Omorfi is a free / libre open source community-based project. We welcome all contributions and help wholeheartedly. Ways you can contribute:
- Coding: Improve conversions, processing, parsers, etc.
- Lexicography: information about words
- Donations: money for coffee / beer / conference fund for the main developers
Contributions accepted on github: file issues, fork and send pull requests. Developers can be contacted on IRC: #omorfi on Freenode, omorfi-devel mailing list, or on github platform.
See our code of conduct. It is adapted from github's suggested code of conduct.
Any data or code contributed must be compatible with our licencing policy, i.e. GNU compatible free licence.
In github, you may use the "fork this project" button to contribute, read github's documentation for more information about this work-flow.
We are currently using git-flow, but feel free to just send pull-requests as you find comfortable and we'll sort it out.
Python code should pass the flake8 style checker and imports should be sorted in accordance with isort. Ideally, you should integrate these into your editor, the development environment section of the python guide has instructions for a few editors. In addition, you can install a pre-commit hook to run the checks like so:
$ pip install pre-commit
$ pre-commit install
I (Flammie) also recommend using editor that supports editor-config as well as automatic syntax checking, , e.g. I use ale with vim
It is highly recommended to run make
and make check
or even make distcheck
to test contributions to either word data or python scripts. This will also be
done by continuous integration tools on push of the commits.
A lot of omorfi development has been done on spare time and by volunteers, if you want to support Flammie you can use the github's ❤️Sponsor button, or any of the services below: