This image contains filebeat so you can send logs from a server to Logstash or Elasticsearch. The default configuration will send logs to a specific Logstash instance, so it's expecting some environment variables to know where is the Logstash instance.
Before saving logs in ElasticSearch you need to save the filebeat template that you can find in this repo
curl -XPUT 'http://elasticsearch_host:9200/_template/filebeat?pretty' -d@binary/filebeat.template.json
To start the container run
docker run -e "LOGSTASH_HOST=logstash.tld" -e "LOGSTASH_PORT=5001" -e "INDEX=logstash" fiunchinho/docker-filebeat
If you want Filebeat to read from stdin, make the container interactive
docker run -i -e "LOGSTASH_HOST=logstash.tld" -e "LOGSTASH_PORT=5001" -e "INDEX=logstash" fiunchinho/docker-filebeat
This image contains a sample configuration file that expects logs coming from stdin, but you can load your own configuration file by mounting the config file from your docker host:
docker run -v "/path/to/your/filebeat.yml:/filebeat.yml" -e "LOGSTASH_HOST=logstash.tld" -e "LOGSTASH_PORT=5001" -e "INDEX=logstash" fiunchinho/docker-filebeat