travel_rule_natural_name_identifier_dict)
-[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleNaturalPerson.md b/docs/TravelRuleNaturalPerson.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d6fdf6..0000000
--- a/docs/TravelRuleNaturalPerson.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# TravelRuleNaturalPerson
-## Properties
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**name** | [**List[TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier]**](TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier.md) | An array of structured name identifiers for the natural person, referencing the TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier schema. | [optional]
-**geographic_address** | [**List[TravelRuleGeographicAddress]**](TravelRuleGeographicAddress.md) | An array of geographic addresses associated with the natural person, referencing the TravelRuleGeographicAddress schema. | [optional]
-**national_identification** | [**TravelRuleNationalIdentification**](TravelRuleNationalIdentification.md) | | [optional]
-**date_and_place_of_birth** | [**TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth**](TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth.md) | | [optional]
-**customer_identification** | **str** | A unique identifier for the customer within the organization's context. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**country_of_residence** | **str** | The ISO-3166 Alpha-2 country code of the natural person's residence. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-**customer_number** | **str** | A distinct identifier that uniquely identifies the customer within the organization. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
-## Example
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person import TravelRuleNaturalPerson
-# TODO update the JSON string below
-json = "{}"
-# create an instance of TravelRuleNaturalPerson from a JSON string
-travel_rule_natural_person_instance = TravelRuleNaturalPerson.from_json(json)
-# print the JSON string representation of the object
-# convert the object into a dict
-travel_rule_natural_person_dict = travel_rule_natural_person_instance.to_dict()
-# create an instance of TravelRuleNaturalPerson from a dict
-travel_rule_natural_person_from_dict = TravelRuleNaturalPerson.from_dict(travel_rule_natural_person_dict)
-[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier.md b/docs/TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5768a16..0000000
--- a/docs/TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier
-## Properties
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**name_identifier** | [**List[TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier]**](TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier.md) | | [optional]
-**local_name_identifier** | [**List[TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier]**](TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier.md) | | [optional]
-**phonetic_name_identifier** | [**List[TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier]**](TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier.md) | | [optional]
-## Example
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier import TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier
-# TODO update the JSON string below
-json = "{}"
-# create an instance of TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier from a JSON string
-travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier_instance = TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier.from_json(json)
-# print the JSON string representation of the object
-# convert the object into a dict
-travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier_dict = travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier_instance.to_dict()
-# create an instance of TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier from a dict
-travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier_from_dict = TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier.from_dict(travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier_dict)
-[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleOwnershipProof.md b/docs/TravelRuleOwnershipProof.md
index 753ae5b..6e3a24f 100644
--- a/docs/TravelRuleOwnershipProof.md
+++ b/docs/TravelRuleOwnershipProof.md
@@ -1,18 +1,12 @@
# TravelRuleOwnershipProof
-Ownership proof related to the originator of the transaction.
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**type** | **str** | The type of ownership proof. Example values: - `eip-191`: Ethereum signature proof - `eip-712`: Ethereum typed data signature proof - `bip-137`: Bitcoin signature proof - `microtransfer`: Microtransaction (Satoshi test) - `screenshot`: Uploaded screenshot of the wallet - `self-declaration`: Checkbox attestation of ownership | [optional]
-**proof** | **str** | The cryptographic signature, transaction hash, or other proof depending on the type. Examples: - For `eip-191`: `0x3dd4a17a...ce4a2bcd1b` - For `microtransfer`: The transaction hash `H3V8GXBy39Dz...tr3TSTkY=` | [optional]
-**attestation** | **str** | A human-readable statement of wallet ownership. Required for signature proofs and self-declarations. Examples: - `I certify that ETH account 0x896B...0b9b belongs to me.` - `I hereby declare that the blockchain address 0xa437bEed902AF9338B7DEB23848e195d85019510 is under my control.` | [optional]
-**address** | **str** | The wallet address being verified. Examples: - For Ethereum: `0x896B...0b9b` - For Bitcoin: `1442...dxhsQ` | [optional]
-**wallet_provider** | **str** | The wallet provider or method used for verification. Examples: - For Metamask: `Metamask` - For manual signature: `manual` | [optional]
-**url** | **str** | The URL for the uploaded screenshot (for `screenshot` proof types only). Example: `https://example.com/uploaded_image.png` | [optional]
-**confirmed** | **bool** | Whether the user confirmed ownership of the wallet (for `self-declaration` proofs). Example: `true` | [optional]
+**type** | **str** | Type of ownership proof | [optional]
+**proof** | **str** | Identification number | [optional]
## Example
diff --git a/docs/TravelRulePerson.md b/docs/TravelRulePerson.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d69e74..0000000
--- a/docs/TravelRulePerson.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# TravelRulePerson
-## Properties
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**natural_person** | [**TravelRuleNaturalPerson**](TravelRuleNaturalPerson.md) | | [optional]
-**legal_person** | [**TravelRuleLegalPerson**](TravelRuleLegalPerson.md) | | [optional]
-## Example
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person import TravelRulePerson
-# TODO update the JSON string below
-json = "{}"
-# create an instance of TravelRulePerson from a JSON string
-travel_rule_person_instance = TravelRulePerson.from_json(json)
-# print the JSON string representation of the object
-# convert the object into a dict
-travel_rule_person_dict = travel_rule_person_instance.to_dict()
-# create an instance of TravelRulePerson from a dict
-travel_rule_person_from_dict = TravelRulePerson.from_dict(travel_rule_person_dict)
-[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/TravelRulePiiIVMS.md b/docs/TravelRulePiiIVMS.md
index 1b9c15c..571f0f7 100644
--- a/docs/TravelRulePiiIVMS.md
+++ b/docs/TravelRulePiiIVMS.md
@@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
# TravelRulePiiIVMS
-Personal identifiable information related to the transaction
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**originator_persons** | [**List[TravelRulePerson]**](TravelRulePerson.md) | Information about the originator of the transaction | [optional]
-**beneficiary_persons** | [**List[TravelRulePerson]**](TravelRulePerson.md) | Information about the beneficiary of the transaction | [optional]
-**account_number** | **List[str]** | Beneficiary account number. The value must be encrypted. | [optional]
+**full_name** | **str** | | [optional]
+**date_of_birth** | **str** | | [optional]
+**place_of_birth** | **str** | | [optional]
+**address** | **str** | | [optional]
+**identification_number** | **str** | | [optional]
+**nationality** | **str** | | [optional]
+**country_of_residence** | **str** | | [optional]
+**tax_identification_number** | **str** | | [optional]
+**customer_number** | **str** | | [optional]
## Example
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo.md b/docs/TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo.md
index 9885718..aa3aca6 100644
--- a/docs/TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo.md
+++ b/docs/TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo.md
@@ -1,14 +1,13 @@
# TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo
-Information about the blockchain transaction.
## Properties
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**tx_hash** | **str** | The hash of the transaction | [optional]
-**origin** | **str** | The origin address of the transaction | [optional]
-**destination** | **str** | The destination address of the transaction | [optional]
+**tx_hash** | **str** | | [optional]
+**origin** | **str** | | [optional]
+**destination** | **str** | | [optional]
## Example
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleVASP.md b/docs/TravelRuleVASP.md
index 818540b..622b676 100644
--- a/docs/TravelRuleVASP.md
+++ b/docs/TravelRuleVASP.md
@@ -5,51 +5,51 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**did** | **str** | The Decentralized Identifier (DID) of the VASP. |
-**name** | **str** | The name of the VASP. |
-**verification_status** | **str** | The current verification status of the VASP. |
-**address_line1** | **str** | The first line of the VASP's address. |
-**address_line2** | **str** | The second line of the VASP's address (if applicable). | [optional]
-**city** | **str** | The city where the VASP is located. |
-**country** | **str** | The country where the VASP is registered (ISO-3166 Alpha-2 code). |
-**email_domains** | **str** | Comma-separated list of email domains associated with the VASP. |
-**website** | **str** | The official website of the VASP. |
-**logo** | **str** | URL to the logo of the VASP. | [optional]
-**legal_structure** | **str** | The legal structure of the VASP (e.g., Corporation, LLC). |
-**legal_name** | **str** | The legal name of the VASP. |
-**year_founded** | **str** | The year the VASP was founded. |
-**incorporation_country** | **str** | The country where the VASP is incorporated (ISO-3166 Alpha-2 code). |
-**is_regulated** | **str** | Indicates whether the VASP is regulated. |
-**other_names** | **str** | Other names the VASP is known by. | [optional]
-**identification_type** | **str** | The type of identification used by the VASP. | [optional]
-**identification_country** | **str** | The country of identification for the VASP (ISO-3166 Alpha-2 code). | [optional]
-**business_number** | **str** | The business registration number of the VASP. | [optional]
-**regulatory_authorities** | **str** | The regulatory authorities overseeing the VASP. | [optional]
-**jurisdictions** | **str** | The jurisdictions where the VASP operates. |
-**street** | **str** | The street name where the VASP is located. | [optional]
-**number** | **str** | The building number of the VASP's address. | [optional]
-**unit** | **str** | The unit or suite number of the VASP's address. | [optional]
-**post_code** | **str** | The postal code of the VASP's location. | [optional]
-**state** | **str** | The state or region where the VASP is located. | [optional]
-**certificates** | **str** | Certificates or licenses held by the VASP. | [optional]
-**description** | **str** | A brief description of the VASP. | [optional]
-**travel_rule_openvasp** | **str** | Travel rule compliance status for OpenVASP. | [optional]
-**travel_rule_sygna** | **str** | Travel rule compliance status for Sygna. | [optional]
-**travel_rule_trisa** | **str** | Travel rule compliance status for TRISA. | [optional]
-**travel_rule_trlight** | **str** | Travel rule compliance status for TRLight. |
-**travel_rule_email** | **str** | Travel rule compliance status for EMAIL. | [optional]
-**travel_rule_trp** | **str** | Travel rule compliance status for TRP. | [optional]
-**travel_rule_shyft** | **str** | Travel rule compliance status for Shyft. | [optional]
-**travel_rule_ustravelrulewg** | **str** | Travel rule compliance status for US Travel Rule WG. | [optional]
-**created_at** | **str** | Timestamp when the VASP record was created. |
-**created_by** | **str** | User or system that created the VASP record. | [optional]
-**updated_at** | **str** | Timestamp of the last update to the VASP record. | [optional]
-**updated_by** | **str** | User or system that last updated the VASP record. | [optional]
-**last_sent_date** | **str** | The last date a transaction was sent by the VASP. | [optional]
-**last_received_date** | **str** | The last date a transaction was received by the VASP. | [optional]
-**documents** | **str** | Documents associated with the VASP. | [optional]
-**has_admin** | **bool** | Indicates if the VASP has an admin. |
-**is_notifiable** | **bool** | Indicates if the VASP is notifiable for compliance reasons. |
+**did** | **str** | |
+**name** | **str** | |
+**verification_status** | **str** | |
+**address_line1** | **str** | |
+**address_line2** | **str** | |
+**city** | **str** | |
+**country** | **str** | |
+**email_domains** | **str** | |
+**website** | **str** | |
+**logo** | **str** | |
+**legal_structure** | **str** | |
+**legal_name** | **str** | |
+**year_founded** | **str** | |
+**incorporation_country** | **str** | |
+**is_regulated** | **str** | |
+**other_names** | **str** | |
+**identification_type** | **str** | |
+**identification_country** | **str** | |
+**business_number** | **str** | |
+**regulatory_authorities** | **str** | |
+**jurisdictions** | **str** | |
+**street** | **str** | |
+**number** | **str** | |
+**unit** | **str** | |
+**post_code** | **str** | |
+**state** | **str** | |
+**certificates** | **str** | |
+**description** | **str** | |
+**travel_rule_openvasp** | **str** | |
+**travel_rule_sygna** | **str** | |
+**travel_rule_trisa** | **str** | |
+**travel_rule_trlight** | **str** | |
+**travel_rule_email** | **str** | |
+**travel_rule_trp** | **str** | |
+**travel_rule_shyft** | **str** | |
+**travel_rule_ustravelrulewg** | **str** | |
+**created_at** | **str** | |
+**created_by** | **str** | |
+**updated_at** | **str** | |
+**updated_by** | **str** | |
+**last_sent_date** | **str** | |
+**last_received_date** | **str** | |
+**documents** | **str** | |
+**has_admin** | **bool** | |
+**is_notifiable** | **bool** | |
**issuers** | [**TravelRuleIssuers**](TravelRuleIssuers.md) | |
## Example
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth.md b/docs/TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth.md
deleted file mode 100644
index aff1c59..0000000
--- a/docs/TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth
-Represents the date and place of birth for a natural person
-## Properties
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**date_of_birth** | **str** | Date of birth in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD) | [optional]
-**place_of_birth** | **str** | Place of birth | [optional]
-## Example
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth import TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth
-# TODO update the JSON string below
-json = "{}"
-# create an instance of TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth from a JSON string
-travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth_instance = TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth.from_json(json)
-# print the JSON string representation of the object
-# convert the object into a dict
-travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth_dict = travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth_instance.to_dict()
-# create an instance of TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth from a dict
-travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth_from_dict = TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth.from_dict(travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth_dict)
-[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest.md b/docs/TravelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest.md
index fae8e27..f354bd6 100644
--- a/docs/TravelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest.md
+++ b/docs/TravelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest.md
@@ -5,30 +5,24 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**originator_vas_pdid** | **str** | The Decentralized Identifier (DID) of the exchange (VASP) that is sending the virtual assets. This identifier is unique to the exchange and is generated when the exchange's account is created in the Notabene network. | [optional]
-**beneficiary_vas_pdid** | **str** | The Decentralized Identifier (DID) of the exchange (VASP) that is receiving the virtual assets. This identifier is unique to the exchange and is generated when the exchange's account is created in the Notabene network. | [optional]
-**transaction_asset** | **str** | Transaction asset symbol (e.g., BTC, ETH, USDC). By using the `notation` query string, users can select the type of asset notation: - `fireblocks`: Converts asset symbols to Fireblocks notation. - `notabene`: Retains the original Notabene asset symbol format. | [optional]
-**transaction_amount** | **str** | Transaction amount in the transaction asset. For example, if the asset is BTC, the amount is the value in BTC units. By using the `notation` query string, users can select the type of amount notation: - `fireblocks`: Converts the amount to Fireblocks notation (e.g., adjusted for decimals). - `notabene`: Retains the original Notabene amount format. | [optional]
-**originator_vas_pname** | **str** | The name of the VASP acting as the transaction originator. | [optional]
-**beneficiary_vas_pname** | **str** | The name of the VASP acting as the transaction beneficiary. | [optional]
-**transaction_blockchain_info** | [**TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo**](TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo.md) | | [optional]
-**originator** | [**TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS**](TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS.md) | |
-**beneficiary** | [**TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS**](TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS.md) | |
-**encrypted** | **str** | Encrypted data related to the transaction. | [optional]
-**protocol** | **str** | The protocol used to perform the travel rule. | [optional]
-**skip_beneficiary_data_validation** | **bool** | Whether to skip validation of beneficiary data. | [optional]
-**travel_rule_behavior** | **bool** | Whether to check if the transaction complies with the travel rule in the beneficiary VASP's jurisdiction. | [optional]
-**originator_ref** | **str** | A reference ID related to the originator of the transaction. | [optional]
-**beneficiary_ref** | **str** | A reference ID related to the beneficiary of the transaction. | [optional]
-**travel_rule_behavior_ref** | **str** | A reference ID related to the travel rule behavior. | [optional]
-**originator_proof** | [**TravelRuleOwnershipProof**](TravelRuleOwnershipProof.md) | | [optional]
-**beneficiary_proof** | [**TravelRuleOwnershipProof**](TravelRuleOwnershipProof.md) | | [optional]
-**beneficiary_did** | **str** | The Decentralized Identifier (DID) of the person at the receiving exchange (VASP). This identifier is generated when the customer is registered in the Notabene network, or automatically created based on the `beneficiaryRef`. - If neither `beneficiaryRef` nor `beneficiaryDid` is provided in the `txCreate` payload, a new random DID is generated for every transaction. | [optional]
-**originator_did** | **str** | The Decentralized Identifier (DID) of the person at the exchange (VASP) who is requesting the withdrawal. This identifier is generated when the customer is registered in the Notabene network or automatically created based on the `originatorRef`. - If neither `originatorRef` nor `originatorDid` is provided in the `txCreate` payload, a new random DID is generated for every transaction. | [optional]
-**is_non_custodial** | **bool** | Indicates if the transaction involves a non-custodial wallet. | [optional]
+**transaction_asset** | **str** | The asset involved in the transaction | [optional]
+**transaction_amount** | **str** | The amount of the transaction | [optional]
+**originator_did** | **str** | The DID of the transaction originator | [optional]
+**beneficiary_did** | **str** | The DID of the transaction beneficiary | [optional]
+**originator_vas_pdid** | **str** | The VASP ID of the transaction originator | [optional]
+**beneficiary_vas_pdid** | **str** | The VASP ID of the transaction beneficiary | [optional]
+**beneficiary_vas_pname** | **str** | The name of the VASP acting as the beneficiary | [optional]
+**transaction_blockchain_info** | [**TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo**](TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo.md) | Information about the blockchain transaction | [optional]
+**originator** | [**TravelRulePiiIVMS**](TravelRulePiiIVMS.md) | Information about the originator of the transaction |
+**beneficiary** | [**TravelRulePiiIVMS**](TravelRulePiiIVMS.md) | Information about the beneficiary of the transaction |
+**encrypted** | **str** | Encrypted data related to the transaction | [optional]
+**protocol** | **str** | The protocol used to perform the travel rule | [optional]
**notification_email** | **str** | The email address where a notification should be sent upon completion of the travel rule | [optional]
-**pii** | [**TravelRulePiiIVMS**](TravelRulePiiIVMS.md) | | [optional]
-**pii_url** | **str** | The URL of the personal identifiable information related to the transaction | [optional]
+**skip_beneficiary_data_validation** | **bool** | Whether to skip validation of beneficiary data | [optional]
+**travel_rule_behavior** | **bool** | Whether to check if the transaction is a TRAVEL_RULE in the beneficiary VASP's jurisdiction | [optional]
+**originator_proof** | [**TravelRuleOwnershipProof**](TravelRuleOwnershipProof.md) | Ownership proof related to the originator of the transaction | [optional]
+**beneficiary_proof** | [**TravelRuleOwnershipProof**](TravelRuleOwnershipProof.md) | Ownership proof related to the beneficiary of the transaction | [optional]
+**pii** | [**TravelRulePiiIVMS**](TravelRulePiiIVMS.md) | Personal identifiable information related to the transaction | [optional]
## Example
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress.md b/docs/TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 44596b5..0000000
--- a/docs/TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress
-## Properties
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**street_name** | **str** | Name of a street or thoroughfare | [optional]
-**town_name** | **str** | Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government | [optional]
-**country** | **str** | Nation with its own government (ISO-3166 Alpha-2 country code) | [optional]
-**building_number** | **str** | Number that identifies the position of a building on a street | [optional]
-**post_code** | **str** | Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail | [optional]
-**address_type** | **str** | Specifies the type of address. Acceptable values are: - 'HOME': Residential, the home address - 'BIZZ': Business, the business address - 'GEOG': Geographic, an unspecified physical (geographical) address | [optional]
-**department** | **str** | Identification of a division of a large organisation or building | [optional]
-**sub_department** | **str** | Identification of a sub-division of a large organisation or building | [optional]
-**building_name** | **str** | Name of the building or house | [optional]
-**floor** | **str** | Floor or storey within a building | [optional]
-**post_box** | **str** | Numbered box in a post office | [optional]
-**room** | **str** | Building room number | [optional]
-**town_location_name** | **str** | Specific location name within the town | [optional]
-**district_name** | **str** | Identifies a subdivision within a country subdivision | [optional]
-**country_sub_division** | **str** | Identifies a subdivision of a country such as state, region, or province | [optional]
-**address_line** | **List[str]** | Information that locates and identifies a specific address, presented in free format text | [optional]
-## Example
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_geographic_address import TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress
-# TODO update the JSON string below
-json = "{}"
-# create an instance of TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress from a JSON string
-travel_rule_validate_geographic_address_instance = TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress.from_json(json)
-# print the JSON string representation of the object
-# convert the object into a dict
-travel_rule_validate_geographic_address_dict = travel_rule_validate_geographic_address_instance.to_dict()
-# create an instance of TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress from a dict
-travel_rule_validate_geographic_address_from_dict = TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress.from_dict(travel_rule_validate_geographic_address_dict)
-[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson.md b/docs/TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 134a9c0..0000000
--- a/docs/TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson
-## Properties
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**name** | [**TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier**](TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier.md) | | [optional]
-**geographic_address** | [**List[TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress]**](TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress.md) | The array of geographic addresses associated with the legal person. | [optional]
-**national_identification** | [**TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification**](TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification.md) | | [optional]
-**customer_identification** | **str** | A unique identifier that identifies the customer in the organization's context. | [optional]
-**customer_number** | **str** | A distinct identifier that uniquely identifies the customer within the organization. | [optional]
-**country_of_registration** | **str** | The ISO-3166 Alpha-2 country code where the legal person is registered. | [optional]
-## Example
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_legal_person import TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson
-# TODO update the JSON string below
-json = "{}"
-# create an instance of TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson from a JSON string
-travel_rule_validate_legal_person_instance = TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson.from_json(json)
-# print the JSON string representation of the object
-# convert the object into a dict
-travel_rule_validate_legal_person_dict = travel_rule_validate_legal_person_instance.to_dict()
-# create an instance of TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson from a dict
-travel_rule_validate_legal_person_from_dict = TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson.from_dict(travel_rule_validate_legal_person_dict)
-[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier.md b/docs/TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 20d54d0..0000000
--- a/docs/TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier
-## Properties
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**legal_person_name** | **str** | Name by which the legal person is known. | [optional]
-**legal_person_name_identifier_type** | **str** | Specifies the type of name for a legal person. Acceptable values are: - 'REGISTERED': The official registered name. - 'TRADE': A trading name or DBA (Doing Business As) name. - 'OTHER': Any other type of name. | [optional]
-## Example
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_legal_person_name_identifier import TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier
-# TODO update the JSON string below
-json = "{}"
-# create an instance of TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier from a JSON string
-travel_rule_validate_legal_person_name_identifier_instance = TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier.from_json(json)
-# print the JSON string representation of the object
-# convert the object into a dict
-travel_rule_validate_legal_person_name_identifier_dict = travel_rule_validate_legal_person_name_identifier_instance.to_dict()
-# create an instance of TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier from a dict
-travel_rule_validate_legal_person_name_identifier_from_dict = TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier.from_dict(travel_rule_validate_legal_person_name_identifier_dict)
-[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification.md b/docs/TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a51b5f..0000000
--- a/docs/TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification
-Represents a national identifier for a person or entity
-## Properties
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**country_of_issue** | **str** | Country that issued the national identifier (ISO-3166 Alpha-2 country code) | [optional]
-**national_identifier** | **str** | National identifier (max 35 characters) | [optional]
-**national_identifier_type** | **str** | Type of national identifier. Acceptable values include: - 'PASSPORT': Passport number - 'NATIONAL_ID': National identification number - 'TAX_ID': Tax identification number - 'SOCIAL_SECURITY': Social security number | [optional]
-**registration_authority** | **str** | Registration authority (format -> RA followed by 6 digits) | [optional]
-## Example
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_national_identification import TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification
-# TODO update the JSON string below
-json = "{}"
-# create an instance of TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification from a JSON string
-travel_rule_validate_national_identification_instance = TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification.from_json(json)
-# print the JSON string representation of the object
-# convert the object into a dict
-travel_rule_validate_national_identification_dict = travel_rule_validate_national_identification_instance.to_dict()
-# create an instance of TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification from a dict
-travel_rule_validate_national_identification_from_dict = TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification.from_dict(travel_rule_validate_national_identification_dict)
-[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier.md b/docs/TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier.md
deleted file mode 100644
index fc46f7f..0000000
--- a/docs/TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier
-## Properties
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**primary_identifier** | **str** | The primary identifier of the name | [optional]
-**secondary_identifier** | **str** | The secondary identifier of the name | [optional]
-**name_identifier_type** | **str** | Specifies the type of name for a natural person. Acceptable values are: - 'ALIA': Alias name, a name other than the legal name by which a natural person is also known. - 'BIRT': Name at birth, the name given to a natural person at birth. - 'MAID': Maiden name, the original name of a natural person who has changed their name after marriage. - 'LEGL': Legal name, the name that identifies a natural person for legal, official, or administrative purposes. - 'MISC': Unspecified, a name by which a natural person may be known but cannot otherwise be categorized. | [optional]
-## Example
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier import TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier
-# TODO update the JSON string below
-json = "{}"
-# create an instance of TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier from a JSON string
-travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier_instance = TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier.from_json(json)
-# print the JSON string representation of the object
-# convert the object into a dict
-travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier_dict = travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier_instance.to_dict()
-# create an instance of TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier from a dict
-travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier_from_dict = TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier.from_dict(travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier_dict)
-[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson.md b/docs/TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f1658c..0000000
--- a/docs/TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson
-## Properties
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**name** | [**List[TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier]**](TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier.md) | An array of structured name identifiers for the natural person, referencing the TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier schema. | [optional]
-**geographic_address** | [**List[TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress]**](TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress.md) | An array of geographic addresses associated with the natural person, referencing the TravelRuleGeographicAddress schema. | [optional]
-**national_identification** | [**TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification**](TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification.md) | | [optional]
-**date_and_place_of_birth** | [**TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth**](TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth.md) | | [optional]
-**customer_identification** | **str** | A unique identifier for the customer within the organization's context. | [optional]
-**country_of_residence** | **str** | The ISO-3166 Alpha-2 country code of the natural person's residence. | [optional]
-**customer_number** | **str** | A distinct identifier that uniquely identifies the customer within the organization. | [optional]
-## Example
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person import TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson
-# TODO update the JSON string below
-json = "{}"
-# create an instance of TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson from a JSON string
-travel_rule_validate_natural_person_instance = TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson.from_json(json)
-# print the JSON string representation of the object
-# convert the object into a dict
-travel_rule_validate_natural_person_dict = travel_rule_validate_natural_person_instance.to_dict()
-# create an instance of TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson from a dict
-travel_rule_validate_natural_person_from_dict = TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson.from_dict(travel_rule_validate_natural_person_dict)
-[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier.md b/docs/TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 865b91d..0000000
--- a/docs/TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier
-## Properties
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**name_identifier** | [**List[TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier]**](TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier.md) | | [optional]
-**local_name_identifier** | [**List[TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier]**](TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier.md) | | [optional]
-**phonetic_name_identifier** | [**List[TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier]**](TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier.md) | | [optional]
-## Example
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier import TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier
-# TODO update the JSON string below
-json = "{}"
-# create an instance of TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier from a JSON string
-travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier_instance = TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier.from_json(json)
-# print the JSON string representation of the object
-# convert the object into a dict
-travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier_dict = travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier_instance.to_dict()
-# create an instance of TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier from a dict
-travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier_from_dict = TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier.from_dict(travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier_dict)
-[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleValidatePerson.md b/docs/TravelRuleValidatePerson.md
deleted file mode 100644
index d560aca..0000000
--- a/docs/TravelRuleValidatePerson.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# TravelRuleValidatePerson
-## Properties
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**natural_person** | [**TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson**](TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson.md) | | [optional]
-**legal_person** | [**TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson**](TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson.md) | | [optional]
-## Example
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_person import TravelRuleValidatePerson
-# TODO update the JSON string below
-json = "{}"
-# create an instance of TravelRuleValidatePerson from a JSON string
-travel_rule_validate_person_instance = TravelRuleValidatePerson.from_json(json)
-# print the JSON string representation of the object
-# convert the object into a dict
-travel_rule_validate_person_dict = travel_rule_validate_person_instance.to_dict()
-# create an instance of TravelRuleValidatePerson from a dict
-travel_rule_validate_person_from_dict = TravelRuleValidatePerson.from_dict(travel_rule_validate_person_dict)
-[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS.md b/docs/TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 83937e6..0000000
--- a/docs/TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS
-Information about the originator of the transaction.
-## Properties
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**originator_persons** | [**List[TravelRuleValidatePerson]**](TravelRuleValidatePerson.md) | Information about the originator of the transaction | [optional]
-**beneficiary_persons** | [**List[TravelRuleValidatePerson]**](TravelRuleValidatePerson.md) | Information about the beneficiary of the transaction | [optional]
-**account_number** | **List[str]** | Beneficiary account number | [optional]
-## Example
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_pii_ivms import TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS
-# TODO update the JSON string below
-json = "{}"
-# create an instance of TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS from a JSON string
-travel_rule_validate_pii_ivms_instance = TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS.from_json(json)
-# print the JSON string representation of the object
-# convert the object into a dict
-travel_rule_validate_pii_ivms_dict = travel_rule_validate_pii_ivms_instance.to_dict()
-# create an instance of TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS from a dict
-travel_rule_validate_pii_ivms_from_dict = TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS.from_dict(travel_rule_validate_pii_ivms_dict)
-[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/docs/TravelRuleValidateTransactionRequest.md b/docs/TravelRuleValidateTransactionRequest.md
index 3fc1f7b..03b8cf5 100644
--- a/docs/TravelRuleValidateTransactionRequest.md
+++ b/docs/TravelRuleValidateTransactionRequest.md
@@ -5,10 +5,9 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**transaction_asset** | **str** | Transaction asset symbol (BTC,ETH) |
+**transaction_asset** | **str** | Transaction asset symbol BTC,ETH) |
**destination** | **str** | Transaction destination address |
**transaction_amount** | **str** | Transaction amount in the transaction asset |
-**transaction_asset_decimals** | **float** | Number of decimals in the transaction asset. This is used to convert the transaction amount to the smallest unit of the asset | [optional]
**originator_vas_pdid** | **str** | This is the identifier assigned to your VASP |
**originator_equals_beneficiary** | **bool** | \"True\" if the originator and beneficiary is the same person and you therefore do not need to collect any information. \"False\" if it is a third-party transfer. |
**travel_rule_behavior** | **bool** | This will also check if the transaction is a TRAVEL_RULE in the beneficiary VASP's jurisdiction | [optional]
@@ -16,7 +15,7 @@ Name | Type | Description | Notes
**beneficiary_vas_pname** | **str** | Beneficiary VASP name | [optional]
**beneficiary_name** | **str** | Beneficiary name | [optional]
**beneficiary_account_number** | **str** | Beneficiary name | [optional]
-**beneficiary_address** | [**TravelRuleAddress**](TravelRuleAddress.md) | | [optional]
+**beneficiary_address** | [**TravelRuleAddress**](TravelRuleAddress.md) | Beneficiary name | [optional]
## Example
diff --git a/docs/Webhook.md b/docs/Webhook.md
index f4311fc..a0d216c 100644
--- a/docs/Webhook.md
+++ b/docs/Webhook.md
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
-**id** | **str** | The id of the webhook |
-**url** | **str** | The url of the webhook where notifications will be sent. Must be a valid URL and https. |
+**id** | **str** | The id of the webhook | [optional]
+**url** | **str** | The url of the webhook where notifications will be sent. Must be a valid URL and https. | [optional]
**description** | **str** | description of the webhook of what it is used for | [optional]
-**events** | [**List[WebhookEvent]**](WebhookEvent.md) | The events that the webhook will be subscribed to |
-**status** | **str** | The status of the webhook |
-**created_at** | **int** | The date and time the webhook was created in milliseconds |
-**updated_at** | **int** | The date and time the webhook was last updated in milliseconds |
+**events** | [**List[WebhookEvent]**](WebhookEvent.md) | The events that the webhook will be subscribed to | [optional]
+**status** | **str** | The status of the webhook | [optional]
+**created_at** | **datetime** | The date and time the webhook was created | [optional]
+**updated_at** | **datetime** | The date and time the webhook was last updated | [optional]
## Example
diff --git a/docs/WebhooksV2BetaApi.md b/docs/WebhooksV2BetaApi.md
index 912127d..f601bc7 100644
--- a/docs/WebhooksV2BetaApi.md
+++ b/docs/WebhooksV2BetaApi.md
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ Method | HTTP request | Description
[**get_notifications**](WebhooksV2BetaApi.md#get_notifications) | **GET** /webhooks/{webhookId}/notifications | Get all notifications by webhook id
[**get_webhook**](WebhooksV2BetaApi.md#get_webhook) | **GET** /webhooks/{webhookId} | Get webhook by id
[**get_webhooks**](WebhooksV2BetaApi.md#get_webhooks) | **GET** /webhooks | Get all webhooks
-[**resend_notification_by_id**](WebhooksV2BetaApi.md#resend_notification_by_id) | **POST** /webhooks/{webhookId}/notifications/{notificationId}/resend | Resend notification by id
[**update_webhook**](WebhooksV2BetaApi.md#update_webhook) | **PATCH** /webhooks/{webhookId} | Update webhook
@@ -239,7 +238,6 @@ No authorization required
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | OK | * X-Request-ID -
-**0** | Error Response | * X-Request-ID -
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@@ -331,7 +329,6 @@ No authorization required
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | A paginated response containing NotificationExternalDTO objects | * X-Request-ID -
-**0** | Error Response | * X-Request-ID -
[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
@@ -487,80 +484,6 @@ No authorization required
[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
-# **resend_notification_by_id**
-> resend_notification_by_id(webhook_id, notification_id, idempotency_key=idempotency_key)
-Resend notification by id
-Resend notification by ID **Note:** These endpoints are currently in beta and might be subject to changes.
-### Example
-from fireblocks.client import Fireblocks
-from fireblocks.client_configuration import ClientConfiguration
-from fireblocks.exceptions import ApiException
-from fireblocks.base_path import BasePath
-# load the secret key content from a file
-with open('your_secret_key_file_path', 'r') as file:
- secret_key_value = file.read()
-# build the configuration
-configuration = ClientConfiguration(
- api_key="your_api_key",
- secret_key=secret_key_value,
- base_path=BasePath.Sandbox, # or set it directly to a string "https://sandbox-api.fireblocks.io/v1"
-# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
-with Fireblocks(configuration) as fireblocks:
- webhook_id = 'webhook_id_example' # str | The ID of the webhook
- notification_id = 'notification_id_example' # str | The ID of the notification
- idempotency_key = 'idempotency_key_example' # str | A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. (optional)
- try:
- # Resend notification by id
- fireblocks.webhooks_v2_beta.resend_notification_by_id(webhook_id, notification_id, idempotency_key=idempotency_key).result()
- except Exception as e:
- print("Exception when calling WebhooksV2BetaApi->resend_notification_by_id: %s\n" % e)
-### Parameters
-Name | Type | Description | Notes
-------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
- **webhook_id** | **str**| The ID of the webhook |
- **notification_id** | **str**| The ID of the notification |
- **idempotency_key** | **str**| A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours. | [optional]
-### Return type
-void (empty response body)
-### Authorization
-No authorization required
-### HTTP request headers
- - **Content-Type**: Not defined
- - **Accept**: application/json
-### HTTP response details
-| Status code | Description | Response headers |
-**202** | Resend notification request was accepted and is being processed | * X-Request-ID -
-**0** | Error Response | * X-Request-ID -
-[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
# **update_webhook**
> Webhook update_webhook(webhook_id, update_webhook_request)
diff --git a/fireblocks/__init__.py b/fireblocks/__init__.py
index bbb5c70..f87acb6 100644
--- a/fireblocks/__init__.py
+++ b/fireblocks/__init__.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
""" # noqa: E501
-__version__ = "7.1.0"
+__version__ = "0.0.0"
# import apis into sdk package
from fireblocks.api.api_user_api import ApiUserApi
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
from fireblocks.api.exchange_accounts_api import ExchangeAccountsApi
from fireblocks.api.external_wallets_api import ExternalWalletsApi
from fireblocks.api.fiat_accounts_api import FiatAccountsApi
+from fireblocks.api.fiat_accounts_api import FiatAccountsApi
from fireblocks.api.gas_stations_api import GasStationsApi
from fireblocks.api.internal_wallets_api import InternalWalletsApi
from fireblocks.api.job_management_api import JobManagementApi
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@
from fireblocks.api.staking_api import StakingApi
from fireblocks.api.tokenization_api import TokenizationApi
from fireblocks.api.transactions_api import TransactionsApi
-from fireblocks.api.travel_rule_api import TravelRuleApi
+from fireblocks.api.travel_rule_beta_api import TravelRuleBetaApi
from fireblocks.api.user_groups_beta_api import UserGroupsBetaApi
from fireblocks.api.users_api import UsersApi
from fireblocks.api.vaults_api import VaultsApi
@@ -477,7 +478,6 @@
from fireblocks.models.none_network_routing_dest import NoneNetworkRoutingDest
from fireblocks.models.not_found_exception import NotFoundException
from fireblocks.models.notification import Notification
-from fireblocks.models.notification_attempt import NotificationAttempt
from fireblocks.models.notification_paginated_response import (
@@ -780,31 +780,12 @@
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_create_transaction_request import (
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth import (
- TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth,
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_geographic_address import TravelRuleGeographicAddress
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_get_all_vasps_response import (
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_issuer import TravelRuleIssuer
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_issuers import TravelRuleIssuers
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person import TravelRuleLegalPerson
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person_name_identifier import (
- TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier,
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_national_identification import (
- TravelRuleNationalIdentification,
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier import (
- TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier,
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person import TravelRuleNaturalPerson
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier import (
- TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier,
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_ownership_proof import TravelRuleOwnershipProof
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person import TravelRulePerson
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_pii_ivms import TravelRulePiiIVMS
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_policy_rule_response import (
@@ -816,35 +797,9 @@
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_vasp import TravelRuleVASP
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth import (
- TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth,
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_full_transaction_request import (
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_geographic_address import (
- TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress,
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_legal_person import (
- TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson,
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_legal_person_name_identifier import (
- TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier,
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_national_identification import (
- TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification,
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier import (
- TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier,
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person import (
- TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson,
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier import (
- TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier,
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_person import TravelRuleValidatePerson
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_pii_ivms import TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_transaction_request import (
diff --git a/fireblocks/api/__init__.py b/fireblocks/api/__init__.py
index aa6164b..5e0ae46 100644
--- a/fireblocks/api/__init__.py
+++ b/fireblocks/api/__init__.py
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
from fireblocks.api.exchange_accounts_api import ExchangeAccountsApi
from fireblocks.api.external_wallets_api import ExternalWalletsApi
from fireblocks.api.fiat_accounts_api import FiatAccountsApi
+from fireblocks.api.fiat_accounts_api import FiatAccountsApi
from fireblocks.api.gas_stations_api import GasStationsApi
from fireblocks.api.internal_wallets_api import InternalWalletsApi
from fireblocks.api.job_management_api import JobManagementApi
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@
from fireblocks.api.staking_api import StakingApi
from fireblocks.api.tokenization_api import TokenizationApi
from fireblocks.api.transactions_api import TransactionsApi
-from fireblocks.api.travel_rule_api import TravelRuleApi
+from fireblocks.api.travel_rule_beta_api import TravelRuleBetaApi
from fireblocks.api.user_groups_beta_api import UserGroupsBetaApi
from fireblocks.api.users_api import UsersApi
from fireblocks.api.vaults_api import VaultsApi
diff --git a/fireblocks/api/fiat_accounts_api.py b/fireblocks/api/fiat_accounts_api.py
index f6cacc9..9ad0a74 100644
--- a/fireblocks/api/fiat_accounts_api.py
+++ b/fireblocks/api/fiat_accounts_api.py
@@ -18,13 +18,8 @@
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from typing_extensions import Annotated
-from pydantic import Field, StrictStr
-from typing import List, Optional
-from typing_extensions import Annotated
-from fireblocks.models.deposit_funds_from_linked_dda_response import DepositFundsFromLinkedDDAResponse
+from typing import List
from fireblocks.models.fiat_account import FiatAccount
-from fireblocks.models.funds import Funds
-from fireblocks.models.redeem_funds_to_linked_dda_response import RedeemFundsToLinkedDDAResponse
from fireblocks.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
from fireblocks.api_response import ApiResponse
@@ -45,285 +40,6 @@ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
self.api_client = api_client
- @validate_call
- def deposit_funds_from_linked_dda(
- self,
- account_id: Annotated[StrictStr, Field(description="The ID of the fiat account to use")],
- idempotency_key: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours.")] = None,
- funds: Optional[Funds] = None,
- _request_timeout: Union[
- None,
- Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
- Tuple[
- Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
- Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
- ]
- ] = None,
- _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
- _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
- _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
- _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
- ) -> Future[ApiResponse[DepositFundsFromLinkedDDAResponse]]:
- """Deposit funds from DDA
- Deposits funds from the linked DDA.
- :param account_id: The ID of the fiat account to use (required)
- :type account_id: str
- :param idempotency_key: A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours.
- :type idempotency_key: str
- :param funds:
- :type funds: Funds
- :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
- number provided, it will be total request
- timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
- (connection, read) timeouts.
- :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
- :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
- request; this effectively ignores the
- authentication in the spec for a single request.
- :type _request_auth: dict, optional
- :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
- :type _content_type: str, Optional
- :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
- request; this effectively ignores the headers
- in the spec for a single request.
- :type _headers: dict, optional
- :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
- request; this effectively ignores the host_index
- in the spec for a single request.
- :type _host_index: int, optional
- :return: Returns the result object.
- """ # noqa: E501
- validate_not_empty_string(function_name="deposit_funds_from_linked_dda", param_name="account_id", param_value=account_id)
- _param = self._deposit_funds_from_linked_dda_serialize(
- account_id=account_id,
- idempotency_key=idempotency_key,
- funds=funds,
- _request_auth=_request_auth,
- _content_type=_content_type,
- _headers=_headers,
- _host_index=_host_index
- )
- _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
- '201': "DepositFundsFromLinkedDDAResponse",
- 'default': "ErrorSchema",
- }
- return self.api_client.call_api(
- *_param,
- _request_timeout=_request_timeout,
- _response_types_map=_response_types_map,
- )
- def _deposit_funds_from_linked_dda_serialize(
- self,
- account_id,
- idempotency_key,
- funds,
- _request_auth,
- _content_type,
- _headers,
- _host_index,
- ) -> RequestSerialized:
- _host = None
- _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
- }
- _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
- _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
- _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
- _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
- _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
- _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
- # process the path parameters
- if account_id is not None:
- _path_params['accountId'] = account_id
- # process the query parameters
- # process the header parameters
- if idempotency_key is not None:
- _header_params['Idempotency-Key'] = idempotency_key
- # process the form parameters
- # process the body parameter
- if funds is not None:
- _body_params = funds
- # set the HTTP header `Accept`
- _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
- [
- 'application/json'
- ]
- )
- # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
- if _content_type:
- _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
- else:
- _default_content_type = (
- self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
- [
- 'application/json'
- ]
- )
- )
- if _default_content_type is not None:
- _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
- # authentication setting
- _auth_settings: List[str] = [
- ]
- return self.api_client.param_serialize(
- method='POST',
- resource_path='/fiat_accounts/{accountId}/deposit_from_linked_dda',
- path_params=_path_params,
- query_params=_query_params,
- header_params=_header_params,
- body=_body_params,
- post_params=_form_params,
- files=_files,
- auth_settings=_auth_settings,
- collection_formats=_collection_formats,
- _host=_host,
- _request_auth=_request_auth
- )
- @validate_call
- def get_fiat_account(
- self,
- account_id: Annotated[StrictStr, Field(description="The ID of the fiat account to return")],
- _request_timeout: Union[
- None,
- Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
- Tuple[
- Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
- Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
- ]
- ] = None,
- _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
- _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
- _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
- _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
- ) -> Future[ApiResponse[FiatAccount]]:
- """Find a specific fiat account
- Returns a fiat account by ID.
- :param account_id: The ID of the fiat account to return (required)
- :type account_id: str
- :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
- number provided, it will be total request
- timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
- (connection, read) timeouts.
- :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
- :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
- request; this effectively ignores the
- authentication in the spec for a single request.
- :type _request_auth: dict, optional
- :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
- :type _content_type: str, Optional
- :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
- request; this effectively ignores the headers
- in the spec for a single request.
- :type _headers: dict, optional
- :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
- request; this effectively ignores the host_index
- in the spec for a single request.
- :type _host_index: int, optional
- :return: Returns the result object.
- """ # noqa: E501
- validate_not_empty_string(function_name="get_fiat_account", param_name="account_id", param_value=account_id)
- _param = self._get_fiat_account_serialize(
- account_id=account_id,
- _request_auth=_request_auth,
- _content_type=_content_type,
- _headers=_headers,
- _host_index=_host_index
- )
- _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
- '200': "FiatAccount",
- 'default': "ErrorSchema",
- }
- return self.api_client.call_api(
- *_param,
- _request_timeout=_request_timeout,
- _response_types_map=_response_types_map,
- )
- def _get_fiat_account_serialize(
- self,
- account_id,
- _request_auth,
- _content_type,
- _headers,
- _host_index,
- ) -> RequestSerialized:
- _host = None
- _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
- }
- _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
- _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
- _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
- _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
- _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
- _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
- # process the path parameters
- if account_id is not None:
- _path_params['accountId'] = account_id
- # process the query parameters
- # process the header parameters
- # process the form parameters
- # process the body parameter
- # set the HTTP header `Accept`
- _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
- [
- 'application/json'
- ]
- )
- # authentication setting
- _auth_settings: List[str] = [
- ]
- return self.api_client.param_serialize(
- method='GET',
- resource_path='/fiat_accounts/{accountId}',
- path_params=_path_params,
- query_params=_query_params,
- header_params=_header_params,
- body=_body_params,
- post_params=_form_params,
- files=_files,
- auth_settings=_auth_settings,
- collection_formats=_collection_formats,
- _host=_host,
- _request_auth=_request_auth
- )
def get_fiat_accounts(
@@ -342,7 +58,7 @@ def get_fiat_accounts(
) -> Future[ApiResponse[List[FiatAccount]]]:
"""List fiat accounts
- Returns all fiat accounts.
+ Returns all fiat accounts. Endpoint Permission: Admin, Non-Signing Admin.
:param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
number provided, it will be total request
@@ -440,156 +156,3 @@ def _get_fiat_accounts_serialize(
- @validate_call
- def redeem_funds_to_linked_dda(
- self,
- account_id: Annotated[StrictStr, Field(description="The ID of the fiat account to use")],
- idempotency_key: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours.")] = None,
- funds: Optional[Funds] = None,
- _request_timeout: Union[
- None,
- Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
- Tuple[
- Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
- Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
- ]
- ] = None,
- _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
- _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
- _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
- _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
- ) -> Future[ApiResponse[RedeemFundsToLinkedDDAResponse]]:
- """Redeem funds to DDA
- Redeems funds to the linked DDA.
- :param account_id: The ID of the fiat account to use (required)
- :type account_id: str
- :param idempotency_key: A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours.
- :type idempotency_key: str
- :param funds:
- :type funds: Funds
- :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
- number provided, it will be total request
- timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
- (connection, read) timeouts.
- :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
- :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
- request; this effectively ignores the
- authentication in the spec for a single request.
- :type _request_auth: dict, optional
- :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
- :type _content_type: str, Optional
- :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
- request; this effectively ignores the headers
- in the spec for a single request.
- :type _headers: dict, optional
- :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
- request; this effectively ignores the host_index
- in the spec for a single request.
- :type _host_index: int, optional
- :return: Returns the result object.
- """ # noqa: E501
- validate_not_empty_string(function_name="redeem_funds_to_linked_dda", param_name="account_id", param_value=account_id)
- _param = self._redeem_funds_to_linked_dda_serialize(
- account_id=account_id,
- idempotency_key=idempotency_key,
- funds=funds,
- _request_auth=_request_auth,
- _content_type=_content_type,
- _headers=_headers,
- _host_index=_host_index
- )
- _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
- '201': "RedeemFundsToLinkedDDAResponse",
- 'default': "ErrorSchema",
- }
- return self.api_client.call_api(
- *_param,
- _request_timeout=_request_timeout,
- _response_types_map=_response_types_map,
- )
- def _redeem_funds_to_linked_dda_serialize(
- self,
- account_id,
- idempotency_key,
- funds,
- _request_auth,
- _content_type,
- _headers,
- _host_index,
- ) -> RequestSerialized:
- _host = None
- _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
- }
- _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
- _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
- _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
- _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
- _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
- _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
- # process the path parameters
- if account_id is not None:
- _path_params['accountId'] = account_id
- # process the query parameters
- # process the header parameters
- if idempotency_key is not None:
- _header_params['Idempotency-Key'] = idempotency_key
- # process the form parameters
- # process the body parameter
- if funds is not None:
- _body_params = funds
- # set the HTTP header `Accept`
- _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
- [
- 'application/json'
- ]
- )
- # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
- if _content_type:
- _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
- else:
- _default_content_type = (
- self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
- [
- 'application/json'
- ]
- )
- )
- if _default_content_type is not None:
- _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
- # authentication setting
- _auth_settings: List[str] = [
- ]
- return self.api_client.param_serialize(
- method='POST',
- resource_path='/fiat_accounts/{accountId}/redeem_to_linked_dda',
- path_params=_path_params,
- query_params=_query_params,
- header_params=_header_params,
- body=_body_params,
- post_params=_form_params,
- files=_files,
- auth_settings=_auth_settings,
- collection_formats=_collection_formats,
- _host=_host,
- _request_auth=_request_auth
- )
diff --git a/fireblocks/api/network_connections_api.py b/fireblocks/api/network_connections_api.py
index b06a085..acd0670 100644
--- a/fireblocks/api/network_connections_api.py
+++ b/fireblocks/api/network_connections_api.py
@@ -1343,7 +1343,6 @@ def search_network_ids(
search: Annotated[Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]], Field(description="Search string - displayName networkId. Optional")] = None,
exclude_self: Annotated[Optional[StrictBool], Field(description="Exclude your networkIds. Optional, default false")] = None,
- only_self: Annotated[Optional[StrictBool], Field(description="Include just your networkIds. Optional, default false")] = None,
exclude_connected: Annotated[Optional[StrictBool], Field(description="Exclude connected networkIds. Optional, default false")] = None,
page_cursor: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="ID of the record after which to fetch $limit records")] = None,
page_size: Annotated[Optional[Union[Annotated[float, Field(le=50, strict=True, ge=1)], Annotated[int, Field(le=50, strict=True, ge=1)]]], Field(description="Number of records to fetch. By default, it is 50")] = None,
@@ -1368,8 +1367,6 @@ def search_network_ids(
:type search: str
:param exclude_self: Exclude your networkIds. Optional, default false
:type exclude_self: bool
- :param only_self: Include just your networkIds. Optional, default false
- :type only_self: bool
:param exclude_connected: Exclude connected networkIds. Optional, default false
:type exclude_connected: bool
:param page_cursor: ID of the record after which to fetch $limit records
@@ -1402,7 +1399,6 @@ def search_network_ids(
_param = self._search_network_ids_serialize(
- only_self=only_self,
@@ -1427,7 +1423,6 @@ def _search_network_ids_serialize(
- only_self,
@@ -1459,10 +1454,6 @@ def _search_network_ids_serialize(
_query_params.append(('excludeSelf', exclude_self))
- if only_self is not None:
- _query_params.append(('onlySelf', only_self))
if exclude_connected is not None:
_query_params.append(('excludeConnected', exclude_connected))
diff --git a/fireblocks/api/travel_rule_api.py b/fireblocks/api/travel_rule_beta_api.py
similarity index 78%
rename from fireblocks/api/travel_rule_api.py
rename to fireblocks/api/travel_rule_beta_api.py
index 84d2838..4eb222b 100644
--- a/fireblocks/api/travel_rule_api.py
+++ b/fireblocks/api/travel_rule_beta_api.py
@@ -18,13 +18,14 @@
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from typing_extensions import Annotated
-from pydantic import Field, StrictStr, field_validator
-from typing import List, Optional, Union
+from pydantic import Field, StrictFloat, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Optional, Union
from typing_extensions import Annotated
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_get_all_vasps_response import TravelRuleGetAllVASPsResponse
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_update_vasp_details import TravelRuleUpdateVASPDetails
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_vasp import TravelRuleVASP
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_full_transaction_request import TravelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest
+from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_transaction_request import TravelRuleValidateTransactionRequest
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_transaction_response import TravelRuleValidateTransactionResponse
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_vasp_for_vault import TravelRuleVaspForVault
@@ -34,7 +35,7 @@
from fireblocks.validation_utils import validate_not_empty_string
-class TravelRuleApi:
+class TravelRuleBetaApi:
"""NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
@@ -177,7 +178,7 @@ def _get_vasp_for_vault_serialize(
def get_vaspby_did(
did: StrictStr,
- fields: Annotated[Optional[List[StrictStr]], Field(description="A CSV of fields to return. Choose from the following options:")] = None,
+ fields: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="CSV of fields to return (all, \"blank\" or see list of all field names below)")] = None,
_request_timeout: Union[
Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
@@ -193,12 +194,12 @@ def get_vaspby_did(
) -> Future[ApiResponse[TravelRuleVASP]]:
"""Get VASP details
- Get VASP Details. Returns information about a VASP that has the specified DID.
+ Get VASP Details. Returns information about a VASP that has the specified DID. **Note:** The reference content in this section documents the Travel Rule beta endpoint. The beta endpoint includes APIs that are currently in preview and aren't yet generally available. To enroll in the beta and enable this endpoint, contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to [CSM@fireblocks.com](mailto:CSM@fireblocks.com).
:param did: (required)
:type did: str
- :param fields: A CSV of fields to return. Choose from the following options:
- :type fields: List[str]
+ :param fields: CSV of fields to return (all, \"blank\" or see list of all field names below)
+ :type fields: str
:param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
number provided, it will be total request
timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
@@ -257,7 +258,6 @@ def _get_vaspby_did_serialize(
_host = None
_collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
- 'fields': 'multi',
_path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
@@ -314,11 +314,9 @@ def _get_vaspby_did_serialize(
def get_vasps(
order: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="Field to order by")] = None,
- page_size: Annotated[Optional[Union[Annotated[float, Field(le=1000, strict=True, ge=100)], Annotated[int, Field(le=1000, strict=True, ge=100)]]], Field(description="Records per page")] = None,
- fields: Annotated[Optional[List[StrictStr]], Field(description="CSV of fields to return (all, \"blank\" or see list of all field names below)")] = None,
- search: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="Search query")] = None,
- review_value: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="Filter by the VASP's review status. Possible values include: \"TRUSTED\", \"BLOCKED\", \"MANUAL\", or \"NULL\". When provided, only VASPs that match the specified reviewValue will be returned (i.e., VASPs that have already been reviewed to this status).")] = None,
- page_cursor: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="Cursor for pagination. When provided, the response will include the next page of results.")] = None,
+ per_page: Annotated[Optional[Union[StrictFloat, StrictInt]], Field(description="Records per page")] = None,
+ page: Annotated[Optional[Union[StrictFloat, StrictInt]], Field(description="Page number")] = None,
+ fields: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="CSV of fields to return (all, \"blank\" or see list of all field names below)")] = None,
_request_timeout: Union[
Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
@@ -334,20 +332,16 @@ def get_vasps(
) -> Future[ApiResponse[TravelRuleGetAllVASPsResponse]]:
"""Get All VASPs
- Get All VASPs. Returns a list of VASPs. VASPs can be searched and sorted.
+ Get All VASPs. Returns a list of VASPs. VASPs can be searched and sorted and results are paginated. **Note:** The reference content in this section documents the Travel Rule beta endpoint. The beta endpoint includes APIs that are currently in preview and aren't yet generally available. To enroll in the beta and enable this endpoint, contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to [CSM@fireblocks.com](mailto:CSM@fireblocks.com).
:param order: Field to order by
:type order: str
- :param page_size: Records per page
- :type page_size: float
+ :param per_page: Records per page
+ :type per_page: float
+ :param page: Page number
+ :type page: float
:param fields: CSV of fields to return (all, \"blank\" or see list of all field names below)
- :type fields: List[str]
- :param search: Search query
- :type search: str
- :param review_value: Filter by the VASP's review status. Possible values include: \"TRUSTED\", \"BLOCKED\", \"MANUAL\", or \"NULL\". When provided, only VASPs that match the specified reviewValue will be returned (i.e., VASPs that have already been reviewed to this status).
- :type review_value: str
- :param page_cursor: Cursor for pagination. When provided, the response will include the next page of results.
- :type page_cursor: str
+ :type fields: str
:param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
number provided, it will be total request
timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
@@ -373,11 +367,9 @@ def get_vasps(
_param = self._get_vasps_serialize(
- page_size=page_size,
+ per_page=per_page,
+ page=page,
- search=search,
- review_value=review_value,
- page_cursor=page_cursor,
@@ -386,7 +378,6 @@ def get_vasps(
_response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
'200': "TravelRuleGetAllVASPsResponse",
- 'default': "ErrorSchema",
return self.api_client.call_api(
@@ -398,11 +389,9 @@ def get_vasps(
def _get_vasps_serialize(
- page_size,
+ per_page,
+ page,
- search,
- review_value,
- page_cursor,
@@ -412,7 +401,6 @@ def _get_vasps_serialize(
_host = None
_collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
- 'fields': 'multi',
_path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
@@ -428,25 +416,17 @@ def _get_vasps_serialize(
_query_params.append(('order', order))
- if page_size is not None:
- _query_params.append(('pageSize', page_size))
- if fields is not None:
- _query_params.append(('fields', fields))
- if search is not None:
+ if per_page is not None:
- _query_params.append(('search', search))
+ _query_params.append(('per_page', per_page))
- if review_value is not None:
+ if page is not None:
- _query_params.append(('reviewValue', review_value))
+ _query_params.append(('page', page))
- if page_cursor is not None:
+ if fields is not None:
- _query_params.append(('pageCursor', page_cursor))
+ _query_params.append(('fields', fields))
# process the header parameters
# process the form parameters
@@ -656,7 +636,7 @@ def update_vasp(
) -> Future[ApiResponse[TravelRuleUpdateVASPDetails]]:
"""Add jsonDidKey to VASP details
- Update VASP Details. Updates a VASP with the provided parameters. Use this endpoint to add your public jsonDIDkey generated by Notabene.
+ Update VASP Details. Updates a VASP with the provided parameters. Use this endpoint to add your public jsonDIDkey generated by Notabene. **Note:** The reference content in this section documents the Travel Rule beta endpoint. The beta endpoint includes APIs that are currently in preview and aren't yet generally available. To enroll in the beta and enable this endpoint, contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to [CSM@fireblocks.com](mailto:CSM@fireblocks.com).
:param travel_rule_update_vasp_details: (required)
:type travel_rule_update_vasp_details: TravelRuleUpdateVASPDetails
@@ -786,7 +766,6 @@ def _update_vasp_serialize(
def validate_full_travel_rule_transaction(
travel_rule_validate_full_transaction_request: TravelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest,
- notation: Annotated[Optional[List[StrictStr]], Field(description="Specifies the notation of the transaction. Possible values are: - `notabene`: Uses Notabene notation (default behavior). - `fireblocks`: Uses Fireblocks notation, with automatic translation of asset tickers and amounts. - ``: Defaults to `notabene` for backward compatibility. **Note:** The default value for the `notation` parameter will change from `notabene` to `fireblocks` Update your integrations accordingly.")] = None,
idempotency_key: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours.")] = None,
_request_timeout: Union[
@@ -803,12 +782,10 @@ def validate_full_travel_rule_transaction(
) -> Future[ApiResponse[TravelRuleValidateTransactionResponse]]:
"""Validate Full Travel Rule Transaction
- Validate Full Travel Rule transactions. Checks for all required information on the originator and beneficiary VASPs.
+ Validate Full Travel Rule transactions. Checks for all required information on the originator and beneficiary VASPs. **Note:** The reference content in this section documents the Travel Rule beta endpoint. The beta endpoint includes APIs that are currently in preview and aren't yet generally available. To enroll in the beta and enable this endpoint, contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to [CSM@fireblocks.com](mailto:CSM@fireblocks.com).
:param travel_rule_validate_full_transaction_request: (required)
:type travel_rule_validate_full_transaction_request: TravelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest
- :param notation: Specifies the notation of the transaction. Possible values are: - `notabene`: Uses Notabene notation (default behavior). - `fireblocks`: Uses Fireblocks notation, with automatic translation of asset tickers and amounts. - ``: Defaults to `notabene` for backward compatibility. **Note:** The default value for the `notation` parameter will change from `notabene` to `fireblocks` Update your integrations accordingly.
- :type notation: List[str]
:param idempotency_key: A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours.
:type idempotency_key: str
:param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
@@ -836,7 +813,6 @@ def validate_full_travel_rule_transaction(
_param = self._validate_full_travel_rule_transaction_serialize(
- notation=notation,
@@ -846,7 +822,8 @@ def validate_full_travel_rule_transaction(
_response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
'200': "TravelRuleValidateTransactionResponse",
- 'default': "ErrorSchema",
+ '400': None,
+ '500': None,
return self.api_client.call_api(
@@ -858,7 +835,6 @@ def validate_full_travel_rule_transaction(
def _validate_full_travel_rule_transaction_serialize(
- notation,
@@ -869,7 +845,6 @@ def _validate_full_travel_rule_transaction_serialize(
_host = None
_collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
- 'notation': 'multi',
_path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
@@ -881,10 +856,6 @@ def _validate_full_travel_rule_transaction_serialize(
# process the path parameters
# process the query parameters
- if notation is not None:
- _query_params.append(('notation', notation))
# process the header parameters
if idempotency_key is not None:
_header_params['Idempotency-Key'] = idempotency_key
@@ -935,3 +906,149 @@ def _validate_full_travel_rule_transaction_serialize(
+ @validate_call
+ def validate_travel_rule_transaction(
+ self,
+ travel_rule_validate_transaction_request: TravelRuleValidateTransactionRequest,
+ idempotency_key: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Future[ApiResponse[TravelRuleValidateTransactionResponse]]:
+ """Validate Travel Rule Transaction
+ Validate Travel Rule transactions. Checks what beneficiary VASP details are required by your jurisdiction and the beneficiary's jurisdiction. **Note:** The reference content in this section documents the Travel Rule beta endpoint. The beta endpoint includes APIs that are currently in preview and aren't yet generally available. To enroll in the beta and enable this endpoint, contact your Fireblocks Customer Success Manager or send an email to [CSM@fireblocks.com](mailto:CSM@fireblocks.com).
+ :param travel_rule_validate_transaction_request: (required)
+ :type travel_rule_validate_transaction_request: TravelRuleValidateTransactionRequest
+ :param idempotency_key: A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours.
+ :type idempotency_key: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._validate_travel_rule_transaction_serialize(
+ travel_rule_validate_transaction_request=travel_rule_validate_transaction_request,
+ idempotency_key=idempotency_key,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "TravelRuleValidateTransactionResponse",
+ '400': None,
+ '500': None,
+ }
+ return self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout,
+ _response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ def _validate_travel_rule_transaction_serialize(
+ self,
+ travel_rule_validate_transaction_request,
+ idempotency_key,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ if idempotency_key is not None:
+ _header_params['Idempotency-Key'] = idempotency_key
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if travel_rule_validate_transaction_request is not None:
+ _body_params = travel_rule_validate_transaction_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/screening/travel_rule/transaction/validate',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/fireblocks/api/webhooks_v2_beta_api.py b/fireblocks/api/webhooks_v2_beta_api.py
index 7039ca0..9dc38cd 100644
--- a/fireblocks/api/webhooks_v2_beta_api.py
+++ b/fireblocks/api/webhooks_v2_beta_api.py
@@ -386,7 +386,6 @@ def get_notification(
_response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
'200': "NotificationWithData",
- 'default': "ErrorSchema",
return self.api_client.call_api(
@@ -552,7 +551,6 @@ def get_notifications(
_response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
'200': "NotificationPaginatedResponse",
- 'default': "ErrorSchema",
return self.api_client.call_api(
@@ -934,147 +932,6 @@ def _get_webhooks_serialize(
- @validate_call
- def resend_notification_by_id(
- self,
- webhook_id: Annotated[StrictStr, Field(description="The ID of the webhook")],
- notification_id: Annotated[StrictStr, Field(description="The ID of the notification")],
- idempotency_key: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours.")] = None,
- _request_timeout: Union[
- None,
- Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
- Tuple[
- Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
- Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
- ]
- ] = None,
- _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
- _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
- _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
- _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
- ) -> Future[ApiResponse[None]]:
- """Resend notification by id
- Resend notification by ID **Note:** These endpoints are currently in beta and might be subject to changes.
- :param webhook_id: The ID of the webhook (required)
- :type webhook_id: str
- :param notification_id: The ID of the notification (required)
- :type notification_id: str
- :param idempotency_key: A unique identifier for the request. If the request is sent multiple times with the same idempotency key, the server will return the same response as the first request. The idempotency key is valid for 24 hours.
- :type idempotency_key: str
- :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
- number provided, it will be total request
- timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
- (connection, read) timeouts.
- :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
- :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
- request; this effectively ignores the
- authentication in the spec for a single request.
- :type _request_auth: dict, optional
- :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
- :type _content_type: str, Optional
- :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
- request; this effectively ignores the headers
- in the spec for a single request.
- :type _headers: dict, optional
- :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
- request; this effectively ignores the host_index
- in the spec for a single request.
- :type _host_index: int, optional
- :return: Returns the result object.
- """ # noqa: E501
- validate_not_empty_string(function_name="resend_notification_by_id", param_name="webhook_id", param_value=webhook_id)
- validate_not_empty_string(function_name="resend_notification_by_id", param_name="notification_id", param_value=notification_id)
- _param = self._resend_notification_by_id_serialize(
- webhook_id=webhook_id,
- notification_id=notification_id,
- idempotency_key=idempotency_key,
- _request_auth=_request_auth,
- _content_type=_content_type,
- _headers=_headers,
- _host_index=_host_index
- )
- _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
- '202': None,
- 'default': "ErrorSchema",
- }
- return self.api_client.call_api(
- *_param,
- _request_timeout=_request_timeout,
- _response_types_map=_response_types_map,
- )
- def _resend_notification_by_id_serialize(
- self,
- webhook_id,
- notification_id,
- idempotency_key,
- _request_auth,
- _content_type,
- _headers,
- _host_index,
- ) -> RequestSerialized:
- _host = None
- _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
- }
- _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
- _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
- _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
- _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
- _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
- _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
- # process the path parameters
- if webhook_id is not None:
- _path_params['webhookId'] = webhook_id
- if notification_id is not None:
- _path_params['notificationId'] = notification_id
- # process the query parameters
- # process the header parameters
- if idempotency_key is not None:
- _header_params['Idempotency-Key'] = idempotency_key
- # process the form parameters
- # process the body parameter
- # set the HTTP header `Accept`
- _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
- [
- 'application/json'
- ]
- )
- # authentication setting
- _auth_settings: List[str] = [
- ]
- return self.api_client.param_serialize(
- method='POST',
- resource_path='/webhooks/{webhookId}/notifications/{notificationId}/resend',
- path_params=_path_params,
- query_params=_query_params,
- header_params=_header_params,
- body=_body_params,
- post_params=_form_params,
- files=_files,
- auth_settings=_auth_settings,
- collection_formats=_collection_formats,
- _host=_host,
- _request_auth=_request_auth
- )
def update_webhook(
diff --git a/fireblocks/client.py b/fireblocks/client.py
index 96dcca0..1f45297 100644
--- a/fireblocks/client.py
+++ b/fireblocks/client.py
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
from fireblocks.api.exchange_accounts_api import ExchangeAccountsApi
from fireblocks.api.external_wallets_api import ExternalWalletsApi
from fireblocks.api.fiat_accounts_api import FiatAccountsApi
+from fireblocks.api.fiat_accounts_api import FiatAccountsApi
from fireblocks.api.gas_stations_api import GasStationsApi
from fireblocks.api.internal_wallets_api import InternalWalletsApi
from fireblocks.api.job_management_api import JobManagementApi
@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@
from fireblocks.api.staking_api import StakingApi
from fireblocks.api.tokenization_api import TokenizationApi
from fireblocks.api.transactions_api import TransactionsApi
-from fireblocks.api.travel_rule_api import TravelRuleApi
+from fireblocks.api.travel_rule_beta_api import TravelRuleBetaApi
from fireblocks.api.user_groups_beta_api import UserGroupsBetaApi
from fireblocks.api.users_api import UsersApi
from fireblocks.api.vaults_api import VaultsApi
@@ -86,6 +87,7 @@ def __init__(self, configuration: ClientConfiguration = None):
self._exchange_accounts = None
self._external_wallets = None
self._fiat_accounts = None
+ self._fiat_accounts = None
self._gas_stations = None
self._internal_wallets = None
self._job_management = None
@@ -102,7 +104,7 @@ def __init__(self, configuration: ClientConfiguration = None):
self._staking = None
self._tokenization = None
self._transactions = None
- self._travel_rule = None
+ self._travel_rule_beta = None
self._user_groups_beta = None
self._users = None
self._vaults = None
@@ -225,6 +227,12 @@ def fiat_accounts(self) -> FiatAccountsApi:
self._fiat_accounts = FiatAccountsApi(self._api_client)
return self._fiat_accounts
+ @property
+ def fiat_accounts(self) -> FiatAccountsApi:
+ if self._fiat_accounts is None:
+ self._fiat_accounts = FiatAccountsApi(self._api_client)
+ return self._fiat_accounts
def gas_stations(self) -> GasStationsApi:
if self._gas_stations is None:
@@ -322,10 +330,10 @@ def transactions(self) -> TransactionsApi:
return self._transactions
- def travel_rule(self) -> TravelRuleApi:
- if self._travel_rule is None:
- self._travel_rule = TravelRuleApi(self._api_client)
- return self._travel_rule
+ def travel_rule_beta(self) -> TravelRuleBetaApi:
+ if self._travel_rule_beta is None:
+ self._travel_rule_beta = TravelRuleBetaApi(self._api_client)
+ return self._travel_rule_beta
def user_groups_beta(self) -> UserGroupsBetaApi:
diff --git a/fireblocks/configuration.py b/fireblocks/configuration.py
index e3ba871..03f60c7 100644
--- a/fireblocks/configuration.py
+++ b/fireblocks/configuration.py
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ def to_debug_report(self):
"OS: {env}\n"
"Python Version: {pyversion}\n"
"Version of the API: 1.6.2\n"
- "SDK Package Version: 7.1.0".format(env=sys.platform, pyversion=sys.version)
+ "SDK Package Version: 0.0.0".format(env=sys.platform, pyversion=sys.version)
def get_host_settings(self):
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/__init__.py b/fireblocks/models/__init__.py
index fa6e26e..1e42384 100644
--- a/fireblocks/models/__init__.py
+++ b/fireblocks/models/__init__.py
@@ -273,7 +273,6 @@
from fireblocks.models.none_network_routing_dest import NoneNetworkRoutingDest
from fireblocks.models.not_found_exception import NotFoundException
from fireblocks.models.notification import Notification
-from fireblocks.models.notification_attempt import NotificationAttempt
from fireblocks.models.notification_paginated_response import NotificationPaginatedResponse
from fireblocks.models.notification_status import NotificationStatus
from fireblocks.models.notification_with_data import NotificationWithData
@@ -470,35 +469,16 @@
from fireblocks.models.transfer_validation_failure import TransferValidationFailure
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_address import TravelRuleAddress
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_create_transaction_request import TravelRuleCreateTransactionRequest
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth import TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_geographic_address import TravelRuleGeographicAddress
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_get_all_vasps_response import TravelRuleGetAllVASPsResponse
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_issuer import TravelRuleIssuer
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_issuers import TravelRuleIssuers
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person import TravelRuleLegalPerson
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person_name_identifier import TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_national_identification import TravelRuleNationalIdentification
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier import TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person import TravelRuleNaturalPerson
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier import TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_ownership_proof import TravelRuleOwnershipProof
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person import TravelRulePerson
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_pii_ivms import TravelRulePiiIVMS
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_policy_rule_response import TravelRulePolicyRuleResponse
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_transaction_blockchain_info import TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_update_vasp_details import TravelRuleUpdateVASPDetails
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_vasp import TravelRuleVASP
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth import TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_full_transaction_request import TravelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_geographic_address import TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_legal_person import TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_legal_person_name_identifier import TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_national_identification import TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier import TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person import TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier import TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_person import TravelRuleValidatePerson
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_pii_ivms import TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_transaction_request import TravelRuleValidateTransactionRequest
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_transaction_response import TravelRuleValidateTransactionResponse
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_vasp_for_vault import TravelRuleVaspForVault
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/create_webhook_request.py b/fireblocks/models/create_webhook_request.py
index 879c2f1..27599e7 100644
--- a/fireblocks/models/create_webhook_request.py
+++ b/fireblocks/models/create_webhook_request.py
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class CreateWebhookRequest(BaseModel):
""" # noqa: E501
url: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)] = Field(description="The url of the webhook where notifications will be sent. URL must be valid, unique and https.")
- description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = Field(default=None, description="description of the webhook. should not contain special characters.")
+ description: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)] = Field(description="description of the webhook. should not contain special characters.")
events: List[WebhookEvent] = Field(description="event types the webhook will subscribe to")
enabled: Optional[StrictBool] = Field(default=True, description="The status of the webhook. If false, the webhook will not receive notifications.")
__properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "description", "events", "enabled"]
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/notification.py b/fireblocks/models/notification.py
index 0e206e7..b5af306 100644
--- a/fireblocks/models/notification.py
+++ b/fireblocks/models/notification.py
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
import re # noqa: F401
import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from fireblocks.models.notification_attempt import NotificationAttempt
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictFloat, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from fireblocks.models.notification_status import NotificationStatus
from fireblocks.models.webhook_event import WebhookEvent
from typing import Optional, Set
@@ -31,13 +31,14 @@ class Notification(BaseModel):
""" # noqa: E501
id: StrictStr = Field(description="The id of the Notification")
- created_at: StrictInt = Field(description="The creation date of the notification in milliseconds", alias="createdAt")
- updated_at: StrictInt = Field(description="The date when the notification was updated in milliseconds", alias="updatedAt")
+ created_at: datetime = Field(description="The creation date of the notification", alias="createdAt")
+ updated_at: datetime = Field(description="The date when the notification was updated", alias="updatedAt")
status: NotificationStatus
event_type: WebhookEvent = Field(alias="eventType")
+ event_version: Union[StrictFloat, StrictInt] = Field(description="The event version of the Notification", alias="eventVersion")
resource_id: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The resource id of the event which the Notification is listen to", alias="resourceId")
- attempts: List[NotificationAttempt] = Field(description="The attempts related to Notification")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["id", "createdAt", "updatedAt", "status", "eventType", "resourceId", "attempts"]
+ attempts: Optional[List[StrictStr]] = Field(default=None, description="The attempts related to Notification")
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["id", "createdAt", "updatedAt", "status", "eventType", "eventVersion", "resourceId", "attempts"]
model_config = ConfigDict(
@@ -78,13 +79,6 @@ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in attempts (list)
- _items = []
- if self.attempts:
- for _item in self.attempts:
- if _item:
- _items.append(_item.to_dict())
- _dict['attempts'] = _items
# set to None if resource_id (nullable) is None
# and model_fields_set contains the field
if self.resource_id is None and "resource_id" in self.model_fields_set:
@@ -107,8 +101,9 @@ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
"updatedAt": obj.get("updatedAt"),
"status": obj.get("status"),
"eventType": obj.get("eventType"),
+ "eventVersion": obj.get("eventVersion"),
"resourceId": obj.get("resourceId"),
- "attempts": [NotificationAttempt.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["attempts"]] if obj.get("attempts") is not None else None
+ "attempts": obj.get("attempts")
return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/notification_attempt.py b/fireblocks/models/notification_attempt.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a7c5159..0000000
--- a/fireblocks/models/notification_attempt.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-from __future__ import annotations
-import pprint
-import re # noqa: F401
-import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr, field_validator
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from typing import Optional, Set
-from typing_extensions import Self
-class NotificationAttempt(BaseModel):
- """
- NotificationAttempt
- """ # noqa: E501
- sent_time: StrictInt = Field(description="The time when the attempt was sent in milliseconds.", alias="sentTime")
- duration: StrictInt = Field(description="The duration of the attempt in milliseconds.")
- response_code: Optional[StrictInt] = Field(default=None, description="The response code of the attempt, when missing refer to failureReason.", alias="responseCode")
- failure_reason: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The request failure reason in case responseCode is missing.", alias="failureReason")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["sentTime", "duration", "responseCode", "failureReason"]
- @field_validator('failure_reason')
- def failure_reason_validate_enum(cls, value):
- """Validates the enum"""
- if value is None:
- return value
- if value not in set(['TIMED_OUT', 'NO_RESPONSE']):
- raise ValueError("must be one of enum values ('TIMED_OUT', 'NO_RESPONSE')")
- return value
- model_config = ConfigDict(
- populate_by_name=True,
- validate_assignment=True,
- protected_namespaces=(),
- )
- def to_str(self) -> str:
- """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
- return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
- def to_json(self) -> str:
- """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
- # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
- return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of NotificationAttempt from a JSON string"""
- return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
- def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
- This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
- `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
- * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
- were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
- are ignored.
- """
- excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
- ])
- _dict = self.model_dump(
- by_alias=True,
- exclude=excluded_fields,
- exclude_none=True,
- )
- return _dict
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of NotificationAttempt from a dict"""
- if obj is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return cls.model_validate(obj)
- _obj = cls.model_validate({
- "sentTime": obj.get("sentTime"),
- "duration": obj.get("duration"),
- "responseCode": obj.get("responseCode"),
- "failureReason": obj.get("failureReason")
- })
- return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/notification_with_data.py b/fireblocks/models/notification_with_data.py
index 6a7a900..7d2fb6f 100644
--- a/fireblocks/models/notification_with_data.py
+++ b/fireblocks/models/notification_with_data.py
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@
import re # noqa: F401
import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from fireblocks.models.notification_attempt import NotificationAttempt
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictFloat, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from fireblocks.models.notification_status import NotificationStatus
from fireblocks.models.webhook_event import WebhookEvent
from typing import Optional, Set
@@ -31,14 +31,15 @@ class NotificationWithData(BaseModel):
""" # noqa: E501
id: StrictStr
- created_at: StrictInt = Field(description="The creation date of the notification in milliseconds", alias="createdAt")
- updated_at: StrictInt = Field(description="The date when the notification was updated in milliseconds", alias="updatedAt")
+ created_at: datetime = Field(description="The creation date of the notification", alias="createdAt")
+ updated_at: datetime = Field(description="The date when the notification was updated", alias="updatedAt")
status: NotificationStatus
event_type: WebhookEvent = Field(alias="eventType")
+ event_version: Union[StrictFloat, StrictInt] = Field(description="The event version which the Notification is listen to", alias="eventVersion")
resource_id: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The resource id of the event which the Notification is listen to", alias="resourceId")
- attempts: List[NotificationAttempt] = Field(description="The attempts related to Notification")
+ attempts: List[StrictStr] = Field(description="The attempts related to Notification")
data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = Field(default=None, description="notification data")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["id", "createdAt", "updatedAt", "status", "eventType", "resourceId", "attempts", "data"]
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["id", "createdAt", "updatedAt", "status", "eventType", "eventVersion", "resourceId", "attempts", "data"]
model_config = ConfigDict(
@@ -79,13 +80,6 @@ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in attempts (list)
- _items = []
- if self.attempts:
- for _item in self.attempts:
- if _item:
- _items.append(_item.to_dict())
- _dict['attempts'] = _items
# set to None if resource_id (nullable) is None
# and model_fields_set contains the field
if self.resource_id is None and "resource_id" in self.model_fields_set:
@@ -108,8 +102,9 @@ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
"updatedAt": obj.get("updatedAt"),
"status": obj.get("status"),
"eventType": obj.get("eventType"),
+ "eventVersion": obj.get("eventVersion"),
"resourceId": obj.get("resourceId"),
- "attempts": [NotificationAttempt.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["attempts"]] if obj.get("attempts") is not None else None,
+ "attempts": obj.get("attempts"),
"data": obj.get("data")
return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_address.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_address.py
index 3711102..54544f5 100644
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_address.py
+++ b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_address.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
import json
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
from typing import Optional, Set
from typing_extensions import Self
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ class TravelRuleAddress(BaseModel):
""" # noqa: E501
- street: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Street address")
- city: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="City")
- state: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="State or province")
- postal_code: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Postal or ZIP code", alias="postalCode")
+ street: StrictStr = Field(description="Street address")
+ city: StrictStr = Field(description="City")
+ state: StrictStr = Field(description="State or province")
+ postal_code: StrictStr = Field(description="Postal or ZIP code", alias="postalCode")
__properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["street", "city", "state", "postalCode"]
model_config = ConfigDict(
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_create_transaction_request.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_create_transaction_request.py
index 481f3cb..3931c9c 100644
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_create_transaction_request.py
+++ b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_create_transaction_request.py
@@ -30,27 +30,20 @@ class TravelRuleCreateTransactionRequest(BaseModel):
""" # noqa: E501
- originator_vas_pdid: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The Decentralized Identifier (DID) of the exchange (VASP) that is sending the virtual assets. This identifier is unique to the exchange and is generated when the exchange's account is created in the Notabene network.", alias="originatorVASPdid")
- beneficiary_vas_pdid: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The Decentralized Identifier (DID) of the exchange (VASP) that is receiving the virtual assets. This identifier is unique to the exchange and is generated when the exchange's account is created in the Notabene network.", alias="beneficiaryVASPdid")
- originator_vas_pname: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The name of the VASP acting as the transaction originator.", alias="originatorVASPname")
- beneficiary_vas_pname: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The name of the VASP acting as the transaction beneficiary.", alias="beneficiaryVASPname")
- beneficiary_vas_pwebsite: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The website of the VASP acting as the transaction beneficiary.", alias="beneficiaryVASPwebsite")
- transaction_blockchain_info: Optional[TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo] = Field(default=None, alias="transactionBlockchainInfo")
- originator: TravelRulePiiIVMS
- beneficiary: TravelRulePiiIVMS
- encrypted: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Encrypted data related to the transaction.")
- protocol: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The protocol used to perform the travel rule.")
- skip_beneficiary_data_validation: Optional[StrictBool] = Field(default=None, description="Whether to skip validation of beneficiary data.", alias="skipBeneficiaryDataValidation")
- travel_rule_behavior: Optional[StrictBool] = Field(default=None, description="Whether to check if the transaction complies with the travel rule in the beneficiary VASP's jurisdiction.", alias="travelRuleBehavior")
- originator_ref: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="A reference ID related to the originator of the transaction.", alias="originatorRef")
- beneficiary_ref: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="A reference ID related to the beneficiary of the transaction.", alias="beneficiaryRef")
- travel_rule_behavior_ref: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="A reference ID related to the travel rule behavior.", alias="travelRuleBehaviorRef")
- originator_proof: Optional[TravelRuleOwnershipProof] = Field(default=None, alias="originatorProof")
- beneficiary_proof: Optional[TravelRuleOwnershipProof] = Field(default=None, alias="beneficiaryProof")
- beneficiary_did: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The Decentralized Identifier (DID) of the person at the receiving exchange (VASP). This identifier is generated when the customer is registered in the Notabene network, or automatically created based on the `beneficiaryRef`. - If neither `beneficiaryRef` nor `beneficiaryDid` is provided in the `txCreate` payload, a new random DID is generated for every transaction.", alias="beneficiaryDid")
- originator_did: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The Decentralized Identifier (DID) of the person at the exchange (VASP) who is requesting the withdrawal. This identifier is generated when the customer is registered in the Notabene network or automatically created based on the `originatorRef`. - If neither `originatorRef` nor `originatorDid` is provided in the `txCreate` payload, a new random DID is generated for every transaction.", alias="originatorDid")
- is_non_custodial: Optional[StrictBool] = Field(default=None, description="Indicates if the transaction involves a non-custodial wallet.", alias="isNonCustodial")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["originatorVASPdid", "beneficiaryVASPdid", "originatorVASPname", "beneficiaryVASPname", "beneficiaryVASPwebsite", "transactionBlockchainInfo", "originator", "beneficiary", "encrypted", "protocol", "skipBeneficiaryDataValidation", "travelRuleBehavior", "originatorRef", "beneficiaryRef", "travelRuleBehaviorRef", "originatorProof", "beneficiaryProof", "beneficiaryDid", "originatorDid", "isNonCustodial"]
+ originator_vas_pdid: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The VASP ID of the transaction originator", alias="originatorVASPdid")
+ beneficiary_vas_pdid: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The VASP ID of the transaction beneficiary", alias="beneficiaryVASPdid")
+ beneficiary_vas_pname: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The name of the VASP acting as the beneficiary", alias="beneficiaryVASPname")
+ transaction_blockchain_info: Optional[TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo] = Field(default=None, description="Information about the blockchain transaction", alias="transactionBlockchainInfo")
+ originator: TravelRulePiiIVMS = Field(description="Information about the originator of the transaction")
+ beneficiary: TravelRulePiiIVMS = Field(description="Information about the beneficiary of the transaction")
+ encrypted: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Encrypted data related to the transaction")
+ protocol: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The protocol used to perform the travel rule")
+ skip_beneficiary_data_validation: Optional[StrictBool] = Field(default=None, description="Whether to skip validation of beneficiary data", alias="skipBeneficiaryDataValidation")
+ travel_rule_behavior: Optional[StrictBool] = Field(default=None, description="Whether to check if the transaction is a TRAVEL_RULE in the beneficiary VASP's jurisdiction", alias="travelRuleBehavior")
+ originator_proof: Optional[TravelRuleOwnershipProof] = Field(default=None, description="Ownership proof related to the originator of the transaction", alias="originatorProof")
+ beneficiary_proof: Optional[TravelRuleOwnershipProof] = Field(default=None, description="Ownership proof related to the beneficiary of the transaction", alias="beneficiaryProof")
+ pii: Optional[TravelRulePiiIVMS] = Field(default=None, description="Personal identifiable information related to the transaction")
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["originatorVASPdid", "beneficiaryVASPdid", "beneficiaryVASPname", "transactionBlockchainInfo", "originator", "beneficiary", "encrypted", "protocol", "skipBeneficiaryDataValidation", "travelRuleBehavior", "originatorProof", "beneficiaryProof", "pii"]
model_config = ConfigDict(
@@ -106,6 +99,9 @@ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
# override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of beneficiary_proof
if self.beneficiary_proof:
_dict['beneficiaryProof'] = self.beneficiary_proof.to_dict()
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of pii
+ if self.pii:
+ _dict['pii'] = self.pii.to_dict()
return _dict
@@ -120,9 +116,7 @@ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
_obj = cls.model_validate({
"originatorVASPdid": obj.get("originatorVASPdid"),
"beneficiaryVASPdid": obj.get("beneficiaryVASPdid"),
- "originatorVASPname": obj.get("originatorVASPname"),
"beneficiaryVASPname": obj.get("beneficiaryVASPname"),
- "beneficiaryVASPwebsite": obj.get("beneficiaryVASPwebsite"),
"transactionBlockchainInfo": TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo.from_dict(obj["transactionBlockchainInfo"]) if obj.get("transactionBlockchainInfo") is not None else None,
"originator": TravelRulePiiIVMS.from_dict(obj["originator"]) if obj.get("originator") is not None else None,
"beneficiary": TravelRulePiiIVMS.from_dict(obj["beneficiary"]) if obj.get("beneficiary") is not None else None,
@@ -130,14 +124,9 @@ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
"protocol": obj.get("protocol"),
"skipBeneficiaryDataValidation": obj.get("skipBeneficiaryDataValidation"),
"travelRuleBehavior": obj.get("travelRuleBehavior"),
- "originatorRef": obj.get("originatorRef"),
- "beneficiaryRef": obj.get("beneficiaryRef"),
- "travelRuleBehaviorRef": obj.get("travelRuleBehaviorRef"),
"originatorProof": TravelRuleOwnershipProof.from_dict(obj["originatorProof"]) if obj.get("originatorProof") is not None else None,
"beneficiaryProof": TravelRuleOwnershipProof.from_dict(obj["beneficiaryProof"]) if obj.get("beneficiaryProof") is not None else None,
- "beneficiaryDid": obj.get("beneficiaryDid"),
- "originatorDid": obj.get("originatorDid"),
- "isNonCustodial": obj.get("isNonCustodial")
+ "pii": TravelRulePiiIVMS.from_dict(obj["pii"]) if obj.get("pii") is not None else None
return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d3d5fc..0000000
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-from __future__ import annotations
-import pprint
-import re # noqa: F401
-import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from typing import Optional, Set
-from typing_extensions import Self
-class TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth(BaseModel):
- """
- Represents the date and place of birth for a natural person
- """ # noqa: E501
- date_of_birth: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Date of birth. The value must be encrypted.", alias="dateOfBirth")
- place_of_birth: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Place of birth. The value must be encrypted.", alias="placeOfBirth")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["dateOfBirth", "placeOfBirth"]
- model_config = ConfigDict(
- populate_by_name=True,
- validate_assignment=True,
- protected_namespaces=(),
- )
- def to_str(self) -> str:
- """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
- return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
- def to_json(self) -> str:
- """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
- # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
- return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth from a JSON string"""
- return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
- def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
- This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
- `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
- * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
- were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
- are ignored.
- """
- excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
- ])
- _dict = self.model_dump(
- by_alias=True,
- exclude=excluded_fields,
- exclude_none=True,
- )
- return _dict
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth from a dict"""
- if obj is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return cls.model_validate(obj)
- _obj = cls.model_validate({
- "dateOfBirth": obj.get("dateOfBirth"),
- "placeOfBirth": obj.get("placeOfBirth")
- })
- return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_geographic_address.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_geographic_address.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6459388..0000000
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_geographic_address.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-from __future__ import annotations
-import pprint
-import re # noqa: F401
-import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from typing import Optional, Set
-from typing_extensions import Self
-class TravelRuleGeographicAddress(BaseModel):
- """
- TravelRuleGeographicAddress
- """ # noqa: E501
- street_name: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Name of a street or thoroughfare. The value must be encrypted.", alias="streetName")
- town_name: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government. The value must be encrypted.", alias="townName")
- country: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Nation with its own government (ISO-3166 Alpha-2 country code). The value must be encrypted.")
- building_number: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Number that identifies the position of a building on a street. The value must be encrypted.", alias="buildingNumber")
- post_code: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail. The value must be encrypted.", alias="postCode")
- address_type: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Specifies the type of address. Acceptable values are: - 'HOME': Residential, the home address - 'BIZZ': Business, the business address - 'GEOG': Geographic, an unspecified physical (geographical) address The value must be encrypted.", alias="addressType")
- department: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Identification of a division of a large organisation or building. The value must be encrypted.")
- sub_department: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Identification of a sub-division of a large organisation or building. The value must be encrypted.", alias="subDepartment")
- building_name: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Name of the building or house. The value must be encrypted.", alias="buildingName")
- floor: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Floor or storey within a building. The value must be encrypted.")
- post_box: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Numbered box in a post office. The value must be encrypted.", alias="postBox")
- room: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Building room number. The value must be encrypted.")
- town_location_name: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Specific location name within the town. The value must be encrypted.", alias="townLocationName")
- district_name: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Identifies a subdivision within a country subdivision. The value must be encrypted.", alias="districtName")
- country_sub_division: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Identifies a subdivision of a country such as state, region, or province. The value must be encrypted.", alias="countrySubDivision")
- address_line: Optional[List[StrictStr]] = Field(default=None, description="Information that locates and identifies a specific address, presented in free format text. Each item must be encrypted.", alias="addressLine")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["streetName", "townName", "country", "buildingNumber", "postCode", "addressType", "department", "subDepartment", "buildingName", "floor", "postBox", "room", "townLocationName", "districtName", "countrySubDivision", "addressLine"]
- model_config = ConfigDict(
- populate_by_name=True,
- validate_assignment=True,
- protected_namespaces=(),
- )
- def to_str(self) -> str:
- """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
- return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
- def to_json(self) -> str:
- """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
- # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
- return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleGeographicAddress from a JSON string"""
- return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
- def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
- This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
- `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
- * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
- were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
- are ignored.
- """
- excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
- ])
- _dict = self.model_dump(
- by_alias=True,
- exclude=excluded_fields,
- exclude_none=True,
- )
- return _dict
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleGeographicAddress from a dict"""
- if obj is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return cls.model_validate(obj)
- _obj = cls.model_validate({
- "streetName": obj.get("streetName"),
- "townName": obj.get("townName"),
- "country": obj.get("country"),
- "buildingNumber": obj.get("buildingNumber"),
- "postCode": obj.get("postCode"),
- "addressType": obj.get("addressType"),
- "department": obj.get("department"),
- "subDepartment": obj.get("subDepartment"),
- "buildingName": obj.get("buildingName"),
- "floor": obj.get("floor"),
- "postBox": obj.get("postBox"),
- "room": obj.get("room"),
- "townLocationName": obj.get("townLocationName"),
- "districtName": obj.get("districtName"),
- "countrySubDivision": obj.get("countrySubDivision"),
- "addressLine": obj.get("addressLine")
- })
- return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_get_all_vasps_response.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_get_all_vasps_response.py
index efab1ba..e585fee 100644
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_get_all_vasps_response.py
+++ b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_get_all_vasps_response.py
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
import re # noqa: F401
import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_vasp import TravelRuleVASP
from typing import Optional, Set
from typing_extensions import Self
@@ -28,10 +28,8 @@ class TravelRuleGetAllVASPsResponse(BaseModel):
""" # noqa: E501
- data: List[TravelRuleVASP] = Field(description="An array of VASP objects, referencing the TravelRuleVASP schema.")
- total: Optional[StrictInt] = Field(default=None, description="The total number of VASPs.")
- next: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The URL for the next page of results.")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["data", "total", "next"]
+ vasps: List[TravelRuleVASP]
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["vasps"]
model_config = ConfigDict(
@@ -72,18 +70,13 @@ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in data (list)
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in vasps (list)
_items = []
- if self.data:
- for _item in self.data:
+ if self.vasps:
+ for _item in self.vasps:
if _item:
- _dict['data'] = _items
- # set to None if next (nullable) is None
- # and model_fields_set contains the field
- if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
- _dict['next'] = None
+ _dict['vasps'] = _items
return _dict
@@ -96,9 +89,7 @@ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
return cls.model_validate(obj)
_obj = cls.model_validate({
- "data": [TravelRuleVASP.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["data"]] if obj.get("data") is not None else None,
- "total": obj.get("total"),
- "next": obj.get("next")
+ "vasps": [TravelRuleVASP.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["vasps"]] if obj.get("vasps") is not None else None
return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_legal_person.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_legal_person.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9294fa7..0000000
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_legal_person.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-from __future__ import annotations
-import pprint
-import re # noqa: F401
-import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_geographic_address import TravelRuleGeographicAddress
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person_name_identifier import TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_national_identification import TravelRuleNationalIdentification
-from typing import Optional, Set
-from typing_extensions import Self
-class TravelRuleLegalPerson(BaseModel):
- """
- TravelRuleLegalPerson
- """ # noqa: E501
- name: Optional[TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier] = None
- geographic_address: Optional[List[TravelRuleGeographicAddress]] = Field(default=None, description="The array of geographic addresses associated with the legal person.", alias="geographicAddress")
- national_identification: Optional[TravelRuleNationalIdentification] = Field(default=None, alias="nationalIdentification")
- customer_identification: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="A unique identifier that identifies the customer in the organization's context. The value must be encrypted.", alias="customerIdentification")
- customer_number: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="A distinct identifier that uniquely identifies the customer within the organization. The value must be encrypted.", alias="customerNumber")
- country_of_registration: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The ISO-3166 Alpha-2 country code where the legal person is registered. The value must be encrypted.", alias="countryOfRegistration")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["name", "geographicAddress", "nationalIdentification", "customerIdentification", "customerNumber", "countryOfRegistration"]
- model_config = ConfigDict(
- populate_by_name=True,
- validate_assignment=True,
- protected_namespaces=(),
- )
- def to_str(self) -> str:
- """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
- return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
- def to_json(self) -> str:
- """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
- # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
- return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleLegalPerson from a JSON string"""
- return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
- def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
- This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
- `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
- * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
- were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
- are ignored.
- """
- excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
- ])
- _dict = self.model_dump(
- by_alias=True,
- exclude=excluded_fields,
- exclude_none=True,
- )
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of name
- if self.name:
- _dict['name'] = self.name.to_dict()
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in geographic_address (list)
- _items = []
- if self.geographic_address:
- for _item in self.geographic_address:
- if _item:
- _items.append(_item.to_dict())
- _dict['geographicAddress'] = _items
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of national_identification
- if self.national_identification:
- _dict['nationalIdentification'] = self.national_identification.to_dict()
- return _dict
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleLegalPerson from a dict"""
- if obj is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return cls.model_validate(obj)
- _obj = cls.model_validate({
- "name": TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier.from_dict(obj["name"]) if obj.get("name") is not None else None,
- "geographicAddress": [TravelRuleGeographicAddress.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["geographicAddress"]] if obj.get("geographicAddress") is not None else None,
- "nationalIdentification": TravelRuleNationalIdentification.from_dict(obj["nationalIdentification"]) if obj.get("nationalIdentification") is not None else None,
- "customerIdentification": obj.get("customerIdentification"),
- "customerNumber": obj.get("customerNumber"),
- "countryOfRegistration": obj.get("countryOfRegistration")
- })
- return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_legal_person_name_identifier.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_legal_person_name_identifier.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d91773..0000000
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_legal_person_name_identifier.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-from __future__ import annotations
-import pprint
-import re # noqa: F401
-import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from typing import Optional, Set
-from typing_extensions import Self
-class TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier(BaseModel):
- """
- TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier
- """ # noqa: E501
- legal_person_name: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Name by which the legal person is known. The value must be encrypted.", alias="legalPersonName")
- legal_person_name_identifier_type: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Specifies the type of name for a legal person. Acceptable values are: - 'REGISTERED': The official registered name. - 'TRADE': A trading name or DBA (Doing Business As) name. - 'OTHER': Any other type of name. The value must be encrypted.", alias="legalPersonNameIdentifierType")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["legalPersonName", "legalPersonNameIdentifierType"]
- model_config = ConfigDict(
- populate_by_name=True,
- validate_assignment=True,
- protected_namespaces=(),
- )
- def to_str(self) -> str:
- """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
- return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
- def to_json(self) -> str:
- """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
- # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
- return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier from a JSON string"""
- return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
- def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
- This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
- `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
- * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
- were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
- are ignored.
- """
- excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
- ])
- _dict = self.model_dump(
- by_alias=True,
- exclude=excluded_fields,
- exclude_none=True,
- )
- return _dict
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier from a dict"""
- if obj is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return cls.model_validate(obj)
- _obj = cls.model_validate({
- "legalPersonName": obj.get("legalPersonName"),
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": obj.get("legalPersonNameIdentifierType")
- })
- return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_national_identification.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_national_identification.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 040271a..0000000
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_national_identification.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-from __future__ import annotations
-import pprint
-import re # noqa: F401
-import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from typing import Optional, Set
-from typing_extensions import Self
-class TravelRuleNationalIdentification(BaseModel):
- """
- Represents a national identifier for a person or entity
- """ # noqa: E501
- country_of_issue: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Country that issued the national identifier (ISO-3166 Alpha-2 country code). The value must be encrypted.", alias="countryOfIssue")
- national_identifier: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="National identifier (max 35 characters). The value must be encrypted.", alias="nationalIdentifier")
- national_identifier_type: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Type of national identifier. Acceptable values include: - 'PASSPORT': Passport number - 'NATIONAL_ID': National identification number - 'TAX_ID': Tax identification number - 'SOCIAL_SECURITY': Social security number The value must be encrypted.", alias="nationalIdentifierType")
- registration_authority: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Registration authority (format -> RA followed by 6 digits). The value must be encrypted.", alias="registrationAuthority")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["countryOfIssue", "nationalIdentifier", "nationalIdentifierType", "registrationAuthority"]
- model_config = ConfigDict(
- populate_by_name=True,
- validate_assignment=True,
- protected_namespaces=(),
- )
- def to_str(self) -> str:
- """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
- return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
- def to_json(self) -> str:
- """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
- # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
- return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleNationalIdentification from a JSON string"""
- return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
- def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
- This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
- `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
- * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
- were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
- are ignored.
- """
- excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
- ])
- _dict = self.model_dump(
- by_alias=True,
- exclude=excluded_fields,
- exclude_none=True,
- )
- return _dict
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleNationalIdentification from a dict"""
- if obj is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return cls.model_validate(obj)
- _obj = cls.model_validate({
- "countryOfIssue": obj.get("countryOfIssue"),
- "nationalIdentifier": obj.get("nationalIdentifier"),
- "nationalIdentifierType": obj.get("nationalIdentifierType"),
- "registrationAuthority": obj.get("registrationAuthority")
- })
- return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d9941a..0000000
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-from __future__ import annotations
-import pprint
-import re # noqa: F401
-import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from typing import Optional, Set
-from typing_extensions import Self
-class TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(BaseModel):
- """
- TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier
- """ # noqa: E501
- primary_identifier: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The primary identifier of the name. The value must be encrypted.", alias="primaryIdentifier")
- secondary_identifier: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The secondary identifier of the name. The value must be encrypted.", alias="secondaryIdentifier")
- name_identifier_type: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The type of the name identifier. The value must be encrypted. The value must be one of the following: [LEGL, DBA, TRAD, NICK, ALIA, MAID, FORM, PREV, BORN, OTHR].", alias="nameIdentifierType")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["primaryIdentifier", "secondaryIdentifier", "nameIdentifierType"]
- model_config = ConfigDict(
- populate_by_name=True,
- validate_assignment=True,
- protected_namespaces=(),
- )
- def to_str(self) -> str:
- """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
- return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
- def to_json(self) -> str:
- """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
- # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
- return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier from a JSON string"""
- return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
- def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
- This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
- `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
- * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
- were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
- are ignored.
- """
- excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
- ])
- _dict = self.model_dump(
- by_alias=True,
- exclude=excluded_fields,
- exclude_none=True,
- )
- return _dict
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier from a dict"""
- if obj is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return cls.model_validate(obj)
- _obj = cls.model_validate({
- "primaryIdentifier": obj.get("primaryIdentifier"),
- "secondaryIdentifier": obj.get("secondaryIdentifier"),
- "nameIdentifierType": obj.get("nameIdentifierType")
- })
- return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_natural_person.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_natural_person.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d625184..0000000
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_natural_person.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-from __future__ import annotations
-import pprint
-import re # noqa: F401
-import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth import TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_geographic_address import TravelRuleGeographicAddress
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_national_identification import TravelRuleNationalIdentification
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier import TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier
-from typing import Optional, Set
-from typing_extensions import Self
-class TravelRuleNaturalPerson(BaseModel):
- """
- TravelRuleNaturalPerson
- """ # noqa: E501
- name: Optional[List[TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier]] = Field(default=None, description="An array of structured name identifiers for the natural person, referencing the TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier schema.")
- geographic_address: Optional[List[TravelRuleGeographicAddress]] = Field(default=None, description="An array of geographic addresses associated with the natural person, referencing the TravelRuleGeographicAddress schema.", alias="geographicAddress")
- national_identification: Optional[TravelRuleNationalIdentification] = Field(default=None, alias="nationalIdentification")
- date_and_place_of_birth: Optional[TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth] = Field(default=None, alias="dateAndPlaceOfBirth")
- customer_identification: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="A unique identifier for the customer within the organization's context. The value must be encrypted.", alias="customerIdentification")
- country_of_residence: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The ISO-3166 Alpha-2 country code of the natural person's residence. The value must be encrypted.", alias="countryOfResidence")
- customer_number: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="A distinct identifier that uniquely identifies the customer within the organization. The value must be encrypted.", alias="customerNumber")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["name", "geographicAddress", "nationalIdentification", "dateAndPlaceOfBirth", "customerIdentification", "countryOfResidence", "customerNumber"]
- model_config = ConfigDict(
- populate_by_name=True,
- validate_assignment=True,
- protected_namespaces=(),
- )
- def to_str(self) -> str:
- """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
- return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
- def to_json(self) -> str:
- """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
- # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
- return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleNaturalPerson from a JSON string"""
- return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
- def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
- This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
- `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
- * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
- were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
- are ignored.
- """
- excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
- ])
- _dict = self.model_dump(
- by_alias=True,
- exclude=excluded_fields,
- exclude_none=True,
- )
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in name (list)
- _items = []
- if self.name:
- for _item in self.name:
- if _item:
- _items.append(_item.to_dict())
- _dict['name'] = _items
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in geographic_address (list)
- _items = []
- if self.geographic_address:
- for _item in self.geographic_address:
- if _item:
- _items.append(_item.to_dict())
- _dict['geographicAddress'] = _items
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of national_identification
- if self.national_identification:
- _dict['nationalIdentification'] = self.national_identification.to_dict()
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of date_and_place_of_birth
- if self.date_and_place_of_birth:
- _dict['dateAndPlaceOfBirth'] = self.date_and_place_of_birth.to_dict()
- return _dict
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleNaturalPerson from a dict"""
- if obj is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return cls.model_validate(obj)
- _obj = cls.model_validate({
- "name": [TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["name"]] if obj.get("name") is not None else None,
- "geographicAddress": [TravelRuleGeographicAddress.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["geographicAddress"]] if obj.get("geographicAddress") is not None else None,
- "nationalIdentification": TravelRuleNationalIdentification.from_dict(obj["nationalIdentification"]) if obj.get("nationalIdentification") is not None else None,
- "dateAndPlaceOfBirth": TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth.from_dict(obj["dateAndPlaceOfBirth"]) if obj.get("dateAndPlaceOfBirth") is not None else None,
- "customerIdentification": obj.get("customerIdentification"),
- "countryOfResidence": obj.get("countryOfResidence"),
- "customerNumber": obj.get("customerNumber")
- })
- return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9453491..0000000
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-from __future__ import annotations
-import pprint
-import re # noqa: F401
-import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier import TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier
-from typing import Optional, Set
-from typing_extensions import Self
-class TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(BaseModel):
- """
- TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier
- """ # noqa: E501
- name_identifier: Optional[List[TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier]] = Field(default=None, alias="nameIdentifier")
- local_name_identifier: Optional[List[TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier]] = Field(default=None, alias="localNameIdentifier")
- phonetic_name_identifier: Optional[List[TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier]] = Field(default=None, alias="phoneticNameIdentifier")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["nameIdentifier", "localNameIdentifier", "phoneticNameIdentifier"]
- model_config = ConfigDict(
- populate_by_name=True,
- validate_assignment=True,
- protected_namespaces=(),
- )
- def to_str(self) -> str:
- """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
- return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
- def to_json(self) -> str:
- """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
- # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
- return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier from a JSON string"""
- return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
- def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
- This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
- `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
- * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
- were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
- are ignored.
- """
- excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
- ])
- _dict = self.model_dump(
- by_alias=True,
- exclude=excluded_fields,
- exclude_none=True,
- )
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in name_identifier (list)
- _items = []
- if self.name_identifier:
- for _item in self.name_identifier:
- if _item:
- _items.append(_item.to_dict())
- _dict['nameIdentifier'] = _items
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in local_name_identifier (list)
- _items = []
- if self.local_name_identifier:
- for _item in self.local_name_identifier:
- if _item:
- _items.append(_item.to_dict())
- _dict['localNameIdentifier'] = _items
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in phonetic_name_identifier (list)
- _items = []
- if self.phonetic_name_identifier:
- for _item in self.phonetic_name_identifier:
- if _item:
- _items.append(_item.to_dict())
- _dict['phoneticNameIdentifier'] = _items
- return _dict
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier from a dict"""
- if obj is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return cls.model_validate(obj)
- _obj = cls.model_validate({
- "nameIdentifier": [TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["nameIdentifier"]] if obj.get("nameIdentifier") is not None else None,
- "localNameIdentifier": [TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["localNameIdentifier"]] if obj.get("localNameIdentifier") is not None else None,
- "phoneticNameIdentifier": [TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["phoneticNameIdentifier"]] if obj.get("phoneticNameIdentifier") is not None else None
- })
- return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_ownership_proof.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_ownership_proof.py
index da387e7..ee26f0f 100644
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_ownership_proof.py
+++ b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_ownership_proof.py
@@ -18,23 +18,18 @@
import re # noqa: F401
import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictStr
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
from typing import Optional, Set
from typing_extensions import Self
class TravelRuleOwnershipProof(BaseModel):
- Ownership proof related to the originator of the transaction.
+ TravelRuleOwnershipProof
""" # noqa: E501
- type: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The type of ownership proof. Example values: - `eip-191`: Ethereum signature proof - `eip-712`: Ethereum typed data signature proof - `bip-137`: Bitcoin signature proof - `microtransfer`: Microtransaction (Satoshi test) - `screenshot`: Uploaded screenshot of the wallet - `self-declaration`: Checkbox attestation of ownership")
- proof: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The cryptographic signature, transaction hash, or other proof depending on the type. Examples: - For `eip-191`: `0x3dd4a17a...ce4a2bcd1b` - For `microtransfer`: The transaction hash `H3V8GXBy39Dz...tr3TSTkY=`")
- attestation: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="A human-readable statement of wallet ownership. Required for signature proofs and self-declarations. Examples: - `I certify that ETH account 0x896B...0b9b belongs to me.` - `I hereby declare that the blockchain address 0xa437bEed902AF9338B7DEB23848e195d85019510 is under my control.`")
- address: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The wallet address being verified. Examples: - For Ethereum: `0x896B...0b9b` - For Bitcoin: `1442...dxhsQ`")
- wallet_provider: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The wallet provider or method used for verification. Examples: - For Metamask: `Metamask` - For manual signature: `manual`")
- url: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The URL for the uploaded screenshot (for `screenshot` proof types only). Example: `https://example.com/uploaded_image.png`")
- confirmed: Optional[StrictBool] = Field(default=None, description="Whether the user confirmed ownership of the wallet (for `self-declaration` proofs). Example: `true`")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["type", "proof", "attestation", "address", "wallet_provider", "url", "confirmed"]
+ type: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Type of ownership proof")
+ proof: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Identification number")
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["type", "proof"]
model_config = ConfigDict(
@@ -88,12 +83,7 @@ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
_obj = cls.model_validate({
"type": obj.get("type"),
- "proof": obj.get("proof"),
- "attestation": obj.get("attestation"),
- "address": obj.get("address"),
- "wallet_provider": obj.get("wallet_provider"),
- "url": obj.get("url"),
- "confirmed": obj.get("confirmed")
+ "proof": obj.get("proof")
return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_person.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_person.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6779c89..0000000
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_person.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-from __future__ import annotations
-import pprint
-import re # noqa: F401
-import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person import TravelRuleLegalPerson
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person import TravelRuleNaturalPerson
-from typing import Optional, Set
-from typing_extensions import Self
-class TravelRulePerson(BaseModel):
- """
- TravelRulePerson
- """ # noqa: E501
- natural_person: Optional[TravelRuleNaturalPerson] = Field(default=None, alias="naturalPerson")
- legal_person: Optional[TravelRuleLegalPerson] = Field(default=None, alias="legalPerson")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["naturalPerson", "legalPerson"]
- model_config = ConfigDict(
- populate_by_name=True,
- validate_assignment=True,
- protected_namespaces=(),
- )
- def to_str(self) -> str:
- """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
- return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
- def to_json(self) -> str:
- """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
- # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
- return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRulePerson from a JSON string"""
- return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
- def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
- This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
- `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
- * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
- were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
- are ignored.
- """
- excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
- ])
- _dict = self.model_dump(
- by_alias=True,
- exclude=excluded_fields,
- exclude_none=True,
- )
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of natural_person
- if self.natural_person:
- _dict['naturalPerson'] = self.natural_person.to_dict()
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of legal_person
- if self.legal_person:
- _dict['legalPerson'] = self.legal_person.to_dict()
- return _dict
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRulePerson from a dict"""
- if obj is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return cls.model_validate(obj)
- _obj = cls.model_validate({
- "naturalPerson": TravelRuleNaturalPerson.from_dict(obj["naturalPerson"]) if obj.get("naturalPerson") is not None else None,
- "legalPerson": TravelRuleLegalPerson.from_dict(obj["legalPerson"]) if obj.get("legalPerson") is not None else None
- })
- return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_pii_ivms.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_pii_ivms.py
index 06d0412..e684a50 100644
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_pii_ivms.py
+++ b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_pii_ivms.py
@@ -20,18 +20,23 @@
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person import TravelRulePerson
from typing import Optional, Set
from typing_extensions import Self
class TravelRulePiiIVMS(BaseModel):
- Personal identifiable information related to the transaction
+ TravelRulePiiIVMS
""" # noqa: E501
- originator_persons: Optional[List[TravelRulePerson]] = Field(default=None, description="Information about the originator of the transaction", alias="originatorPersons")
- beneficiary_persons: Optional[List[TravelRulePerson]] = Field(default=None, description="Information about the beneficiary of the transaction", alias="beneficiaryPersons")
- account_number: Optional[List[StrictStr]] = Field(default=None, description="Beneficiary account number. The value must be encrypted.", alias="accountNumber")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["originatorPersons", "beneficiaryPersons", "accountNumber"]
+ full_name: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, alias="fullName")
+ date_of_birth: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, alias="dateOfBirth")
+ place_of_birth: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, alias="placeOfBirth")
+ address: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ identification_number: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, alias="identificationNumber")
+ nationality: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ country_of_residence: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, alias="countryOfResidence")
+ tax_identification_number: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, alias="taxIdentificationNumber")
+ customer_number: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, alias="customerNumber")
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["fullName", "dateOfBirth", "placeOfBirth", "address", "identificationNumber", "nationality", "countryOfResidence", "taxIdentificationNumber", "customerNumber"]
model_config = ConfigDict(
@@ -72,20 +77,6 @@ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in originator_persons (list)
- _items = []
- if self.originator_persons:
- for _item in self.originator_persons:
- if _item:
- _items.append(_item.to_dict())
- _dict['originatorPersons'] = _items
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in beneficiary_persons (list)
- _items = []
- if self.beneficiary_persons:
- for _item in self.beneficiary_persons:
- if _item:
- _items.append(_item.to_dict())
- _dict['beneficiaryPersons'] = _items
return _dict
@@ -98,9 +89,15 @@ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
return cls.model_validate(obj)
_obj = cls.model_validate({
- "originatorPersons": [TravelRulePerson.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["originatorPersons"]] if obj.get("originatorPersons") is not None else None,
- "beneficiaryPersons": [TravelRulePerson.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["beneficiaryPersons"]] if obj.get("beneficiaryPersons") is not None else None,
- "accountNumber": obj.get("accountNumber")
+ "fullName": obj.get("fullName"),
+ "dateOfBirth": obj.get("dateOfBirth"),
+ "placeOfBirth": obj.get("placeOfBirth"),
+ "address": obj.get("address"),
+ "identificationNumber": obj.get("identificationNumber"),
+ "nationality": obj.get("nationality"),
+ "countryOfResidence": obj.get("countryOfResidence"),
+ "taxIdentificationNumber": obj.get("taxIdentificationNumber"),
+ "customerNumber": obj.get("customerNumber")
return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_transaction_blockchain_info.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_transaction_blockchain_info.py
index 01293df..8abfa49 100644
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_transaction_blockchain_info.py
+++ b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_transaction_blockchain_info.py
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
class TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo(BaseModel):
- Information about the blockchain transaction.
+ TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo
""" # noqa: E501
- tx_hash: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The hash of the transaction", alias="txHash")
- origin: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The origin address of the transaction")
- destination: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The destination address of the transaction")
+ tx_hash: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, alias="txHash")
+ origin: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ destination: Optional[StrictStr] = None
__properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["txHash", "origin", "destination"]
model_config = ConfigDict(
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ff715d..0000000
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-from __future__ import annotations
-import pprint
-import re # noqa: F401
-import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from typing import Optional, Set
-from typing_extensions import Self
-class TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth(BaseModel):
- """
- Represents the date and place of birth for a natural person
- """ # noqa: E501
- date_of_birth: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Date of birth in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD)", alias="dateOfBirth")
- place_of_birth: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Place of birth", alias="placeOfBirth")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["dateOfBirth", "placeOfBirth"]
- model_config = ConfigDict(
- populate_by_name=True,
- validate_assignment=True,
- protected_namespaces=(),
- )
- def to_str(self) -> str:
- """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
- return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
- def to_json(self) -> str:
- """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
- # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
- return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth from a JSON string"""
- return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
- def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
- This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
- `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
- * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
- were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
- are ignored.
- """
- excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
- ])
- _dict = self.model_dump(
- by_alias=True,
- exclude=excluded_fields,
- exclude_none=True,
- )
- return _dict
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth from a dict"""
- if obj is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return cls.model_validate(obj)
- _obj = cls.model_validate({
- "dateOfBirth": obj.get("dateOfBirth"),
- "placeOfBirth": obj.get("placeOfBirth")
- })
- return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_full_transaction_request.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_full_transaction_request.py
index 6c1f83b..7dea29b 100644
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_full_transaction_request.py
+++ b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_full_transaction_request.py
@@ -18,12 +18,11 @@
import re # noqa: F401
import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictStr, field_validator
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictStr
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_ownership_proof import TravelRuleOwnershipProof
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_pii_ivms import TravelRulePiiIVMS
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_transaction_blockchain_info import TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_pii_ivms import TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS
from typing import Optional, Set
from typing_extensions import Self
@@ -31,41 +30,25 @@ class TravelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest(BaseModel):
""" # noqa: E501
- originator_vas_pdid: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The Decentralized Identifier (DID) of the exchange (VASP) that is sending the virtual assets. This identifier is unique to the exchange and is generated when the exchange's account is created in the Notabene network.", alias="originatorVASPdid")
- beneficiary_vas_pdid: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The Decentralized Identifier (DID) of the exchange (VASP) that is receiving the virtual assets. This identifier is unique to the exchange and is generated when the exchange's account is created in the Notabene network.", alias="beneficiaryVASPdid")
- transaction_asset: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Transaction asset symbol (e.g., BTC, ETH, USDC). By using the `notation` query string, users can select the type of asset notation: - `fireblocks`: Converts asset symbols to Fireblocks notation. - `notabene`: Retains the original Notabene asset symbol format.", alias="transactionAsset")
- transaction_amount: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Transaction amount in the transaction asset. For example, if the asset is BTC, the amount is the value in BTC units. By using the `notation` query string, users can select the type of amount notation: - `fireblocks`: Converts the amount to Fireblocks notation (e.g., adjusted for decimals). - `notabene`: Retains the original Notabene amount format.", alias="transactionAmount")
- originator_vas_pname: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The name of the VASP acting as the transaction originator.", alias="originatorVASPname")
- beneficiary_vas_pname: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The name of the VASP acting as the transaction beneficiary.", alias="beneficiaryVASPname")
- transaction_blockchain_info: Optional[TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo] = Field(default=None, alias="transactionBlockchainInfo")
- originator: TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS
- beneficiary: TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS
- encrypted: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Encrypted data related to the transaction.")
- protocol: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The protocol used to perform the travel rule.")
- skip_beneficiary_data_validation: Optional[StrictBool] = Field(default=None, description="Whether to skip validation of beneficiary data.", alias="skipBeneficiaryDataValidation")
- travel_rule_behavior: Optional[StrictBool] = Field(default=None, description="Whether to check if the transaction complies with the travel rule in the beneficiary VASP's jurisdiction.", alias="travelRuleBehavior")
- originator_ref: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="A reference ID related to the originator of the transaction.", alias="originatorRef")
- beneficiary_ref: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="A reference ID related to the beneficiary of the transaction.", alias="beneficiaryRef")
- travel_rule_behavior_ref: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="A reference ID related to the travel rule behavior.", alias="travelRuleBehaviorRef")
- originator_proof: Optional[TravelRuleOwnershipProof] = Field(default=None, alias="originatorProof")
- beneficiary_proof: Optional[TravelRuleOwnershipProof] = Field(default=None, alias="beneficiaryProof")
- beneficiary_did: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The Decentralized Identifier (DID) of the person at the receiving exchange (VASP). This identifier is generated when the customer is registered in the Notabene network, or automatically created based on the `beneficiaryRef`. - If neither `beneficiaryRef` nor `beneficiaryDid` is provided in the `txCreate` payload, a new random DID is generated for every transaction.", alias="beneficiaryDid")
- originator_did: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The Decentralized Identifier (DID) of the person at the exchange (VASP) who is requesting the withdrawal. This identifier is generated when the customer is registered in the Notabene network or automatically created based on the `originatorRef`. - If neither `originatorRef` nor `originatorDid` is provided in the `txCreate` payload, a new random DID is generated for every transaction.", alias="originatorDid")
- is_non_custodial: Optional[StrictBool] = Field(default=None, description="Indicates if the transaction involves a non-custodial wallet.", alias="isNonCustodial")
+ transaction_asset: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The asset involved in the transaction", alias="transactionAsset")
+ transaction_amount: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The amount of the transaction", alias="transactionAmount")
+ originator_did: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The DID of the transaction originator", alias="originatorDid")
+ beneficiary_did: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The DID of the transaction beneficiary", alias="beneficiaryDid")
+ originator_vas_pdid: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The VASP ID of the transaction originator", alias="originatorVASPdid")
+ beneficiary_vas_pdid: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The VASP ID of the transaction beneficiary", alias="beneficiaryVASPdid")
+ beneficiary_vas_pname: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The name of the VASP acting as the beneficiary", alias="beneficiaryVASPname")
+ transaction_blockchain_info: Optional[TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo] = Field(default=None, description="Information about the blockchain transaction", alias="transactionBlockchainInfo")
+ originator: TravelRulePiiIVMS = Field(description="Information about the originator of the transaction")
+ beneficiary: TravelRulePiiIVMS = Field(description="Information about the beneficiary of the transaction")
+ encrypted: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Encrypted data related to the transaction")
+ protocol: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The protocol used to perform the travel rule")
notification_email: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The email address where a notification should be sent upon completion of the travel rule", alias="notificationEmail")
- pii: Optional[TravelRulePiiIVMS] = None
- pii_url: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The URL of the personal identifiable information related to the transaction")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["originatorVASPdid", "beneficiaryVASPdid", "transactionAsset", "transactionAmount", "originatorVASPname", "beneficiaryVASPname", "transactionBlockchainInfo", "originator", "beneficiary", "encrypted", "protocol", "skipBeneficiaryDataValidation", "travelRuleBehavior", "originatorRef", "beneficiaryRef", "travelRuleBehaviorRef", "originatorProof", "beneficiaryProof", "beneficiaryDid", "originatorDid", "isNonCustodial", "notificationEmail", "pii", "pii_url"]
- @field_validator('protocol')
- def protocol_validate_enum(cls, value):
- """Validates the enum"""
- if value is None:
- return value
- if value not in set(['TRLight', 'TRP', 'OpenVASP']):
- raise ValueError("must be one of enum values ('TRLight', 'TRP', 'OpenVASP')")
- return value
+ skip_beneficiary_data_validation: Optional[StrictBool] = Field(default=None, description="Whether to skip validation of beneficiary data", alias="skipBeneficiaryDataValidation")
+ travel_rule_behavior: Optional[StrictBool] = Field(default=None, description="Whether to check if the transaction is a TRAVEL_RULE in the beneficiary VASP's jurisdiction", alias="travelRuleBehavior")
+ originator_proof: Optional[TravelRuleOwnershipProof] = Field(default=None, description="Ownership proof related to the originator of the transaction", alias="originatorProof")
+ beneficiary_proof: Optional[TravelRuleOwnershipProof] = Field(default=None, description="Ownership proof related to the beneficiary of the transaction", alias="beneficiaryProof")
+ pii: Optional[TravelRulePiiIVMS] = Field(default=None, description="Personal identifiable information related to the transaction")
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["transactionAsset", "transactionAmount", "originatorDid", "beneficiaryDid", "originatorVASPdid", "beneficiaryVASPdid", "beneficiaryVASPname", "transactionBlockchainInfo", "originator", "beneficiary", "encrypted", "protocol", "notificationEmail", "skipBeneficiaryDataValidation", "travelRuleBehavior", "originatorProof", "beneficiaryProof", "pii"]
model_config = ConfigDict(
@@ -136,30 +119,24 @@ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
return cls.model_validate(obj)
_obj = cls.model_validate({
- "originatorVASPdid": obj.get("originatorVASPdid"),
- "beneficiaryVASPdid": obj.get("beneficiaryVASPdid"),
"transactionAsset": obj.get("transactionAsset"),
"transactionAmount": obj.get("transactionAmount"),
- "originatorVASPname": obj.get("originatorVASPname"),
+ "originatorDid": obj.get("originatorDid"),
+ "beneficiaryDid": obj.get("beneficiaryDid"),
+ "originatorVASPdid": obj.get("originatorVASPdid"),
+ "beneficiaryVASPdid": obj.get("beneficiaryVASPdid"),
"beneficiaryVASPname": obj.get("beneficiaryVASPname"),
"transactionBlockchainInfo": TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo.from_dict(obj["transactionBlockchainInfo"]) if obj.get("transactionBlockchainInfo") is not None else None,
- "originator": TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS.from_dict(obj["originator"]) if obj.get("originator") is not None else None,
- "beneficiary": TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS.from_dict(obj["beneficiary"]) if obj.get("beneficiary") is not None else None,
+ "originator": TravelRulePiiIVMS.from_dict(obj["originator"]) if obj.get("originator") is not None else None,
+ "beneficiary": TravelRulePiiIVMS.from_dict(obj["beneficiary"]) if obj.get("beneficiary") is not None else None,
"encrypted": obj.get("encrypted"),
"protocol": obj.get("protocol"),
+ "notificationEmail": obj.get("notificationEmail"),
"skipBeneficiaryDataValidation": obj.get("skipBeneficiaryDataValidation"),
"travelRuleBehavior": obj.get("travelRuleBehavior"),
- "originatorRef": obj.get("originatorRef"),
- "beneficiaryRef": obj.get("beneficiaryRef"),
- "travelRuleBehaviorRef": obj.get("travelRuleBehaviorRef"),
"originatorProof": TravelRuleOwnershipProof.from_dict(obj["originatorProof"]) if obj.get("originatorProof") is not None else None,
"beneficiaryProof": TravelRuleOwnershipProof.from_dict(obj["beneficiaryProof"]) if obj.get("beneficiaryProof") is not None else None,
- "beneficiaryDid": obj.get("beneficiaryDid"),
- "originatorDid": obj.get("originatorDid"),
- "isNonCustodial": obj.get("isNonCustodial"),
- "notificationEmail": obj.get("notificationEmail"),
- "pii": TravelRulePiiIVMS.from_dict(obj["pii"]) if obj.get("pii") is not None else None,
- "pii_url": obj.get("pii_url")
+ "pii": TravelRulePiiIVMS.from_dict(obj["pii"]) if obj.get("pii") is not None else None
return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_geographic_address.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_geographic_address.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e25c198..0000000
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_geographic_address.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-from __future__ import annotations
-import pprint
-import re # noqa: F401
-import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr, field_validator
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from typing import Optional, Set
-from typing_extensions import Self
-class TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress(BaseModel):
- """
- TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress
- """ # noqa: E501
- street_name: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Name of a street or thoroughfare", alias="streetName")
- town_name: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government", alias="townName")
- country: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Nation with its own government (ISO-3166 Alpha-2 country code)")
- building_number: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Number that identifies the position of a building on a street", alias="buildingNumber")
- post_code: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail", alias="postCode")
- address_type: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Specifies the type of address. Acceptable values are: - 'HOME': Residential, the home address - 'BIZZ': Business, the business address - 'GEOG': Geographic, an unspecified physical (geographical) address", alias="addressType")
- department: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Identification of a division of a large organisation or building")
- sub_department: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Identification of a sub-division of a large organisation or building", alias="subDepartment")
- building_name: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Name of the building or house", alias="buildingName")
- floor: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Floor or storey within a building")
- post_box: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Numbered box in a post office", alias="postBox")
- room: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Building room number")
- town_location_name: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Specific location name within the town", alias="townLocationName")
- district_name: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Identifies a subdivision within a country subdivision", alias="districtName")
- country_sub_division: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Identifies a subdivision of a country such as state, region, or province", alias="countrySubDivision")
- address_line: Optional[List[StrictStr]] = Field(default=None, description="Information that locates and identifies a specific address, presented in free format text", alias="addressLine")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["streetName", "townName", "country", "buildingNumber", "postCode", "addressType", "department", "subDepartment", "buildingName", "floor", "postBox", "room", "townLocationName", "districtName", "countrySubDivision", "addressLine"]
- @field_validator('address_type')
- def address_type_validate_enum(cls, value):
- """Validates the enum"""
- if value is None:
- return value
- if value not in set(['HOME', 'BIZZ', 'GEOG']):
- raise ValueError("must be one of enum values ('HOME', 'BIZZ', 'GEOG')")
- return value
- model_config = ConfigDict(
- populate_by_name=True,
- validate_assignment=True,
- protected_namespaces=(),
- )
- def to_str(self) -> str:
- """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
- return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
- def to_json(self) -> str:
- """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
- # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
- return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress from a JSON string"""
- return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
- def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
- This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
- `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
- * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
- were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
- are ignored.
- """
- excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
- ])
- _dict = self.model_dump(
- by_alias=True,
- exclude=excluded_fields,
- exclude_none=True,
- )
- return _dict
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress from a dict"""
- if obj is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return cls.model_validate(obj)
- _obj = cls.model_validate({
- "streetName": obj.get("streetName"),
- "townName": obj.get("townName"),
- "country": obj.get("country"),
- "buildingNumber": obj.get("buildingNumber"),
- "postCode": obj.get("postCode"),
- "addressType": obj.get("addressType"),
- "department": obj.get("department"),
- "subDepartment": obj.get("subDepartment"),
- "buildingName": obj.get("buildingName"),
- "floor": obj.get("floor"),
- "postBox": obj.get("postBox"),
- "room": obj.get("room"),
- "townLocationName": obj.get("townLocationName"),
- "districtName": obj.get("districtName"),
- "countrySubDivision": obj.get("countrySubDivision"),
- "addressLine": obj.get("addressLine")
- })
- return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_legal_person.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_legal_person.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f882fbd..0000000
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_legal_person.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-from __future__ import annotations
-import pprint
-import re # noqa: F401
-import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_geographic_address import TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_legal_person_name_identifier import TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_national_identification import TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification
-from typing import Optional, Set
-from typing_extensions import Self
-class TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson(BaseModel):
- """
- TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson
- """ # noqa: E501
- name: Optional[TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier] = None
- geographic_address: Optional[List[TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress]] = Field(default=None, description="The array of geographic addresses associated with the legal person.", alias="geographicAddress")
- national_identification: Optional[TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification] = Field(default=None, alias="nationalIdentification")
- customer_identification: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="A unique identifier that identifies the customer in the organization's context.", alias="customerIdentification")
- customer_number: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="A distinct identifier that uniquely identifies the customer within the organization.", alias="customerNumber")
- country_of_registration: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The ISO-3166 Alpha-2 country code where the legal person is registered.", alias="countryOfRegistration")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["name", "geographicAddress", "nationalIdentification", "customerIdentification", "customerNumber", "countryOfRegistration"]
- model_config = ConfigDict(
- populate_by_name=True,
- validate_assignment=True,
- protected_namespaces=(),
- )
- def to_str(self) -> str:
- """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
- return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
- def to_json(self) -> str:
- """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
- # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
- return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson from a JSON string"""
- return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
- def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
- This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
- `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
- * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
- were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
- are ignored.
- """
- excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
- ])
- _dict = self.model_dump(
- by_alias=True,
- exclude=excluded_fields,
- exclude_none=True,
- )
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of name
- if self.name:
- _dict['name'] = self.name.to_dict()
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in geographic_address (list)
- _items = []
- if self.geographic_address:
- for _item in self.geographic_address:
- if _item:
- _items.append(_item.to_dict())
- _dict['geographicAddress'] = _items
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of national_identification
- if self.national_identification:
- _dict['nationalIdentification'] = self.national_identification.to_dict()
- return _dict
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson from a dict"""
- if obj is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return cls.model_validate(obj)
- _obj = cls.model_validate({
- "name": TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier.from_dict(obj["name"]) if obj.get("name") is not None else None,
- "geographicAddress": [TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["geographicAddress"]] if obj.get("geographicAddress") is not None else None,
- "nationalIdentification": TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification.from_dict(obj["nationalIdentification"]) if obj.get("nationalIdentification") is not None else None,
- "customerIdentification": obj.get("customerIdentification"),
- "customerNumber": obj.get("customerNumber"),
- "countryOfRegistration": obj.get("countryOfRegistration")
- })
- return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_legal_person_name_identifier.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_legal_person_name_identifier.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d4a0b03..0000000
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_legal_person_name_identifier.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-from __future__ import annotations
-import pprint
-import re # noqa: F401
-import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr, field_validator
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from typing_extensions import Annotated
-from typing import Optional, Set
-from typing_extensions import Self
-class TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier(BaseModel):
- """
- TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier
- """ # noqa: E501
- legal_person_name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = Field(default=None, description="Name by which the legal person is known.", alias="legalPersonName")
- legal_person_name_identifier_type: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Specifies the type of name for a legal person. Acceptable values are: - 'REGISTERED': The official registered name. - 'TRADE': A trading name or DBA (Doing Business As) name. - 'OTHER': Any other type of name.", alias="legalPersonNameIdentifierType")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["legalPersonName", "legalPersonNameIdentifierType"]
- @field_validator('legal_person_name_identifier_type')
- def legal_person_name_identifier_type_validate_enum(cls, value):
- """Validates the enum"""
- if value is None:
- return value
- if value not in set(['REGISTERED', 'TRADE', 'OTHER']):
- raise ValueError("must be one of enum values ('REGISTERED', 'TRADE', 'OTHER')")
- return value
- model_config = ConfigDict(
- populate_by_name=True,
- validate_assignment=True,
- protected_namespaces=(),
- )
- def to_str(self) -> str:
- """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
- return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
- def to_json(self) -> str:
- """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
- # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
- return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier from a JSON string"""
- return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
- def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
- This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
- `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
- * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
- were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
- are ignored.
- """
- excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
- ])
- _dict = self.model_dump(
- by_alias=True,
- exclude=excluded_fields,
- exclude_none=True,
- )
- return _dict
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier from a dict"""
- if obj is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return cls.model_validate(obj)
- _obj = cls.model_validate({
- "legalPersonName": obj.get("legalPersonName"),
- "legalPersonNameIdentifierType": obj.get("legalPersonNameIdentifierType")
- })
- return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_national_identification.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_national_identification.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 08fae3a..0000000
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_national_identification.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-from __future__ import annotations
-import pprint
-import re # noqa: F401
-import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr, field_validator
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from typing_extensions import Annotated
-from typing import Optional, Set
-from typing_extensions import Self
-class TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification(BaseModel):
- """
- Represents a national identifier for a person or entity
- """ # noqa: E501
- country_of_issue: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Country that issued the national identifier (ISO-3166 Alpha-2 country code)", alias="countryOfIssue")
- national_identifier: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=35)]] = Field(default=None, description="National identifier (max 35 characters)", alias="nationalIdentifier")
- national_identifier_type: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Type of national identifier. Acceptable values include: - 'PASSPORT': Passport number - 'NATIONAL_ID': National identification number - 'TAX_ID': Tax identification number - 'SOCIAL_SECURITY': Social security number", alias="nationalIdentifierType")
- registration_authority: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)]] = Field(default=None, description="Registration authority (format -> RA followed by 6 digits)", alias="registrationAuthority")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["countryOfIssue", "nationalIdentifier", "nationalIdentifierType", "registrationAuthority"]
- @field_validator('national_identifier_type')
- def national_identifier_type_validate_enum(cls, value):
- """Validates the enum"""
- if value is None:
- return value
- if value not in set(['PASSPORT', 'NATIONAL_ID', 'TAX_ID', 'SOCIAL_SECURITY']):
- raise ValueError("must be one of enum values ('PASSPORT', 'NATIONAL_ID', 'TAX_ID', 'SOCIAL_SECURITY')")
- return value
- @field_validator('registration_authority')
- def registration_authority_validate_regular_expression(cls, value):
- """Validates the regular expression"""
- if value is None:
- return value
- if not re.match(r"^RA\d{6}$", value):
- raise ValueError(r"must validate the regular expression /^RA\d{6}$/")
- return value
- model_config = ConfigDict(
- populate_by_name=True,
- validate_assignment=True,
- protected_namespaces=(),
- )
- def to_str(self) -> str:
- """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
- return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
- def to_json(self) -> str:
- """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
- # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
- return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification from a JSON string"""
- return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
- def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
- This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
- `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
- * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
- were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
- are ignored.
- """
- excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
- ])
- _dict = self.model_dump(
- by_alias=True,
- exclude=excluded_fields,
- exclude_none=True,
- )
- return _dict
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification from a dict"""
- if obj is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return cls.model_validate(obj)
- _obj = cls.model_validate({
- "countryOfIssue": obj.get("countryOfIssue"),
- "nationalIdentifier": obj.get("nationalIdentifier"),
- "nationalIdentifierType": obj.get("nationalIdentifierType"),
- "registrationAuthority": obj.get("registrationAuthority")
- })
- return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ff09446..0000000
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-from __future__ import annotations
-import pprint
-import re # noqa: F401
-import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr, field_validator
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from typing import Optional, Set
-from typing_extensions import Self
-class TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(BaseModel):
- """
- TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier
- """ # noqa: E501
- primary_identifier: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The primary identifier of the name", alias="primaryIdentifier")
- secondary_identifier: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The secondary identifier of the name", alias="secondaryIdentifier")
- name_identifier_type: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Specifies the type of name for a natural person. Acceptable values are: - 'ALIA': Alias name, a name other than the legal name by which a natural person is also known. - 'BIRT': Name at birth, the name given to a natural person at birth. - 'MAID': Maiden name, the original name of a natural person who has changed their name after marriage. - 'LEGL': Legal name, the name that identifies a natural person for legal, official, or administrative purposes. - 'MISC': Unspecified, a name by which a natural person may be known but cannot otherwise be categorized.", alias="nameIdentifierType")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["primaryIdentifier", "secondaryIdentifier", "nameIdentifierType"]
- @field_validator('name_identifier_type')
- def name_identifier_type_validate_enum(cls, value):
- """Validates the enum"""
- if value is None:
- return value
- if value not in set(['ALIA', 'BIRT', 'MAID', 'LEGL', 'MISC']):
- raise ValueError("must be one of enum values ('ALIA', 'BIRT', 'MAID', 'LEGL', 'MISC')")
- return value
- model_config = ConfigDict(
- populate_by_name=True,
- validate_assignment=True,
- protected_namespaces=(),
- )
- def to_str(self) -> str:
- """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
- return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
- def to_json(self) -> str:
- """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
- # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
- return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier from a JSON string"""
- return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
- def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
- This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
- `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
- * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
- were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
- are ignored.
- """
- excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
- ])
- _dict = self.model_dump(
- by_alias=True,
- exclude=excluded_fields,
- exclude_none=True,
- )
- return _dict
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier from a dict"""
- if obj is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return cls.model_validate(obj)
- _obj = cls.model_validate({
- "primaryIdentifier": obj.get("primaryIdentifier"),
- "secondaryIdentifier": obj.get("secondaryIdentifier"),
- "nameIdentifierType": obj.get("nameIdentifierType")
- })
- return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_natural_person.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_natural_person.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8efed1f..0000000
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_natural_person.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-from __future__ import annotations
-import pprint
-import re # noqa: F401
-import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth import TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_geographic_address import TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_national_identification import TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier import TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier
-from typing import Optional, Set
-from typing_extensions import Self
-class TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson(BaseModel):
- """
- TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson
- """ # noqa: E501
- name: Optional[List[TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier]] = Field(default=None, description="An array of structured name identifiers for the natural person, referencing the TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier schema.")
- geographic_address: Optional[List[TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress]] = Field(default=None, description="An array of geographic addresses associated with the natural person, referencing the TravelRuleGeographicAddress schema.", alias="geographicAddress")
- national_identification: Optional[TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification] = Field(default=None, alias="nationalIdentification")
- date_and_place_of_birth: Optional[TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth] = Field(default=None, alias="dateAndPlaceOfBirth")
- customer_identification: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="A unique identifier for the customer within the organization's context.", alias="customerIdentification")
- country_of_residence: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The ISO-3166 Alpha-2 country code of the natural person's residence.", alias="countryOfResidence")
- customer_number: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="A distinct identifier that uniquely identifies the customer within the organization.", alias="customerNumber")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["name", "geographicAddress", "nationalIdentification", "dateAndPlaceOfBirth", "customerIdentification", "countryOfResidence", "customerNumber"]
- model_config = ConfigDict(
- populate_by_name=True,
- validate_assignment=True,
- protected_namespaces=(),
- )
- def to_str(self) -> str:
- """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
- return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
- def to_json(self) -> str:
- """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
- # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
- return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson from a JSON string"""
- return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
- def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
- This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
- `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
- * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
- were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
- are ignored.
- """
- excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
- ])
- _dict = self.model_dump(
- by_alias=True,
- exclude=excluded_fields,
- exclude_none=True,
- )
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in name (list)
- _items = []
- if self.name:
- for _item in self.name:
- if _item:
- _items.append(_item.to_dict())
- _dict['name'] = _items
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in geographic_address (list)
- _items = []
- if self.geographic_address:
- for _item in self.geographic_address:
- if _item:
- _items.append(_item.to_dict())
- _dict['geographicAddress'] = _items
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of national_identification
- if self.national_identification:
- _dict['nationalIdentification'] = self.national_identification.to_dict()
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of date_and_place_of_birth
- if self.date_and_place_of_birth:
- _dict['dateAndPlaceOfBirth'] = self.date_and_place_of_birth.to_dict()
- return _dict
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson from a dict"""
- if obj is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return cls.model_validate(obj)
- _obj = cls.model_validate({
- "name": [TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["name"]] if obj.get("name") is not None else None,
- "geographicAddress": [TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["geographicAddress"]] if obj.get("geographicAddress") is not None else None,
- "nationalIdentification": TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification.from_dict(obj["nationalIdentification"]) if obj.get("nationalIdentification") is not None else None,
- "dateAndPlaceOfBirth": TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth.from_dict(obj["dateAndPlaceOfBirth"]) if obj.get("dateAndPlaceOfBirth") is not None else None,
- "customerIdentification": obj.get("customerIdentification"),
- "countryOfResidence": obj.get("countryOfResidence"),
- "customerNumber": obj.get("customerNumber")
- })
- return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier.py
deleted file mode 100644
index af55d91..0000000
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-from __future__ import annotations
-import pprint
-import re # noqa: F401
-import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier import TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier
-from typing import Optional, Set
-from typing_extensions import Self
-class TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(BaseModel):
- """
- TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier
- """ # noqa: E501
- name_identifier: Optional[List[TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier]] = Field(default=None, alias="nameIdentifier")
- local_name_identifier: Optional[List[TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier]] = Field(default=None, alias="localNameIdentifier")
- phonetic_name_identifier: Optional[List[TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier]] = Field(default=None, alias="phoneticNameIdentifier")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["nameIdentifier", "localNameIdentifier", "phoneticNameIdentifier"]
- model_config = ConfigDict(
- populate_by_name=True,
- validate_assignment=True,
- protected_namespaces=(),
- )
- def to_str(self) -> str:
- """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
- return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
- def to_json(self) -> str:
- """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
- # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
- return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier from a JSON string"""
- return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
- def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
- This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
- `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
- * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
- were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
- are ignored.
- """
- excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
- ])
- _dict = self.model_dump(
- by_alias=True,
- exclude=excluded_fields,
- exclude_none=True,
- )
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in name_identifier (list)
- _items = []
- if self.name_identifier:
- for _item in self.name_identifier:
- if _item:
- _items.append(_item.to_dict())
- _dict['nameIdentifier'] = _items
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in local_name_identifier (list)
- _items = []
- if self.local_name_identifier:
- for _item in self.local_name_identifier:
- if _item:
- _items.append(_item.to_dict())
- _dict['localNameIdentifier'] = _items
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in phonetic_name_identifier (list)
- _items = []
- if self.phonetic_name_identifier:
- for _item in self.phonetic_name_identifier:
- if _item:
- _items.append(_item.to_dict())
- _dict['phoneticNameIdentifier'] = _items
- return _dict
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier from a dict"""
- if obj is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return cls.model_validate(obj)
- _obj = cls.model_validate({
- "nameIdentifier": [TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["nameIdentifier"]] if obj.get("nameIdentifier") is not None else None,
- "localNameIdentifier": [TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["localNameIdentifier"]] if obj.get("localNameIdentifier") is not None else None,
- "phoneticNameIdentifier": [TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["phoneticNameIdentifier"]] if obj.get("phoneticNameIdentifier") is not None else None
- })
- return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_person.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_person.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0868389..0000000
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_person.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-from __future__ import annotations
-import pprint
-import re # noqa: F401
-import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_legal_person import TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person import TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson
-from typing import Optional, Set
-from typing_extensions import Self
-class TravelRuleValidatePerson(BaseModel):
- """
- TravelRuleValidatePerson
- """ # noqa: E501
- natural_person: Optional[TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson] = Field(default=None, alias="naturalPerson")
- legal_person: Optional[TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson] = Field(default=None, alias="legalPerson")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["naturalPerson", "legalPerson"]
- model_config = ConfigDict(
- populate_by_name=True,
- validate_assignment=True,
- protected_namespaces=(),
- )
- def to_str(self) -> str:
- """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
- return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
- def to_json(self) -> str:
- """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
- # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
- return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleValidatePerson from a JSON string"""
- return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
- def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
- This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
- `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
- * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
- were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
- are ignored.
- """
- excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
- ])
- _dict = self.model_dump(
- by_alias=True,
- exclude=excluded_fields,
- exclude_none=True,
- )
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of natural_person
- if self.natural_person:
- _dict['naturalPerson'] = self.natural_person.to_dict()
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of legal_person
- if self.legal_person:
- _dict['legalPerson'] = self.legal_person.to_dict()
- return _dict
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleValidatePerson from a dict"""
- if obj is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return cls.model_validate(obj)
- _obj = cls.model_validate({
- "naturalPerson": TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson.from_dict(obj["naturalPerson"]) if obj.get("naturalPerson") is not None else None,
- "legalPerson": TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson.from_dict(obj["legalPerson"]) if obj.get("legalPerson") is not None else None
- })
- return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_pii_ivms.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_pii_ivms.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d525ed..0000000
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_pii_ivms.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-from __future__ import annotations
-import pprint
-import re # noqa: F401
-import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_person import TravelRuleValidatePerson
-from typing import Optional, Set
-from typing_extensions import Self
-class TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS(BaseModel):
- """
- Information about the originator of the transaction.
- """ # noqa: E501
- originator_persons: Optional[List[TravelRuleValidatePerson]] = Field(default=None, description="Information about the originator of the transaction", alias="originatorPersons")
- beneficiary_persons: Optional[List[TravelRuleValidatePerson]] = Field(default=None, description="Information about the beneficiary of the transaction", alias="beneficiaryPersons")
- account_number: Optional[List[StrictStr]] = Field(default=None, description="Beneficiary account number", alias="accountNumber")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["originatorPersons", "beneficiaryPersons", "accountNumber"]
- model_config = ConfigDict(
- populate_by_name=True,
- validate_assignment=True,
- protected_namespaces=(),
- )
- def to_str(self) -> str:
- """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
- return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
- def to_json(self) -> str:
- """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
- # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
- return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
- @classmethod
- def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS from a JSON string"""
- return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
- def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
- This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
- `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
- * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
- were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
- are ignored.
- """
- excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
- ])
- _dict = self.model_dump(
- by_alias=True,
- exclude=excluded_fields,
- exclude_none=True,
- )
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in originator_persons (list)
- _items = []
- if self.originator_persons:
- for _item in self.originator_persons:
- if _item:
- _items.append(_item.to_dict())
- _dict['originatorPersons'] = _items
- # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in beneficiary_persons (list)
- _items = []
- if self.beneficiary_persons:
- for _item in self.beneficiary_persons:
- if _item:
- _items.append(_item.to_dict())
- _dict['beneficiaryPersons'] = _items
- return _dict
- @classmethod
- def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
- """Create an instance of TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS from a dict"""
- if obj is None:
- return None
- if not isinstance(obj, dict):
- return cls.model_validate(obj)
- _obj = cls.model_validate({
- "originatorPersons": [TravelRuleValidatePerson.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["originatorPersons"]] if obj.get("originatorPersons") is not None else None,
- "beneficiaryPersons": [TravelRuleValidatePerson.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["beneficiaryPersons"]] if obj.get("beneficiaryPersons") is not None else None,
- "accountNumber": obj.get("accountNumber")
- })
- return _obj
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_transaction_request.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_transaction_request.py
index c90c00b..69a1e65 100644
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_transaction_request.py
+++ b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_transaction_request.py
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
import re # noqa: F401
import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictFloat, StrictInt, StrictStr
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_address import TravelRuleAddress
from typing import Optional, Set
from typing_extensions import Self
@@ -28,10 +28,9 @@ class TravelRuleValidateTransactionRequest(BaseModel):
""" # noqa: E501
- transaction_asset: StrictStr = Field(description="Transaction asset symbol (BTC,ETH)", alias="transactionAsset")
+ transaction_asset: StrictStr = Field(description="Transaction asset symbol BTC,ETH)", alias="transactionAsset")
destination: StrictStr = Field(description="Transaction destination address")
transaction_amount: StrictStr = Field(description="Transaction amount in the transaction asset", alias="transactionAmount")
- transaction_asset_decimals: Optional[Union[StrictFloat, StrictInt]] = Field(default=None, description="Number of decimals in the transaction asset. This is used to convert the transaction amount to the smallest unit of the asset", alias="transactionAssetDecimals")
originator_vas_pdid: StrictStr = Field(description="This is the identifier assigned to your VASP", alias="originatorVASPdid")
originator_equals_beneficiary: StrictBool = Field(description="\"True\" if the originator and beneficiary is the same person and you therefore do not need to collect any information. \"False\" if it is a third-party transfer.", alias="originatorEqualsBeneficiary")
travel_rule_behavior: Optional[StrictBool] = Field(default=None, description="This will also check if the transaction is a TRAVEL_RULE in the beneficiary VASP's jurisdiction", alias="travelRuleBehavior")
@@ -39,8 +38,8 @@ class TravelRuleValidateTransactionRequest(BaseModel):
beneficiary_vas_pname: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Beneficiary VASP name", alias="beneficiaryVASPname")
beneficiary_name: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Beneficiary name", alias="beneficiaryName")
beneficiary_account_number: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Beneficiary name", alias="beneficiaryAccountNumber")
- beneficiary_address: Optional[TravelRuleAddress] = Field(default=None, alias="beneficiaryAddress")
- __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["transactionAsset", "destination", "transactionAmount", "transactionAssetDecimals", "originatorVASPdid", "originatorEqualsBeneficiary", "travelRuleBehavior", "beneficiaryVASPdid", "beneficiaryVASPname", "beneficiaryName", "beneficiaryAccountNumber", "beneficiaryAddress"]
+ beneficiary_address: Optional[TravelRuleAddress] = Field(default=None, description="Beneficiary name", alias="beneficiaryAddress")
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["transactionAsset", "destination", "transactionAmount", "originatorVASPdid", "originatorEqualsBeneficiary", "travelRuleBehavior", "beneficiaryVASPdid", "beneficiaryVASPname", "beneficiaryName", "beneficiaryAccountNumber", "beneficiaryAddress"]
model_config = ConfigDict(
@@ -99,7 +98,6 @@ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
"transactionAsset": obj.get("transactionAsset"),
"destination": obj.get("destination"),
"transactionAmount": obj.get("transactionAmount"),
- "transactionAssetDecimals": obj.get("transactionAssetDecimals"),
"originatorVASPdid": obj.get("originatorVASPdid"),
"originatorEqualsBeneficiary": obj.get("originatorEqualsBeneficiary"),
"travelRuleBehavior": obj.get("travelRuleBehavior"),
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_transaction_response.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_transaction_response.py
index 7152fe7..d5375c5 100644
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_transaction_response.py
+++ b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_validate_transaction_response.py
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
import re # noqa: F401
import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictStr, field_validator
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictStr
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
from typing import Optional, Set
from typing_extensions import Self
@@ -36,20 +36,6 @@ class TravelRuleValidateTransactionResponse(BaseModel):
warnings: List[StrictStr] = Field(description="\"errors/warnings\" will tell you what information about the beneficiary you need to collect from the sender.")
__properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["isValid", "type", "beneficiaryAddressType", "addressSource", "beneficiaryVASPdid", "beneficiaryVASPname", "warnings"]
- @field_validator('beneficiary_address_type')
- def beneficiary_address_type_validate_enum(cls, value):
- """Validates the enum"""
- if value not in set(['UNKNOWN', 'HOSTED', 'UNHOSTED']):
- raise ValueError("must be one of enum values ('UNKNOWN', 'HOSTED', 'UNHOSTED')")
- return value
- @field_validator('address_source')
- def address_source_validate_enum(cls, value):
- """Validates the enum"""
- raise ValueError("must be one of enum values ('UNKNOWN', 'ADDRESS_HASH', 'ADDRESS_GRAPH', 'CHAINALYSIS', 'ELLIPTIC', 'CRYSTAL')")
- return value
model_config = ConfigDict(
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_vasp.py b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_vasp.py
index 0be3103..d76c1eb 100644
--- a/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_vasp.py
+++ b/fireblocks/models/travel_rule_vasp.py
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
import json
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictStr
-from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_issuers import TravelRuleIssuers
from typing import Optional, Set
from typing_extensions import Self
@@ -28,51 +28,51 @@ class TravelRuleVASP(BaseModel):
""" # noqa: E501
- did: StrictStr = Field(description="The Decentralized Identifier (DID) of the VASP.")
- name: StrictStr = Field(description="The name of the VASP.")
- verification_status: StrictStr = Field(description="The current verification status of the VASP.", alias="verificationStatus")
- address_line1: StrictStr = Field(description="The first line of the VASP's address.", alias="addressLine1")
- address_line2: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The second line of the VASP's address (if applicable).", alias="addressLine2")
- city: StrictStr = Field(description="The city where the VASP is located.")
- country: StrictStr = Field(description="The country where the VASP is registered (ISO-3166 Alpha-2 code).")
- email_domains: StrictStr = Field(description="Comma-separated list of email domains associated with the VASP.", alias="emailDomains")
- website: StrictStr = Field(description="The official website of the VASP.")
- logo: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="URL to the logo of the VASP.")
- legal_structure: StrictStr = Field(description="The legal structure of the VASP (e.g., Corporation, LLC).", alias="legalStructure")
- legal_name: StrictStr = Field(description="The legal name of the VASP.", alias="legalName")
- year_founded: StrictStr = Field(description="The year the VASP was founded.", alias="yearFounded")
- incorporation_country: StrictStr = Field(description="The country where the VASP is incorporated (ISO-3166 Alpha-2 code).", alias="incorporationCountry")
- is_regulated: StrictStr = Field(description="Indicates whether the VASP is regulated.", alias="isRegulated")
- other_names: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Other names the VASP is known by.", alias="otherNames")
- identification_type: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The type of identification used by the VASP.", alias="identificationType")
- identification_country: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The country of identification for the VASP (ISO-3166 Alpha-2 code).", alias="identificationCountry")
- business_number: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The business registration number of the VASP.", alias="businessNumber")
- regulatory_authorities: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The regulatory authorities overseeing the VASP.", alias="regulatoryAuthorities")
- jurisdictions: StrictStr = Field(description="The jurisdictions where the VASP operates.")
- street: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The street name where the VASP is located.")
- number: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The building number of the VASP's address.")
- unit: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The unit or suite number of the VASP's address.")
- post_code: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The postal code of the VASP's location.", alias="postCode")
- state: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The state or region where the VASP is located.")
- certificates: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Certificates or licenses held by the VASP.")
- description: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="A brief description of the VASP.")
- travel_rule_openvasp: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Travel rule compliance status for OpenVASP.", alias="travelRule_OPENVASP")
- travel_rule_sygna: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Travel rule compliance status for Sygna.", alias="travelRule_SYGNA")
- travel_rule_trisa: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Travel rule compliance status for TRISA.", alias="travelRule_TRISA")
- travel_rule_trlight: StrictStr = Field(description="Travel rule compliance status for TRLight.", alias="travelRule_TRLIGHT")
- travel_rule_email: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Travel rule compliance status for EMAIL.", alias="travelRule_EMAIL")
- travel_rule_trp: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Travel rule compliance status for TRP.", alias="travelRule_TRP")
- travel_rule_shyft: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Travel rule compliance status for Shyft.", alias="travelRule_SHYFT")
- travel_rule_ustravelrulewg: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Travel rule compliance status for US Travel Rule WG.", alias="travelRule_USTRAVELRULEWG")
- created_at: StrictStr = Field(description="Timestamp when the VASP record was created.", alias="createdAt")
- created_by: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="User or system that created the VASP record.", alias="createdBy")
- updated_at: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Timestamp of the last update to the VASP record.", alias="updatedAt")
- updated_by: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="User or system that last updated the VASP record.", alias="updatedBy")
- last_sent_date: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The last date a transaction was sent by the VASP.", alias="lastSentDate")
- last_received_date: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The last date a transaction was received by the VASP.", alias="lastReceivedDate")
- documents: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="Documents associated with the VASP.")
- has_admin: StrictBool = Field(description="Indicates if the VASP has an admin.", alias="hasAdmin")
- is_notifiable: StrictBool = Field(description="Indicates if the VASP is notifiable for compliance reasons.", alias="isNotifiable")
+ did: StrictStr
+ name: StrictStr
+ verification_status: StrictStr = Field(alias="verificationStatus")
+ address_line1: StrictStr = Field(alias="addressLine1")
+ address_line2: StrictStr = Field(alias="addressLine2")
+ city: StrictStr
+ country: StrictStr
+ email_domains: StrictStr = Field(alias="emailDomains")
+ website: StrictStr
+ logo: StrictStr
+ legal_structure: StrictStr = Field(alias="legalStructure")
+ legal_name: StrictStr = Field(alias="legalName")
+ year_founded: StrictStr = Field(alias="yearFounded")
+ incorporation_country: StrictStr = Field(alias="incorporationCountry")
+ is_regulated: StrictStr = Field(alias="isRegulated")
+ other_names: StrictStr = Field(alias="otherNames")
+ identification_type: StrictStr = Field(alias="identificationType")
+ identification_country: StrictStr = Field(alias="identificationCountry")
+ business_number: StrictStr = Field(alias="businessNumber")
+ regulatory_authorities: StrictStr = Field(alias="regulatoryAuthorities")
+ jurisdictions: StrictStr
+ street: StrictStr
+ number: StrictStr
+ unit: StrictStr
+ post_code: StrictStr = Field(alias="postCode")
+ state: StrictStr
+ certificates: StrictStr
+ description: StrictStr
+ travel_rule_openvasp: StrictStr = Field(alias="travelRule_OPENVASP")
+ travel_rule_sygna: StrictStr = Field(alias="travelRule_SYGNA")
+ travel_rule_trisa: StrictStr = Field(alias="travelRule_TRISA")
+ travel_rule_trlight: StrictStr = Field(alias="travelRule_TRLIGHT")
+ travel_rule_email: StrictStr = Field(alias="travelRule_EMAIL")
+ travel_rule_trp: StrictStr = Field(alias="travelRule_TRP")
+ travel_rule_shyft: StrictStr = Field(alias="travelRule_SHYFT")
+ travel_rule_ustravelrulewg: StrictStr = Field(alias="travelRule_USTRAVELRULEWG")
+ created_at: StrictStr = Field(alias="createdAt")
+ created_by: StrictStr = Field(alias="createdBy")
+ updated_at: StrictStr = Field(alias="updatedAt")
+ updated_by: StrictStr = Field(alias="updatedBy")
+ last_sent_date: StrictStr = Field(alias="lastSentDate")
+ last_received_date: StrictStr = Field(alias="lastReceivedDate")
+ documents: StrictStr
+ has_admin: StrictBool = Field(alias="hasAdmin")
+ is_notifiable: StrictBool = Field(alias="isNotifiable")
issuers: TravelRuleIssuers
__properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["did", "name", "verificationStatus", "addressLine1", "addressLine2", "city", "country", "emailDomains", "website", "logo", "legalStructure", "legalName", "yearFounded", "incorporationCountry", "isRegulated", "otherNames", "identificationType", "identificationCountry", "businessNumber", "regulatoryAuthorities", "jurisdictions", "street", "number", "unit", "postCode", "state", "certificates", "description", "travelRule_OPENVASP", "travelRule_SYGNA", "travelRule_TRISA", "travelRule_TRLIGHT", "travelRule_EMAIL", "travelRule_TRP", "travelRule_SHYFT", "travelRule_USTRAVELRULEWG", "createdAt", "createdBy", "updatedAt", "updatedBy", "lastSentDate", "lastReceivedDate", "documents", "hasAdmin", "isNotifiable", "issuers"]
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/webhook.py b/fireblocks/models/webhook.py
index 96a1b56..712687f 100644
--- a/fireblocks/models/webhook.py
+++ b/fireblocks/models/webhook.py
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
import re # noqa: F401
import json
-from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr, field_validator
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr, field_validator
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
from typing_extensions import Annotated
from fireblocks.models.webhook_event import WebhookEvent
@@ -29,20 +30,23 @@ class Webhook(BaseModel):
""" # noqa: E501
- id: StrictStr = Field(description="The id of the webhook")
- url: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)] = Field(description="The url of the webhook where notifications will be sent. Must be a valid URL and https.")
+ id: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The id of the webhook")
+ url: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = Field(default=None, description="The url of the webhook where notifications will be sent. Must be a valid URL and https.")
description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = Field(default=None, description="description of the webhook of what it is used for")
- events: List[WebhookEvent] = Field(description="The events that the webhook will be subscribed to")
- status: StrictStr = Field(description="The status of the webhook")
- created_at: StrictInt = Field(description="The date and time the webhook was created in milliseconds", alias="createdAt")
- updated_at: StrictInt = Field(description="The date and time the webhook was last updated in milliseconds", alias="updatedAt")
+ events: Optional[List[WebhookEvent]] = Field(default=None, description="The events that the webhook will be subscribed to")
+ status: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(default=None, description="The status of the webhook")
+ created_at: Optional[datetime] = Field(default=None, description="The date and time the webhook was created", alias="createdAt")
+ updated_at: Optional[datetime] = Field(default=None, description="The date and time the webhook was last updated", alias="updatedAt")
__properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["id", "url", "description", "events", "status", "createdAt", "updatedAt"]
def status_validate_enum(cls, value):
"""Validates the enum"""
- if value not in set(['DISABLED', 'ENABLED', 'SUSPENDED']):
- raise ValueError("must be one of enum values ('DISABLED', 'ENABLED', 'SUSPENDED')")
+ if value is None:
+ return value
+ if value not in set(['DISABLED', 'ENABLED']):
+ raise ValueError("must be one of enum values ('DISABLED', 'ENABLED')")
return value
model_config = ConfigDict(
diff --git a/fireblocks/models/webhook_event.py b/fireblocks/models/webhook_event.py
index a61f08a..5f429bb 100644
--- a/fireblocks/models/webhook_event.py
+++ b/fireblocks/models/webhook_event.py
@@ -39,12 +39,36 @@ class WebhookEvent(str, Enum):
VAULT_ACCOUNT_DOT_CREATED = 'vault_account.created'
VAULT_ACCOUNT_DOT_ASSET_DOT_LISTED = 'vault_account.asset.listed'
VAULT_ACCOUNT_DOT_ASSET_DOT_BALANCE_UPDATED = 'vault_account.asset.balance_updated'
- EMBEDDED_WALLET_DOT_STATUS_DOT_UPDATED = 'embedded_wallet.status.updated'
+ VAULT_ACCOUNT_DOT_NFT_DOT_BALANCE_UPDATED = 'vault_account.nft.balance_updated'
EMBEDDED_WALLET_DOT_CREATED = 'embedded_wallet.created'
EMBEDDED_WALLET_DOT_ASSET_DOT_BALANCE_UPDATED = 'embedded_wallet.asset.balance_updated'
EMBEDDED_WALLET_DOT_ASSET_DOT_LISTED = 'embedded_wallet.asset.listed'
EMBEDDED_WALLET_DOT_ACCOUNT_DOT_CREATED = 'embedded_wallet.account.created'
EMBEDDED_WALLET_DOT_DEVICE_DOT_ADDED = 'embedded_wallet.device.added'
+ EMBEDDED_WALLET_DOT_TRANSACTION_DOT_UPDATED = 'embedded_wallet.transaction.updated'
+ EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT_DOT_CONNECTED = 'exchange_account.connected'
+ FIAT_ACCOUNT_DOT_CONNECTED = 'fiat_account.connected'
+ TICKET_DOT_CREATED = 'ticket.created'
+ TICKET_DOT_SUBMITTED = 'ticket.submitted'
+ TICKET_DOT_EXPIRED = 'ticket.expired'
+ TICKET_DOT_CANCELED = 'ticket.canceled'
+ TICKET_DOT_FULFILLED = 'ticket.fulfilled'
+ TICKET_DOT_COUNTERPARTY_DOT_ADDED = 'ticket.counterparty.added'
+ TICKET_DOT_COUNTERPARTY_EXTERNAL_ID_DOT_SET = 'ticket.counterparty_external_id.set'
+ TICKET_DOT_NOTE_DOT_ADDED = 'ticket.note.added'
+ TICKET_DOT_EXPIRED_IN_DOT_SET = 'ticket.expired_in.set'
+ TICKET_DOT_EXPIRED_AT_DOT_SET = 'ticket.expired_at.set'
+ TICKET_DOT_TERM_DOT_ADDED = 'ticket.term.added'
+ TICKET_DOT_TERM_DOT_UPDATED = 'ticket.term.updated'
+ TICKET_DOT_TERM_DOT_DELETED = 'ticket.term.deleted'
+ TICKET_DOT_TERM_DOT_FUNDED = 'ticket.term.funded'
+ TICKET_DOT_TERM_DOT_MANUALLY_FUNDED = 'ticket.term.manually_funded'
+ TICKET_DOT_TERM_DOT_FUNDING_CANCELED = 'ticket.term.funding_canceled'
+ TICKET_DOT_TERM_DOT_FUNDING_FAILED = 'ticket.term.funding_failed'
+ TICKET_DOT_TERM_DOT_FUNDING_COMPLETED = 'ticket.term.funding_completed'
+ TICKET_DOT_TERM_DOT_TRANSACTION_STATUS_CHANGED = 'ticket.term.transaction_status_changed'
+ SETTLEMENT_DOT_CREATED = 'settlement.created'
+ COLLATERAL_DOT_STATUS_DOT_UPDATED = 'collateral.status.updated'
def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Self:
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 1fee475..176ccaf 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "fireblocks"
-version = "7.1.0"
+version = "0.0.0"
description = "Fireblocks API"
authors = ["Fireblocks "]
license = "MIT License"
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index ec83093..f0a9f52 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
# prerequisite: setuptools
# http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools
NAME = "fireblocks"
-VERSION = "7.1.0"
+VERSION = "0.0.0"
"urllib3 >= 1.25.3, < 2.1.0",
diff --git a/test/fireblocks/test_client.py b/test/fireblocks/test_client.py
index e9247cd..991ecb4 100644
--- a/test/fireblocks/test_client.py
+++ b/test/fireblocks/test_client.py
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
from fireblocks.api.exchange_accounts_api import ExchangeAccountsApi
from fireblocks.api.external_wallets_api import ExternalWalletsApi
from fireblocks.api.fiat_accounts_api import FiatAccountsApi
+from fireblocks.api.fiat_accounts_api import FiatAccountsApi
from fireblocks.api.gas_stations_api import GasStationsApi
from fireblocks.api.internal_wallets_api import InternalWalletsApi
from fireblocks.api.job_management_api import JobManagementApi
@@ -49,7 +50,7 @@
from fireblocks.api.staking_api import StakingApi
from fireblocks.api.tokenization_api import TokenizationApi
from fireblocks.api.transactions_api import TransactionsApi
-from fireblocks.api.travel_rule_api import TravelRuleApi
+from fireblocks.api.travel_rule_beta_api import TravelRuleBetaApi
from fireblocks.api.user_groups_beta_api import UserGroupsBetaApi
from fireblocks.api.users_api import UsersApi
from fireblocks.api.vaults_api import VaultsApi
@@ -123,6 +124,9 @@ def test_get_external_wallets(fireblocks_instance):
def test_get_fiat_accounts(fireblocks_instance):
assert isinstance(fireblocks_instance.fiat_accounts, FiatAccountsApi)
+def test_get_fiat_accounts(fireblocks_instance):
+ assert isinstance(fireblocks_instance.fiat_accounts, FiatAccountsApi)
def test_get_gas_stations(fireblocks_instance):
assert isinstance(fireblocks_instance.gas_stations, GasStationsApi)
@@ -171,8 +175,8 @@ def test_get_tokenization(fireblocks_instance):
def test_get_transactions(fireblocks_instance):
assert isinstance(fireblocks_instance.transactions, TransactionsApi)
-def test_get_travel_rule(fireblocks_instance):
- assert isinstance(fireblocks_instance.travel_rule, TravelRuleApi)
+def test_get_travel_rule_beta(fireblocks_instance):
+ assert isinstance(fireblocks_instance.travel_rule_beta, TravelRuleBetaApi)
def test_get_user_groups_beta(fireblocks_instance):
assert isinstance(fireblocks_instance.user_groups_beta, UserGroupsBetaApi)
diff --git a/test/test_add_collateral_request_body.py b/test/test_add_collateral_request_body.py
index 503ba88..3a1d95e 100644
--- a/test/test_add_collateral_request_body.py
+++ b/test/test_add_collateral_request_body.py
@@ -76,102 +76,19 @@ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> AddCollateralRequestBody:
extra_parameters = fireblocks.models.extra_parameters.extraParameters(),
customer_ref_id = 'abcdef',
travel_rule_message = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_create_transaction_request.TravelRuleCreateTransactionRequest(
- originator_vas_pdid = 'did:ethr:0x44957e75d6ce4a5bf37aae117da86422c848f7c2',
- beneficiary_vas_pdid = 'did:ethr:0x17fe2dd11a2daa7f6c1fdf22532a4763f963aea6',
- originator_vas_pname = 'Originator VASP Ltd.',
- beneficiary_vas_pname = 'Beneficiary VASP Inc.',
- beneficiary_vas_pwebsite = 'https://www.beneficiaryvasp.com',
- transaction_blockchain_info = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_transaction_blockchain_info.TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo(
- tx_hash = '6.685730843558756E+76',
- origin = '8.41132469470587E+47', ),
- originator = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_pii_ivms.TravelRulePiiIVMS(
- originator_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person.TravelRulePerson(
- natural_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person.TravelRuleNaturalPerson(
- name = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- ], )
- ],
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_geographic_address.TravelRuleGeographicAddress(
- street_name = 'QmZGXXsKPk5iPS97LLjXB5e8Qs555ocdzcpbPMXvt84Ji9',
- town_name = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- country = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- building_number = 'QmUFpNkxdsVtebDSUz5eP51kzoysXmqj2gBgeH11PD7SVP',
- post_code = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- address_type = 'Qmdr9LcChZsoivS6uAhe7Qk7cGLDAx73wBZTVvq4WoU71H',
- department = 'QmN7fb65x5MyA7RKyhbXaUKvJ7U4Y9eqpEZTmJYpNyEG8',
- sub_department = 'QmTkfyGh54tXNqFxyEGK9NyTJZYpQ6RZ9zpNykxykME8s',
- building_name = 'QmXJfGk85t6RKyhbXaEK9Nz4MEeMKypq6EY9zpJyC9nM9',
- floor = 'QmZP5G7fhZpMyQxXnT9KyR6ybXaEM9zpJy4ME9MkTJGE1',
- post_box = 'QmTkfYRGK54xFqXyJYNZyE9kY9zpMKytJnXy5z9EME9sJ',
- room = 'QmRYXnT9KyhbXaEMZpMyxMkZ9zpYNYTJ4ME5kCGE7fhMJ',
- town_location_name = 'QmNpZTyXJXnT9K6EYZpQxYNYMkC5p4kGEfhnkMJzpYT9Jm',
- district_name = 'QmT9p6ERKyNYXnTyhbpMYJ4zpYT9kMJZT9QmEMGZ5kMhCy',
- country_sub_division = 'QmK9yTbXaZpMYJYTYp6NT9QmEMGZT9p9kMJfhyGE4Z7k5C',
- address_line = ["QmNp9kMjfhGZ5kMJzpNYXZTy6NQmZYEMGZ4kZT9Y6pNYT"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_national_identification.TravelRuleNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- national_identifier = 'QmdR6qLnZ7Kwf5cBaXG8QFQenEvRg9JNZeoPranVuGd63z',
- national_identifier_type = 'QmUKTg3aFJFhMz1o9gPqA3MgTRwd2LvDLwWTPHYUoMEYVi',
- registration_authority = 'QmV9KJMyT9RJzpYfhME5xNCZ4G67fEkzTpRMyJzp9kTNYk', ),
- date_and_place_of_birth = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth.TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- place_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt', ),
- customer_identification = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- country_of_residence = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- customer_number = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj', ),
- legal_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person.TravelRuleLegalPerson(
- customer_identification = 'QmRY9AA4Uit2JRTxDzfzshrJdTK86Kf5HriA3dXDnihDmy',
- customer_number = 'QmXvyML3AJUFpBbJqL5NVp7Vn7xNkuedTsSMk93duLCNW8',
- country_of_registration = 'QmeoTk6UPruEAYNbJEAHdQYc53ap9BXmpnPMcuvs8wutdr', ), )
- ],
- beneficiary_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person.TravelRulePerson()
- ],
- account_number = [
- 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt'
- ], ),
- beneficiary = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_pii_ivms.TravelRulePiiIVMS(),
- encrypted = 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...',
- protocol = 'IVMS101',
- skip_beneficiary_data_validation = False,
+ originator_vas_pdid = '',
+ beneficiary_vas_pdid = '',
+ beneficiary_vas_pname = '',
+ transaction_blockchain_info = null,
+ originator = null,
+ beneficiary = null,
+ encrypted = '',
+ protocol = '',
+ skip_beneficiary_data_validation = True,
travel_rule_behavior = True,
- originator_ref = 'ORG123456',
- beneficiary_ref = 'BEN654321',
- travel_rule_behavior_ref = 'TRB987654',
- originator_proof = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_ownership_proof.TravelRuleOwnershipProof(
- proof = '0x3dd4a17a...ce4a2bcd1b',
- attestation = 'I certify that ETH account 0x896B...0b9b belongs to me.',
- address = '0x896B...0b9b',
- wallet_provider = 'Metamask',
- url = 'https://example.com/uploaded_image.png',
- confirmed = True, ),
- beneficiary_proof = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_ownership_proof.TravelRuleOwnershipProof(
- proof = '0x3dd4a17a...ce4a2bcd1b',
- attestation = 'I certify that ETH account 0x896B...0b9b belongs to me.',
- address = '0x896B...0b9b',
- wallet_provider = 'Metamask',
- url = 'https://example.com/uploaded_image.png',
- confirmed = True, ),
- beneficiary_did = 'did:key:z6Mkf67890Zghijkl67890',
- originator_did = 'did:key:z6Mkf12345Zabcdef12345',
- is_non_custodial = True, ),
+ originator_proof = null,
+ beneficiary_proof = null,
+ pii = null, ),
auto_staking = True,
network_staking = null,
cpu_staking = null,
diff --git a/test/test_create_webhook_request.py b/test/test_create_webhook_request.py
index 5c39ab0..b5a148d 100644
--- a/test/test_create_webhook_request.py
+++ b/test/test_create_webhook_request.py
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> CreateWebhookRequest:
return CreateWebhookRequest(
url = 'https://example.com/webhook',
+ description = 'This webhook is used for transactions notifications',
events = ["transaction.created","transaction.status.updated"],
diff --git a/test/test_fiat_accounts_api.py b/test/test_fiat_accounts_api.py
index 68982b9..c8e2264 100644
--- a/test/test_fiat_accounts_api.py
+++ b/test/test_fiat_accounts_api.py
@@ -41,13 +41,6 @@ def test_get_fiat_account(self) -> None:
- def test_get_fiat_accounts(self) -> None:
- """Test case for get_fiat_accounts
- List fiat accounts
- """
- pass
def test_redeem_funds_to_linked_dda(self) -> None:
"""Test case for redeem_funds_to_linked_dda
diff --git a/test/test_notification.py b/test/test_notification.py
index 11e56a1..588be2d 100644
--- a/test/test_notification.py
+++ b/test/test_notification.py
@@ -38,33 +38,24 @@ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> Notification:
if include_optional:
return Notification(
id = '44fcead0-7053-4831-a53a-df7fb90d440f',
- created_at = 1625126400000,
- updated_at = 1625126400000,
+ created_at = '2021-07-01T00:00Z',
+ updated_at = '2021-07-01T00:00Z',
status = 'COMPLETED',
event_type = 'transaction.created',
+ event_version = 1,
resource_id = '44fcead0-7053-4831-a53a-df7fb90d440f',
attempts = [
- fireblocks.models.notification_attempt.NotificationAttempt(
- sent_time = 1625126400000,
- duration = 130,
- response_code = 200,
- failure_reason = 'TIMED_OUT', )
+ ''
return Notification(
id = '44fcead0-7053-4831-a53a-df7fb90d440f',
- created_at = 1625126400000,
- updated_at = 1625126400000,
+ created_at = '2021-07-01T00:00Z',
+ updated_at = '2021-07-01T00:00Z',
status = 'COMPLETED',
event_type = 'transaction.created',
- attempts = [
- fireblocks.models.notification_attempt.NotificationAttempt(
- sent_time = 1625126400000,
- duration = 130,
- response_code = 200,
- failure_reason = 'TIMED_OUT', )
- ],
+ event_version = 1,
diff --git a/test/test_notification_attempt.py b/test/test_notification_attempt.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1154ee0..0000000
--- a/test/test_notification_attempt.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-import unittest
-from fireblocks.models.notification_attempt import NotificationAttempt
-class TestNotificationAttempt(unittest.TestCase):
- """NotificationAttempt unit test stubs"""
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> NotificationAttempt:
- """Test NotificationAttempt
- include_option is a boolean, when False only required
- params are included, when True both required and
- optional params are included"""
- # uncomment below to create an instance of `NotificationAttempt`
- """
- model = NotificationAttempt()
- if include_optional:
- return NotificationAttempt(
- sent_time = 1625126400000,
- duration = 130,
- response_code = 200,
- failure_reason = 'TIMED_OUT'
- )
- else:
- return NotificationAttempt(
- sent_time = 1625126400000,
- duration = 130,
- )
- """
- def testNotificationAttempt(self):
- """Test NotificationAttempt"""
- # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
- # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/test_notification_paginated_response.py b/test/test_notification_paginated_response.py
index e4d0422..3801bbf 100644
--- a/test/test_notification_paginated_response.py
+++ b/test/test_notification_paginated_response.py
@@ -42,17 +42,14 @@ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> NotificationPaginatedResponse:
data = [
id = '44fcead0-7053-4831-a53a-df7fb90d440f',
- created_at = 1625126400000,
- updated_at = 1625126400000,
+ created_at = '2021-07-01T00:00Z',
+ updated_at = '2021-07-01T00:00Z',
status = 'COMPLETED',
event_type = 'transaction.created',
+ event_version = 1,
resource_id = '44fcead0-7053-4831-a53a-df7fb90d440f',
attempts = [
- fireblocks.models.notification_attempt.NotificationAttempt(
- sent_time = 1625126400000,
- duration = 130,
- response_code = 200,
- failure_reason = 'TIMED_OUT', )
+ ''
], )
next = 'eJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGcOiJIUzI1NiJ9'
@@ -62,17 +59,14 @@ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> NotificationPaginatedResponse:
data = [
id = '44fcead0-7053-4831-a53a-df7fb90d440f',
- created_at = 1625126400000,
- updated_at = 1625126400000,
+ created_at = '2021-07-01T00:00Z',
+ updated_at = '2021-07-01T00:00Z',
status = 'COMPLETED',
event_type = 'transaction.created',
+ event_version = 1,
resource_id = '44fcead0-7053-4831-a53a-df7fb90d440f',
attempts = [
- fireblocks.models.notification_attempt.NotificationAttempt(
- sent_time = 1625126400000,
- duration = 130,
- response_code = 200,
- failure_reason = 'TIMED_OUT', )
+ ''
], )
diff --git a/test/test_notification_with_data.py b/test/test_notification_with_data.py
index f08a001..ab0d8ac 100644
--- a/test/test_notification_with_data.py
+++ b/test/test_notification_with_data.py
@@ -38,33 +38,27 @@ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> NotificationWithData:
if include_optional:
return NotificationWithData(
id = '44fcead0-7053-4831-a53a-df7fb90d440f',
- created_at = 1625126400000,
- updated_at = 1625126400000,
+ created_at = '2021-07-01T00:00Z',
+ updated_at = '2021-07-01T00:00Z',
status = 'COMPLETED',
event_type = 'transaction.created',
+ event_version = 1,
resource_id = '44fcead0-7053-4831-a53a-df7fb90d440f',
attempts = [
- fireblocks.models.notification_attempt.NotificationAttempt(
- sent_time = 1625126400000,
- duration = 130,
- response_code = 200,
- failure_reason = 'TIMED_OUT', )
+ ''
data = None
return NotificationWithData(
id = '44fcead0-7053-4831-a53a-df7fb90d440f',
- created_at = 1625126400000,
- updated_at = 1625126400000,
+ created_at = '2021-07-01T00:00Z',
+ updated_at = '2021-07-01T00:00Z',
status = 'COMPLETED',
event_type = 'transaction.created',
+ event_version = 1,
attempts = [
- fireblocks.models.notification_attempt.NotificationAttempt(
- sent_time = 1625126400000,
- duration = 130,
- response_code = 200,
- failure_reason = 'TIMED_OUT', )
+ ''
diff --git a/test/test_remove_collateral_request_body.py b/test/test_remove_collateral_request_body.py
index fe0d146..8947fde 100644
--- a/test/test_remove_collateral_request_body.py
+++ b/test/test_remove_collateral_request_body.py
@@ -76,102 +76,19 @@ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> RemoveCollateralRequestBody:
extra_parameters = fireblocks.models.extra_parameters.extraParameters(),
customer_ref_id = 'abcdef',
travel_rule_message = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_create_transaction_request.TravelRuleCreateTransactionRequest(
- originator_vas_pdid = 'did:ethr:0x44957e75d6ce4a5bf37aae117da86422c848f7c2',
- beneficiary_vas_pdid = 'did:ethr:0x17fe2dd11a2daa7f6c1fdf22532a4763f963aea6',
- originator_vas_pname = 'Originator VASP Ltd.',
- beneficiary_vas_pname = 'Beneficiary VASP Inc.',
- beneficiary_vas_pwebsite = 'https://www.beneficiaryvasp.com',
- transaction_blockchain_info = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_transaction_blockchain_info.TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo(
- tx_hash = '6.685730843558756E+76',
- origin = '8.41132469470587E+47', ),
- originator = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_pii_ivms.TravelRulePiiIVMS(
- originator_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person.TravelRulePerson(
- natural_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person.TravelRuleNaturalPerson(
- name = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- ], )
- ],
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_geographic_address.TravelRuleGeographicAddress(
- street_name = 'QmZGXXsKPk5iPS97LLjXB5e8Qs555ocdzcpbPMXvt84Ji9',
- town_name = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- country = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- building_number = 'QmUFpNkxdsVtebDSUz5eP51kzoysXmqj2gBgeH11PD7SVP',
- post_code = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- address_type = 'Qmdr9LcChZsoivS6uAhe7Qk7cGLDAx73wBZTVvq4WoU71H',
- department = 'QmN7fb65x5MyA7RKyhbXaUKvJ7U4Y9eqpEZTmJYpNyEG8',
- sub_department = 'QmTkfyGh54tXNqFxyEGK9NyTJZYpQ6RZ9zpNykxykME8s',
- building_name = 'QmXJfGk85t6RKyhbXaEK9Nz4MEeMKypq6EY9zpJyC9nM9',
- floor = 'QmZP5G7fhZpMyQxXnT9KyR6ybXaEM9zpJy4ME9MkTJGE1',
- post_box = 'QmTkfYRGK54xFqXyJYNZyE9kY9zpMKytJnXy5z9EME9sJ',
- room = 'QmRYXnT9KyhbXaEMZpMyxMkZ9zpYNYTJ4ME5kCGE7fhMJ',
- town_location_name = 'QmNpZTyXJXnT9K6EYZpQxYNYMkC5p4kGEfhnkMJzpYT9Jm',
- district_name = 'QmT9p6ERKyNYXnTyhbpMYJ4zpYT9kMJZT9QmEMGZ5kMhCy',
- country_sub_division = 'QmK9yTbXaZpMYJYTYp6NT9QmEMGZT9p9kMJfhyGE4Z7k5C',
- address_line = ["QmNp9kMjfhGZ5kMJzpNYXZTy6NQmZYEMGZ4kZT9Y6pNYT"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_national_identification.TravelRuleNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- national_identifier = 'QmdR6qLnZ7Kwf5cBaXG8QFQenEvRg9JNZeoPranVuGd63z',
- national_identifier_type = 'QmUKTg3aFJFhMz1o9gPqA3MgTRwd2LvDLwWTPHYUoMEYVi',
- registration_authority = 'QmV9KJMyT9RJzpYfhME5xNCZ4G67fEkzTpRMyJzp9kTNYk', ),
- date_and_place_of_birth = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth.TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- place_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt', ),
- customer_identification = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- country_of_residence = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- customer_number = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj', ),
- legal_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person.TravelRuleLegalPerson(
- customer_identification = 'QmRY9AA4Uit2JRTxDzfzshrJdTK86Kf5HriA3dXDnihDmy',
- customer_number = 'QmXvyML3AJUFpBbJqL5NVp7Vn7xNkuedTsSMk93duLCNW8',
- country_of_registration = 'QmeoTk6UPruEAYNbJEAHdQYc53ap9BXmpnPMcuvs8wutdr', ), )
- ],
- beneficiary_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person.TravelRulePerson()
- ],
- account_number = [
- 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt'
- ], ),
- beneficiary = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_pii_ivms.TravelRulePiiIVMS(),
- encrypted = 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...',
- protocol = 'IVMS101',
- skip_beneficiary_data_validation = False,
+ originator_vas_pdid = '',
+ beneficiary_vas_pdid = '',
+ beneficiary_vas_pname = '',
+ transaction_blockchain_info = null,
+ originator = null,
+ beneficiary = null,
+ encrypted = '',
+ protocol = '',
+ skip_beneficiary_data_validation = True,
travel_rule_behavior = True,
- originator_ref = 'ORG123456',
- beneficiary_ref = 'BEN654321',
- travel_rule_behavior_ref = 'TRB987654',
- originator_proof = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_ownership_proof.TravelRuleOwnershipProof(
- proof = '0x3dd4a17a...ce4a2bcd1b',
- attestation = 'I certify that ETH account 0x896B...0b9b belongs to me.',
- address = '0x896B...0b9b',
- wallet_provider = 'Metamask',
- url = 'https://example.com/uploaded_image.png',
- confirmed = True, ),
- beneficiary_proof = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_ownership_proof.TravelRuleOwnershipProof(
- proof = '0x3dd4a17a...ce4a2bcd1b',
- attestation = 'I certify that ETH account 0x896B...0b9b belongs to me.',
- address = '0x896B...0b9b',
- wallet_provider = 'Metamask',
- url = 'https://example.com/uploaded_image.png',
- confirmed = True, ),
- beneficiary_did = 'did:key:z6Mkf67890Zghijkl67890',
- originator_did = 'did:key:z6Mkf12345Zabcdef12345',
- is_non_custodial = True, ),
+ originator_proof = null,
+ beneficiary_proof = null,
+ pii = null, ),
auto_staking = True,
network_staking = null,
cpu_staking = null,
diff --git a/test/test_transaction_request.py b/test/test_transaction_request.py
index b208bef..3893e34 100644
--- a/test/test_transaction_request.py
+++ b/test/test_transaction_request.py
@@ -85,105 +85,19 @@ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TransactionRequest:
extra_parameters = None,
customer_ref_id = 'abcdef',
travel_rule_message = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_create_transaction_request.TravelRuleCreateTransactionRequest(
- originator_vas_pdid = 'did:ethr:0x44957e75d6ce4a5bf37aae117da86422c848f7c2',
- beneficiary_vas_pdid = 'did:ethr:0x17fe2dd11a2daa7f6c1fdf22532a4763f963aea6',
- originator_vas_pname = 'Originator VASP Ltd.',
- beneficiary_vas_pname = 'Beneficiary VASP Inc.',
- beneficiary_vas_pwebsite = 'https://www.beneficiaryvasp.com',
- transaction_blockchain_info = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_transaction_blockchain_info.TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo(
- tx_hash = '6.685730843558756E+76',
- origin = '8.41132469470587E+47',
- destination = '8.41132469470587E+47', ),
- originator = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_pii_ivms.TravelRulePiiIVMS(
- originator_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person.TravelRulePerson(
- natural_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person.TravelRuleNaturalPerson(
- name = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- ], )
- ],
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_geographic_address.TravelRuleGeographicAddress(
- street_name = 'QmZGXXsKPk5iPS97LLjXB5e8Qs555ocdzcpbPMXvt84Ji9',
- town_name = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- country = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- building_number = 'QmUFpNkxdsVtebDSUz5eP51kzoysXmqj2gBgeH11PD7SVP',
- post_code = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- address_type = 'Qmdr9LcChZsoivS6uAhe7Qk7cGLDAx73wBZTVvq4WoU71H',
- department = 'QmN7fb65x5MyA7RKyhbXaUKvJ7U4Y9eqpEZTmJYpNyEG8',
- sub_department = 'QmTkfyGh54tXNqFxyEGK9NyTJZYpQ6RZ9zpNykxykME8s',
- building_name = 'QmXJfGk85t6RKyhbXaEK9Nz4MEeMKypq6EY9zpJyC9nM9',
- floor = 'QmZP5G7fhZpMyQxXnT9KyR6ybXaEM9zpJy4ME9MkTJGE1',
- post_box = 'QmTkfYRGK54xFqXyJYNZyE9kY9zpMKytJnXy5z9EME9sJ',
- room = 'QmRYXnT9KyhbXaEMZpMyxMkZ9zpYNYTJ4ME5kCGE7fhMJ',
- town_location_name = 'QmNpZTyXJXnT9K6EYZpQxYNYMkC5p4kGEfhnkMJzpYT9Jm',
- district_name = 'QmT9p6ERKyNYXnTyhbpMYJ4zpYT9kMJZT9QmEMGZ5kMhCy',
- country_sub_division = 'QmK9yTbXaZpMYJYTYp6NT9QmEMGZT9p9kMJfhyGE4Z7k5C',
- address_line = ["QmNp9kMjfhGZ5kMJzpNYXZTy6NQmZYEMGZ4kZT9Y6pNYT"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_national_identification.TravelRuleNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- national_identifier = 'QmdR6qLnZ7Kwf5cBaXG8QFQenEvRg9JNZeoPranVuGd63z',
- national_identifier_type = 'QmUKTg3aFJFhMz1o9gPqA3MgTRwd2LvDLwWTPHYUoMEYVi',
- registration_authority = 'QmV9KJMyT9RJzpYfhME5xNCZ4G67fEkzTpRMyJzp9kTNYk', ),
- date_and_place_of_birth = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth.TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- place_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt', ),
- customer_identification = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- country_of_residence = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- customer_number = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj', ),
- legal_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person.TravelRuleLegalPerson(
- customer_identification = 'QmRY9AA4Uit2JRTxDzfzshrJdTK86Kf5HriA3dXDnihDmy',
- customer_number = 'QmXvyML3AJUFpBbJqL5NVp7Vn7xNkuedTsSMk93duLCNW8',
- country_of_registration = 'QmeoTk6UPruEAYNbJEAHdQYc53ap9BXmpnPMcuvs8wutdr', ), )
- ],
- beneficiary_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person.TravelRulePerson()
- ],
- account_number = [
- 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt'
- ], ),
- beneficiary = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_pii_ivms.TravelRulePiiIVMS(),
- encrypted = 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...',
- protocol = 'IVMS101',
- skip_beneficiary_data_validation = False,
+ originator_vas_pdid = '',
+ beneficiary_vas_pdid = '',
+ beneficiary_vas_pname = '',
+ transaction_blockchain_info = null,
+ originator = null,
+ beneficiary = null,
+ encrypted = '',
+ protocol = '',
+ skip_beneficiary_data_validation = True,
travel_rule_behavior = True,
- originator_ref = 'ORG123456',
- beneficiary_ref = 'BEN654321',
- travel_rule_behavior_ref = 'TRB987654',
- originator_proof = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_ownership_proof.TravelRuleOwnershipProof(
- type = 'eip-191',
- proof = '0x3dd4a17a...ce4a2bcd1b',
- attestation = 'I certify that ETH account 0x896B...0b9b belongs to me.',
- address = '0x896B...0b9b',
- wallet_provider = 'Metamask',
- url = 'https://example.com/uploaded_image.png',
- confirmed = True, ),
- beneficiary_proof = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_ownership_proof.TravelRuleOwnershipProof(
- type = 'eip-191',
- proof = '0x3dd4a17a...ce4a2bcd1b',
- attestation = 'I certify that ETH account 0x896B...0b9b belongs to me.',
- address = '0x896B...0b9b',
- wallet_provider = 'Metamask',
- url = 'https://example.com/uploaded_image.png',
- confirmed = True, ),
- beneficiary_did = 'did:key:z6Mkf67890Zghijkl67890',
- originator_did = 'did:key:z6Mkf12345Zabcdef12345',
- is_non_custodial = True, ),
+ originator_proof = null,
+ beneficiary_proof = null,
+ pii = null, ),
auto_staking = True,
network_staking = None,
cpu_staking = None,
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_address.py b/test/test_travel_rule_address.py
index db249ca..e46435e 100644
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_address.py
+++ b/test/test_travel_rule_address.py
@@ -44,6 +44,10 @@ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleAddress:
return TravelRuleAddress(
+ street = '1234 Example St',
+ city = 'New York',
+ state = 'NY',
+ postal_code = '10001',
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_api.py b/test/test_travel_rule_beta_api.py
similarity index 78%
rename from test/test_travel_rule_api.py
rename to test/test_travel_rule_beta_api.py
index 72a9e7f..db5317b 100644
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_api.py
+++ b/test/test_travel_rule_beta_api.py
@@ -15,14 +15,14 @@
import unittest
-from fireblocks.api.travel_rule_api import TravelRuleApi
+from fireblocks.api.travel_rule_beta_api import TravelRuleBetaApi
-class TestTravelRuleApi(unittest.TestCase):
- """TravelRuleApi unit test stubs"""
+class TestTravelRuleBetaApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """TravelRuleBetaApi unit test stubs"""
def setUp(self) -> None:
- self.api = TravelRuleApi()
+ self.api = TravelRuleBetaApi()
def tearDown(self) -> None:
@@ -69,6 +69,13 @@ def test_validate_full_travel_rule_transaction(self) -> None:
+ def test_validate_travel_rule_transaction(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for validate_travel_rule_transaction
+ Validate Travel Rule Transaction
+ """
+ pass
if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_create_transaction_request.py b/test/test_travel_rule_create_transaction_request.py
index c130a89..20bbff7 100644
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_create_transaction_request.py
+++ b/test/test_travel_rule_create_transaction_request.py
@@ -39,296 +39,76 @@ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleCreateTransactionRequest:
model = TravelRuleCreateTransactionRequest()
if include_optional:
return TravelRuleCreateTransactionRequest(
- originator_vas_pdid = 'did:ethr:0x44957e75d6ce4a5bf37aae117da86422c848f7c2',
- beneficiary_vas_pdid = 'did:ethr:0x17fe2dd11a2daa7f6c1fdf22532a4763f963aea6',
- originator_vas_pname = 'Originator VASP Ltd.',
- beneficiary_vas_pname = 'Beneficiary VASP Inc.',
- beneficiary_vas_pwebsite = 'https://www.beneficiaryvasp.com',
+ originator_vas_pdid = '',
+ beneficiary_vas_pdid = '',
+ beneficiary_vas_pname = '',
transaction_blockchain_info = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_transaction_blockchain_info.TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo(
- tx_hash = '6.685730843558756E+76',
- origin = '8.41132469470587E+47',
- destination = '8.41132469470587E+47', ),
+ tx_hash = '',
+ origin = '',
+ destination = '', ),
originator = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_pii_ivms.TravelRulePiiIVMS(
- originator_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person.TravelRulePerson(
- natural_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person.TravelRuleNaturalPerson(
- name = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- ], )
- ],
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_geographic_address.TravelRuleGeographicAddress(
- street_name = 'QmZGXXsKPk5iPS97LLjXB5e8Qs555ocdzcpbPMXvt84Ji9',
- town_name = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- country = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- building_number = 'QmUFpNkxdsVtebDSUz5eP51kzoysXmqj2gBgeH11PD7SVP',
- post_code = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- address_type = 'Qmdr9LcChZsoivS6uAhe7Qk7cGLDAx73wBZTVvq4WoU71H',
- department = 'QmN7fb65x5MyA7RKyhbXaUKvJ7U4Y9eqpEZTmJYpNyEG8',
- sub_department = 'QmTkfyGh54tXNqFxyEGK9NyTJZYpQ6RZ9zpNykxykME8s',
- building_name = 'QmXJfGk85t6RKyhbXaEK9Nz4MEeMKypq6EY9zpJyC9nM9',
- floor = 'QmZP5G7fhZpMyQxXnT9KyR6ybXaEM9zpJy4ME9MkTJGE1',
- post_box = 'QmTkfYRGK54xFqXyJYNZyE9kY9zpMKytJnXy5z9EME9sJ',
- room = 'QmRYXnT9KyhbXaEMZpMyxMkZ9zpYNYTJ4ME5kCGE7fhMJ',
- town_location_name = 'QmNpZTyXJXnT9K6EYZpQxYNYMkC5p4kGEfhnkMJzpYT9Jm',
- district_name = 'QmT9p6ERKyNYXnTyhbpMYJ4zpYT9kMJZT9QmEMGZ5kMhCy',
- country_sub_division = 'QmK9yTbXaZpMYJYTYp6NT9QmEMGZT9p9kMJfhyGE4Z7k5C',
- address_line = ["QmNp9kMjfhGZ5kMJzpNYXZTy6NQmZYEMGZ4kZT9Y6pNYT"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_national_identification.TravelRuleNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- national_identifier = 'QmdR6qLnZ7Kwf5cBaXG8QFQenEvRg9JNZeoPranVuGd63z',
- national_identifier_type = 'QmUKTg3aFJFhMz1o9gPqA3MgTRwd2LvDLwWTPHYUoMEYVi',
- registration_authority = 'QmV9KJMyT9RJzpYfhME5xNCZ4G67fEkzTpRMyJzp9kTNYk', ),
- date_and_place_of_birth = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth.TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- place_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt', ),
- customer_identification = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- country_of_residence = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- customer_number = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj', ),
- legal_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person.TravelRuleLegalPerson(
- customer_identification = 'QmRY9AA4Uit2JRTxDzfzshrJdTK86Kf5HriA3dXDnihDmy',
- customer_number = 'QmXvyML3AJUFpBbJqL5NVp7Vn7xNkuedTsSMk93duLCNW8',
- country_of_registration = 'QmeoTk6UPruEAYNbJEAHdQYc53ap9BXmpnPMcuvs8wutdr', ), )
- ],
- beneficiary_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person.TravelRulePerson()
- ],
- account_number = [
- 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt'
- ], ),
+ full_name = '',
+ date_of_birth = '',
+ place_of_birth = '',
+ address = '',
+ identification_number = '',
+ nationality = '',
+ country_of_residence = '',
+ tax_identification_number = '',
+ customer_number = '', ),
beneficiary = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_pii_ivms.TravelRulePiiIVMS(
- originator_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person.TravelRulePerson(
- natural_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person.TravelRuleNaturalPerson(
- name = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- ], )
- ],
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_geographic_address.TravelRuleGeographicAddress(
- street_name = 'QmZGXXsKPk5iPS97LLjXB5e8Qs555ocdzcpbPMXvt84Ji9',
- town_name = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- country = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- building_number = 'QmUFpNkxdsVtebDSUz5eP51kzoysXmqj2gBgeH11PD7SVP',
- post_code = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- address_type = 'Qmdr9LcChZsoivS6uAhe7Qk7cGLDAx73wBZTVvq4WoU71H',
- department = 'QmN7fb65x5MyA7RKyhbXaUKvJ7U4Y9eqpEZTmJYpNyEG8',
- sub_department = 'QmTkfyGh54tXNqFxyEGK9NyTJZYpQ6RZ9zpNykxykME8s',
- building_name = 'QmXJfGk85t6RKyhbXaEK9Nz4MEeMKypq6EY9zpJyC9nM9',
- floor = 'QmZP5G7fhZpMyQxXnT9KyR6ybXaEM9zpJy4ME9MkTJGE1',
- post_box = 'QmTkfYRGK54xFqXyJYNZyE9kY9zpMKytJnXy5z9EME9sJ',
- room = 'QmRYXnT9KyhbXaEMZpMyxMkZ9zpYNYTJ4ME5kCGE7fhMJ',
- town_location_name = 'QmNpZTyXJXnT9K6EYZpQxYNYMkC5p4kGEfhnkMJzpYT9Jm',
- district_name = 'QmT9p6ERKyNYXnTyhbpMYJ4zpYT9kMJZT9QmEMGZ5kMhCy',
- country_sub_division = 'QmK9yTbXaZpMYJYTYp6NT9QmEMGZT9p9kMJfhyGE4Z7k5C',
- address_line = ["QmNp9kMjfhGZ5kMJzpNYXZTy6NQmZYEMGZ4kZT9Y6pNYT"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_national_identification.TravelRuleNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- national_identifier = 'QmdR6qLnZ7Kwf5cBaXG8QFQenEvRg9JNZeoPranVuGd63z',
- national_identifier_type = 'QmUKTg3aFJFhMz1o9gPqA3MgTRwd2LvDLwWTPHYUoMEYVi',
- registration_authority = 'QmV9KJMyT9RJzpYfhME5xNCZ4G67fEkzTpRMyJzp9kTNYk', ),
- date_and_place_of_birth = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth.TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- place_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt', ),
- customer_identification = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- country_of_residence = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- customer_number = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj', ),
- legal_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person.TravelRuleLegalPerson(
- customer_identification = 'QmRY9AA4Uit2JRTxDzfzshrJdTK86Kf5HriA3dXDnihDmy',
- customer_number = 'QmXvyML3AJUFpBbJqL5NVp7Vn7xNkuedTsSMk93duLCNW8',
- country_of_registration = 'QmeoTk6UPruEAYNbJEAHdQYc53ap9BXmpnPMcuvs8wutdr', ), )
- ],
- beneficiary_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person.TravelRulePerson()
- ],
- account_number = [
- 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt'
- ], ),
- encrypted = 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...',
- protocol = 'IVMS101',
- skip_beneficiary_data_validation = False,
+ full_name = '',
+ date_of_birth = '',
+ place_of_birth = '',
+ address = '',
+ identification_number = '',
+ nationality = '',
+ country_of_residence = '',
+ tax_identification_number = '',
+ customer_number = '', ),
+ encrypted = '',
+ protocol = '',
+ skip_beneficiary_data_validation = True,
travel_rule_behavior = True,
- originator_ref = 'ORG123456',
- beneficiary_ref = 'BEN654321',
- travel_rule_behavior_ref = 'TRB987654',
originator_proof = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_ownership_proof.TravelRuleOwnershipProof(
- type = 'eip-191',
- proof = '0x3dd4a17a...ce4a2bcd1b',
- attestation = 'I certify that ETH account 0x896B...0b9b belongs to me.',
- address = '0x896B...0b9b',
- wallet_provider = 'Metamask',
- url = 'https://example.com/uploaded_image.png',
- confirmed = True, ),
+ type = 'passport',
+ proof = '123456789', ),
beneficiary_proof = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_ownership_proof.TravelRuleOwnershipProof(
- type = 'eip-191',
- proof = '0x3dd4a17a...ce4a2bcd1b',
- attestation = 'I certify that ETH account 0x896B...0b9b belongs to me.',
- address = '0x896B...0b9b',
- wallet_provider = 'Metamask',
- url = 'https://example.com/uploaded_image.png',
- confirmed = True, ),
- beneficiary_did = 'did:key:z6Mkf67890Zghijkl67890',
- originator_did = 'did:key:z6Mkf12345Zabcdef12345',
- is_non_custodial = True
+ type = 'passport',
+ proof = '123456789', ),
+ pii = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_pii_ivms.TravelRulePiiIVMS(
+ full_name = '',
+ date_of_birth = '',
+ place_of_birth = '',
+ address = '',
+ identification_number = '',
+ nationality = '',
+ country_of_residence = '',
+ tax_identification_number = '',
+ customer_number = '', )
return TravelRuleCreateTransactionRequest(
originator = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_pii_ivms.TravelRulePiiIVMS(
- originator_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person.TravelRulePerson(
- natural_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person.TravelRuleNaturalPerson(
- name = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- ], )
- ],
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_geographic_address.TravelRuleGeographicAddress(
- street_name = 'QmZGXXsKPk5iPS97LLjXB5e8Qs555ocdzcpbPMXvt84Ji9',
- town_name = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- country = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- building_number = 'QmUFpNkxdsVtebDSUz5eP51kzoysXmqj2gBgeH11PD7SVP',
- post_code = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- address_type = 'Qmdr9LcChZsoivS6uAhe7Qk7cGLDAx73wBZTVvq4WoU71H',
- department = 'QmN7fb65x5MyA7RKyhbXaUKvJ7U4Y9eqpEZTmJYpNyEG8',
- sub_department = 'QmTkfyGh54tXNqFxyEGK9NyTJZYpQ6RZ9zpNykxykME8s',
- building_name = 'QmXJfGk85t6RKyhbXaEK9Nz4MEeMKypq6EY9zpJyC9nM9',
- floor = 'QmZP5G7fhZpMyQxXnT9KyR6ybXaEM9zpJy4ME9MkTJGE1',
- post_box = 'QmTkfYRGK54xFqXyJYNZyE9kY9zpMKytJnXy5z9EME9sJ',
- room = 'QmRYXnT9KyhbXaEMZpMyxMkZ9zpYNYTJ4ME5kCGE7fhMJ',
- town_location_name = 'QmNpZTyXJXnT9K6EYZpQxYNYMkC5p4kGEfhnkMJzpYT9Jm',
- district_name = 'QmT9p6ERKyNYXnTyhbpMYJ4zpYT9kMJZT9QmEMGZ5kMhCy',
- country_sub_division = 'QmK9yTbXaZpMYJYTYp6NT9QmEMGZT9p9kMJfhyGE4Z7k5C',
- address_line = ["QmNp9kMjfhGZ5kMJzpNYXZTy6NQmZYEMGZ4kZT9Y6pNYT"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_national_identification.TravelRuleNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- national_identifier = 'QmdR6qLnZ7Kwf5cBaXG8QFQenEvRg9JNZeoPranVuGd63z',
- national_identifier_type = 'QmUKTg3aFJFhMz1o9gPqA3MgTRwd2LvDLwWTPHYUoMEYVi',
- registration_authority = 'QmV9KJMyT9RJzpYfhME5xNCZ4G67fEkzTpRMyJzp9kTNYk', ),
- date_and_place_of_birth = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth.TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- place_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt', ),
- customer_identification = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- country_of_residence = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- customer_number = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj', ),
- legal_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person.TravelRuleLegalPerson(
- customer_identification = 'QmRY9AA4Uit2JRTxDzfzshrJdTK86Kf5HriA3dXDnihDmy',
- customer_number = 'QmXvyML3AJUFpBbJqL5NVp7Vn7xNkuedTsSMk93duLCNW8',
- country_of_registration = 'QmeoTk6UPruEAYNbJEAHdQYc53ap9BXmpnPMcuvs8wutdr', ), )
- ],
- beneficiary_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person.TravelRulePerson()
- ],
- account_number = [
- 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt'
- ], ),
+ full_name = '',
+ date_of_birth = '',
+ place_of_birth = '',
+ address = '',
+ identification_number = '',
+ nationality = '',
+ country_of_residence = '',
+ tax_identification_number = '',
+ customer_number = '', ),
beneficiary = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_pii_ivms.TravelRulePiiIVMS(
- originator_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person.TravelRulePerson(
- natural_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person.TravelRuleNaturalPerson(
- name = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- ], )
- ],
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_geographic_address.TravelRuleGeographicAddress(
- street_name = 'QmZGXXsKPk5iPS97LLjXB5e8Qs555ocdzcpbPMXvt84Ji9',
- town_name = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- country = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- building_number = 'QmUFpNkxdsVtebDSUz5eP51kzoysXmqj2gBgeH11PD7SVP',
- post_code = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- address_type = 'Qmdr9LcChZsoivS6uAhe7Qk7cGLDAx73wBZTVvq4WoU71H',
- department = 'QmN7fb65x5MyA7RKyhbXaUKvJ7U4Y9eqpEZTmJYpNyEG8',
- sub_department = 'QmTkfyGh54tXNqFxyEGK9NyTJZYpQ6RZ9zpNykxykME8s',
- building_name = 'QmXJfGk85t6RKyhbXaEK9Nz4MEeMKypq6EY9zpJyC9nM9',
- floor = 'QmZP5G7fhZpMyQxXnT9KyR6ybXaEM9zpJy4ME9MkTJGE1',
- post_box = 'QmTkfYRGK54xFqXyJYNZyE9kY9zpMKytJnXy5z9EME9sJ',
- room = 'QmRYXnT9KyhbXaEMZpMyxMkZ9zpYNYTJ4ME5kCGE7fhMJ',
- town_location_name = 'QmNpZTyXJXnT9K6EYZpQxYNYMkC5p4kGEfhnkMJzpYT9Jm',
- district_name = 'QmT9p6ERKyNYXnTyhbpMYJ4zpYT9kMJZT9QmEMGZ5kMhCy',
- country_sub_division = 'QmK9yTbXaZpMYJYTYp6NT9QmEMGZT9p9kMJfhyGE4Z7k5C',
- address_line = ["QmNp9kMjfhGZ5kMJzpNYXZTy6NQmZYEMGZ4kZT9Y6pNYT"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_national_identification.TravelRuleNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- national_identifier = 'QmdR6qLnZ7Kwf5cBaXG8QFQenEvRg9JNZeoPranVuGd63z',
- national_identifier_type = 'QmUKTg3aFJFhMz1o9gPqA3MgTRwd2LvDLwWTPHYUoMEYVi',
- registration_authority = 'QmV9KJMyT9RJzpYfhME5xNCZ4G67fEkzTpRMyJzp9kTNYk', ),
- date_and_place_of_birth = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth.TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- place_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt', ),
- customer_identification = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- country_of_residence = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- customer_number = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj', ),
- legal_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person.TravelRuleLegalPerson(
- customer_identification = 'QmRY9AA4Uit2JRTxDzfzshrJdTK86Kf5HriA3dXDnihDmy',
- customer_number = 'QmXvyML3AJUFpBbJqL5NVp7Vn7xNkuedTsSMk93duLCNW8',
- country_of_registration = 'QmeoTk6UPruEAYNbJEAHdQYc53ap9BXmpnPMcuvs8wutdr', ), )
- ],
- beneficiary_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person.TravelRulePerson()
- ],
- account_number = [
- 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt'
- ], ),
+ full_name = '',
+ date_of_birth = '',
+ place_of_birth = '',
+ address = '',
+ identification_number = '',
+ nationality = '',
+ country_of_residence = '',
+ tax_identification_number = '',
+ customer_number = '', ),
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth.py b/test/test_travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b834f30..0000000
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-import unittest
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth import (
- TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth,
-class TestTravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth(unittest.TestCase):
- """TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth unit test stubs"""
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth:
- """Test TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth
- include_option is a boolean, when False only required
- params are included, when True both required and
- optional params are included"""
- # uncomment below to create an instance of `TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth`
- """
- model = TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth()
- if include_optional:
- return TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- place_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt'
- )
- else:
- return TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- )
- """
- def testTravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth(self):
- """Test TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth"""
- # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
- # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_geographic_address.py b/test/test_travel_rule_geographic_address.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 400e3f6..0000000
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_geographic_address.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-import unittest
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_geographic_address import TravelRuleGeographicAddress
-class TestTravelRuleGeographicAddress(unittest.TestCase):
- """TravelRuleGeographicAddress unit test stubs"""
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleGeographicAddress:
- """Test TravelRuleGeographicAddress
- include_option is a boolean, when False only required
- params are included, when True both required and
- optional params are included"""
- # uncomment below to create an instance of `TravelRuleGeographicAddress`
- """
- model = TravelRuleGeographicAddress()
- if include_optional:
- return TravelRuleGeographicAddress(
- street_name = 'QmZGXXsKPk5iPS97LLjXB5e8Qs555ocdzcpbPMXvt84Ji9',
- town_name = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- country = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- building_number = 'QmUFpNkxdsVtebDSUz5eP51kzoysXmqj2gBgeH11PD7SVP',
- post_code = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- address_type = 'Qmdr9LcChZsoivS6uAhe7Qk7cGLDAx73wBZTVvq4WoU71H',
- department = 'QmN7fb65x5MyA7RKyhbXaUKvJ7U4Y9eqpEZTmJYpNyEG8',
- sub_department = 'QmTkfyGh54tXNqFxyEGK9NyTJZYpQ6RZ9zpNykxykME8s',
- building_name = 'QmXJfGk85t6RKyhbXaEK9Nz4MEeMKypq6EY9zpJyC9nM9',
- floor = 'QmZP5G7fhZpMyQxXnT9KyR6ybXaEM9zpJy4ME9MkTJGE1',
- post_box = 'QmTkfYRGK54xFqXyJYNZyE9kY9zpMKytJnXy5z9EME9sJ',
- room = 'QmRYXnT9KyhbXaEMZpMyxMkZ9zpYNYTJ4ME5kCGE7fhMJ',
- town_location_name = 'QmNpZTyXJXnT9K6EYZpQxYNYMkC5p4kGEfhnkMJzpYT9Jm',
- district_name = 'QmT9p6ERKyNYXnTyhbpMYJ4zpYT9kMJZT9QmEMGZ5kMhCy',
- country_sub_division = 'QmK9yTbXaZpMYJYTYp6NT9QmEMGZT9p9kMJfhyGE4Z7k5C',
- address_line = ["QmNp9kMjfhGZ5kMJzpNYXZTy6NQmZYEMGZ4kZT9Y6pNYT"]
- )
- else:
- return TravelRuleGeographicAddress(
- )
- """
- def testTravelRuleGeographicAddress(self):
- """Test TravelRuleGeographicAddress"""
- # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
- # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_get_all_vasps_response.py b/test/test_travel_rule_get_all_vasps_response.py
index 26e85b6..0521747 100644
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_get_all_vasps_response.py
+++ b/test/test_travel_rule_get_all_vasps_response.py
@@ -39,51 +39,51 @@ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleGetAllVASPsResponse:
model = TravelRuleGetAllVASPsResponse()
if include_optional:
return TravelRuleGetAllVASPsResponse(
- data = [
+ vasps = [
- did = 'did:ethr:0x17fe2dd11a2daa7f6c1fdf22532a4763f963aea6',
- name = 'Fireblocks TST',
- verification_status = 'VERIFIED',
- address_line1 = '657 Campfire Street',
- address_line2 = 'Suite 10',
- city = 'New York',
- country = 'US',
- email_domains = 'fireblocks.com,example.com',
- website = 'https://fireblocks.com',
- logo = 'https://fireblocks.com/logo.png',
- legal_structure = 'CORPORATION',
- legal_name = 'Fireblocks Inc.',
- year_founded = '2019',
- incorporation_country = 'US',
- is_regulated = 'YES',
- other_names = 'Fireblocks Test VASP',
- identification_type = 'Business License',
- identification_country = 'US',
- business_number = '123456789',
- regulatory_authorities = 'SEC, FINCEN',
- jurisdictions = 'US, EU',
- street = 'Wall Street',
- number = '10',
- unit = 'Apt 2B',
- post_code = '10005',
- state = 'NY',
- certificates = 'ISO 27001',
- description = 'A leading provider of crypto security solutions.',
- travel_rule_openvasp = 'active',
- travel_rule_sygna = 'inactive',
- travel_rule_trisa = 'pending',
- travel_rule_trlight = 'active',
- travel_rule_email = 'inactive',
- travel_rule_trp = 'active',
- travel_rule_shyft = 'inactive',
- travel_rule_ustravelrulewg = 'pending',
- created_at = '2023-09-19T12:23:59.711Z',
- created_by = 'admin',
- updated_at = '2024-08-29T08:23:51.416Z',
- updated_by = 'system',
- last_sent_date = '2024-03-18T09:26:07.988Z',
- last_received_date = '2024-03-20T11:45:30.212Z',
- documents = '['license.pdf', 'compliance.pdf']',
+ did = '',
+ name = '',
+ verification_status = '',
+ address_line1 = '',
+ address_line2 = '',
+ city = '',
+ country = '',
+ email_domains = '',
+ website = '',
+ logo = '',
+ legal_structure = '',
+ legal_name = '',
+ year_founded = '',
+ incorporation_country = '',
+ is_regulated = '',
+ other_names = '',
+ identification_type = '',
+ identification_country = '',
+ business_number = '',
+ regulatory_authorities = '',
+ jurisdictions = '',
+ street = '',
+ number = '',
+ unit = '',
+ post_code = '',
+ state = '',
+ certificates = '',
+ description = '',
+ travel_rule_openvasp = '',
+ travel_rule_sygna = '',
+ travel_rule_trisa = '',
+ travel_rule_trlight = '',
+ travel_rule_email = '',
+ travel_rule_trp = '',
+ travel_rule_shyft = '',
+ travel_rule_ustravelrulewg = '',
+ created_at = '',
+ created_by = '',
+ updated_at = '',
+ updated_by = '',
+ last_sent_date = '',
+ last_received_date = '',
+ documents = '',
has_admin = True,
is_notifiable = True,
issuers = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_issuers.TravelRuleIssuers(
@@ -103,57 +103,55 @@ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleGetAllVASPsResponse:
city = ,
country = ,
description = , ), )
- ],
- total = 2,
- next = 'eJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGcOiJIUzI1NiJ9'
+ ]
return TravelRuleGetAllVASPsResponse(
- data = [
+ vasps = [
- did = 'did:ethr:0x17fe2dd11a2daa7f6c1fdf22532a4763f963aea6',
- name = 'Fireblocks TST',
- verification_status = 'VERIFIED',
- address_line1 = '657 Campfire Street',
- address_line2 = 'Suite 10',
- city = 'New York',
- country = 'US',
- email_domains = 'fireblocks.com,example.com',
- website = 'https://fireblocks.com',
- logo = 'https://fireblocks.com/logo.png',
- legal_structure = 'CORPORATION',
- legal_name = 'Fireblocks Inc.',
- year_founded = '2019',
- incorporation_country = 'US',
- is_regulated = 'YES',
- other_names = 'Fireblocks Test VASP',
- identification_type = 'Business License',
- identification_country = 'US',
- business_number = '123456789',
- regulatory_authorities = 'SEC, FINCEN',
- jurisdictions = 'US, EU',
- street = 'Wall Street',
- number = '10',
- unit = 'Apt 2B',
- post_code = '10005',
- state = 'NY',
- certificates = 'ISO 27001',
- description = 'A leading provider of crypto security solutions.',
- travel_rule_openvasp = 'active',
- travel_rule_sygna = 'inactive',
- travel_rule_trisa = 'pending',
- travel_rule_trlight = 'active',
- travel_rule_email = 'inactive',
- travel_rule_trp = 'active',
- travel_rule_shyft = 'inactive',
- travel_rule_ustravelrulewg = 'pending',
- created_at = '2023-09-19T12:23:59.711Z',
- created_by = 'admin',
- updated_at = '2024-08-29T08:23:51.416Z',
- updated_by = 'system',
- last_sent_date = '2024-03-18T09:26:07.988Z',
- last_received_date = '2024-03-20T11:45:30.212Z',
- documents = '['license.pdf', 'compliance.pdf']',
+ did = '',
+ name = '',
+ verification_status = '',
+ address_line1 = '',
+ address_line2 = '',
+ city = '',
+ country = '',
+ email_domains = '',
+ website = '',
+ logo = '',
+ legal_structure = '',
+ legal_name = '',
+ year_founded = '',
+ incorporation_country = '',
+ is_regulated = '',
+ other_names = '',
+ identification_type = '',
+ identification_country = '',
+ business_number = '',
+ regulatory_authorities = '',
+ jurisdictions = '',
+ street = '',
+ number = '',
+ unit = '',
+ post_code = '',
+ state = '',
+ certificates = '',
+ description = '',
+ travel_rule_openvasp = '',
+ travel_rule_sygna = '',
+ travel_rule_trisa = '',
+ travel_rule_trlight = '',
+ travel_rule_email = '',
+ travel_rule_trp = '',
+ travel_rule_shyft = '',
+ travel_rule_ustravelrulewg = '',
+ created_at = '',
+ created_by = '',
+ updated_at = '',
+ updated_by = '',
+ last_sent_date = '',
+ last_received_date = '',
+ documents = '',
has_admin = True,
is_notifiable = True,
issuers = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_issuers.TravelRuleIssuers(
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_legal_person.py b/test/test_travel_rule_legal_person.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ae9168f..0000000
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_legal_person.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-import unittest
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person import TravelRuleLegalPerson
-class TestTravelRuleLegalPerson(unittest.TestCase):
- """TravelRuleLegalPerson unit test stubs"""
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleLegalPerson:
- """Test TravelRuleLegalPerson
- include_option is a boolean, when False only required
- params are included, when True both required and
- optional params are included"""
- # uncomment below to create an instance of `TravelRuleLegalPerson`
- """
- model = TravelRuleLegalPerson()
- if include_optional:
- return TravelRuleLegalPerson(
- name = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier(
- legal_person_name = 'QmVXXj5BJchhqQTU27uEkeghYMnxR6aVjZxJP9jS6uCg9Q',
- legal_person_name_identifier_type = 'QmPevsa5xdkxf6Lgt7f9YweRBdgseeAkWVaYyssKF3Q86e', ),
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_geographic_address.TravelRuleGeographicAddress(
- street_name = 'QmZGXXsKPk5iPS97LLjXB5e8Qs555ocdzcpbPMXvt84Ji9',
- town_name = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- country = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- building_number = 'QmUFpNkxdsVtebDSUz5eP51kzoysXmqj2gBgeH11PD7SVP',
- post_code = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- address_type = 'Qmdr9LcChZsoivS6uAhe7Qk7cGLDAx73wBZTVvq4WoU71H',
- department = 'QmN7fb65x5MyA7RKyhbXaUKvJ7U4Y9eqpEZTmJYpNyEG8',
- sub_department = 'QmTkfyGh54tXNqFxyEGK9NyTJZYpQ6RZ9zpNykxykME8s',
- building_name = 'QmXJfGk85t6RKyhbXaEK9Nz4MEeMKypq6EY9zpJyC9nM9',
- floor = 'QmZP5G7fhZpMyQxXnT9KyR6ybXaEM9zpJy4ME9MkTJGE1',
- post_box = 'QmTkfYRGK54xFqXyJYNZyE9kY9zpMKytJnXy5z9EME9sJ',
- room = 'QmRYXnT9KyhbXaEMZpMyxMkZ9zpYNYTJ4ME5kCGE7fhMJ',
- town_location_name = 'QmNpZTyXJXnT9K6EYZpQxYNYMkC5p4kGEfhnkMJzpYT9Jm',
- district_name = 'QmT9p6ERKyNYXnTyhbpMYJ4zpYT9kMJZT9QmEMGZ5kMhCy',
- country_sub_division = 'QmK9yTbXaZpMYJYTYp6NT9QmEMGZT9p9kMJfhyGE4Z7k5C',
- address_line = ["QmNp9kMjfhGZ5kMJzpNYXZTy6NQmZYEMGZ4kZT9Y6pNYT"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_national_identification.TravelRuleNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- national_identifier = 'QmdR6qLnZ7Kwf5cBaXG8QFQenEvRg9JNZeoPranVuGd63z',
- national_identifier_type = 'QmUKTg3aFJFhMz1o9gPqA3MgTRwd2LvDLwWTPHYUoMEYVi',
- registration_authority = 'QmV9KJMyT9RJzpYfhME5xNCZ4G67fEkzTpRMyJzp9kTNYk', ),
- customer_identification = 'QmRY9AA4Uit2JRTxDzfzshrJdTK86Kf5HriA3dXDnihDmy',
- customer_number = 'QmXvyML3AJUFpBbJqL5NVp7Vn7xNkuedTsSMk93duLCNW8',
- country_of_registration = 'QmeoTk6UPruEAYNbJEAHdQYc53ap9BXmpnPMcuvs8wutdr'
- )
- else:
- return TravelRuleLegalPerson(
- )
- """
- def testTravelRuleLegalPerson(self):
- """Test TravelRuleLegalPerson"""
- # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
- # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_legal_person_name_identifier.py b/test/test_travel_rule_legal_person_name_identifier.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 510cfab..0000000
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_legal_person_name_identifier.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-import unittest
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person_name_identifier import (
- TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier,
-class TestTravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier(unittest.TestCase):
- """TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier unit test stubs"""
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier:
- """Test TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier
- include_option is a boolean, when False only required
- params are included, when True both required and
- optional params are included"""
- # uncomment below to create an instance of `TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier`
- """
- model = TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier()
- if include_optional:
- return TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier(
- legal_person_name = 'QmVXXj5BJchhqQTU27uEkeghYMnxR6aVjZxJP9jS6uCg9Q',
- legal_person_name_identifier_type = 'QmPevsa5xdkxf6Lgt7f9YweRBdgseeAkWVaYyssKF3Q86e'
- )
- else:
- return TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier(
- )
- """
- def testTravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier(self):
- """Test TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier"""
- # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
- # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_national_identification.py b/test/test_travel_rule_national_identification.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d392fd..0000000
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_national_identification.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-import unittest
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_national_identification import (
- TravelRuleNationalIdentification,
-class TestTravelRuleNationalIdentification(unittest.TestCase):
- """TravelRuleNationalIdentification unit test stubs"""
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleNationalIdentification:
- """Test TravelRuleNationalIdentification
- include_option is a boolean, when False only required
- params are included, when True both required and
- optional params are included"""
- # uncomment below to create an instance of `TravelRuleNationalIdentification`
- """
- model = TravelRuleNationalIdentification()
- if include_optional:
- return TravelRuleNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- national_identifier = 'QmdR6qLnZ7Kwf5cBaXG8QFQenEvRg9JNZeoPranVuGd63z',
- national_identifier_type = 'QmUKTg3aFJFhMz1o9gPqA3MgTRwd2LvDLwWTPHYUoMEYVi',
- registration_authority = 'QmV9KJMyT9RJzpYfhME5xNCZ4G67fEkzTpRMyJzp9kTNYk'
- )
- else:
- return TravelRuleNationalIdentification(
- )
- """
- def testTravelRuleNationalIdentification(self):
- """Test TravelRuleNationalIdentification"""
- # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
- # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.py b/test/test_travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.py
deleted file mode 100644
index eae319e..0000000
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-import unittest
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier import (
- TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier,
-class TestTravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(unittest.TestCase):
- """TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier unit test stubs"""
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier:
- """Test TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier
- include_option is a boolean, when False only required
- params are included, when True both required and
- optional params are included"""
- # uncomment below to create an instance of `TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier`
- """
- model = TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier()
- if include_optional:
- return TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv'
- )
- else:
- return TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- )
- """
- def testTravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(self):
- """Test TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier"""
- # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
- # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_natural_person.py b/test/test_travel_rule_natural_person.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ea8932b..0000000
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_natural_person.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-import unittest
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person import TravelRuleNaturalPerson
-class TestTravelRuleNaturalPerson(unittest.TestCase):
- """TravelRuleNaturalPerson unit test stubs"""
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleNaturalPerson:
- """Test TravelRuleNaturalPerson
- include_option is a boolean, when False only required
- params are included, when True both required and
- optional params are included"""
- # uncomment below to create an instance of `TravelRuleNaturalPerson`
- """
- model = TravelRuleNaturalPerson()
- if include_optional:
- return TravelRuleNaturalPerson(
- name = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- ], )
- ],
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_geographic_address.TravelRuleGeographicAddress(
- street_name = 'QmZGXXsKPk5iPS97LLjXB5e8Qs555ocdzcpbPMXvt84Ji9',
- town_name = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- country = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- building_number = 'QmUFpNkxdsVtebDSUz5eP51kzoysXmqj2gBgeH11PD7SVP',
- post_code = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- address_type = 'Qmdr9LcChZsoivS6uAhe7Qk7cGLDAx73wBZTVvq4WoU71H',
- department = 'QmN7fb65x5MyA7RKyhbXaUKvJ7U4Y9eqpEZTmJYpNyEG8',
- sub_department = 'QmTkfyGh54tXNqFxyEGK9NyTJZYpQ6RZ9zpNykxykME8s',
- building_name = 'QmXJfGk85t6RKyhbXaEK9Nz4MEeMKypq6EY9zpJyC9nM9',
- floor = 'QmZP5G7fhZpMyQxXnT9KyR6ybXaEM9zpJy4ME9MkTJGE1',
- post_box = 'QmTkfYRGK54xFqXyJYNZyE9kY9zpMKytJnXy5z9EME9sJ',
- room = 'QmRYXnT9KyhbXaEMZpMyxMkZ9zpYNYTJ4ME5kCGE7fhMJ',
- town_location_name = 'QmNpZTyXJXnT9K6EYZpQxYNYMkC5p4kGEfhnkMJzpYT9Jm',
- district_name = 'QmT9p6ERKyNYXnTyhbpMYJ4zpYT9kMJZT9QmEMGZ5kMhCy',
- country_sub_division = 'QmK9yTbXaZpMYJYTYp6NT9QmEMGZT9p9kMJfhyGE4Z7k5C',
- address_line = ["QmNp9kMjfhGZ5kMJzpNYXZTy6NQmZYEMGZ4kZT9Y6pNYT"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_national_identification.TravelRuleNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- national_identifier = 'QmdR6qLnZ7Kwf5cBaXG8QFQenEvRg9JNZeoPranVuGd63z',
- national_identifier_type = 'QmUKTg3aFJFhMz1o9gPqA3MgTRwd2LvDLwWTPHYUoMEYVi',
- registration_authority = 'QmV9KJMyT9RJzpYfhME5xNCZ4G67fEkzTpRMyJzp9kTNYk', ),
- date_and_place_of_birth = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth.TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- place_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt', ),
- customer_identification = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- country_of_residence = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- customer_number = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj'
- )
- else:
- return TravelRuleNaturalPerson(
- )
- """
- def testTravelRuleNaturalPerson(self):
- """Test TravelRuleNaturalPerson"""
- # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
- # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier.py b/test/test_travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c1f60a..0000000
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-import unittest
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier import (
- TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier,
-class TestTravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(unittest.TestCase):
- """TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier unit test stubs"""
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier:
- """Test TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier
- include_option is a boolean, when False only required
- params are included, when True both required and
- optional params are included"""
- # uncomment below to create an instance of `TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier`
- """
- model = TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier()
- if include_optional:
- return TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ]
- )
- else:
- return TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- )
- """
- def testTravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(self):
- """Test TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier"""
- # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
- # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_ownership_proof.py b/test/test_travel_rule_ownership_proof.py
index cab226b..97eb2b9 100644
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_ownership_proof.py
+++ b/test/test_travel_rule_ownership_proof.py
@@ -37,13 +37,8 @@ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleOwnershipProof:
model = TravelRuleOwnershipProof()
if include_optional:
return TravelRuleOwnershipProof(
- type = 'eip-191',
- proof = '0x3dd4a17a...ce4a2bcd1b',
- attestation = 'I certify that ETH account 0x896B...0b9b belongs to me.',
- address = '0x896B...0b9b',
- wallet_provider = 'Metamask',
- url = 'https://example.com/uploaded_image.png',
- confirmed = True
+ type = 'passport',
+ proof = '123456789'
return TravelRuleOwnershipProof(
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_person.py b/test/test_travel_rule_person.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b5db3e..0000000
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_person.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-import unittest
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person import TravelRulePerson
-class TestTravelRulePerson(unittest.TestCase):
- """TravelRulePerson unit test stubs"""
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRulePerson:
- """Test TravelRulePerson
- include_option is a boolean, when False only required
- params are included, when True both required and
- optional params are included"""
- # uncomment below to create an instance of `TravelRulePerson`
- """
- model = TravelRulePerson()
- if include_optional:
- return TravelRulePerson(
- natural_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person.TravelRuleNaturalPerson(
- name = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- ], )
- ],
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_geographic_address.TravelRuleGeographicAddress(
- street_name = 'QmZGXXsKPk5iPS97LLjXB5e8Qs555ocdzcpbPMXvt84Ji9',
- town_name = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- country = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- building_number = 'QmUFpNkxdsVtebDSUz5eP51kzoysXmqj2gBgeH11PD7SVP',
- post_code = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- address_type = 'Qmdr9LcChZsoivS6uAhe7Qk7cGLDAx73wBZTVvq4WoU71H',
- department = 'QmN7fb65x5MyA7RKyhbXaUKvJ7U4Y9eqpEZTmJYpNyEG8',
- sub_department = 'QmTkfyGh54tXNqFxyEGK9NyTJZYpQ6RZ9zpNykxykME8s',
- building_name = 'QmXJfGk85t6RKyhbXaEK9Nz4MEeMKypq6EY9zpJyC9nM9',
- floor = 'QmZP5G7fhZpMyQxXnT9KyR6ybXaEM9zpJy4ME9MkTJGE1',
- post_box = 'QmTkfYRGK54xFqXyJYNZyE9kY9zpMKytJnXy5z9EME9sJ',
- room = 'QmRYXnT9KyhbXaEMZpMyxMkZ9zpYNYTJ4ME5kCGE7fhMJ',
- town_location_name = 'QmNpZTyXJXnT9K6EYZpQxYNYMkC5p4kGEfhnkMJzpYT9Jm',
- district_name = 'QmT9p6ERKyNYXnTyhbpMYJ4zpYT9kMJZT9QmEMGZ5kMhCy',
- country_sub_division = 'QmK9yTbXaZpMYJYTYp6NT9QmEMGZT9p9kMJfhyGE4Z7k5C',
- address_line = ["QmNp9kMjfhGZ5kMJzpNYXZTy6NQmZYEMGZ4kZT9Y6pNYT"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_national_identification.TravelRuleNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- national_identifier = 'QmdR6qLnZ7Kwf5cBaXG8QFQenEvRg9JNZeoPranVuGd63z',
- national_identifier_type = 'QmUKTg3aFJFhMz1o9gPqA3MgTRwd2LvDLwWTPHYUoMEYVi',
- registration_authority = 'QmV9KJMyT9RJzpYfhME5xNCZ4G67fEkzTpRMyJzp9kTNYk', ),
- date_and_place_of_birth = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth.TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- place_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt', ),
- customer_identification = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- country_of_residence = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- customer_number = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj', ),
- legal_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person.TravelRuleLegalPerson(
- name = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleLegalPersonNameIdentifier(
- legal_person_name = 'QmVXXj5BJchhqQTU27uEkeghYMnxR6aVjZxJP9jS6uCg9Q',
- legal_person_name_identifier_type = 'QmPevsa5xdkxf6Lgt7f9YweRBdgseeAkWVaYyssKF3Q86e', ),
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_geographic_address.TravelRuleGeographicAddress(
- street_name = 'QmZGXXsKPk5iPS97LLjXB5e8Qs555ocdzcpbPMXvt84Ji9',
- town_name = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- country = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- building_number = 'QmUFpNkxdsVtebDSUz5eP51kzoysXmqj2gBgeH11PD7SVP',
- post_code = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- address_type = 'Qmdr9LcChZsoivS6uAhe7Qk7cGLDAx73wBZTVvq4WoU71H',
- department = 'QmN7fb65x5MyA7RKyhbXaUKvJ7U4Y9eqpEZTmJYpNyEG8',
- sub_department = 'QmTkfyGh54tXNqFxyEGK9NyTJZYpQ6RZ9zpNykxykME8s',
- building_name = 'QmXJfGk85t6RKyhbXaEK9Nz4MEeMKypq6EY9zpJyC9nM9',
- floor = 'QmZP5G7fhZpMyQxXnT9KyR6ybXaEM9zpJy4ME9MkTJGE1',
- post_box = 'QmTkfYRGK54xFqXyJYNZyE9kY9zpMKytJnXy5z9EME9sJ',
- room = 'QmRYXnT9KyhbXaEMZpMyxMkZ9zpYNYTJ4ME5kCGE7fhMJ',
- town_location_name = 'QmNpZTyXJXnT9K6EYZpQxYNYMkC5p4kGEfhnkMJzpYT9Jm',
- district_name = 'QmT9p6ERKyNYXnTyhbpMYJ4zpYT9kMJZT9QmEMGZ5kMhCy',
- country_sub_division = 'QmK9yTbXaZpMYJYTYp6NT9QmEMGZT9p9kMJfhyGE4Z7k5C',
- address_line = ["QmNp9kMjfhGZ5kMJzpNYXZTy6NQmZYEMGZ4kZT9Y6pNYT"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_national_identification.TravelRuleNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- national_identifier = 'QmdR6qLnZ7Kwf5cBaXG8QFQenEvRg9JNZeoPranVuGd63z',
- national_identifier_type = 'QmUKTg3aFJFhMz1o9gPqA3MgTRwd2LvDLwWTPHYUoMEYVi',
- registration_authority = 'QmV9KJMyT9RJzpYfhME5xNCZ4G67fEkzTpRMyJzp9kTNYk', ),
- customer_identification = 'QmRY9AA4Uit2JRTxDzfzshrJdTK86Kf5HriA3dXDnihDmy',
- customer_number = 'QmXvyML3AJUFpBbJqL5NVp7Vn7xNkuedTsSMk93duLCNW8',
- country_of_registration = 'QmeoTk6UPruEAYNbJEAHdQYc53ap9BXmpnPMcuvs8wutdr', )
- )
- else:
- return TravelRulePerson(
- )
- """
- def testTravelRulePerson(self):
- """Test TravelRulePerson"""
- # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
- # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_pii_ivms.py b/test/test_travel_rule_pii_ivms.py
index c010fb4..4a383c1 100644
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_pii_ivms.py
+++ b/test/test_travel_rule_pii_ivms.py
@@ -37,121 +37,15 @@ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRulePiiIVMS:
model = TravelRulePiiIVMS()
if include_optional:
return TravelRulePiiIVMS(
- originator_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person.TravelRulePerson(
- natural_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person.TravelRuleNaturalPerson(
- name = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- ], )
- ],
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_geographic_address.TravelRuleGeographicAddress(
- street_name = 'QmZGXXsKPk5iPS97LLjXB5e8Qs555ocdzcpbPMXvt84Ji9',
- town_name = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- country = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- building_number = 'QmUFpNkxdsVtebDSUz5eP51kzoysXmqj2gBgeH11PD7SVP',
- post_code = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- address_type = 'Qmdr9LcChZsoivS6uAhe7Qk7cGLDAx73wBZTVvq4WoU71H',
- department = 'QmN7fb65x5MyA7RKyhbXaUKvJ7U4Y9eqpEZTmJYpNyEG8',
- sub_department = 'QmTkfyGh54tXNqFxyEGK9NyTJZYpQ6RZ9zpNykxykME8s',
- building_name = 'QmXJfGk85t6RKyhbXaEK9Nz4MEeMKypq6EY9zpJyC9nM9',
- floor = 'QmZP5G7fhZpMyQxXnT9KyR6ybXaEM9zpJy4ME9MkTJGE1',
- post_box = 'QmTkfYRGK54xFqXyJYNZyE9kY9zpMKytJnXy5z9EME9sJ',
- room = 'QmRYXnT9KyhbXaEMZpMyxMkZ9zpYNYTJ4ME5kCGE7fhMJ',
- town_location_name = 'QmNpZTyXJXnT9K6EYZpQxYNYMkC5p4kGEfhnkMJzpYT9Jm',
- district_name = 'QmT9p6ERKyNYXnTyhbpMYJ4zpYT9kMJZT9QmEMGZ5kMhCy',
- country_sub_division = 'QmK9yTbXaZpMYJYTYp6NT9QmEMGZT9p9kMJfhyGE4Z7k5C',
- address_line = ["QmNp9kMjfhGZ5kMJzpNYXZTy6NQmZYEMGZ4kZT9Y6pNYT"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_national_identification.TravelRuleNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- national_identifier = 'QmdR6qLnZ7Kwf5cBaXG8QFQenEvRg9JNZeoPranVuGd63z',
- national_identifier_type = 'QmUKTg3aFJFhMz1o9gPqA3MgTRwd2LvDLwWTPHYUoMEYVi',
- registration_authority = 'QmV9KJMyT9RJzpYfhME5xNCZ4G67fEkzTpRMyJzp9kTNYk', ),
- date_and_place_of_birth = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth.TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- place_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt', ),
- customer_identification = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- country_of_residence = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- customer_number = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj', ),
- legal_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person.TravelRuleLegalPerson(
- customer_identification = 'QmRY9AA4Uit2JRTxDzfzshrJdTK86Kf5HriA3dXDnihDmy',
- customer_number = 'QmXvyML3AJUFpBbJqL5NVp7Vn7xNkuedTsSMk93duLCNW8',
- country_of_registration = 'QmeoTk6UPruEAYNbJEAHdQYc53ap9BXmpnPMcuvs8wutdr', ), )
- ],
- beneficiary_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person.TravelRulePerson(
- natural_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person.TravelRuleNaturalPerson(
- name = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- ], )
- ],
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_geographic_address.TravelRuleGeographicAddress(
- street_name = 'QmZGXXsKPk5iPS97LLjXB5e8Qs555ocdzcpbPMXvt84Ji9',
- town_name = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- country = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- building_number = 'QmUFpNkxdsVtebDSUz5eP51kzoysXmqj2gBgeH11PD7SVP',
- post_code = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- address_type = 'Qmdr9LcChZsoivS6uAhe7Qk7cGLDAx73wBZTVvq4WoU71H',
- department = 'QmN7fb65x5MyA7RKyhbXaUKvJ7U4Y9eqpEZTmJYpNyEG8',
- sub_department = 'QmTkfyGh54tXNqFxyEGK9NyTJZYpQ6RZ9zpNykxykME8s',
- building_name = 'QmXJfGk85t6RKyhbXaEK9Nz4MEeMKypq6EY9zpJyC9nM9',
- floor = 'QmZP5G7fhZpMyQxXnT9KyR6ybXaEM9zpJy4ME9MkTJGE1',
- post_box = 'QmTkfYRGK54xFqXyJYNZyE9kY9zpMKytJnXy5z9EME9sJ',
- room = 'QmRYXnT9KyhbXaEMZpMyxMkZ9zpYNYTJ4ME5kCGE7fhMJ',
- town_location_name = 'QmNpZTyXJXnT9K6EYZpQxYNYMkC5p4kGEfhnkMJzpYT9Jm',
- district_name = 'QmT9p6ERKyNYXnTyhbpMYJ4zpYT9kMJZT9QmEMGZ5kMhCy',
- country_sub_division = 'QmK9yTbXaZpMYJYTYp6NT9QmEMGZT9p9kMJfhyGE4Z7k5C',
- address_line = ["QmNp9kMjfhGZ5kMJzpNYXZTy6NQmZYEMGZ4kZT9Y6pNYT"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_national_identification.TravelRuleNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- national_identifier = 'QmdR6qLnZ7Kwf5cBaXG8QFQenEvRg9JNZeoPranVuGd63z',
- national_identifier_type = 'QmUKTg3aFJFhMz1o9gPqA3MgTRwd2LvDLwWTPHYUoMEYVi',
- registration_authority = 'QmV9KJMyT9RJzpYfhME5xNCZ4G67fEkzTpRMyJzp9kTNYk', ),
- date_and_place_of_birth = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth.TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- place_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt', ),
- customer_identification = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- country_of_residence = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- customer_number = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj', ),
- legal_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person.TravelRuleLegalPerson(
- customer_identification = 'QmRY9AA4Uit2JRTxDzfzshrJdTK86Kf5HriA3dXDnihDmy',
- customer_number = 'QmXvyML3AJUFpBbJqL5NVp7Vn7xNkuedTsSMk93duLCNW8',
- country_of_registration = 'QmeoTk6UPruEAYNbJEAHdQYc53ap9BXmpnPMcuvs8wutdr', ), )
- ],
- account_number = [
- 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt'
- ]
+ full_name = '',
+ date_of_birth = '',
+ place_of_birth = '',
+ address = '',
+ identification_number = '',
+ nationality = '',
+ country_of_residence = '',
+ tax_identification_number = '',
+ customer_number = ''
return TravelRulePiiIVMS(
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_transaction_blockchain_info.py b/test/test_travel_rule_transaction_blockchain_info.py
index cafac13..ac72e05 100644
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_transaction_blockchain_info.py
+++ b/test/test_travel_rule_transaction_blockchain_info.py
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo
model = TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo()
if include_optional:
return TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo(
- tx_hash = '6.685730843558756E+76',
- origin = '8.41132469470587E+47',
- destination = '8.41132469470587E+47'
+ tx_hash = '',
+ origin = '',
+ destination = ''
return TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo(
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth.py b/test/test_travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b812c0..0000000
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-import unittest
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth import (
- TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth,
-class TestTravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth(unittest.TestCase):
- """TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth unit test stubs"""
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth:
- """Test TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth
- include_option is a boolean, when False only required
- params are included, when True both required and
- optional params are included"""
- # uncomment below to create an instance of `TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth`
- """
- model = TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth()
- if include_optional:
- return TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = '1990-01-01',
- place_of_birth = 'New York, USA'
- )
- else:
- return TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- )
- """
- def testTravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth(self):
- """Test TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth"""
- # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
- # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_full_transaction_request.py b/test/test_travel_rule_validate_full_transaction_request.py
index 6cf7f12..5d0141f 100644
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_full_transaction_request.py
+++ b/test/test_travel_rule_validate_full_transaction_request.py
@@ -41,362 +41,81 @@ def make_instance(
model = TravelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest()
if include_optional:
return TravelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest(
- originator_vas_pdid = 'did:ethr:0x44957e75d6ce4a5bf37aae117da86422c848f7c2',
- beneficiary_vas_pdid = 'did:ethr:0x17fe2dd11a2daa7f6c1fdf22532a4763f963aea6',
- transaction_asset = 'BTC',
- transaction_amount = '10',
- originator_vas_pname = 'Originator VASP Ltd.',
- beneficiary_vas_pname = 'Beneficiary VASP Inc.',
+ transaction_asset = '',
+ transaction_amount = '',
+ originator_did = '',
+ beneficiary_did = '',
+ originator_vas_pdid = '',
+ beneficiary_vas_pdid = '',
+ beneficiary_vas_pname = '',
transaction_blockchain_info = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_transaction_blockchain_info.TravelRuleTransactionBlockchainInfo(
- tx_hash = '6.685730843558756E+76',
- origin = '8.41132469470587E+47',
- destination = '8.41132469470587E+47', ),
- originator = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_pii_ivms.TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS(
- originator_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_person.TravelRuleValidatePerson(
- natural_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person.TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson(
- name = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'John',
- secondary_identifier = 'Doe',
- name_identifier_type = 'LEGL', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'John',
- secondary_identifier = 'Doe',
- name_identifier_type = 'LEGL', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- ], )
- ],
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_geographic_address.TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress(
- street_name = '123 Main St',
- town_name = 'New York',
- country = 'US',
- building_number = '123',
- post_code = '12345',
- address_type = 'HOME',
- department = 'IT',
- sub_department = 'Security',
- building_name = 'Acme Building',
- floor = '1',
- post_box = '123',
- room = '101',
- town_location_name = 'Downtown',
- district_name = 'Manhattan',
- country_sub_division = 'New York',
- address_line = ["123 Main St","New York","NY 12345"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_national_identification.TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'US',
- national_identifier = '123456789',
- national_identifier_type = 'NATIONAL_ID',
- registration_authority = 'RA123456', ),
- date_and_place_of_birth = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth.TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = '1990-01-01',
- place_of_birth = 'New York, USA', ),
- customer_identification = 'CUST123456',
- country_of_residence = 'US',
- customer_number = '123456789', ),
- legal_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_legal_person.TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson(
- customer_identification = 'CUST987654',
- customer_number = '123456789',
- country_of_registration = 'US', ), )
- ],
- beneficiary_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_person.TravelRuleValidatePerson()
- ],
- account_number = [
- ''
- ], ),
- beneficiary = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_pii_ivms.TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS(
- originator_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_person.TravelRuleValidatePerson(
- natural_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person.TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson(
- name = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'John',
- secondary_identifier = 'Doe',
- name_identifier_type = 'LEGL', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'John',
- secondary_identifier = 'Doe',
- name_identifier_type = 'LEGL', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- ], )
- ],
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_geographic_address.TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress(
- street_name = '123 Main St',
- town_name = 'New York',
- country = 'US',
- building_number = '123',
- post_code = '12345',
- address_type = 'HOME',
- department = 'IT',
- sub_department = 'Security',
- building_name = 'Acme Building',
- floor = '1',
- post_box = '123',
- room = '101',
- town_location_name = 'Downtown',
- district_name = 'Manhattan',
- country_sub_division = 'New York',
- address_line = ["123 Main St","New York","NY 12345"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_national_identification.TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'US',
- national_identifier = '123456789',
- national_identifier_type = 'NATIONAL_ID',
- registration_authority = 'RA123456', ),
- date_and_place_of_birth = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth.TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = '1990-01-01',
- place_of_birth = 'New York, USA', ),
- customer_identification = 'CUST123456',
- country_of_residence = 'US',
- customer_number = '123456789', ),
- legal_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_legal_person.TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson(
- customer_identification = 'CUST987654',
- customer_number = '123456789',
- country_of_registration = 'US', ), )
- ],
- beneficiary_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_person.TravelRuleValidatePerson()
- ],
- account_number = [
- ''
- ], ),
- encrypted = 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9...',
- protocol = 'TRLight',
- skip_beneficiary_data_validation = False,
+ tx_hash = '',
+ origin = '',
+ destination = '', ),
+ originator = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_pii_ivms.TravelRulePiiIVMS(
+ full_name = '',
+ date_of_birth = '',
+ place_of_birth = '',
+ address = '',
+ identification_number = '',
+ nationality = '',
+ country_of_residence = '',
+ tax_identification_number = '',
+ customer_number = '', ),
+ beneficiary = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_pii_ivms.TravelRulePiiIVMS(
+ full_name = '',
+ date_of_birth = '',
+ place_of_birth = '',
+ address = '',
+ identification_number = '',
+ nationality = '',
+ country_of_residence = '',
+ tax_identification_number = '',
+ customer_number = '', ),
+ encrypted = '',
+ protocol = '',
+ notification_email = '',
+ skip_beneficiary_data_validation = True,
travel_rule_behavior = True,
- originator_ref = 'ORG123456',
- beneficiary_ref = 'BEN654321',
- travel_rule_behavior_ref = 'TRB987654',
originator_proof = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_ownership_proof.TravelRuleOwnershipProof(
- type = 'eip-191',
- proof = '0x3dd4a17a...ce4a2bcd1b',
- attestation = 'I certify that ETH account 0x896B...0b9b belongs to me.',
- address = '0x896B...0b9b',
- wallet_provider = 'Metamask',
- url = 'https://example.com/uploaded_image.png',
- confirmed = True, ),
+ type = 'passport',
+ proof = '123456789', ),
beneficiary_proof = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_ownership_proof.TravelRuleOwnershipProof(
- type = 'eip-191',
- proof = '0x3dd4a17a...ce4a2bcd1b',
- attestation = 'I certify that ETH account 0x896B...0b9b belongs to me.',
- address = '0x896B...0b9b',
- wallet_provider = 'Metamask',
- url = 'https://example.com/uploaded_image.png',
- confirmed = True, ),
- beneficiary_did = 'did:key:z6Mkf67890Zghijkl67890',
- originator_did = 'did:key:z6Mkf12345Zabcdef12345',
- is_non_custodial = True,
- notification_email = '',
+ type = 'passport',
+ proof = '123456789', ),
pii = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_pii_ivms.TravelRulePiiIVMS(
- originator_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person.TravelRulePerson(
- natural_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person.TravelRuleNaturalPerson(
- name = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- secondary_identifier = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv',
- name_identifier_type = 'QmP6wx8bx3SVNG3hd3SZKnS5pDjUan4y9H1VtyRqu7tsAv', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- ], )
- ],
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_geographic_address.TravelRuleGeographicAddress(
- street_name = 'QmZGXXsKPk5iPS97LLjXB5e8Qs555ocdzcpbPMXvt84Ji9',
- town_name = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- country = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- building_number = 'QmUFpNkxdsVtebDSUz5eP51kzoysXmqj2gBgeH11PD7SVP',
- post_code = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- address_type = 'Qmdr9LcChZsoivS6uAhe7Qk7cGLDAx73wBZTVvq4WoU71H',
- department = 'QmN7fb65x5MyA7RKyhbXaUKvJ7U4Y9eqpEZTmJYpNyEG8',
- sub_department = 'QmTkfyGh54tXNqFxyEGK9NyTJZYpQ6RZ9zpNykxykME8s',
- building_name = 'QmXJfGk85t6RKyhbXaEK9Nz4MEeMKypq6EY9zpJyC9nM9',
- floor = 'QmZP5G7fhZpMyQxXnT9KyR6ybXaEM9zpJy4ME9MkTJGE1',
- post_box = 'QmTkfYRGK54xFqXyJYNZyE9kY9zpMKytJnXy5z9EME9sJ',
- room = 'QmRYXnT9KyhbXaEMZpMyxMkZ9zpYNYTJ4ME5kCGE7fhMJ',
- town_location_name = 'QmNpZTyXJXnT9K6EYZpQxYNYMkC5p4kGEfhnkMJzpYT9Jm',
- district_name = 'QmT9p6ERKyNYXnTyhbpMYJ4zpYT9kMJZT9QmEMGZ5kMhCy',
- country_sub_division = 'QmK9yTbXaZpMYJYTYp6NT9QmEMGZT9p9kMJfhyGE4Z7k5C',
- address_line = ["QmNp9kMjfhGZ5kMJzpNYXZTy6NQmZYEMGZ4kZT9Y6pNYT"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_national_identification.TravelRuleNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'QmRGHdoxQfSi6tevyvaYGzs8BVStfqJqEyrMYqUfzXxkmm',
- national_identifier = 'QmdR6qLnZ7Kwf5cBaXG8QFQenEvRg9JNZeoPranVuGd63z',
- national_identifier_type = 'QmUKTg3aFJFhMz1o9gPqA3MgTRwd2LvDLwWTPHYUoMEYVi',
- registration_authority = 'QmV9KJMyT9RJzpYfhME5xNCZ4G67fEkzTpRMyJzp9kTNYk', ),
- date_and_place_of_birth = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_date_and_place_of_birth.TravelRuleDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt',
- place_of_birth = 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt', ),
- customer_identification = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- country_of_residence = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj',
- customer_number = 'QmTJsK3sc3fPEVwvAp97UUiVoFhjzQhYX3sCda1JxuCnXj', ),
- legal_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_legal_person.TravelRuleLegalPerson(
- customer_identification = 'QmRY9AA4Uit2JRTxDzfzshrJdTK86Kf5HriA3dXDnihDmy',
- customer_number = 'QmXvyML3AJUFpBbJqL5NVp7Vn7xNkuedTsSMk93duLCNW8',
- country_of_registration = 'QmeoTk6UPruEAYNbJEAHdQYc53ap9BXmpnPMcuvs8wutdr', ), )
- ],
- beneficiary_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_person.TravelRulePerson()
- ],
- account_number = [
- 'QmNkEt9VdnhjefQMXo3ZaZAs765ugoWiazaqcY9skHMjCt'
- ], ),
- pii_url = ''
+ full_name = '',
+ date_of_birth = '',
+ place_of_birth = '',
+ address = '',
+ identification_number = '',
+ nationality = '',
+ country_of_residence = '',
+ tax_identification_number = '',
+ customer_number = '', )
return TravelRuleValidateFullTransactionRequest(
- originator = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_pii_ivms.TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS(
- originator_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_person.TravelRuleValidatePerson(
- natural_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person.TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson(
- name = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'John',
- secondary_identifier = 'Doe',
- name_identifier_type = 'LEGL', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'John',
- secondary_identifier = 'Doe',
- name_identifier_type = 'LEGL', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- ], )
- ],
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_geographic_address.TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress(
- street_name = '123 Main St',
- town_name = 'New York',
- country = 'US',
- building_number = '123',
- post_code = '12345',
- address_type = 'HOME',
- department = 'IT',
- sub_department = 'Security',
- building_name = 'Acme Building',
- floor = '1',
- post_box = '123',
- room = '101',
- town_location_name = 'Downtown',
- district_name = 'Manhattan',
- country_sub_division = 'New York',
- address_line = ["123 Main St","New York","NY 12345"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_national_identification.TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'US',
- national_identifier = '123456789',
- national_identifier_type = 'NATIONAL_ID',
- registration_authority = 'RA123456', ),
- date_and_place_of_birth = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth.TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = '1990-01-01',
- place_of_birth = 'New York, USA', ),
- customer_identification = 'CUST123456',
- country_of_residence = 'US',
- customer_number = '123456789', ),
- legal_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_legal_person.TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson(
- customer_identification = 'CUST987654',
- customer_number = '123456789',
- country_of_registration = 'US', ), )
- ],
- beneficiary_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_person.TravelRuleValidatePerson()
- ],
- account_number = [
- ''
- ], ),
- beneficiary = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_pii_ivms.TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS(
- originator_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_person.TravelRuleValidatePerson(
- natural_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person.TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson(
- name = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'John',
- secondary_identifier = 'Doe',
- name_identifier_type = 'LEGL', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'John',
- secondary_identifier = 'Doe',
- name_identifier_type = 'LEGL', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- ], )
- ],
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_geographic_address.TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress(
- street_name = '123 Main St',
- town_name = 'New York',
- country = 'US',
- building_number = '123',
- post_code = '12345',
- address_type = 'HOME',
- department = 'IT',
- sub_department = 'Security',
- building_name = 'Acme Building',
- floor = '1',
- post_box = '123',
- room = '101',
- town_location_name = 'Downtown',
- district_name = 'Manhattan',
- country_sub_division = 'New York',
- address_line = ["123 Main St","New York","NY 12345"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_national_identification.TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'US',
- national_identifier = '123456789',
- national_identifier_type = 'NATIONAL_ID',
- registration_authority = 'RA123456', ),
- date_and_place_of_birth = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth.TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = '1990-01-01',
- place_of_birth = 'New York, USA', ),
- customer_identification = 'CUST123456',
- country_of_residence = 'US',
- customer_number = '123456789', ),
- legal_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_legal_person.TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson(
- customer_identification = 'CUST987654',
- customer_number = '123456789',
- country_of_registration = 'US', ), )
- ],
- beneficiary_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_person.TravelRuleValidatePerson()
- ],
- account_number = [
- ''
- ], ),
+ originator = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_pii_ivms.TravelRulePiiIVMS(
+ full_name = '',
+ date_of_birth = '',
+ place_of_birth = '',
+ address = '',
+ identification_number = '',
+ nationality = '',
+ country_of_residence = '',
+ tax_identification_number = '',
+ customer_number = '', ),
+ beneficiary = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_pii_ivms.TravelRulePiiIVMS(
+ full_name = '',
+ date_of_birth = '',
+ place_of_birth = '',
+ address = '',
+ identification_number = '',
+ nationality = '',
+ country_of_residence = '',
+ tax_identification_number = '',
+ customer_number = '', ),
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_geographic_address.py b/test/test_travel_rule_validate_geographic_address.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 97d61c7..0000000
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_geographic_address.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-import unittest
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_geographic_address import (
- TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress,
-class TestTravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress(unittest.TestCase):
- """TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress unit test stubs"""
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress:
- """Test TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress
- include_option is a boolean, when False only required
- params are included, when True both required and
- optional params are included"""
- # uncomment below to create an instance of `TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress`
- """
- model = TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress()
- if include_optional:
- return TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress(
- street_name = '123 Main St',
- town_name = 'New York',
- country = 'US',
- building_number = '123',
- post_code = '12345',
- address_type = 'HOME',
- department = 'IT',
- sub_department = 'Security',
- building_name = 'Acme Building',
- floor = '1',
- post_box = '123',
- room = '101',
- town_location_name = 'Downtown',
- district_name = 'Manhattan',
- country_sub_division = 'New York',
- address_line = ["123 Main St","New York","NY 12345"]
- )
- else:
- return TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress(
- )
- """
- def testTravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress(self):
- """Test TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress"""
- # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
- # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_legal_person.py b/test/test_travel_rule_validate_legal_person.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d8fdf1..0000000
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_legal_person.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-import unittest
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_legal_person import (
- TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson,
-class TestTravelRuleValidateLegalPerson(unittest.TestCase):
- """TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson unit test stubs"""
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson:
- """Test TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson
- include_option is a boolean, when False only required
- params are included, when True both required and
- optional params are included"""
- # uncomment below to create an instance of `TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson`
- """
- model = TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson()
- if include_optional:
- return TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson(
- name = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_legal_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier(
- legal_person_name = 'Acme Corporation',
- legal_person_name_identifier_type = 'REGISTERED', ),
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_geographic_address.TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress(
- street_name = '123 Main St',
- town_name = 'New York',
- country = 'US',
- building_number = '123',
- post_code = '12345',
- address_type = 'HOME',
- department = 'IT',
- sub_department = 'Security',
- building_name = 'Acme Building',
- floor = '1',
- post_box = '123',
- room = '101',
- town_location_name = 'Downtown',
- district_name = 'Manhattan',
- country_sub_division = 'New York',
- address_line = ["123 Main St","New York","NY 12345"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_national_identification.TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'US',
- national_identifier = '123456789',
- national_identifier_type = 'NATIONAL_ID',
- registration_authority = 'RA123456', ),
- customer_identification = 'CUST987654',
- customer_number = '123456789',
- country_of_registration = 'US'
- )
- else:
- return TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson(
- )
- """
- def testTravelRuleValidateLegalPerson(self):
- """Test TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson"""
- # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
- # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_legal_person_name_identifier.py b/test/test_travel_rule_validate_legal_person_name_identifier.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c7dade..0000000
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_legal_person_name_identifier.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-import unittest
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_legal_person_name_identifier import (
- TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier,
-class TestTravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier(unittest.TestCase):
- """TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier unit test stubs"""
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def make_instance(
- self, include_optional
- ) -> TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier:
- """Test TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier
- include_option is a boolean, when False only required
- params are included, when True both required and
- optional params are included"""
- # uncomment below to create an instance of `TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier`
- """
- model = TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier()
- if include_optional:
- return TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier(
- legal_person_name = 'Acme Corporation',
- legal_person_name_identifier_type = 'REGISTERED'
- )
- else:
- return TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier(
- )
- """
- def testTravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier(self):
- """Test TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier"""
- # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
- # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_national_identification.py b/test/test_travel_rule_validate_national_identification.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 37fa405..0000000
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_national_identification.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-import unittest
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_national_identification import (
- TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification,
-class TestTravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification(unittest.TestCase):
- """TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification unit test stubs"""
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def make_instance(
- self, include_optional
- ) -> TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification:
- """Test TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification
- include_option is a boolean, when False only required
- params are included, when True both required and
- optional params are included"""
- # uncomment below to create an instance of `TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification`
- """
- model = TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification()
- if include_optional:
- return TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'US',
- national_identifier = '123456789',
- national_identifier_type = 'NATIONAL_ID',
- registration_authority = 'RA123456'
- )
- else:
- return TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification(
- )
- """
- def testTravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification(self):
- """Test TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification"""
- # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
- # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.py b/test/test_travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e68285b..0000000
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-import unittest
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier import (
- TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier,
-class TestTravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(unittest.TestCase):
- """TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier unit test stubs"""
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def make_instance(
- self, include_optional
- ) -> TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier:
- """Test TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier
- include_option is a boolean, when False only required
- params are included, when True both required and
- optional params are included"""
- # uncomment below to create an instance of `TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier`
- """
- model = TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier()
- if include_optional:
- return TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'John',
- secondary_identifier = 'Doe',
- name_identifier_type = 'LEGL'
- )
- else:
- return TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(
- )
- """
- def testTravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(self):
- """Test TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier"""
- # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
- # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_natural_person.py b/test/test_travel_rule_validate_natural_person.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 54eadbf..0000000
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_natural_person.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-import unittest
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person import (
- TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson,
-class TestTravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson(unittest.TestCase):
- """TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson unit test stubs"""
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson:
- """Test TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson
- include_option is a boolean, when False only required
- params are included, when True both required and
- optional params are included"""
- # uncomment below to create an instance of `TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson`
- """
- model = TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson()
- if include_optional:
- return TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson(
- name = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'John',
- secondary_identifier = 'Doe',
- name_identifier_type = 'LEGL', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'John',
- secondary_identifier = 'Doe',
- name_identifier_type = 'LEGL', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- ], )
- ],
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_geographic_address.TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress(
- street_name = '123 Main St',
- town_name = 'New York',
- country = 'US',
- building_number = '123',
- post_code = '12345',
- address_type = 'HOME',
- department = 'IT',
- sub_department = 'Security',
- building_name = 'Acme Building',
- floor = '1',
- post_box = '123',
- room = '101',
- town_location_name = 'Downtown',
- district_name = 'Manhattan',
- country_sub_division = 'New York',
- address_line = ["123 Main St","New York","NY 12345"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_national_identification.TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'US',
- national_identifier = '123456789',
- national_identifier_type = 'NATIONAL_ID',
- registration_authority = 'RA123456', ),
- date_and_place_of_birth = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth.TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = '1990-01-01',
- place_of_birth = 'New York, USA', ),
- customer_identification = 'CUST123456',
- country_of_residence = 'US',
- customer_number = '123456789'
- )
- else:
- return TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson(
- )
- """
- def testTravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson(self):
- """Test TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson"""
- # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
- # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier.py b/test/test_travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f0cf66..0000000
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-import unittest
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier import (
- TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier,
-class TestTravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(unittest.TestCase):
- """TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier unit test stubs"""
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def make_instance(
- self, include_optional
- ) -> TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier:
- """Test TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier
- include_option is a boolean, when False only required
- params are included, when True both required and
- optional params are included"""
- # uncomment below to create an instance of `TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier`
- """
- model = TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier()
- if include_optional:
- return TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'John',
- secondary_identifier = 'Doe',
- name_identifier_type = 'LEGL', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'John',
- secondary_identifier = 'Doe',
- name_identifier_type = 'LEGL', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'John',
- secondary_identifier = 'Doe',
- name_identifier_type = 'LEGL', )
- ]
- )
- else:
- return TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- )
- """
- def testTravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(self):
- """Test TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier"""
- # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
- # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_person.py b/test/test_travel_rule_validate_person.py
deleted file mode 100644
index cce3e52..0000000
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_person.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-import unittest
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_person import TravelRuleValidatePerson
-class TestTravelRuleValidatePerson(unittest.TestCase):
- """TravelRuleValidatePerson unit test stubs"""
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleValidatePerson:
- """Test TravelRuleValidatePerson
- include_option is a boolean, when False only required
- params are included, when True both required and
- optional params are included"""
- # uncomment below to create an instance of `TravelRuleValidatePerson`
- """
- model = TravelRuleValidatePerson()
- if include_optional:
- return TravelRuleValidatePerson(
- natural_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person.TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson(
- name = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'John',
- secondary_identifier = 'Doe',
- name_identifier_type = 'LEGL', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'John',
- secondary_identifier = 'Doe',
- name_identifier_type = 'LEGL', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- ], )
- ],
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_geographic_address.TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress(
- street_name = '123 Main St',
- town_name = 'New York',
- country = 'US',
- building_number = '123',
- post_code = '12345',
- address_type = 'HOME',
- department = 'IT',
- sub_department = 'Security',
- building_name = 'Acme Building',
- floor = '1',
- post_box = '123',
- room = '101',
- town_location_name = 'Downtown',
- district_name = 'Manhattan',
- country_sub_division = 'New York',
- address_line = ["123 Main St","New York","NY 12345"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_national_identification.TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'US',
- national_identifier = '123456789',
- national_identifier_type = 'NATIONAL_ID',
- registration_authority = 'RA123456', ),
- date_and_place_of_birth = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth.TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = '1990-01-01',
- place_of_birth = 'New York, USA', ),
- customer_identification = 'CUST123456',
- country_of_residence = 'US',
- customer_number = '123456789', ),
- legal_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_legal_person.TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson(
- name = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_legal_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateLegalPersonNameIdentifier(
- legal_person_name = 'Acme Corporation',
- legal_person_name_identifier_type = 'REGISTERED', ),
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_geographic_address.TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress(
- street_name = '123 Main St',
- town_name = 'New York',
- country = 'US',
- building_number = '123',
- post_code = '12345',
- address_type = 'HOME',
- department = 'IT',
- sub_department = 'Security',
- building_name = 'Acme Building',
- floor = '1',
- post_box = '123',
- room = '101',
- town_location_name = 'Downtown',
- district_name = 'Manhattan',
- country_sub_division = 'New York',
- address_line = ["123 Main St","New York","NY 12345"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_national_identification.TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'US',
- national_identifier = '123456789',
- national_identifier_type = 'NATIONAL_ID',
- registration_authority = 'RA123456', ),
- customer_identification = 'CUST987654',
- customer_number = '123456789',
- country_of_registration = 'US', )
- )
- else:
- return TravelRuleValidatePerson(
- )
- """
- def testTravelRuleValidatePerson(self):
- """Test TravelRuleValidatePerson"""
- # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
- # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_pii_ivms.py b/test/test_travel_rule_validate_pii_ivms.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ef6e2fe..0000000
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_pii_ivms.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-# coding: utf-8
- Fireblocks API
- No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)
- The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.6.2
- Contact: support@fireblocks.com
- Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
- Do not edit the class manually.
-""" # noqa: E501
-import unittest
-from fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_pii_ivms import TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS
-class TestTravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS(unittest.TestCase):
- """TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS unit test stubs"""
- def setUp(self):
- pass
- def tearDown(self):
- pass
- def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS:
- """Test TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS
- include_option is a boolean, when False only required
- params are included, when True both required and
- optional params are included"""
- # uncomment below to create an instance of `TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS`
- """
- model = TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS()
- if include_optional:
- return TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS(
- originator_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_person.TravelRuleValidatePerson(
- natural_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person.TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson(
- name = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'John',
- secondary_identifier = 'Doe',
- name_identifier_type = 'LEGL', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'John',
- secondary_identifier = 'Doe',
- name_identifier_type = 'LEGL', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- ], )
- ],
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_geographic_address.TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress(
- street_name = '123 Main St',
- town_name = 'New York',
- country = 'US',
- building_number = '123',
- post_code = '12345',
- address_type = 'HOME',
- department = 'IT',
- sub_department = 'Security',
- building_name = 'Acme Building',
- floor = '1',
- post_box = '123',
- room = '101',
- town_location_name = 'Downtown',
- district_name = 'Manhattan',
- country_sub_division = 'New York',
- address_line = ["123 Main St","New York","NY 12345"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_national_identification.TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'US',
- national_identifier = '123456789',
- national_identifier_type = 'NATIONAL_ID',
- registration_authority = 'RA123456', ),
- date_and_place_of_birth = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth.TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = '1990-01-01',
- place_of_birth = 'New York, USA', ),
- customer_identification = 'CUST123456',
- country_of_residence = 'US',
- customer_number = '123456789', ),
- legal_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_legal_person.TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson(
- customer_identification = 'CUST987654',
- customer_number = '123456789',
- country_of_registration = 'US', ), )
- ],
- beneficiary_persons = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_person.TravelRuleValidatePerson(
- natural_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person.TravelRuleValidateNaturalPerson(
- name = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_person_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalPersonNameIdentifier(
- name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'John',
- secondary_identifier = 'Doe',
- name_identifier_type = 'LEGL', )
- ],
- local_name_identifier = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_natural_name_identifier.TravelRuleValidateNaturalNameIdentifier(
- primary_identifier = 'John',
- secondary_identifier = 'Doe',
- name_identifier_type = 'LEGL', )
- ],
- phonetic_name_identifier = [
- ], )
- ],
- geographic_address = [
- fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_geographic_address.TravelRuleValidateGeographicAddress(
- street_name = '123 Main St',
- town_name = 'New York',
- country = 'US',
- building_number = '123',
- post_code = '12345',
- address_type = 'HOME',
- department = 'IT',
- sub_department = 'Security',
- building_name = 'Acme Building',
- floor = '1',
- post_box = '123',
- room = '101',
- town_location_name = 'Downtown',
- district_name = 'Manhattan',
- country_sub_division = 'New York',
- address_line = ["123 Main St","New York","NY 12345"], )
- ],
- national_identification = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_national_identification.TravelRuleValidateNationalIdentification(
- country_of_issue = 'US',
- national_identifier = '123456789',
- national_identifier_type = 'NATIONAL_ID',
- registration_authority = 'RA123456', ),
- date_and_place_of_birth = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_date_and_place_of_birth.TravelRuleValidateDateAndPlaceOfBirth(
- date_of_birth = '1990-01-01',
- place_of_birth = 'New York, USA', ),
- customer_identification = 'CUST123456',
- country_of_residence = 'US',
- customer_number = '123456789', ),
- legal_person = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_validate_legal_person.TravelRuleValidateLegalPerson(
- customer_identification = 'CUST987654',
- customer_number = '123456789',
- country_of_registration = 'US', ), )
- ],
- account_number = [
- ''
- ]
- )
- else:
- return TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS(
- )
- """
- def testTravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS(self):
- """Test TravelRuleValidatePiiIVMS"""
- # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
- # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_transaction_request.py b/test/test_travel_rule_validate_transaction_request.py
index a2d9e52..bc526e1 100644
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_validate_transaction_request.py
+++ b/test/test_travel_rule_validate_transaction_request.py
@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleValidateTransactionReques
transaction_asset = 'BTC',
destination = 'bc1qxy2kgdygjrsqtzq2n0yrf1234p83kkfjhx0wlh',
transaction_amount = '10',
- transaction_asset_decimals = 8,
originator_vas_pdid = 'did:ethr:0x44957e75d6ce4a5bf37aae117da86422c848f7c2',
originator_equals_beneficiary = False,
travel_rule_behavior = True,
diff --git a/test/test_travel_rule_vasp.py b/test/test_travel_rule_vasp.py
index a5a5765..7ecfa51 100644
--- a/test/test_travel_rule_vasp.py
+++ b/test/test_travel_rule_vasp.py
@@ -37,49 +37,49 @@ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleVASP:
model = TravelRuleVASP()
if include_optional:
return TravelRuleVASP(
- did = 'did:ethr:0x17fe2dd11a2daa7f6c1fdf22532a4763f963aea6',
- name = 'Fireblocks TST',
- verification_status = 'VERIFIED',
- address_line1 = '657 Campfire Street',
- address_line2 = 'Suite 10',
- city = 'New York',
- country = 'US',
- email_domains = 'fireblocks.com,example.com',
- website = 'https://fireblocks.com',
- logo = 'https://fireblocks.com/logo.png',
- legal_structure = 'CORPORATION',
- legal_name = 'Fireblocks Inc.',
- year_founded = '2019',
- incorporation_country = 'US',
- is_regulated = 'YES',
- other_names = 'Fireblocks Test VASP',
- identification_type = 'Business License',
- identification_country = 'US',
- business_number = '123456789',
- regulatory_authorities = 'SEC, FINCEN',
- jurisdictions = 'US, EU',
- street = 'Wall Street',
- number = '10',
- unit = 'Apt 2B',
- post_code = '10005',
- state = 'NY',
- certificates = 'ISO 27001',
- description = 'A leading provider of crypto security solutions.',
- travel_rule_openvasp = 'active',
- travel_rule_sygna = 'inactive',
- travel_rule_trisa = 'pending',
- travel_rule_trlight = 'active',
- travel_rule_email = 'inactive',
- travel_rule_trp = 'active',
- travel_rule_shyft = 'inactive',
- travel_rule_ustravelrulewg = 'pending',
- created_at = '2023-09-19T12:23:59.711Z',
- created_by = 'admin',
- updated_at = '2024-08-29T08:23:51.416Z',
- updated_by = 'system',
- last_sent_date = '2024-03-18T09:26:07.988Z',
- last_received_date = '2024-03-20T11:45:30.212Z',
- documents = '['license.pdf', 'compliance.pdf']',
+ did = '',
+ name = '',
+ verification_status = '',
+ address_line1 = '',
+ address_line2 = '',
+ city = '',
+ country = '',
+ email_domains = '',
+ website = '',
+ logo = '',
+ legal_structure = '',
+ legal_name = '',
+ year_founded = '',
+ incorporation_country = '',
+ is_regulated = '',
+ other_names = '',
+ identification_type = '',
+ identification_country = '',
+ business_number = '',
+ regulatory_authorities = '',
+ jurisdictions = '',
+ street = '',
+ number = '',
+ unit = '',
+ post_code = '',
+ state = '',
+ certificates = '',
+ description = '',
+ travel_rule_openvasp = '',
+ travel_rule_sygna = '',
+ travel_rule_trisa = '',
+ travel_rule_trlight = '',
+ travel_rule_email = '',
+ travel_rule_trp = '',
+ travel_rule_shyft = '',
+ travel_rule_ustravelrulewg = '',
+ created_at = '',
+ created_by = '',
+ updated_at = '',
+ updated_by = '',
+ last_sent_date = '',
+ last_received_date = '',
+ documents = '',
has_admin = True,
is_notifiable = True,
issuers = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_issuers.TravelRuleIssuers(
@@ -102,22 +102,49 @@ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TravelRuleVASP:
return TravelRuleVASP(
- did = 'did:ethr:0x17fe2dd11a2daa7f6c1fdf22532a4763f963aea6',
- name = 'Fireblocks TST',
- verification_status = 'VERIFIED',
- address_line1 = '657 Campfire Street',
- city = 'New York',
- country = 'US',
- email_domains = 'fireblocks.com,example.com',
- website = 'https://fireblocks.com',
- legal_structure = 'CORPORATION',
- legal_name = 'Fireblocks Inc.',
- year_founded = '2019',
- incorporation_country = 'US',
- is_regulated = 'YES',
- jurisdictions = 'US, EU',
- travel_rule_trlight = 'active',
- created_at = '2023-09-19T12:23:59.711Z',
+ did = '',
+ name = '',
+ verification_status = '',
+ address_line1 = '',
+ address_line2 = '',
+ city = '',
+ country = '',
+ email_domains = '',
+ website = '',
+ logo = '',
+ legal_structure = '',
+ legal_name = '',
+ year_founded = '',
+ incorporation_country = '',
+ is_regulated = '',
+ other_names = '',
+ identification_type = '',
+ identification_country = '',
+ business_number = '',
+ regulatory_authorities = '',
+ jurisdictions = '',
+ street = '',
+ number = '',
+ unit = '',
+ post_code = '',
+ state = '',
+ certificates = '',
+ description = '',
+ travel_rule_openvasp = '',
+ travel_rule_sygna = '',
+ travel_rule_trisa = '',
+ travel_rule_trlight = '',
+ travel_rule_email = '',
+ travel_rule_trp = '',
+ travel_rule_shyft = '',
+ travel_rule_ustravelrulewg = '',
+ created_at = '',
+ created_by = '',
+ updated_at = '',
+ updated_by = '',
+ last_sent_date = '',
+ last_received_date = '',
+ documents = '',
has_admin = True,
is_notifiable = True,
issuers = fireblocks.models.travel_rule_issuers.TravelRuleIssuers(
diff --git a/test/test_webhook.py b/test/test_webhook.py
index 38cca6b..df01d02 100644
--- a/test/test_webhook.py
+++ b/test/test_webhook.py
@@ -42,17 +42,11 @@ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> Webhook:
description = 'This webhook is used for transactions notifications',
events = ["transaction.created","transaction.status.updated"],
status = 'ENABLED',
- created_at = 1625126400000,
- updated_at = 1625126400000
+ created_at = '2021-09-01T12:00Z',
+ updated_at = '2021-09-05T15:00Z'
return Webhook(
- id = '123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000',
- url = 'https://example.com/webhook',
- events = ["transaction.created","transaction.status.updated"],
- status = 'ENABLED',
- created_at = 1625126400000,
- updated_at = 1625126400000,
diff --git a/test/test_webhook_paginated_response.py b/test/test_webhook_paginated_response.py
index f406921..f5de6c9 100644
--- a/test/test_webhook_paginated_response.py
+++ b/test/test_webhook_paginated_response.py
@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> WebhookPaginatedResponse:
description = 'This webhook is used for transactions notifications',
events = ["transaction.created","transaction.status.updated"],
status = 'ENABLED',
- created_at = 1625126400000,
- updated_at = 1625126400000, )
+ created_at = '2021-09-01T12:00Z',
+ updated_at = '2021-09-05T15:00Z', )
next = 'eJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGcOiJIUzI1NiJ9'
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> WebhookPaginatedResponse:
description = 'This webhook is used for transactions notifications',
events = ["transaction.created","transaction.status.updated"],
status = 'ENABLED',
- created_at = 1625126400000,
- updated_at = 1625126400000, )
+ created_at = '2021-09-01T12:00Z',
+ updated_at = '2021-09-05T15:00Z', )
diff --git a/test/test_webhooks_v2_beta_api.py b/test/test_webhooks_v2_beta_api.py
index 71b4f2f..a4c7e32 100644
--- a/test/test_webhooks_v2_beta_api.py
+++ b/test/test_webhooks_v2_beta_api.py
@@ -69,13 +69,6 @@ def test_get_webhooks(self) -> None:
- def test_resend_notification_by_id(self) -> None:
- """Test case for resend_notification_by_id
- Resend notification by id
- """
- pass
def test_update_webhook(self) -> None:
"""Test case for update_webhook