Releases: flackbash/AudioAnchor
Releases · flackbash/AudioAnchor
- implement functionality to add multiple directories as either parent- or subdirectory
- fix playback after temporary audiofocus loss
- add option to delete files on long-click
- add option to vibrate when sleep timer is reset by shaking device
- add .opus to list of supported file extensions
- add sleep timer option to continue playback until end of track
- pull down to synchronize database in Main- and AlbumActivity
- fix autorewind in autoplay mode
- fix playback order in autoplay mode
- add option to display hidden files and folders (and hide them per default)
- fix app crashing during playback
- fix speed reset button behavior
- add link to Github repository to About screen
- add Polish to list of supported languages
- add Russian to list of supported languages
- expand list of supported file formats by .aac, .3gp, .gsm, .mid and .mkv
- add option for immediate playback on item click
- fix player forgets last playback position
- enable playback through all activities
- add functionality to change playback speed
- enable selecting and editing multiple files via long-click
- make settings accessible from AlbumActivity and PlayActivity
- add option to replay tracks from start during autoplay
- add option to auto rewind when resuming playback
- enable selection of internal storage when selecting a base directory
- cache cover images for smoother scrolling
- fix crash when long clicking an audio file
- add option to reset the sleep timer by shaking the phone
- add option to retrieve album cover image from metadata
- add option to retrieve track title from metadata
- add dark theme
- display the album progress in the main activity
- add Dutch to supported languages
- fix sorting of album and audio files