- #1296 - Added codecov integration - @norberttech
- #1295 - Symfony Http Foundation Bridge documentation to navigation - @norberttech
- #1294 - Documentation building step to github actions workflow - @norberttech
- #1281 - S3 Filesystem based on Async AWS library - @norberttech
- #1281 - Timeout to testsuite job at github actios - @norberttech
- #1280 - Added cookies fallback page - @norberttech
- 2b6ae2 - default google consent state script - @norberttech
- 6e3a60 - cookie banner to the website - @norberttech
- #1278 - Added examples to documentation - @norberttech
- #1276 - Improved flow-php.com documentation by rendering markdown files from repo on flow-php.com website - @norberttech
- c36254 - google ad-sense meta tag - @norberttech
- #1271 - Allow to pass schema to doctrine dbal extractors - @norberttech
- #1271 - Database data source example to website - @norberttech
- #1271 - Database data sink example to website - @norberttech
- #1270 - Schema apply example - @norberttech
- #1270 - Running examples in the test suite - @norberttech
- #1266 - Date entry type - @norberttech
- #1266 - Date logical type - @norberttech
- #1266 - Time entry type - @norberttech
- #1266 - Time logical type - @norberttech
- #1268 - coalesce scalar function/li> - @norberttech
- #1267 - Entry::withValue(mixed $value) : self - @norberttech
- #1257 - Add testing against PHP 8.4 - @stloyd
- #1251 - composer script for building thrift definitions - @norberttech
- #1247 - command to convert files through cli - @norberttech
- #1246 - file:read - cli command - @norberttech
- #1246 - file:schema- cli command - @norberttech
- #1246 - file:rows:command- cli command - @norberttech
- #1244 - Added CLI command to read schema from a file - @norberttech
- 2072d8 - Renamed output files of phpunit coverage report and junit report for codecov - @norberttech
- #1300 - Moved coverage and phpunit logs to standalone files - @norberttech
- #1300 - upload to codecov only from one php and deps version - @norberttech
- #1295 - Improved readability of remote filesystem examples - @norberttech
- #1293 - Increase minimal MSI for Infection - @stloyd
- #1293 - Run mutations tests when changing Inflection related files - @stloyd
- #1292 - Update & adjust Infection configuration - @stloyd
- #1287 - Split test suite into independent jobs - @norberttech
- #1287 - Locked meilisearch to 1.11 - @norberttech
- 085971 - Create ads.txt - @norberttech
- 0a4fc3 - third party cookie banner provider with a custom solution - @norberttech
- #1279 - Improved user experience on mobile version of the documentation - @norberttech
- #1272 - Renamed website examples topics - @norberttech
- #1270 - Updated dependencies - @norberttech
- 81964e - Build cli command using latest available dependencies - @norberttech
- #1262 - Updated dependencies - @norberttech
- #1261 - Reimplemented from scratch Dremel Shredding/Assemble algorithms to cover all edge cases and fix bugs - @norberttech
- #1256 - Upgrade PHPStan to 2.0 - @stloyd
- #1256 - Adjust codebase to cover newly detected issues - @stloyd
- #1251 - Updated parquet thrift definitions - @norberttech
- #1251 - ParquetLoader will now make inferred schema nullable - @norberttech
- #1247 - CLI command options now comes with a --output / --input prefix - @norberttech
- #1246 - Unified options/arguments handling across all commands - @norberttech
- #1246 - run cli command was renamed into pipeline:run with alias run - @norberttech
- f30a31 - Second attempt to fix flow cli autoloading - @norberttech
- #1242 - Moved flow phar to dedicated cli repository - @norberttech
- #1240 - Update Homebrew TAP formula: flow-php to version: 0.10.0 - @norberttech
- #1299 - Fixed typo in AWS filesystem docs - @stloyd
- #1297 - Website navigation - @norberttech
- #1294 - Fixed broken documentation building script - @norberttech
- #1281 - Meilisearch pagination - @norberttech
- #1289 - Adjust Meilisearch adapter to newer library code - @stloyd
- 53892a - static content providers for website - @norberttech
- #1277 - Removed .md suffix from documentation URLs - @norberttech
- 8bffbe - broken documentation paths - @norberttech
- #1274 - Fixed schema inferring when first rows are null - @norberttech
- #1272 - Copy button scroll - @norberttech
- #1270 - Missing Docs attribute in functions - @norberttech
- #1269 - pivot edge case when pivot column is null - @norberttech
- #1263 - Parquet - optional list required element - list empty - @norberttech
- #1263 - Parquet - optional map required value - map empty - @norberttech
- #1257 - Fixed deprecation from PHP 8.4 - @stloyd
- #1256 - Fixed main branch static analyse issues - @stloyd
- #1251 - Setting repetition level based on flow schema definition in parquet converter - @norberttech
- #1248 - Unified behavior of first/last aggregations to prevent columns conflicts when doing aggregation and grouping by the same column - @norberttech
- #1245 - Fixed writing column statistics when there is only one row that is null - @norberttech
- #1243 - Fixed flow cli autoloading - @norberttech
- 575eeb - README.md - @norberttech
- df71e5 - .gitattributes of flow-php/etl - @norberttech
- afb55b - introduction.md - @norberttech
- #1288 - Drop support for PHP 8.1 - @stloyd
- #1273 - development leftover methods from Filesystems - @norberttech
- #1270 - CallMethod scalar functions - @norberttech
- #1266 - ArrayEntry which is now replaced with JsonEntry - @norberttech
- #1266 - ObjectEntry - @norberttech
- #1238 - Added more output styles for to_output() loader - @norberttech
- #1234 - symfony streamed response - @norberttech
- #1234 - Possibility to use different output streams in StdOutFilesystem - @norberttech
- #1233 - Added StdOut Filesystem with stdout protocol - @norberttech
- #1226 - to_array() loader with usage example - @norberttech
- #1225 - Added breadcrumbs to blog posts - @norberttech
- #1225 - Data Sink examples topic - @norberttech
- #1224 - Added comments to website blog/documentation - @norberttech
- #1221 - DataFrame::filters(array $filters) : self - @norberttech
- 78cefe - BigSiteAuth to submit flow-php.com to bing search - @norberttech
- #1216 - Added auto generated sitemap to website - @norberttech
- #1216 - Added robots.txt - @norberttech
- #1215 - Display DSL function usage examples at function doc page - @norberttech
- #1215 - More DataFrame usage examples - @norberttech
- #1215 - Priority parameter that defines in what order examples/topics are displayed - @norberttech
- #1215 - Hidden parameter that allows to not display specific examples/topics but still let dsl docs link to them - @norberttech
- ee4e8a - missing pointerToEntryName to JsonExtractor withPointer method - @norberttech
- #1211 - Allow to use json pointer as an entry name for extracted records - @norberttech
- #1211 - More tests to array_to_row and array_to_rows methods - @norberttech
- #1195 - Functional tests for flow-php.com website - @norberttech
- #1193 - Links from code examples to DSL functions documentation - @norberttech
- #1193 - each DSL function now gots her own page - @norberttech
- #1193 - missing DSL's definitions - filesystem, azure filesystem, azure sdk - @norberttech
- #1239 - CachingPipeline will relay only on previously set batch size without modifying it - @norberttech
- #1234 - Path options are now available as a Options object instead of PHP associative array - @norberttech
- #1235 - Improved DX on adding path filter to file extractors - @norberttech
- #1233 - Loaders no longer need to relay on file extension to close streams in clousure - @norberttech
- #1223 - Improved performance of Scalar Function Parameter - @norberttech
- #1222 - Return DOMDocument instead of DOMElement from XMLParserExtractor - @norberttech
- #1221 - Optimized XPath Scalar Function by reusing DOMDocument instead of creating new one - @norberttech
- #1221 - Allow to pass Schema\Definition to withEntry in order to avoid using NativeEntryFactory type detection - @norberttech
- #1215 - Improved title/description at DSL documentation pages - @norberttech
- #1211 - When JsonExtractor is using a pointer, pointer becomes a key - @norberttech
- #1209 - Updated dependencies - @norberttech
- #1208 - Unify passing options to loaders/extractors through fluent interface - @norberttech
- #1207 - from_csv, from_json, from_xml, from_parquet and from_text contract, removed support for passing path as array - @mleczakm
- #1203 - Allow to rename XML nested structure elements on a loader level - @norberttech
- #1203 - Move optional XMLLoader options to fluent interface - @norberttech
- #1196 - Duplicate Module/Type enums in website to avoid dependencies and keep boundaries clean - @norberttech
- #1193 - landing page code highlights are now handled by prismjs - @norberttech
- #1191 - Update Homebrew TAP formula: flow-php to version: 0.9.2 - @norberttech
- #1237 - detecting array value type when first element was null - @norberttech
- #1236 - FlowStreamedResponse - drop partitions to avoid opening multiple streams - @norberttech
- cb98b1 - invalid repo name in symfony http foundation bridge repo - @norberttech
- #1234 - Path to bridges unit/integration test cases in phpunit.xml - @norberttech
- #1232 - Don't call loaders when rows are empty - @norberttech
- b5f70f - SEO issue with duplicated example pages titles - @norberttech
- #1220 - DOMElementValue behavior when used on a XPath scalar function result - @norberttech
- #1220 - DOMElementAttributeValue behavior when used on a XPath scalar function result - @norberttech
- #1216 - Routes priority to always check examples and topics at the end - @norberttech
- #1211 - Fixed Json extractor when pointer is used to extract flat arrays - @norberttech
- eaa783 - documentation homepage - @norberttech
- 904b6a - lowercasing module names in dsl routes provider - @norberttech
- b1a9cd - autolinker prism plugin - @norberttech
- 443c48 - codding standards - @norberttech
- d66b2d - building landing page documnetation - @norberttech
- #1194 - Generating links to dsl functions - @norberttech
- d962b5 - project dependencies before 0.10.0 release - @norberttech
- #1239 - Default global CachingPipeline batch size - @norberttech
- #1190 - link to GitHub next to each dsl function documentation - @norberttech
- #1188 - Documentation tool that can extract function definitions from given paths - @norberttech
- #1188 - bin/docs tool that dumps DSL definitions as json to a file - @norberttech
- #1188 - Landing page documentation section - @norberttech
- #1188 - Scroll up button on website at mobile devices - @norberttech
- #1187 - Update Homebrew TAP formula: flow-php to version: 0.9.1 - @norberttech
- 4473ae - auto generating dsl - @norberttech
- #1185 - Description to landing page examples - @norberttech
- #1184 - Update Homebrew TAP formula: flow-php to version: 0.9.0 - @norberttech
- #1186 - parquet reader when reading multiple data pages - @norberttech
- #1183 - JsonLoader parameter that defines if each row should be a single line in the output file - @norberttech
- #1183 - JsonLoader int $flags parameter that is passed later to internal json_encode function - @norberttech
- #1181 - CSV RowsNormalizer to automate writing deeply nested data structures to CSV without manual casting - @norberttech
- #1174 - New blog post about scalar functions - @norberttech
- #1173 - Added new page with a list of latest blog posts to landing page - @norberttech
- #1170 - XMLParserExtractor implementation of XMLExtractor - @norberttech
- #1168 - OnEach scalar function - @norberttech
- #1167 - DOMElementAttributesCount scalar function - @norberttech
- #1167 - DOMElementAttributeValue scalar function - @norberttech
- #1167 - dom_element_to_string helper function - @norberttech
- #1167 - Support for casting DOMElement into different types in Caster - @norberttech
- #1166 - XML Loader - writing to XML files - @norberttech
- #1160 - Regex Scalar Function - @norberttech
- #1160 - Missing optional arguments to all regex scalar functions - @norberttech
- #1128 - UniqueFactory as source of random ints/strings with given length - @mleczakm
- #1147 - Filesystem appendTo - which allows to append data to existing stream - @norberttech
- #1149 - Add
helper function - @stloyd - #1144 - Filesystem - added getSystemTmpDir() method - @norberttech
- #1144 - Path - added suffix(string $suffix): Path method - @norberttech
- #1144 - Path - removed setExtension() - @norberttech
- #1144 - Path - removed startsWith() - @norberttech
- #1131 - Dependabot for github actions dependencies - @norberttech
- #1130 - typed functions to array-dot library - @norberttech
- #1127 - Explain the “ETL” acronym - @alexislefebvre
- #1122 - Generic algorithm abstraction instead of native calls - @mleczakm
- bd519c - discord server url - @norberttech
- #1182 - Automate normalization of rows in JsonLoader - @norberttech
- #1177 - All scalar functions will now expect parameters to be a scalar function or literal value - @norberttech
- #1174 - Simplified posts HTML syntax - @norberttech
- #1174 - Minor UX adjustments on landing page and blog - @norberttech
- #1170 - XMLReaderExtractor is now deprecated as it can't read from remote files - @norberttech
- #1167 - XMLReaderExtractor will now return each row with node{\DOMElement} instead of node{\DOMDocument} - @norberttech
- #1167 - DOMElementAttribute scalar function is now deprecated in favor of DOMElementAttributeValue - @norberttech
- #1160 - Renamed PregMatch into RegexMatch - @norberttech
- #1160 - Renamed PregMatchAll into RegexMatchAll - @norberttech
- #1160 - Renamed PregReplex into RegexReplace - @norberttech
- #1147 - Simplified Cache abstraction - @norberttech
- #1147 - Cache implementations does not need to maintain index anymore, this logic was moved outside of Cache - @norberttech
- #1147 - Extracted Sorting related configuration to standalone Config/ConfigBuilder - @norberttech
- #1147 - Extracted Caching related configuration to standalone Config/ConfigBuilder - @norberttech
- #1147 - Reduced default cache batch size to 100 from 1000 - @norberttech
- 44e875 - criteria for fetching latest artifacts after workflow runs - @norberttech
- #1152 - Make "jawira/case-converter" a hard dependency - @stloyd
- #1137 - Deprecate Schema::entries in favor to Schema::references - @norberttech
- #1131 - Updated cache@v3 into cache@v4 across all github actions workflows - @norberttech
- #1125 - Replaced github discussions with discord server link at landing page - @norberttech
- #1123 - Rework
to do fewer loops - @stloyd - #1120 - Update Homebrew TAP formula: flow-php to version: 0.8.0 - @norberttech
- 83f9be - Posts provider for static content builder - @norberttech
- #1171 - Fix docblock tag in FlowVersion - @szepeviktor
- #1172 - Grammar in parquet.md - @szepeviktor
- #1165 - Use basenamePrefix instead of suffix when creating temporary file in overwrite save mode - @norberttech
- #1163 - Added missing split function to ScalarFunctionChain - @norberttech
- #1161 - Fixed invalid map type detection - @norberttech
- #1147 - External Sort memory consumption - @norberttech
- 6b275e - broken test-benchmark.yml file - @norberttech
- 926e3b - typo in test-benchmark.yml workflow - @norberttech
- bb50bd - uploading artificats action by setting overwrite: true - @norberttech
- #1148 - Typo in docs - @inmanturbo
- #1129 - Monolog http bridge http-message dependency range - @norberttech
- #1126 - Typo “Discrod” - @alexislefebvre
- 9984bb - dependencies before a 0.9.0 release - @norberttech
- c5dbbd - dependencies - @norberttech
- 1390ef - introduction.md - @norberttech
- f5ad85 - CONTRIBUTING.md - @norberttech
- #1177 - ToMoney scalar function and money optional dependency - @norberttech
- #1147 - NullCache implementation that wasn't used anywhere - @norberttech
- #1152 - Leftovers in main
related to AWS SDK - @stloyd
- e4b84b - google converstion tag for landing page - @norberttech
- #1108 - Tests based on snappy extension and polyfill - @norberttech
- #1106 - Added support for BROTLI compression algorithm to parquet - @flavioheleno
- #1107 - Added support for LZ4 compression algorithm to parquet - @flavioheleno
- #1105 - zstd compression functions - @flavioheleno
- #1104 - Flow Filesystem Library - @norberttech
- #1104 - Flow Azure SDK Library - @norberttech
- #1104 - Flow Monolog HTTP Bridge - @norberttech
- #1104 - Flow Filesystem Azure Bridge - @norberttech
- #1096 - support for parquet deprecated ConvertedType::INT_16 in order to support reading files generated by Amazon Redshift - @norberttech
- #1083 - Allow to use max/min aggregations on date time columns - @norberttech
- #1082 - path partitions extractor - @norberttech
- #1082 - Partitions::get(string $name) : Partition - @norberttech
- #1079 - Enabled parallelization for cs fixer - @norberttech
- #1079 - Allowed to pass both string/reference to aggregating functions - @norberttech
- #1068 - Add new XMLElementEntry - @stloyd
- #1065 - Added cloud storage examples to homepage - @norberttech
- #1059 - allow to reorder entries through DataFrame::select - @norberttech
- #1059 - DataFrame::reorderEntries() with built-in custom ordering strategies - @norberttech
- #1054 - missing tests for parquet rows normalizer - @norberttech
- #1117 - Parquet - reading byte arrays now returns strings when option byte string as array is set - @norberttech
- #1110 - Simplify making schema definitions nullable - @norberttech
- #1104 - Remote and Local files extractor are now merged into single FilesExtractor - @norberttech
- #1102 - Replace
with guarantee uniqueness - @stloyd - #1087 - Prepare for PHPUnit 11 - @stloyd
- #1081 - String based Scalar functions are now using caster to cast values to string - @norberttech
- #1081 - Moved caster to dataframe configuration - @norberttech
- 747f19 - Simplify README.md - @norberttech
- #1058 - Replaced reflection with bind closure approach to set dataframe pipeline - @norberttech
- #1056 - GroupBy is now allowed only with aggregations - @norberttech
- #1056 - NestedPipeline was renamed to LinkedPipeline - @norberttech
- #1056 - All pipelines are now grouped by LinkedPipeline - @norberttech
- #1055 - NestedLoop join algorithm was replaced with HashJoin algorithm - @norberttech
- #1053 - Update Homebrew TAP formula: flow-php to version: 0.7.4 - @norberttech
- #1119 - RowsMinSort ASC/DESC sorting - @norberttech
- #1119 - RowsMinSort non numeric values sorting - @norberttech
- #1118 - calculating column chunk statistics for empty array values - @norberttech
- #1117 - Parquet flattened for empty nested structures - @norberttech
- #1117 - Parquet RLEHybrid bitWidth calculation - @norberttech
- #1114 - Fixed Flow to Parquet Schema converter not respecting deprecated parquet converted types - @norberttech
- #1112 - Any comparison function will now return false when comparing non null value wth nulls - @norberttech
- #1111 - Fixed merging nullable with non nullable schema definitions - @norberttech
- bad1f4 - failing tests - @norberttech
- 20b8f6 - etl core dependencies - @norberttech
- #1096 - handling negative numbers in parquet binary reader/writer - @norberttech
- #1094 - Recognize INT32 with deprecated ConvertedType as DateTimeImmutable object - @norberttech
- #1086 - Fix deprecated dynamic property usage - @stloyd
- #1091 - Avoid type casting when it's necessary in entry factory - @norberttech
- #1085 - Fix fragile test comparing console output - @stloyd
- #1084 - Fix for extracting XML attribute - @stloyd
- #1081 - Scalar comparison functions are now also detecting types of compared values to prevent comparing not compatible values - @norberttech
- #1079 - Group by will no longer change type of entries used for groupping - @norberttech
- #1072 - definition of list_entry function in dsl - @norberttech
- 6748a6 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- #1061 - checks on Ramsey UUID concrete class - @jguittard
- #1057 - DataFrame::aggregate returns the same instance of dataframe with updated pipeline - @norberttech
- #1055 - Right Join before duplicating right side rows in each batch from the left side dataset - @norberttech
- ba8e35 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 92d9a5 - README.md - @norberttech
- c911e6 - documentations - @norberttech
- 90a2f0 - README.md - @norberttech
- 627883 - installation.md - @norberttech
- fafd11 - installation.md - @norberttech
- 20c8e7 - introduction.md - @norberttech
- e1b237 - introduction.md - @norberttech
- 03dc6d - installation.md - @norberttech
- #1117 - BytesToString data converted as it became redundant - @norberttech
- #1104 - Parquet append to existing files - @norberttech
- #1101 - Temporarily drop support for Avro file format - @norberttech
- #1071 - removed empty aws/azure client credentials - @norberttech
- #1068 - Remove XMLNodeEntry - @stloyd
- #1056 - Pipeline::closure - @norberttech
- #1056 - Pipeline::cleanCopy - @norberttech
- #1055 - Join expression comparison types other than equal/identical/any/all - @norberttech
- #1110 - Schema::nullable() in favor of Schema::makeNullable() - @norberttech
- #1110 - Definition::nullable() in favor of Definition::makeNullable(bool $nullable) - @norberttech
- #1052 - Test that covers writing to a partitioned dataset with overwrite mode - @norberttech
- #1050 - Added support for parquet multifile pagination - @norberttech
- #1039 - join expressions to DSL - @norberttech
- #1038 - How to write a custom data extractor - blog post - @norberttech
- #1037 - Added Base64 serializer - @norberttech
- #1034 - cache batch size configuration - @norberttech
- #1049 - Flysystem scan will sort files by file name - @norberttech
- #1037 - Compressing serializer is not longer using base64 inside - @norberttech
- #1034 - Replaced CompressingSerializer with NativeSerizer - @norberttech
- #1032 - Update Homebrew TAP formula: flow-php to version: 0.7.3 - @norberttech
- #1051 - Make sure that filesystem scans are returning files in proper order - @norberttech
- #1046 - Improve performance of merching rows into given batch size - @norberttech
- #1041 - Invalid inputs now throws InvalidArgumentException - @norberttech
- #1041 - Missing file/directory now throws FileNotFoundException - @norberttech
- #1040 - type value validation for nullable types - @norberttech
- #1036 - Improve performance of sorting operation by reducing number of writes to cache - @norberttech
- #1033 - Removed null type - @norberttech
- #1027 - Added Schema::match() with strict/evolving matchers - @norberttech
- #1026 - Added phpunit.xml to .gitignore - @norberttech
- #1025 - updated dependencies - @norberttech
- #1024 - Update Homebrew TAP formula: flow-php to version: 0.7.2 - @norberttech
- #1031 - casting DateTime objects into datetime/date - @norberttech
- #1030 - Improved displaying floats as strings - @norberttech
- 963d32 - edge case where evolving schema is brings new definition but its missing some old ones (#1028) - @norberttech
- #1025 - writing nullable parquet values that are marked in the schema as optional - @norberttech
- #1021 - output on landing page examples - @norberttech
- #1021 - writing to output.txt directly from examples - @norberttech
- #1016 - Update Homebrew TAP formula: flow-php to version: 0.7.1 - @norberttech
- #1023 - merging schemas with different entries - @norberttech
- #1021 - when writing directly to file stream, loader is not closing stream after each chunk of rows - @norberttech
- #1015 - Updated dependencies - @norberttech
- #1010 - Update Homebrew TAP formula: flow-php to version: 0.7.0 - @norberttech
- #1008 - group imports - @norberttech
- #1008 - make phpunit assertions static/self - @norberttech
- #1002 - changelog page to landing - @norberttech
- #996 - Schema::keep() - keep selected schema entries - @norberttech
- #991 - Schema::remove - @norberttech
- #991 - Schema::gracefulRemove - @norberttech
- #991 - Schema::add - @norberttech
- #991 - Schema::replace - @norberttech
- #988 - Respect additional/missing schema fields when creating rows - @norberttech
- #987 - DataFrame::dropPartitions can now additionally drop also partition columns - @norberttech
- #1008 - disabled native functions invocation that was messing with namespaced functions - @norberttech
- #1006 - Update dependencies - @norberttech
- #998 - group by uuid/datetime objects without casting them to scalar first - @norberttech
- #993 - Writing to partitioned datasets is no longer creating random file names, even append will create new files with suffixed name of the original file - @norberttech
- #991 - Schema became mutable object [BC Break] - @norberttech
- 239226 - Stop triggering workflows when only changelog was updated - @norberttech
- 3fc5e7 - README - memory consumption description improvements - @norberttech
- #985 - Update Homebrew TAP formula: flow-php to version: 0.6.1 - @norberttech
- #1005 - Change the way of how dictionary page header is detected while reading column chunks - @norberttech
- #994 - build workflows - @norberttech
- #993 - updating file by ETL through overwrite save mode - @norberttech
- #993 - FilesystemStreams test suite - @norberttech
- #993 - even when writing to a partitioned dataset, flow will respect original filename given as destination path - @norberttech
- #989 - Fixed writing parquet to remote locations - @norberttech
- 000d90 - test-website.yml - @norberttech
- #994 - deprecated classes/methods - @norberttech
- #993 - DataFrame::threadSafe / DataFrame::appendSafe - @norberttech
- #991 - Schema::without - @norberttech
- 8da770 - release workflow - @norberttech
- #982 - Added partitioning examples - @norberttech
- #979 - Added open graph related tags to a landing page - @owsiakl
- #977 - Added homepage SEO copy - @norberttech
- #975 - Converting parquet to flow schema - @norberttech
- #974 - Support Doctrine DBAL 4 - @stloyd
- #971 - Added key features to the landing page - @owsiakl
- #971 - Improved initial load of the landing page - @owsiakl
- #970 - Added possibility to copy code from landing page examples - @owsiakl
- #968 - Added more examples - @norberttech
- #967 - Added HTML meta description tag to each landing page - @owsiakl
- #966 - schema inferring example - @norberttech
- #965 - Added HTMX for smoother examples reloading - @norberttech
- #964 - Added google analytics tag - @norberttech
- #963 - PHP Humanizer to humanize topics/example names - @norberttech
- 33df4d - CNAME to website - @norberttech
- #962 - Setup CI/CD for website - @norberttech
- #960 - Separate routes for topics and examples to a landing page - @owsiakl
- #959 - Using Flow cache when reading contributors and fallback to GitHub only when cache expires or does not exists - @norberttech
- #957 - Row::hash and Rows::hash - @norberttech
- #956 - Added popover polyfill for a landing page - @owsiakl
- #954 - Added symfony stimulus to a landing page - @owsiakl
- #954 - Added controller for syntax hightlighting to a landing page - @owsiakl
- #951 - Add shortcut for building static content for landing page - @stloyd
- #946 - Addeding contributors section in a landing page - @owsiakl
- #945 - Adding html for a landing page - @owsiakl
- #941 - Added missing offset option to from_parquet dsl function - @norberttech
- #940 - Added offset option to parquet extractor - @norberttech
- #939 - Parquet documentation - @norberttech
- #938 - Parquet Pagination - @norberttech
- #937 - BranchingLoader - @norberttech
- #936 - DataFrame::run method can now return execution report with Schema and Statistics - @norberttech
- #935 - Schema::normalize() : array - @norberttech
- #935 - Schema::fromArray(array $data) : self - @norberttech
- #928 - Caster mechanism that works on top of Flow\PHP\Type - @norberttech
- #928 - AutoCaster that works on top of Caster - @norberttech
- #928 - print_schema function - @norberttech
- #928 - print_rows function - @norberttech
- #928 - possibility to pass predefined schema to CSVExtractor - @norberttech
- #928 - possibility to pass predefined schema to JsonExtractor - @norberttech
- #927 - Schema Definition::type() : Type - @norberttech
- #927 - Type::merge() : Type - @norberttech
- #926 - Uuid Logical Type - @norberttech
- #926 - DateTime Logical Type - @norberttech
- #926 - Json Logical Type - @norberttech
- #926 - XML Logical Type - @norberttech
- #926 - XML Node Logical Type - @norberttech
- #925 - DataFrame::schema method to just read schema from dataset - @norberttech
- #923 - DataFrame::autoCast() - @norberttech
- #922 - DataFrame::dropPartitions() transformation - @norberttech
- #918 - CSV options detection - @norberttech
- #910 - add csv adapter unit test for fixture not yet in use - @rzarno
- #905 - Base symfony skeleton for a landing page - @owsiakl
- #901 - partition_by example - @norberttech
- #898 - extra validation for column in parquet rows - @norberttech
- #893 - list select function - @norberttech
- #890 - Structure Select function - @norberttech
- #889 - between scalar function - @norberttech
- #887 - After partitionBy only write or fetch actions are available - @norberttech
- #887 - Moved all scalar functions to ScalarFunctionChain abstract factory implemented by all scalar functions - @norberttech
- #883 - RemoteFileListExtractor - @norberttech
- #882 - FileListExtractor - @norberttech
- #880 - Added possibility to convert rows into array without keys - @norberttech
- #880 - Monorepo test command - @norberttech
- #877 - Displaying partitions under data when using to_output or DataFrame::display - @norberttech
- #877 - dsl functions for save modes - @norberttech
- #877 - DataFrame::saveMode as an aliast for DataFrame::mode - @norberttech
- #873 - exclude DSL methods/functions through attributes - @norberttech
- #871 - DataFrame::fromJson() - @norberttech
- #871 - support for running dataframes from json through flow CLI - @norberttech
- #869 - RDSL library - @norberttech
- #978 - Moved main text & install instruction to center on mobile landing page - @owsiakl
- #978 - Decresed mobile margin in key features in a landing page - @owsiakl
- #976 - Extracted static analyze to standalone workflow in order to run it always for website/code changes - @norberttech
- #976 - Moved website google analytics id to GH Actions variables - @norberttech
- #972 - Changed landing page mobile view to save some horizontal space - @owsiakl
- #972 - Changed to a faster font loading in a landing page - @owsiakl
- #960 - Moved
directory one lever higher - toweb/landing
- @owsiakl - #959 - Extracted fetching contributors logic to standalone service - @norberttech
- #955 - Cleanup examples and prepare them to be used on landing page - @norberttech
- #952 - Hide data in
by default - @stloyd - #950 - Fetch latest contributors using FlowPHP itself - @stloyd
- #948 - Updated dependencies - @norberttech
- #938 - Tuned default parquet options - @norberttech
- #927 - reduced size of csv files to speedup tests - @norberttech
- #923 - Extracted isJson,isXML,isUuif from NativeEntryFactory to StringTypeChecker - @norberttech
- #919 - optimized Path::partitions method by using mnemonic - @norberttech
- #919 - updated dependencies - @norberttech
- #907 - Make sure that entries are "stringable" - @stloyd
- #901 - Return types of functions in DSL - @norberttech
- #899 - Reverted removed copmressing serializer - @norberttech
- #895 - Simplified partitioning datasets by DateTimeEntry - @norberttech
- #888 - Updated dependencies - @norberttech
- #880 - Updated dependencies - @norberttech
- #877 - Rows::merge accepts only one instance of Rows instead of many - @norberttech
- #872 - Exclude certain methods from being executed through rdsl access control configuration - @norberttech
- #868 - Adjust Homebrew commit message to match Flow CS - @stloyd
- #867 - Update Homebrew TAP formula: flow-php to version: 0.5.2 - @norberttech
- #983 - Added missing rdsl dependency - @norberttech
- #981 - Fixed generating urls in landing page - @norberttech
- #981 - dependabot landing page composer.json path - @norberttech
- #980 - Added base asset url to a landing page - @owsiakl
- #975 - Parquet JSON is now stored as BYTE_ARRAY with logical type JSON instead of STRING - @norberttech
- #975 - Parquet UUID is now stored as BYTE_ARRAY with logical type JSON instead of STRING - @norberttech
- #973 - Fixed static analysis in web landing page - @owsiakl
- #969 - Added trailing slash to landing urls to avoid github pages redirections - @norberttech
- ebd1fc - failing examples - @norberttech
- #967 - Fixed landing page mobile view - @owsiakl
- #967 - Limited landing page gh profiles avatars size to 128px - @owsiakl
- #967 - Fixed minifying tailwind css app file - @owsiakl
- #963 - Fixed links in website - @norberttech
- #961 - Separated main repo composer file from web - @owsiakl
- #958 - building phar - @norberttech
- #958 - CachingPipeline - by not clearing cache when it already has items - @norberttech
- #942 - handling empty headers in CSV files - @norberttech
- #931 - Make parquet rows normalizer to respect given schema - @norberttech
- #929 - Automatically cast datetime bulk entries into DateTime objects - @norberttech
- #928 - NativeEntryFactory fully respecting schema definitions - @norberttech
- #926 - Missing nullable property in Map/Struct/List logical types - @norberttech
- #909 - fixed unit testing csv load overwrite mode - @rzarno
- #902 - changing partitions order during partitioning - @norberttech
- #901 - writing uuid entries to parquet files - @norberttech
- #900 - converting list of structures to parquet schema - @norberttech
- #898 - parquet bug when writing/reading nullable list of structs - @norberttech
- #896 - Serialization of XMLElement and XMLNodeElement - @norberttech
- #896 - Serialization of multiline strings with special characters - @norberttech
- #892 - 2 small typos - @xaviermarchegay
- #887 - Double partitioning - @norberttech
- #884 - printing null type entries in schema formatted - @norberttech
- #877 - Inconsistent behavior of DataFrame::fetch for partitioned rows - @norberttech
- #877 - Merging rows from the same partition makes new rows keep that partition - @norberttech
- #871 - phar file - @norberttech
- #870 - Reduced number of files in phar - @norberttech
- 9f8f8f - interdependencies before 0.6.0 release - @norberttech
- 83d81d - publish-website.yml - @norberttech
- #935 - Schema Definition Constraints - @norberttech
- #935 - Schema Definition Metadata is no longer accepting objects - @norberttech
- #927 - Schema definition union type - @norberttech
- #927 - Schema narrowing that was replaced by Type::merge - @norberttech
- #897 - Serializable interface - @norberttech
- #897 - laravel/serializable-closure dependency - @norberttech
- #891 - Remove compression serializer - @stloyd
- #887 - Partitioning related configuration from Flow Execution Context - @norberttech
- b9a1fb - test DSL from composer.json in order to fix phar build - @norberttech
- #861 - Add documentation about installation using Homebrew - @stloyd
- #861 - Add Homebrew formula into monorepo - @stloyd
- #860 - Added ArrayExtractor - @norberttech
- #859 - Add documentation about installation using PHIVE - @stloyd
- #862 - Dremel & Parquet performance improvements - @norberttech
- #858 - Spelling mistake in documentation - @xaviermarchegay
- #855 - Fix typo in Snappy polyfill filename - @stloyd
- #856 - Fix wrong namespace of
test - @stloyd
- #852 - Possibility to filter partitions using scalar functions - @norberttech
- #852 - DSL functions for maps/structs/list/types - @norberttech
- #847 - capitalize scalar function - @norberttech
- #844 - ref()->isTrue() - @norberttech
- #844 - ref()->isFalse() - @norberttech
- #832 - Allow to change hash algorithm in
- @stloyd - #836 - Writing chartjs output to variable - @norberttech
- #830 - DataFrame::collectRefs() - @norberttech
- #825 - pivoting datasets - @norberttech
- #820 - Add testing of PHP 8.3 into the pipeline - @stloyd
- #808 - Added DataFrame::until - @norberttech
- #807 - validator to Parquet Writer - @norberttech
- #805 - Add
- @stloyd - #801 - Add top-level options support for ChartJS - @stloyd
- #780 - Add
- @stloyd - #780 - Add
- @stloyd - #795 - Window function count - @norberttech
- #795 - Window function dens rank - @norberttech
- #791 - Extracted Flysystem dependency to standalone adapter - @norberttech
- #788 - BatchSizeOptimization - @norberttech
- #788 - httpClient option to Meilisearch loader configuration - @norberttech
- d92b51 - Docker installation manual - @norberttech
- #571 - Dockerfile - @norberttech
- #778 - Dremel to properly shred/assemble nested structures with nullable elements - @norberttech
- #772 - Add
- @stloyd - #773 - Added parquet commands to flow.phar - @norberttech
- #765 - Add new logical
- @stloyd - #763 - Implement recursive type allowance in
- @stloyd - #764 - Added Flow style guide - @norberttech
- #762 - Implement new
logical type - @stloyd - #759 - CLI App - Parquet viewer - @norberttech
- #749 - Implement new
logical type - @stloyd - #755 - Parquet - DataPageV2 statistics - @norberttech
- #754 - write column chunk statistics - @norberttech
- #744 - Parquet statistics reader - @norberttech
- #736 - Parquet - DataPageV2 support - @norberttech
- #730 - Pipeline Optimizer - @norberttech
- #730 - LimitOptimization - @norberttech
- #729 - LimitTransformer - @norberttech
- #729 - Limit directly to Extractors - @norberttech
- #720 - DataFrame::batchSize(int $size) method - @norberttech
- #716 - batchSize argument to DataFrame::collect method - @norberttech
- #714 - Missing tests for FilesystemProcessor - @norberttech
- #712 - Added support for partitioning in parquet loader - @norberttech
- #711 - Allow to append into parquet files - @norberttech
- #704 - ConvertedType to column definitions in parquet for compatibility with other readers - @norberttech
- #704 - Repetitions/Definitions levels encodings in DataPage - @norberttech
- #701 - count() method to dataframe - @norberttech
- #702 - number_format expression - @norberttech
- #700 - StandWithUkrain, StandWithUs - @norberttech
- #693 - Added library version to parquet created_by metadata - @norberttech
- #692 - Allow to write rows in batches into file and streams - @norberttech
- 3bbd6f - signed phar to gitignore - @norberttech
- #680 - Add GPG Signature to "flow-php.phar" artifact - @flavioheleno
- #678 - Parquet - added support for GZIP and SNAPPY compressions - @norberttech
- #677 - Parquet - writing & reading nullable structures with nullable fields - @norberttech
- #668 - Added support for writing simple types nullable columns into parquet - @norberttech
- #661 - Loaders benchmarks - @norberttech
- #660 - Create a comment on each PR with phpbench results - @norberttech
- #654 - Parquet - implement logic deciding when to apply dictionary encoding - @norberttech
- #653 - Blackfire PHP SDK to tools - @norberttech
- #652 - Parquet - Calculate row group/page size on the fly in order to decide when to flush data to disk - @norberttech
- #648 - JSON/UUID/ENUM - to dictionary encoding - Parquet - @norberttech
- #646 - Parquet - dictionary encoded pages - @norberttech
- #644 - Possibility to iterate through all parquet file column chunk page headers - @norberttech
- #642 - Extracted data conversion between parquet/php types to a standalone class - @norberttech
- #638 - date and datetime support for parquet writter - @norberttech
- #637 - first draft of parquet writer - @norberttech
- #632 - Add missing tools to the dependabot config - @stloyd
- #627 - Added possibility to easily identify schema root in Parquet Schema - @norberttech
- #622 - Possibility to build schema through static factories at Scheam,FlatColumn,NestedColumn - @norberttech
- #621 - static factories to Flat and Nested columns in parquet schema - @norberttech
- #621 - Decimal column support to parquet - @norberttech
- #611 - RLEBigPackingHybrid encode function - @norberttech
- #613 - Pure PHP implementation of Google Snappy library - @norberttech
- #601 - output of benchmark tests into github step summary - @norberttech
- #601 - Benchamrks for NativeEntryFactory - @norberttech
- #601 - Benchamrk groups - @norberttech
- #602 - allow to manually trigger benchmark tag workflow - @norberttech
- #581 - Add PHPBench tool and first benchmark example - @stloyd
- #587 - NativeEntryFactory structures detection - @norberttech
- #587 - Metadata to StructureEntry Definition - @norberttech
- #854 - All documentation pages are now moved to monorepo - @norberttech
- #853 - Updated dependencies - @norberttech
- #852 - Deprecated all DSL static classes in favor of functions - @norberttech
- #852 - Moved whole DSL to ETL functions.php - @norberttech
- #851 - Allow usage of Symfony 7 - @stloyd
- #849 - Rework Doctrine Bulk tests to not use deprecated code - @stloyd
- #842 - Default cache path - @norberttech
- #840 - reorganized data frame tests - @norberttech
- #824 - Improve performance of
- @stloyd - #835 - Simplified how charts are handling references - @norberttech
- #834 - Added php ~8.3 constraint to composer.json files - @norberttech
- #833 - Use references instead of array of strings in Charts - @norberttech
- #822 - Rework Psalm configuration & adjust codebase - @stloyd
- #831 - Updated dependencies - @norberttech
- #823 - Improve Dbal Bulk coverage - @stloyd
- #821 - Simplify PHPUnit configuration - @stloyd
- #819 - Simplify
method - @stloyd - #813 - Improve performance of
- @stloyd - #810 - Moved handling SaveMode to FilesystemStreams - @norberttech
- #812 - Improve performance of
- @stloyd - #811 - Improve performance of
- @stloyd - #809 - Changed default value for format in toDate scalar function - @norberttech
- #799 - Expanded Parquet schema converter in order to support deeply nested data types - @norberttech
- 700dc7 - Docs fixes - @norberttech
- #797 - Expression is now ScalarFunction - @norberttech
- #797 - Aggregator is now AggregationFunction - @norberttech
- #780 - Rework
to use types - @stloyd - #780 - Rework
to use types - @stloyd - #788 - Optimizer can be now configured through ConfigBuilder - @norberttech
- #788 - Execution Plan Processors can be now configured through ConfigBuilder - @norberttech
- #786 - Reduce docker image size - @norberttech
- #778 - Dremel algorithms are no longer working as Generators - @norberttech
- #777 - Make types implementation serializable, mark native types as nullable - @stloyd
- #773 - renamed phar file to flow.phar - @norberttech
- #770 - Rework
to hold optional value - @stloyd - #761 - Move PHAR runtime into
- @stloyd - #728 - Extract entry types into new namespace for further re-usage - @stloyd
- #732 - Renamed threadSafe into appendSafe - @norberttech
- #730 - Renamed LogicalPlan into ExecutionPlan - @norberttech
- #726 - GoogleSheet rows_in_batch was renamed into rows_per_page - @norberttech
- #716 - Closure was moved to Loader namespace as it applies to Loaders, not Pipelines - @norberttech
- #708 - Rename
to match specification - @stloyd - #710 - Improved parquet writer performance - @norberttech
- #706 - Adjusted time related columns to be compatibile with other parquet libraries - @norberttech
- #705 - Add missing flag for GPG 2.2+ - @stloyd
- #704 - Boolean columns can't be anymore dictionary packed for compatibility with spark - @norberttech
- 1e756d - CS Fixes - @norberttech
- #698 - Updated readme - @norberttech
- #694 - Replaced codename parquet with flow parquet library in parquet adapter - @norberttech
- #690 - Reduce a bit randomness in
- @stloyd - #683 - Improve adapters benchmark stability - @stloyd
- #676 - Improve performance for
- @stloyd - #675 - Reduce amount of runs for benchmark testing - @stloyd
- #674 - Reduce amount of runs for infection testing - @stloyd
- #671 - Improve performance for a few
methods - @stloyd - #671 - Rework benchmark GH action to use artifact for baseline - @stloyd
- #673 - Generate baseline benchmark in one run not per group - @stloyd
- #670 - Cover most methods of
class by benchmark - @stloyd - #666 - Simplify
method - @stloyd - #666 - Rework benchmark scripts in composer.json - @stloyd
- 91d6e8 - key and restore-keys for benchmark cache - @norberttech
- #662 - Rework benchmarks to set up test data in constructors - @stloyd
- #656 - Adjust Rows::chunk() to work on generators instead of arrays - @stloyd
- f17d62 - Save Benchmark baseline in cache - @norberttech
- 05d251 - Unified steps in pr-comment workflow - @norberttech
- 524fce - Use different action to download artifacts based on workflow_id - @norberttech
- #664 - Reverted pull-requests to issues write permissions - @norberttech
- #663 - benchmark workflow trigger and permissions - @norberttech
- #661 - Github benchmark comment template - @norberttech
- #655 - Rework
method to not recreate entries & rows in loop - @stloyd - #655 - Use
- @stloyd - #651 - Update
in matter to use predefined rule-sets - @stloyd - #651 - Run new cs-fixer configuration against codebase - @stloyd
- #650 - Run cs-fixer against codebase - @stloyd
- #649 - Cleanup of parquet PageBuilders - @norberttech
- #645 - Rework
method - @stloyd - #645 - Add code of Snappy to static analysis - @stloyd
- #644 - PHPUnit code coverage thresholds - @norberttech
- #642 - Parquet flat path is now cached inside of the column to reduce number of iterations through schema - @norberttech
- #643 - Infection will no longer format output for GitHub - @norberttech
- #643 - PHPStan and Psalm will now report in GitHub format - @norberttech
- #636 - Reduced analyse strictness - @norberttech
- #635 - Rework
to be stateless - @stloyd - #630 - Unify
files - @stloyd - #629 - Adjust
with to low values - @stloyd - #624 - Remove
when adding input into rows - @stloyd - #627 - Simplified Schema cache - @norberttech
- #626 - Columns in GoggleSheet Adapter cannot contain unicode characters - @stloyd
- #623 - Adjust CI setup to ignore changes in a changelog file - @stloyd
- #621 - Calculation of max definitions/repetitions level to column - @norberttech
- #621 - Python parquet file generators compression from gzip to snappy - @norberttech
- #619 - Move implementation of entry structure creation into the
- @stloyd - #620 - Reduce CI load by cancelling previous runs with every new commit in PR - @stloyd
- #617 - Invalid schema has no fallback in
- @stloyd - #616 - Entry factory moved from extractors to
- @stloyd - #615 - Improve quality of snappy implementation - @stloyd
- #612 - Improve performance of array comparison & sorting - @stloyd
- #608 - Rework
to improve performance - @stloyd - #609 - Move
out of loop - @stloyd - #605 - Improve performance of Path class - @stloyd
- #607 - Rework
to improve performance - @stloyd - #604 - Adjust benchmark report to be more useful - @stloyd
- #600 - Unify adapter benchmark datasets - @stloyd
- #598 - Rework GH testing actions to run only after code changes - @stloyd
- #597 - Reduce the amount of test data in ElasticSearch tests - @stloyd
- #596 - Simplify
test double class - @stloyd - #595 - Cleanup tests before starting tests - @norberttech
- #594 - Replace hashing algorithm from
- @stloyd - #591 - Skip JSON & XML checks for a string that doesn't look like this type of data - @stloyd
- #588 - Update minimum required version of Flow in all packages - @stloyd
- #586 - Rework adapter tests namespaces to be consistent - @stloyd
- #587 - Schema Formatter - support for structures - @norberttech
- #587 - Parquet Loader - simplified with support for Structure Entry - @norberttech
- #587 - Avro Loader - simplified with support for Structure Entry - @norberttech
- #587 - Parquet Extractor - default options - @norberttech
- #585 - Rework text adapter test fixtures to reduce memory load - @stloyd
- #584 - Adjust
to be more efficient - @stloyd
- #848 - Use platform for column escaping in bulk insert - @stloyd
- #840 - multiple group by execution in single pipeline - @norberttech
- #840 - moved elasticsearch HTTP Spy test double under Test namespace - @norberttech
- #838 - Fix
with random class order - @stloyd - #826 - overwriting pivot columns - @norberttech
- #817 - Fixed some warnings in parquet library - @norberttech
- #816 - Prevent reading multiple times from the same partitioning cache - @norberttech
- #815 - Add missing
detection inNativeEntryFactory
- @stloyd - #814 - Fix wrong return type on entry reference DSL functions - @stloyd
- #798 - Deprecated notice for using Connection::getSchemaManager() - @tomaszhanc
- #795 - Window function rank - @norberttech
- #789 - Fix hardcoded entry name for enum entry with schema - @stloyd
- cc4bd8 - incorrect tags in docker building workflows - @norberttech
- #779 - Covered additional parquet edge cases - @norberttech
- 523741 - broken phar builds - @norberttech
- #766 - Fix wrong namespace in PHAR runtime file - @stloyd
- eb7cc8 - Reverted snappy compressor if statements order - @norberttech
- #759 - missing dependencies in parquet lib - @norberttech
- #760 - Fixed snappy warnings - @norberttech
- #751 - Fixed reading varInt - @norberttech
- #750 - CSV loader working on remote streams - @norberttech
- #743 - Prevent uninitialized string check in
- @stloyd - #731 - bitpacking zero values - @norberttech
- #726 - JsonLoader when writing empty Rows - @norberttech
- #714 - Added missing FileExtractor interface to all file based extractors - @norberttech
- #707 - Small typo in build workflow - @norberttech
- #704 - Bug in RLEBitPackHybrid algorithm that was always bitpacking values - @norberttech
- #703 - Fix for signing PHAR in CI - @stloyd
- #672 - Fix for wrong cache data & key in benchmark baseline action - @stloyd
- #667 - Cleanup old summaries before creating new artifacts - @norberttech
- 35a55d - baseline cache restoring - @norberttech
- fdcaa3 - cmposer cache in benchmark baseline workflow - @norberttech
- 1f172c - pr-comment workflow job name - @norberttech
- a3df35 - restoring cache during test-benchmark workflow - @norberttech
- bfec21 - paths to downloaded artifacts in pr comment workflo - @norberttech
- #661 - NativeEntryFactoryBench - @norberttech
- #658 - Prevent fatal error when no values are set in
- @stloyd - #657 - parquet writer performance degradation - @norberttech
- #653 - Optimized BinaryBufferWriter - @norberttech
- #647 - bug in calculating number of values when pages are encoded with dictionary - @norberttech
- #641 - Fix extracting data from empty Google Sheet. - @scyzoryck
- #640 - bug in RLE/bitpacking hybrid algorithm - @norberttech
- #606 - Fix wrong truncate in
class - @stloyd - #601 - benchmarks not executing extractors - @norberttech
- 61e035 - github markdown syntax in benchmark tag workflow - @norberttech
- 4f820f - default PHPBENCH_TAG value for push events - @norberttech
- 14c092 - benchmark-tag workflow - @norberttech
- #603 - Fix Avro adapter handling nullable values - @stloyd
- f512e1 - benchmark-tag - @norberttech
- #599 - Reduced total available memory to make sure that MemorySort is doing a fallback to cache - @norberttech
- #593 - Change behavior of xml adapter when xml->deep > 1 and previousDeep > xml->deep - @norberttech
- #587 - JsonLoader closing not only json streams - @norberttech
- #583 - Fix warning when bytes are missing in Parquet
- @stloyd
- 8216ed - minimum required version of flow components - @norberttech
- a1db35 - README.md - @norberttech
- 6e0dd4 - README.md - @norberttech
- db45c3 - list of adapter - @norberttech
- a32cc4 - pr-check.yml - @norberttech
- 02e1c4 - style_guide.md - @norberttech
- e641e7 - README.md - @norberttech
- c9fb26 - test-benchmark.yml - @norberttech
- 749bb1 - specific version from composer require instructions - @norberttech
- #841 - removed class reference not available in the scope from README example in CSV adapter - @rzarno
- #832 - Remove
- @stloyd - #810 - Execution Plan and Processors - @norberttech
- #804 - Remove
methods from scalar entry classes - @stloyd - #797 - struct reference - @norberttech
- #796 - Remove Faker library from benchmark - @stloyd
- #776 - Remove
- @stloyd - #794 - Removed async processing - @norberttech
- #794 - DataFrame::pipeline method - @norberttech
- #787 - Removed DSL functions:
- @stloyd - #750 - BufferExtractor - @norberttech
- #750 - Batch Size parameter from MemoryExtractor - @norberttech
- #733 - Loaders are no longer allowing for setting chunk size - @norberttech
- #729 - LimitPipeline - @norberttech
- #726 - batching logic from extractors - @norberttech
- #716 - Rows from Closure::closure method - @norberttech
- #716 - BufferLoader - @norberttech
- #709 - Removed logger from parquet - @norberttech
- #694 - Codename Parquet library dependency - @norberttech
- 8d4882 - additional char in cache restore-keys paremeters for phpbench - @norberttech
- #661 - EntryExpressionEvalTransformerBench - @norberttech
- #634 - Remove Rector tool - @stloyd
- #618 - Remove dead
class - @stloyd
- #732 - DataFrame::threadSafe() - @norberttech
- #720 - DataFrame::parallelize() - @norberttech
- #579 - Add note about rework of transformers into
file - @stloyd - #576 - Parquet library - reading only for now - @norberttech
- #576 - Implementation of algorithms from Google Dremel paper - @norberttech
- #568 - Add way to run all examples - @stloyd
- #569 - Add binary comparisons integration test - @stloyd
- #566 - array_to_map() DSL function - @norberttech
- #566 - optional expression to work with optional entries - @norberttech
- #566 - UPGRADE.md to help with migrations between flow versions - @norberttech
- #557 - Add integration tests for
& missing unit test for math expressions - @stloyd - #553 - Add integration tests for
expressions - @stloyd - #552 - Add integration tests for string related expressions - part 2 - @stloyd
- #551 - Add integration tests for string related expressions - part 1 - @stloyd
- #550 - Add integration tests for
expressions - @stloyd - #546 - Add integration tests for array related expression - @stloyd
- #547 - Add integration tests for
expressions - @stloyd - #543 - Add options to
expression - @stloyd - #541 - Add
expression - @stloyd - #527 - Add new
entry expression - @stloyd - #521 - Add new
expressions - @stloyd - #516 - Add new IsNumeric & IsNotNumeric expressions - @stloyd
- #514 - Add new StrPad expression - @stloyd
- #582 - Simplified casting entries to strings - @norberttech
- #580 - Polish content of README.md file - @stloyd
- #576 - Simplified composer.json files across all sub repositories - @norberttech
- #574 - Update Box package to the latest - @stloyd
- #566 - ref is no longer null safe - @norberttech
- #566 - Extractors are no longer returning rows under "row" ArrayEntry, instead all values are unpacked to dedicated rows - @norberttech
- #565 - Change detection of PHAR in examples - @stloyd
- #564 - Block running incompatible examples via PHAR - @stloyd
- #561 - Rework string checks to skip json, xml or uuid as much as possible - @stloyd
- #562 - Rework examples to allow running them outside the phar - @stloyd
- #558 - Optimized NativeEntryFactory - @norberttech
- #556 - Rework expressions to return
instead of throwing exception on failure - @stloyd - #554 - Adjust the
expression to behave similarly to thecount
one - @stloyd - #545 - Prevent using
on empty input - @stloyd - #544 - Optimize
hashing - @stloyd - #542 - Allow enum as style param in
expression - @stloyd - #535 - README files structure of all repositories - @norberttech
- #530 - Rework
expression to use enum instead of constants - @stloyd - #529 - Rework
expression to work predefined sort methods - @stloyd - #529 - Add
options to theArraySort
expression - @stloyd - #528 - Use default value for
- @stloyd - #526 - Simplify
to work only on one entry - @stloyd
- #578 - added missing dremel dependency to parquet library - @norberttech
- #572 - php extractor output in examples - @norberttech
- #570 - Prevent fatal error with aggregate avg on empty group - @stloyd
- #569 - Fixed issue in
entry expression - @stloyd - #564 - Fix broken path to autoloader in async examples - @stloyd
- #539 - Corrected misspellings - @szepeviktor
- #540 - just some typos - @voku
- #532 - Prevent double run of main integration tests - @stloyd
- #515 - Fixed
expression to handlenull
as first - @stloyd
- 5042fe - README.md - @norberttech
- #577 - Remove "scripts" from
in subpackages - @stloyd - #563 - Remove "issue" examples as outdated & covered by tests - @stloyd
- #541 - Remove
- @stloyd - #537 - Remove
- @stloyd - #536 - Remove
- @stloyd - #533 - Remove
- @stloyd - #531 - Remove
- @stloyd - #525 - Remove
- @stloyd - #527 - Remove
- @stloyd - #524 - Remove
& related code - @stloyd - #523 - Remove
- @stloyd - #522 - Remove
& related code - @stloyd - #520 - Remove
& related code - @stloyd - #519 - Remove
& related code - @stloyd - #518 - Remove
- @stloyd - #518 - Remove
- @stloyd - #518 - Remove
- @stloyd - #516 - Remove covered filters from
- @stloyd - #517 - Remove SF Validator based filters & conditions - @stloyd
- #514 - Remove ObjectMethodTransformer &
- @stloyd - #514 - Cleanup
class from transform methods covered by expressions - @stloyd - #509 - Remove
- @stloyd
- #576 - Codename ParquetExtractor - @norberttech
- #497 - Rework most of the examples to be runnable via PHAR - @stloyd
- #495 - Use git tag for version name in PHAR - @stloyd
- #496 - Allow to run
outside of phar - @stloyd
- #502 - Add dev files to PHAR to allow usage of adapters - @stloyd
- #499 - Prevent calling runtime outside of CLI - @stloyd
- #500 - Prevent fatal error when passing empty string to
- @stloyd - #494 - Use more accurate version for PHAR - @stloyd
- #477 - Added new Phar module that generates Flow-PHP phar file - @stloyd
- #488 - Allow to pass options when using
- @stloyd - #474 - XMLEntry - @norberttech
- #474 - XMLNodeEntry - @norberttech
- #474 - ref('...')->xpath('...') - for extracting specific nodes from XMLEntry - @norberttech
- #474 - ref('...')->domNodeAttribute('...') - for extracting value of attribute - @norberttech
- #474 - ref('...')->domNodeValue('...') - for extracting value of node - @norberttech
- #450 - Add new
expression based on Symfony Uid - @stloyd - #445 - Add
package for mock logger - @stloyd - #440 - Add MariaDB to supported platforms for Doctrine adapter - @stloyd
- #438 - triggers always execute on clone instead of using original instance - @norberttech
- #434 - Add new adapter for Meilisearch - @stloyd
- #431 - withEntries method to DataFrame API - @norberttech
- #430 - WindowFunctions - Avg, Sum, Rank, RowNumber - @norberttech
- #430 - From::all as a alias for From::chain Extractor - @norberttech
- #428 - Added new expressions to entry expression trait - @owsiakl
- #427 - Add more cache for static analysis on GH actions - @stloyd
- #427 - Add more cache for inflection on GH actions - @stloyd
- #426 - ChartJS Loader - @norberttech
- #426 - Round expression - @norberttech
- #426 - Cast to datetime and date - @norberttech
- #426 - dateFormat to EntryExpression trait - @norberttech
- #426 - dateTimeFormat to EntryExpression trait - @norberttech
- #423 - ArrayMerge expression - @norberttech
- #417 - Add new sanitize expression - @stloyd
- #415 - Added regex_match expression - @norberttech
- #415 - Added regex_match_all expression - @norberttech
- #415 - Added regex_replace expression - @norberttech
- #415 - Added sprintf expression - @norberttech
- #414 - Added CallMethod expression - @ghost
- #412 - Added uuid expression - @ghost
- #411 - Add MoneyPHP expression - @stloyd
- #413 - to_date expression - @norberttech
- #410 - to timezone expression - @norberttech
- #409 - Not expression - @norberttech
- #409 - DataFrame::renameAll - @norberttech
- #409 - DataFrame::renameAllStyle - @norberttech
- #409 - DataFrame::renameAllUpperCase - @norberttech
- #409 - DataFrame::renameAllUpperCaseFirst - @norberttech
- #409 - DataFrame::renameAllUpperCaseWord - @norberttech
- #409 - DataFrame::renameAllLowerCase - @norberttech
- #408 - extra padding to ascii table headers/body - @norberttech
- #407 - more examples - @norberttech
- 686b5e - more tests and changed default sorting algorithm to sort - @norberttech
- #406 - array sort expression - @norberttech
- #403 - fallback extractor to cache extractor - @norberttech
- #403 - TTL parameter to PSRSimpleCache implementation of cache - @norberttech
- #402 - trim expression - @norberttech
- #401 - strReplace expression - @norberttech
- #400 - json endode/decode expressions - @norberttech
- #398 - exists expression - @norberttech
- #397 - DataFram extractor - @norberttech
- #396 - lower/upper expressions - @norberttech
- #395 - size expression - @norberttech
- #394 - array_unpack expression - @norberttech
- #394 - array_expand_expression - @norberttech
- #393 - DataFrame::get() : \Generator - @norberttech
- #393 - DataFrame::getEach() : \Generator - @norberttech
- #393 - DataFrame::getAsArray() : \Generator - @norberttech
- #393 - DataFrame::getEachAsArray() : \Generato - @norberttech
- #388 - Added
into Elastic adapter - @stloyd - #388 - Added
PHP extension as required for Flow - @stloyd
- #492 - Add Google services cleanup tasks to composer - @stloyd
- #472 - Allow to use Symfony UID for UUID generation - @stloyd
- #482 - Move rector to the tools - @stloyd
- #481 - Update GH actions to the latest - @stloyd
- #478 - Remove unnecessary template overwrite in ChartJS adapter - @stloyd
- #479 - Updated cs-fixer to latest and bump min version - @stloyd
- #479 - Run the latest cs-fixer against codebase - @stloyd
- #474 - XMLReaderExtractor is now returning XMLEntry type instead of casting XML's to array - @norberttech
- #445 - Allow usage of
v2 & v3` - @stloyd - #438 - Mark methods on DataFrame api as @lazy or @trigger - @norberttech
- #436 - Moved limit functionality into LimitingPipeline - @norberttech
- #430 - Caching mechanism was moved to dedicated CachingPipeline - @norberttech
- #428 - ArrayCollectionGetTransformer into ArrayGetCollection expression - @owsiakl
- #428 - ArrayCollectionMergeTransformer into ArrayMergeCollection expression - @owsiakl
- #428 - ArrayDotRenameTransformer into ArrayKeyRename expression - @owsiakl
- #425 - Simplify setting limit in monitoring configuration - @stloyd
- #420 - Skip phpstan analyse in
extension - @stloyd - #419 - Modify
expression to work with arrays - @stloyd - #418 - Adjust string value extraction in ASCIIValue to match PHP docs - @stloyd
- 7a676d - default array sort to asort from ksort - @norberttech
- #404 - Simplify cache usage - @norberttech
- #397 - sha256 to xxh128 default hashing algorithm - @norberttech
- #391 - Update PHPUnit to version ^10 - @stloyd
- #391 - Replace deprecated PHPUnit code - @stloyd
- #388 - Replaced usage of
hash algorithm - @stloyd - #387 - Reorganized testsuite - @norberttech
- #447 - Fixed wrong namespace in expression unit tests - @stloyd
- #448 - Fix coding standards for PHP-CS-fixer ^3.18 - @stloyd
- #437 - Removed assertion library references from google sheet adapter - @norberttech
- #429 - Add missing adapters into static analyse - @stloyd
- #429 - Fixed static analyse for GoogleSheet adapter - @stloyd
- #429 - Fixed static analyse for ChartJS adapter - @stloyd
- #426 - EntryExpression return types in order to fix IDEs autocompletion - @norberttech
- bd3088 - DataFrame::filter method docblocks - @norberttech
- #407 - isOdd expression - @norberttech
- #407 - isEven expression - @norberttech
- b33143 - parameter types in Dbal DSL - @norberttech
- 38ff7a - dependencies - @norberttech
- 939cf0 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 10550b - dependencies - @norberttech
- 5ee4d6 - monorepo-split.yml - @norberttech
- 8eb674 - README.md - @norberttech
- #489 - Remove deprecated
class - @stloyd - #446 - Drop non-stable version of
- @stloyd - #445 - Remove Monolog v2 from allowed dependencies - @stloyd
- #424 - Remove support for not maintained Symfony & Doctrine dependencies - @stloyd
- #424 - Remove BC code from Doctrine adapter - @stloyd
- #423 - deprecated transformers that are replaced by Entry Expressions - @norberttech
- #390 - Remove impure psalm suppress leftovers - @stloyd
- #386 - count expression - @norberttech
- #385 - DataFrame::dropDuplicates - @norberttech
- #382 - hash function to DSL - @norberttech
- #381 - concat expression - @norberttech
- #380 - hash expression - @norberttech
- #379 - combine expression - @norberttech
- #378 - split expression - @norberttech
- #375 - array_get - expression - @norberttech
- #375 - array_exists - expression - @norberttech
- #375 - now - expression - @norberttech
- #375 - to_date_time - expression - @norberttech
- #375 - date_time_format - expression - @norberttech
- #374 - Allow to change source from which ES extractor is extracting rows - @norberttech
- #371 - allow to pass literal parameter to DbalDataFrameFactory - @norberttech
- #383 - edge case in array_dot_exists - @norberttech
- b8b852 - DbalLoader options annotations - @norberttech
- e45157 - flow-php/doctrine-dbal-bulk dependency - @norberttech
- c2386d - internal flow-php dependencies - @norberttech
- #381 - ValueExtractor was removed and replaced by Expression::eval - @norberttech
- #370 - Memorize entry reference to speedup Rows comparison - @norberttech
- #369 - Reduce number of References initializations that affects processing performance - @norberttech
- 437b0d - missing files autoload in ETL - @norberttech
- #368 - accessing empty arrays using array_get with nullsafe operator - @norberttech
- f5136f - inter dependencies - @norberttech
- #364 - When expression - @norberttech
- #363 - Dbal DataFrameFactory - @norberttech
- #362 - Entry Reference Expression - @norberttech
- #362 - DataFrame::withEntry method - @norberttech
- #362 - Basic Expression for filtering and creating entries - @norberttech
- #362 - DataFrame::filter can now use entry references - @norberttech
- #359 - Moved sortBy into entry ref - @norberttech
- #358 - Replaced string column names with ref/col/struct functions - @norberttech
- 1e72f4 - CHANGELOG.md - @norberttech
- cf0ff4 - README.md - @norberttech
- 7ae116 - README.md - @norberttech
- #358 - @psalm-immutable - @norberttech
- #358 - @psalm-pure - @norberttech
- c2605e - flow dependencies - @norberttech
- #354 - sequence extractor with date period and number sequence generators - @norberttech
- #353 - DataFrame::crossJoin - @norberttech
- #343 - Add support for Sqlite database - @stloyd
- #305 - config option that can be later used by extractor to decide if input options should be added to extracted rows - @norberttech
- #304 - Added Google Sheet ETL adapter - @jwojtyra-aterian
- #292 - PHP 8.2 support - @norberttech
- #292 - execute tests at PHP 8.2 - @norberttech
- c52568 - more verbose error for failing tests - @norberttech
- #259 - array_push transformer - @norberttech
- #243 - array push transformer - @norberttech
- #241 - Reference - representing reference to given entry/entries in DataFrame - @norberttech
- #240 - Aggregation::collect_unique - @norberttech
- #240 - Aggregation::collect - @norberttech
- #234 - Allow to use QueryBuilder while creating DBAL limit offset extractor for more advanced use cases - @norberttech
- #197 - Mysql dialect for bulk update/insert/upsert - @mleczakm
- #225 - Allow to read complex nested jsons from a specific pointer - @norberttech
- #178 - Elasticsearch Exractor - @norberttech
- #178 - Elasticsearch Hits to Rows transformer - @norberttech
- #175 - Dbal DSL - @norberttech
- #175 - DbalLimitOffsetExractor - @norberttech
- #170 - Advanced Join Expression - @norberttech
- #170 - Join usage examples - @norberttech
- #167 - left_anti join - @norberttech
- #165 - Pipeline Execution Plan - @norberttech
- #164 - Allow configuring amount of characters per line in CSV extractor - @stloyd
- #153 - Added assertion preventing from using pattern paths in filesystem based loders - @norberttech
- #149 - support for Elasticsearch 8 client - @norberttech
- #112 - Added PSRSimpleCache implementation of Flow Cache - @norberttech
- #109 - Print Rows/Schema alias to improve DX by not making dev to remember about To:: formatters - @norberttech
- #103 - Added threadSafe flag to FlowContext - @norberttech
- #101 - SaveMode allowing to control how to deal with existing files - @norberttech
- #101 - Filesystem::exists - @norberttech
- #101 - Filesystem::rm - @norberttech
- #101 - few missing unit tests - @norberttech
- #96 - reading partitioned CSV example - @norberttech
- #95 - examples into the main flow repository - @norberttech
- #93 - more PR checks to github actions - @norberttech
- #92 - [Core] Filesystem Streams - @norberttech
- #92 - [Json] Partitioning - @norberttech
- #92 - [Monorepo] Contributing section in README - @norberttech
- 0e0952 - changelog - @norberttech
- 04858c - PGSQL database url to testsuite setup - @norberttech
- 27ee7a - monorepo tools and settings - @norberttech
- 2db069 - partitioning, filesystem, and path manipulation (#278) - @norberttech
- e4021b - installation section to the docs - @norberttech
- ddd414 - binary flag to stream read mode (#250) - @norberttech
- 09c246 - banner - @norberttech
- be87f0 - new aggregations, first and last (#246) - @norberttech
- fb43f0 - support for Flow FileStream - @norberttech
- f5c91f - streams support (#108) - @norberttech
- 942c0d - DSL and support for FileStream (#109) - @norberttech
- f6c718 - missing dependency exception (#245) - @norberttech
- 88ef25 - default metadata to EnumEntry type (#235) - @norberttech
- 864b6e - missing tests - @norberttech
- a3e49e - github actions configuration - @norberttech
- eea2f6 - in memory cache implementation (#223) - @norberttech
- c7ff04 - entry/prefix DSL methods (#222) - @norberttech
- 6a7135 - more php native functions to DSL::Transform (#219) - @norberttech
- c68f5f - math value operation transformer (#218) - @norberttech
- 646205 - EnumEntry (#216) - @norberttech
- ef0797 - first schema constraints (#211) - @norberttech
- 1ed6bc - hash transformer for non cryptographic entry hashing (#204) - @norberttech
- 8c7432 - Rows::join methods (#201) - @norberttech
- 8ae33c - union types to schema (#199) - @norberttech
- 48c266 - possibility to set delimiter, enclouser and escape string in loader/extractor (#95) - @norberttech
- eab9ab - ETL::groupBy and ETL::aggregate to the ETL api (#191) - @norberttech
- 4998a0 - select/drop method to ETL api (#190) - @norberttech
- b3e169 - callback to run method (#172) - @norberttech
- da1f14 - DSL elements (#169) - @norberttech
- 81460b - read/write/filter/map functions to ETL (#165) - @norberttech
- c91473 - json_array doctrine type to bulk data (#88) - @owsiakl
- 682af9 - missing test - @DawidSajdak
- b9332e - missing test - @DawidSajdak
- 7a453a -
operation to thefromConnection
method - @DawidSajdak - ef0c8a - entries to serialize/unserialize methods - @DawidSajdak
- 27c502 - CallbackEntryValueTransformer - @DawidSajdak
- 1dc7a9 -
operation. - @DawidSajdak - bae3e8 - partial update to loader (#90) - @norberttech
- a084e7 - limit to ETL API (#157) - @norberttech
- 41393b - StreamLoader (#156) - @norberttech
- e2565e - JsonLoader (#88) - @norberttech
- f311dd - JsonEntry from flow-php/etl-adapter-json - @norberttech
- 85f934 - suggested packages - @norberttech
- ae5579 - more customizable abstraction for BulkInserts (#80) - @norberttech
- 4d9320 - possibility to display selected number of rows (#149) - @norberttech
- 5f9386 - fetch feature to return rows from ETL in other way than through Loader (#147) - @norberttech
- 4a6848 - ETL::collect() / ETL::parallelize(int $chunks) methods to ETL Api (#137) - @norberttech
- 23ec97 - PGSQL env for mutation tests - @tomaszhanc
- ea4ea2 - PGSQL env for mutation tests - @tomaszhanc
- 65117a - ENV for PGSQL - @tomaszhanc
- 02727e - ENV for PGSQL - @tomaszhanc
- cfbcab - workflow for auto-merge dependabot PRs (#44) - @tomaszhanc
- 0dd6ac - workflow for auto-merge dependabot PRs - @tomaszhanc
- 4c27e8 - workflow for auto-merge dependabot PRs - @tomaszhanc
- b1b10e - workflow for auto-merge dependabot PRs - @tomaszhanc
- 9ca0c2 - workflow for auto-merge dependabot PRs - @tomaszhanc
- e13ea8 - workflow for auto-merge dependabot PRs - @tomaszhanc
- 2f77f9 - workflow for auto-merge dependabot PRs - @tomaszhanc
- 881f4f - workflow for auto-merge dependabot PRs - @tomaszhanc
- c3a037 - workflow for auto-merge dependabot PRs - @tomaszhanc
- 43805f - workflow for auto-merge dependabot PRs - @tomaszhanc
- 3ec80d - upsert on conflict columns (#23) - @norberttech
- 6a8507 - dependabot for tools - @tomaszhanc
- 6e300e - dependabot for tools - @tomaszhanc
- f74a90 - Rows helper methods (#68) - @norberttech
- 648b1f - array_dot_rename function (#6) - @tomaszhanc
- dc8080 - missing keys to multiselect result array (#5) - @norberttech
- 4d6261 - array_dot_set function - @norberttech
- 3e39c9 - small optimization - @norberttech
- 484348 - multiselect syntax - @norberttech
- b71301 - detecting first/last Rows inside of ETL (#50) - @norberttech
- fd0b43 - access methods to Rows and Entries (#49) - @norberttech
- 286dc8 - pre/post request callables to extractors (#9) - @norberttech
- db218a - memory safe XMLReaderExtractor (#13) - @norberttech
- 2e5f0c - more data about request/response to row (#6) - @norberttech
- 8169ce - precisio to the float entry in order to fix comparisons (#48) - @norberttech
- 456cb1 - readme and fixed logger class name - @norberttech
- 540224 - Rows flatMap (#46) - @norberttech
- c97121 - FloatEntry (#44) - @norberttech
- c7e493 - static http extractor (#4) - @norberttech
- ff0956 - possibility to extract data from multiple queries (#3) - @norberttech
- 24bae1 - DbalQueryExtractor (#1) - @norberttech
- 40a51b - XMLEntry (#28) - @norberttech
- 873e3c - Rows::unique method (#24) - @norberttech
- a87050 - Rows::sortEntries method (#25) - @tomaszhanc
- 291d15 - merge method for Rows (#23) - @tomaszhanc
- 1052f8 - sort and find methods (#21) - @norberttech
- cb548d - each method to the Rows class and use the latest version of phi… (#13) - @DawidSajdak
- 237b88 - Run Tests section (#10) - @peter279k
- 22bc54 - norberttech/md-link-linter integration - @norberttech
- 74ffe8 - aeon-php/automation integration - @norberttech
- fe271d - aeon integration & updated dependencies - @norberttech
- be6ccd - Changelog - @norberttech
- 636d83 - badges - @norberttech
- 474e90 - description of use case into README - @norberttech
- 243a21 - missing tests and README - @norberttech
- 7e71f8 - missing dependency - @norberttech
- 856870 - license - @norberttech
- 7cf0ca - allow to manually trigger changelog update - @norberttech
- #331 - Update PHPStan to
- @stloyd - #317 - Update PHPUnit to
& fix deprecated code usage - @stloyd - #271 - Updated dependencies - @norberttech
- #263 - Rewritten ASCII table formatted - @norberttech
- #235 - minimum required avro php version - @norberttech
- #234 - Updated psalm to the latest version - @norberttech
- #178 - excluded composer.lock from PR size calculation - @norberttech
- #171 - Examples cleanup - @norberttech
- #153 - Moved streams to FlowContext - @norberttech
- #148 - Updated tools & project dependencies - @norberttech
- 0488f3 - Lock avro in order to avoid BC breaks - @norberttech
- #111 - Moved ErrorHandler to FlowContext - @norberttech
- #104 - Simplified Parquet Loader writing to groups - @norberttech
- #101 - renamed color into t_shirt_color in examples - @norberttech
- #97 - Improved partitioning performance - @norberttech
- ead619 - Use pull_request_target for labeler - @norberttech
- 595617 - Disabled labelers due to github security issues - @norberttech
- #92 - [CSV] Partitioning is now using Filesystem Streams - @norberttech
- d9ef9b - Unified installation guide in all readme files - @norberttech
- 1ec7b6 - Merge etl-adapter-xml/1.x - @norberttech
- 0f4399 - Merge etl-adapter-text/1.x - @norberttech
- 2cabd8 - Merge etl-adapter-reactphp/1.x - @norberttech
- 457625 - Merge etl-adapter-parquet/1.x - @norberttech
- e1c5de - Merge etl-adapter-logger/1.x - @norberttech
- 630aa3 - Merge etl-adapter-json/1.x - @norberttech
- ddbd55 - Merge etl-adapter-http/1.x - @norberttech
- cf5d90 - Merge etl-adapter-elasticsearch/1.x - @norberttech
- 83f124 - Merge etl-adapter-doctrine/1.x - @norberttech
- 6ca61c - Merge etl-adapter-csv/1.x - @norberttech
- 260bc8 - Merge etl-adapter-avro/1.x - @norberttech
- de9c5a - Merge etl-adapter-amphp/1.x - @norberttech
- c0114f - Merge doctrine-dbal-bulk/1.x - @norberttech
- 91ced7 - Merge array-dot/1.x - @norberttech
- 6068bb - Merge etl/1.x - @norberttech
- 1ba4bd - Root commit for monorepo branch 1.x - @norberttech
- 3be53e - Adjust adapter to the latest changes in core etl library - @norberttech
- 5f4f3d - Adjust adapter to the latest changes in core etl library - @norberttech
- 1376fe - Adjust adapter to the latest changes in core etl library - @norberttech
- 451635 - Adjust adapter to the latest changes in core etl library - @norberttech
- 546393 - Adjust adapter to the latest changes in core etl library - @norberttech
- e86925 - Adjust adapter to the latest changes in core etl library - @norberttech
- a9b921 - Adjust adapter to the latest changes in core etl library - @norberttech
- 12126a - Adjust adapter to the latest changes in core etl library - @norberttech
- 6a3602 - Adjust adapter to the latest changes in core etl library - @norberttech
- 4137db - Adjust adapter to the latest changes in core etl library - @norberttech
- d77206 - Adjust adapter to the latest changes in core etl library - @norberttech
- 219ea7 - Adjust adapter to the latest changes in core etl library - @norberttech
- b4ef88 - Allow infection/extension-installer in tools (#271) - @szepeviktor
- 61dd1a - Function
must be used with 2nd parameter to increase uniqueness (#264) - @stloyd - d576ba - Remove
class in favor ofarray_is_list()
native function (#262) - @stloyd - d6928c - Simplify PHPUnit configuration by removing bootstrap file (#261) - @stloyd
- 9ad0eb - parquet into mandatory dependency - @norberttech
- 83b30a - json-machine into mandatory dependency - @norberttech
- 752d9f - elasticsearch into mandatory dependency - @norberttech
- b760d6 - doctrine-dbal-bulk into mandatory dependency - @norberttech
- 35c2ef - avro-php into mandatory dependency - @norberttech
- 53ae6f - Create LICENSE - @norberttech
- 4e77cf - Create LICENSE - @norberttech
- ca56e1 - Create LICENSE - @norberttech
- 2df9c1 - Create LICENSE - @norberttech
- ee72a1 - Create LICENSE - @norberttech
- 109e26 - Create LICENSE - @norberttech
- 712ed0 - Create LICENSE - @norberttech
- b69f42 - Create LICENSE - @norberttech
- b59dec - Create LICENSE - @norberttech
- d3ae27 - Transformers cleanup (#252) - @norberttech
- 84692d - Allowed to use more advanced callbacks in call user function transformer (#251) - @norberttech
- 946aea - rtrim row values (#1) - @norberttech
- ecd637 - Adjusted avro to use flow streams (#1) - @norberttech
- 906337 - Initial commit - @norberttech
- 3d4731 - Merge pull request #1 from norberttech/feature/file-stream - @norberttech
- e1cbee - CS Fixes - @norberttech
- e88ab7 - File stream abstraction (#243) - @norberttech
- 8058f9 - Unified JsonLoader behavior (#108) - @norberttech
- e14d50 - Transformations grouping (#242) - @norberttech
- b1957f - Define schema for array unpack to support complex types unpacking (#237) - @norberttech
- 9a8107 - Moved default entries metadata to dedicated class (#236) - @norberttech
- 867681 - Initial commit - @norberttech
- f1bae0 - Expose min/max in Memory/Consumption monitor (#233) - @norberttech
- 429b67 - Initial commit - @norberttech
- cb193b - Improved native entry factory entry type detection (#232) - @norberttech
- 960706 - Schema definition metadata (#231) - @norberttech
- d85586 - List Entry (#230) - @norberttech
- 98b352 - Feature/csv dsl (#105) - @norberttech
- b9e0b4 - Adjusted to latest changes in Flow - @norberttech
- aead49 - Local Socket Pipeline and async processing abstraction (#227) - @norberttech
- 4b1f78 - Initial commit - @norberttech
- 94c83b - Initial commit - @norberttech
- 99d6d1 - Cache serialization (#226) - @norberttech
- b0d73b - Nested pipeline (#225) - @norberttech
- c5bd0e - Reorganized configuration (#224) - @norberttech
- fc544f - DSL Unifications (#221) - @norberttech
- 80a679 - default transformers behavior from Entries::add to Entries::set (#220) - @norberttech
- febc8a - Display schema (#214) - @norberttech
- cde965 - Upgrade php81 (#86) - @norberttech
- aada02 - Join each (#210) - @norberttech
- 90ac3e - DataFrame join (#202) - @norberttech
- b3e393 - Get schema from existing rows (#198) - @norberttech
- b789fc - Extracted DataFrame from ETL class (#197) - @norberttech
- 0aeb3b - Feature/cleanup (#196) - @norberttech
- 22c256 - Make entry names case sensitive (#186) - @norberttech
- 5283f3 - Renamed find into findOne and added new find method to Rows (#180) - @norberttech
- 2ffdb8 - Enabled php 8.1 (#179) - @norberttech
- f22d1c - Keep entries case insensitive without changing entry name (#178) - @norberttech
- 2c78a8 - Psalm types detection (#177) - @norberttech
- 6407ce - Schema::isValid with SchemaValidator (#176) - @norberttech
- 858011 - Row schema validation mechanism (#175) - @norberttech
- 7f3ae8 - Group by Rows (#174) - @norberttech
- dbeec5 - Revert unintended BC break (#170) - @norberttech
- 5246ef - Improved code coverage in tests (#168) - @norberttech
- 4a8f84 - Domain Specific Language (#167) - @norberttech
- bbb37a - In Memory SortBy (#164) - @norberttech
- a6f009 - Merge pull request #161 from DawidSajdak/feature/add-callback-antry-value-transformer - @DawidSajdak
- ce57c1 - Fixes - @DawidSajdak
- 758225 - Fixes - @DawidSajdak
- ba4680 - Pipeline clousre (#163) - @norberttech
- b223c5 - ETL::sortBy (#162) - @norberttech
- 9bc5f2 - Detect JSON type values and automatically cast them from string to array in order to satisfy dbal (#87) - @norberttech
- 31f9e0 - to EntryValueTransformer - @DawidSajdak
- 7b1476 - to EntryValueTransformer - @DawidSajdak
- f6888a - Merge pull request #80 from DawidSajdak/feature/add-update-to-from-connection-method - @DawidSajdak
- ffd90e - Fix - @DawidSajdak
- 46a7e2 - Merge pull request #79 from DawidSajdak/feature/add-update-operation - @DawidSajdak
- 522f24 - CR fixes - @DawidSajdak
- 4f244d - Fix - @DawidSajdak
- 33227f - Merge pull request #86 from DawidSajdak/feature/update-multiple-rows-at-once - @DawidSajdak
- 1eea5c - Fixes - @DawidSajdak
- 6ef4cb - Use proper dbal types when executing insert statement (#84) - @norberttech
- ce449b - Cleaned up factories defined by transformers - @norberttech
- 4806d5 - Cleanup converters that are leftovers from multirepo approach (#158) - @norberttech
- d4138f - Adjusted adapter fore serialization (#82) - @norberttech
- f5ea58 - Merged flow-php/etl-adapter-memory into flow-php/etl - @norberttech
- 2d6583 - Moved JsonEntry to flow-php/etl library - @norberttech
- 03c4c3 - Row::merge (#154) - @norberttech
- 5f7333 - Merged flow-php/etl-transformers and flow-php/etl-loaders repositories into etl repo - @norberttech
- 4e3589 - Simplified worker and updated README - @norberttech
- 869be7 - Initial commit - @norberttech
- 7e3c23 - Adjusted adapter for serialization (#80) - @norberttech
- 5535f8 - Adjusted Adapter for Serialization (#82) - @norberttech
- cd622d - Adjusted adapter for serialization (#88) - @norberttech
- fc3e50 - Adjusted adapter for serialization (#75) - @norberttech
- b840f5 - Adjust adapter for Serialization (#86) - @norberttech
- 72d786 - Serialization (#152) - @norberttech
- 9502c6 - Merge pull request #148 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-1.4.6 - @tomaszhanc
- ebbcfd - Adjusted JsonEntry to the lastest changes - @norberttech
- 25b495 - Merge pull request #79 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.20.0 - @tomaszhanc
- e64b55 - Implement toString for XMLEntry - @tomaszhanc
- c0231d - ETL::process (#150) - @norberttech
- 0515c6 - Merge pull request #73 from tomaszhanc/hotfix/improve-performance - @tomaszhanc
- 3d43d0 - Improve performance for DbalQueryExtractor - @tomaszhanc
- e384e0 - Revert pipelines from generators to callbacks (#144) - @norberttech
- 6965ec - Small performance improvement (#74) - @norberttech
- 5eec89 - Performance improvements (#136) - @norbertmwk
- 17087b - Reuse workflows from aeon-php/actions (#70) - @tomaszhanc
- 0d1be6 - Merge pull request #72 from tomaszhanc/feature/update-workflows - @tomaszhanc
- a146e0 - Merge pull request #60 from tomaszhanc/feature/update-workflows - @tomaszhanc
- 489eb4 - Merge pull request #54 from tomaszhanc/feature/update-workflows - @tomaszhanc
- 4fea30 - Adjust workflow with PostgreSQL - @tomaszhanc
- 76e229 - Adjust test workflow to add PostgreSQL - @tomaszhanc
- 518a3e - Merge pull request #72 from tomaszhanc/feature/update-workflows - @tomaszhanc
- 3af1dd - Adjust test workflow with ES service - @tomaszhanc
- d8cc4c - Merge pull request #126 from tomaszhanc/feature/update-workflows - @tomaszhanc
- 44d95b - Merge pull request #62 from tomaszhanc/feature/update-workflows - @tomaszhanc
- 616d0e - Merge pull request #68 from tomaszhanc/feature/update-workflows - @tomaszhanc
- b982f1 - Merge pull request #52 from tomaszhanc/feature/update-workflows - @tomaszhanc
- cd9ac9 - Merge pull request #67 from tomaszhanc/feature/update-workflows - @tomaszhanc
- 6a8ee1 - Merge pull request #67 from tomaszhanc/hotfix/static - @tomaszhanc
- 101de6 - Reuse workflows from aeon-php/actions - @tomaszhanc
- fdd36e - Reuse workflows from aeon-php/actions - @tomaszhanc
- b31dbf - Reuse workflows from aeon-php/actions - @tomaszhanc
- 810a02 - Reuse workflows from aeon-php/actions - @tomaszhanc
- 83a7e5 - Reuse workflows from aeon-php/actions - @tomaszhanc
- 684192 - Reuse workflows from aeon-php/actions - @tomaszhanc
- 1f97a6 - Reuse workflows from aeon-php/actions - @tomaszhanc
- 50bbb3 - Reuse workflows from aeon-php/actions - @tomaszhanc
- 62fb8b - Reuse workflows from aeon-php/actions - @tomaszhanc
- 658315 - Dont use deprecated getName() method on Doctrine Dbal Platform class (#47) - @tomaszhanc
- 29b68c - Merge pull request #43 from tomaszhanc/hotifx/dbal - @tomaszhanc
- 53af2c - Merge pull request #113 from tomaszhanc/feature/update-tools - @tomaszhanc
- efe36b - Supress phpstan errors - @tomaszhanc
- 929e46 - Merge pull request #59 from tomaszhanc/hotfix/static - @tomaszhanc
- 50e5fd - Merge pull request #31 from flow-php/hotfix/doctrine - @tomaszhanc
- 20335c - Merge pull request #42 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer-3.2.1 - @tomaszhanc
- d5fd72 - Fix - @tomaszhanc
- 2b12e2 - Merge pull request #97 from tomaszhanc/1.x - @tomaszhanc
- ab4681 - Merge pull request #28 from tomaszhanc/feature/auto-merge - @tomaszhanc
- feb1b3 - Merge pull request #28 from tomaszhanc/feature/auto-merge - @tomaszhanc
- 2627d1 - Merge pull request #44 from tomaszhanc/feature/auto-merge - @tomaszhanc
- ebfc54 - Merge pull request #23 from tomaszhanc/feature/auto-merge - @tomaszhanc
- 494d12 - Merge pull request #46 from tomaszhanc/feature/auto-merge - @tomaszhanc
- 412f73 - Merge pull request #44 from tomaszhanc/feature/auto-merge - @tomaszhanc
- c4294d - Merge pull request #36 from tomaszhanc/feature/auto-merge - @tomaszhanc
- b5dbee - Merge pull request #42 from tomaszhanc/feature/auto-merge - @tomaszhanc
- 0880b9 - Merge pull request #45 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.11.1 - @tomaszhanc
- ae2929 - Merge pull request #40 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.10 - @DawidSajdak
- 3d68ac - Merge pull request #42 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.15.0 - @DawidSajdak
- 3e2397 - Merge pull request #20 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.10 - @DawidSajdak
- 7bcc68 - Merge pull request #92 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.10 - @DawidSajdak
- 8f05af - Merge pull request #32 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.10 - @DawidSajdak
- d9307a - Merge pull request #40 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.10 - @DawidSajdak
- 7cb480 - Merge pull request #39 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.10 - @DawidSajdak
- 3ec04b - Merge pull request #25 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.10 - @DawidSajdak
- cbc5b7 - Merge pull request #43 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.10 - @DawidSajdak
- 09174b - Merge pull request #25 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.25.3 - @DawidSajdak
- d63849 - Merge pull request #21 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.25.3 - @DawidSajdak
- bed993 - Merge pull request #93 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.25.3 - @DawidSajdak
- 8d2df0 - Merge pull request #33 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.25.3 - @DawidSajdak
- 18e588 - Merge pull request #41 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.25.3 - @DawidSajdak
- 661c04 - Merge pull request #34 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer-3.2.1 - @DawidSajdak
- 55d836 - Merge pull request #41 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/league/csv-9.72 - @DawidSajdak
- 361137 - Merge pull request #40 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer-3.2.1 - @DawidSajdak
- b77178 - Merge pull request #44 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer-3.2.1 - @DawidSajdak
- 6d532c - Merge pull request #42 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer-3.2.1 - @DawidSajdak
- 240ca3 - Merge pull request #26 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer-3.2.1 - @DawidSajdak
- 1ef92c - Merge pull request #94 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer-3.2.1 - @DawidSajdak
- 77f9f9 - Merge pull request #24 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/doctrine/dbal-3.1.3 - @DawidSajdak
- 46a3fb - Merge pull request #21 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.25.2 - @DawidSajdak
- a88ea8 - Merge pull request #19 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.25.2 - @DawidSajdak
- 1908f9 - Merge pull request #91 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.25.2 - @DawidSajdak
- ca49fb - Merge pull request #31 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.25.2 - @DawidSajdak
- 235ba1 - Merge pull request #39 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.25.2 - @DawidSajdak
- 54fba3 - Merge pull request #37 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.25.1 - @DawidSajdak
- 54e07b - Merge pull request #38 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.99 - @DawidSajdak
- dcb593 - Merge pull request #38 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.99 - @DawidSajdak
- 1456fa - Merge pull request #24 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.99 - @DawidSajdak
- fc1867 - Merge pull request #41 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.99 - @DawidSajdak
- ebf787 - Merge pull request #27 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.10.0 - @DawidSajdak
- 2bbb92 - Merge pull request #35 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.10.0 - @DawidSajdak
- 5ce49a - Merge pull request #36 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.25.0 - @DawidSajdak
- bd8d9a - Merge pull request #18 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/doctrine/dbal-3.1.2 - @DawidSajdak
- 9a3946 - Merge pull request #37 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.10.0 - @DawidSajdak
- ce0323 - Merge pull request #23 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.10.0 - @DawidSajdak
- f962d9 - Merge pull request #40 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.10.0 - @DawidSajdak
- b1173c - Merge pull request #39 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.99 - @DawidSajdak
- 35ba2e - Merge pull request #19 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.99 - @DawidSajdak
- 587145 - Merge pull request #89 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.99 - @DawidSajdak
- 5c54a7 - Merge pull request #17 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.99 - @DawidSajdak
- 352276 - Merge pull request #20 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.25.1 - @DawidSajdak
- 9afd2a - Merge pull request #18 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.25.1 - @DawidSajdak
- 09956f - Merge pull request #90 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.25.1 - @DawidSajdak
- 2ad74d - Merge pull request #29 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.25.1 - @DawidSajdak
- 9d170a - Merge pull request #30 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.99 - @DawidSajdak
- 3a7b13 - Merge pull request #87 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.10.0 - @tomaszhanc
- 925d36 - Merge pull request #88 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.25.0 - @tomaszhanc
- 30c08d - Merge pull request #16 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer-3.1.0 - @tomaszhanc
- be32d5 - Merge pull request #38 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.10.0 - @tomaszhanc
- 69611f - Merge pull request #15 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.25.0 - @tomaszhanc
- b3d052 - Merge pull request #17 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.10.0 - @tomaszhanc
- 4289af - Merge pull request #14 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.25.0 - @tomaszhanc
- 8a9fb4 - Merge pull request #15 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.10.0 - @tomaszhanc
- 96d141 - Merge pull request #9 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.9 - @tomaszhanc
- 8a7842 - Merge pull request #8 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.9.3 - @tomaszhanc
- 472ae8 - Merge pull request #11 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.98 - @tomaszhanc
- 0236c3 - Merge pull request #10 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.24.0 - @tomaszhanc
- d40254 - Merge pull request #12 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer-2.19.2 - @tomaszhanc
- 4d5d69 - Merge pull request #13 from tomaszhanc/hotfix/pr-description - @tomaszhanc
- 91b6b1 - Merge pull request #36 from tomaszhanc/hotifx/php-cs-config - @tomaszhanc
- 426300 - Remove unsued PHP-CS config (#38) - @tomaszhanc
- ac4643 - Merge pull request #39 from tomaszhanc/hotifx/php-cs-config - @tomaszhanc
- 7f0c17 - Merge pull request #7 from tomaszhanc/hotfix/dpenedabot - @tomaszhanc
- 3bc415 - Merge pull request #37 from tomaszhanc/hotifx/php-cs-config - @tomaszhanc
- efbc1b - Merge pull request #86 from tomaszhanc/hotifx/php-cs-config - @tomaszhanc
- ee3c4c - Remove unsued PHP-CS config - @tomaszhanc
- 8e47dd - Remove unsued PHP-CS config - @tomaszhanc
- 94afaa - Remove unsued PHP-CS config - @tomaszhanc
- 5fa5b0 - Remove unsued PHP-CS config - @tomaszhanc
- 6344a7 - Merge pull request #23 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer-3.1.0 - @tomaszhanc
- b47b2c - Merge pull request #33 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer-3.1.0 - @tomaszhanc
- a932ca - mend - @tomaszhanc
- 810865 - Merge pull request #32 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer-3.1.0 - @tomaszhanc
- b107d6 - Merge pull request #35 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer-3.1.0 - @tomaszhanc
- c6c671 - Merge pull request #82 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer-3.1.0 - @tomaszhanc
- 8f2a52 - Merge pull request #14 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.9 - @tomaszhanc
- 198a59 - Merge pull request #12 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.98 - @tomaszhanc
- d8dffe - Merge pull request #13 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.24.0 - @tomaszhanc
- 03676b - Merge pull request #11 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.9.3 - @tomaszhanc
- 8600ad - Merge pull request #10 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer-2.19.2 - @tomaszhanc
- 04214c - Merge pull request #9 from tomaszhanc/hotfix/dependabot - @tomaszhanc
- 2b1cd8 - Merge pull request #38 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.98 - @tomaszhanc
- b30569 - Merge pull request #36 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.98 - @tomaszhanc
- 8999f3 - Merge pull request #85 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.98 - @tomaszhanc
- b700b2 - Merge pull request #22 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.98 - @DawidSajdak
- 16bead - Merge pull request #36 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.9 - @DawidSajdak
- a06519 - Merge pull request #34 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.9 - @DawidSajdak
- c6990a - Merge pull request #35 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.97 - @DawidSajdak
- 5418bb - Merge pull request #83 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.9 - @DawidSajdak
- e95a9d - Merge pull request #21 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.97 - @DawidSajdak
- fcf22f - Merge pull request #37 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.97 - @DawidSajdak
- a80e97 - Merge pull request #84 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.97 - @DawidSajdak
- ffd4db - Merge pull request #26 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.98 - @DawidSajdak
- fdc61b - Merge pull request #34 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.98 - @DawidSajdak
- f80bae - Merge pull request #35 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.98 - @DawidSajdak
- fd9bc4 - Use content type header for a request (#31) - @tomaszhanc
- 5dce1e - Merge pull request #33 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.97 - @tomaszhanc
- 4d5db4 - Merge pull request #29 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.96 - @tomaszhanc
- 7da48c - Merge pull request #31 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.96 - @tomaszhanc
- e29458 - Merge pull request #18 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.96 - @tomaszhanc
- 4d97be - Merge pull request #34 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.96 - @tomaszhanc
- 991d5d - Merge pull request #22 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.96 - @tomaszhanc
- 017c42 - Merge pull request #32 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.96 - @tomaszhanc
- e9cd0d - Merge pull request #78 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.96 - @tomaszhanc
- 9fe660 - Merge pull request #21 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.95 - @tomaszhanc
- 02cd93 - Merge pull request #28 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.95 - @tomaszhanc
- 3a0ef0 - Merge pull request #30 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.95 - @tomaszhanc
- 2c5d1d - Merge pull request #17 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.95 - @tomaszhanc
- 5beed4 - Merge pull request #33 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.95 - @tomaszhanc
- d8b636 - Merge pull request #29 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.9.3 - @DawidSajdak
- 9a7acb - Merge pull request #28 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.8 - @DawidSajdak
- 99adbd - Merge pull request #26 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.8 - @DawidSajdak
- e8f900 - Merge pull request #74 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.8 - @DawidSajdak
- b13421 - Merge pull request #72 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.94 - @DawidSajdak
- cc94a0 - Merge pull request #30 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.14.0 - @DawidSajdak
- ecf296 - Merge pull request #23 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.8 - @DawidSajdak
- f7b037 - Merge pull request #16 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.8 - @tomaszhanc
- 764867 - Merge pull request #20 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.9.3 - @tomaszhanc
- a43e18 - Merge pull request #77 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.9.3 - @tomaszhanc
- c69292 - Merge pull request #31 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.9.3 - @tomaszhanc
- caef03 - Merge pull request #16 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.9.3 - @tomaszhanc
- 2813bb - Merge pull request #32 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.9.3 - @tomaszhanc
- cf1156 - Merge pull request #27 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.9.3 - @tomaszhanc
- bfa8a7 - Merge pull request #24 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.94 - @tomaszhanc
- fd333d - Merge pull request #11 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.94 - @tomaszhanc
- a41aee - Merge pull request #26 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.94 - @tomaszhanc
- 4238f7 - Merge pull request #71 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.24.0 - @tomaszhanc
- 13a87e - Merge pull request #14 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.24.0 - @tomaszhanc
- 0a3af2 - Merge pull request #15 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.94 - @tomaszhanc
- 99e090 - Merge pull request #22 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.94 - @tomaszhanc
- 46ff9c - Merge pull request #10 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.93 - @tomaszhanc
- 562388 - Merge pull request #25 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.93 - @tomaszhanc
- 18c001 - Merge pull request #25 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.93 - @tomaszhanc
- 4fddc9 - Merge pull request #70 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.93 - @tomaszhanc
- c8f0fd - Merge pull request #23 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.93 - @tomaszhanc
- 68531e - Merge pull request #20 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.93 - @tomaszhanc
- fe2b1c - Merge pull request #13 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.93 - @tomaszhanc
- 16272c - Merge pull request #24 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.7 - @DawidSajdak
- 24c41c - Merge pull request #24 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.7 - @DawidSajdak
- 1bdcf9 - Merge pull request #69 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.7 - @DawidSajdak
- a9ee38 - Merge pull request #12 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.7 - @tomaszhanc
- 2c4649 - Merge pull request #19 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.7 - @tomaszhanc
- 596878 - Merge pull request #22 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.7 - @tomaszhanc
- 930ae4 - Merge pull request #23 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.92 - @tomaszhanc
- a2efef - Merge pull request #8 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.92 - @tomaszhanc
- 733e5b - Merge pull request #21 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.92 - @tomaszhanc
- f278f7 - Merge pull request #18 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.92 - @tomaszhanc
- a10cf9 - Merge pull request #11 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.92 - @tomaszhanc
- 160c72 - Merge pull request #67 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.92 - @tomaszhanc
- 67fcf4 - Merge pull request #23 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.92 - @tomaszhanc
- f1681d - Merge pull request #22 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.91 - @tomaszhanc
- 1045f3 - Merge pull request #20 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.91 - @tomaszhanc
- 6f2510 - Merge pull request #17 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/nyholm/psr7-1.4.1 - @tomaszhanc
- 24a908 - Merge pull request #16 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.91 - @tomaszhanc
- 7610b6 - Merge pull request #10 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.91 - @tomaszhanc
- 465014 - Merge pull request #66 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.91 - @tomaszhanc
- 4ae30c - Merge pull request #22 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.91 - @tomaszhanc
- b49f81 - Structure entry (#65) - @norberttech
- f2fdb0 - Merge pull request #13 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.90 - @tomaszhanc
- 90d324 - Merge pull request #15 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.6 - @tomaszhanc
- d341a2 - Error Handlers (#62) - @norberttech
- afa25b - DateEntries arguments from DateTimeImmutable into DateTimeInterface (#63) - @norberttech
- 5d9771 - Merge pull request #8 from tomaszhanc/hotfix/update-dependencies - @tomaszhanc
- 90d6fa - Merge pull request #7 from flow-php/tomaszhanc-patch-1 - @tomaszhanc
- 5ac69b - Merge pull request #18 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.13.1 - @tomaszhanc
- fd28ed - Merge pull request #19 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.90 - @tomaszhanc
- 0feff6 - Merge pull request #20 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.8.1 - @tomaszhanc
- 4fb816 - Merge pull request #56 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.90 - @tomaszhanc
- 15e779 - Merge pull request #58 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.6 - @tomaszhanc
- 151c0c - Merge pull request #17 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.90 - @tomaszhanc
- 4d8ef0 - Merge pull request #18 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.8.1 - @tomaszhanc
- 90ed4b - Merge pull request #19 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.6 - @tomaszhanc
- be2fa5 - Merge pull request #21 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpunit/phpunit-9.5.6 - @tomaszhanc
- 166a7d - Merge pull request #19 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.90 - @tomaszhanc
- 40c3aa - Merge pull request #20 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.8.1 - @tomaszhanc
- 94ffb8 - Extract array_dot_path function from array_dot_get - @norberttech
- 4461ea - Initial commit - @norberttech
- dac37a - Pass parameter types when executing query (#5) - @tomaszhanc
- 78019b - Sort entries before passing them to BulkData (#5) - @tomaszhanc
- c8fd0b - Merge pull request #55 from tomaszhanc/hotfix/array-comparison - @tomaszhanc
- df1490 - Support null values in comparison - @tomaszhanc
- bee2c1 - Upgrade flow-php/etl dependency (#18) - @tomaszhanc
- 836fc8 - Merge pull request #54 from norberttech/bug/comparison - @tomaszhanc
- 1c1619 - Initial commit - @norberttech
- 5c429b - Merge pull request #43 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.87 - @DawidSajdak
- 72efdc - Merge pull request #13 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.87 - @DawidSajdak
- f0b49e - Merge pull request #12 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.87 - @DawidSajdak
- 8593f8 - Merge pull request #11 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.87 - @DawidSajdak
- 77c2f3 - Initial commit - @norberttech
- 418660 - Merge pull request #12 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.86 - @DawidSajdak
- 5dda61 - Merge pull request #42 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.86 - @DawidSajdak
- c9722d - Merge pull request #11 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.86 - @DawidSajdak
- 20f555 - Merge pull request #10 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.86 - @DawidSajdak
- b11be3 - Merge pull request #8 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.85 - @DawidSajdak
- 58631e - Merge pull request #9 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.7.2 - @DawidSajdak
- 6228b4 - Merge pull request #10 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer-2.19.0 - @DawidSajdak
- f7fdd0 - Merge pull request #7 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.85 - @DawidSajdak
- 177aa1 - Merge pull request #8 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.7.2 - @DawidSajdak
- e53956 - Merge pull request #9 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer-2.19.0 - @DawidSajdak
- 70799c - Merge pull request #6 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.85 - @DawidSajdak
- 3c130b - Merge pull request #7 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/vimeo/psalm-4.7.2 - @DawidSajdak
- 3f857c - Merge pull request #8 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer-2.19.0 - @DawidSajdak
- d1a7c4 - Merge pull request #37 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/infection/infection-0.22.0 - @DawidSajdak
- 112801 - Merge pull request #39 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/phpstan/phpstan-0.12.85 - @DawidSajdak
- 03f8c0 - Merge pull request #41 from flow-php/dependabot/composer/tools/friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer-2.19.0 - @DawidSajdak
- 321d2e - Moved rows processing to the pipeline (#32) - @norberttech
- f0ca8b - Moved JsonEntry from main ETL library (#3) - @norberttech
- b976ea - Moved all json related features to etl-adapter-json (#33) - @norberttech
- 7109f9 - Moved XMLEntry into etl-adapater-xml (#34) - @norberttech
- 91b656 - Initial commit - @norberttech
- e2a1c6 - Initial commit - @norberttech
- 377a21 - Automaticlly instll tools - @norberttech
- 1fc838 - Allow entries to take any string as a name (#31) - @norberttech
- f3f4ad - Extracted Memory into memory adapter (#30) - @norberttech
- 1ba67d - Row remove (#29) - @norberttech
- ee9921 - Improved test suite - @norberttech
- 0e96e7 - Feature/tests (#1) - @norberttech
- b71018 - Initial commit - @norberttech
- 202442 - Cleanup Entries (#26) - @norberttech
- 4e478e - Rename to etl-adapter-doctrine - @tomaszhanc
- c68ad6 - Initial commit - @norberttech
- b371b8 - Improve return type for Rows::toArray() (#18) - @tomaszhanc
- 5e0791 - phive with tools dedicated composer.json (#17) - @norberttech
- 3ea958 - Initial commit - @tomaszhanc
- 917267 - Pull Requests template (#14) - @DawidSajdak
- cdbc76 - Initial commit - @norberttech
- 032ef2 - Remove Webmozart/Assert dependency (#3) - @Wiktor6
- e48062 - Intial commit - @norberttech
- #333 - Make internal serializer more error reliable - @stloyd
- #332 - Adjust README.md file, missing adapter, fixed typos - @stloyd
- bf1260 - monorepo split github action - @norberttech
- 82f681 - monorepo builder config - @norberttech
- #320 - Sort entries when using select - @norberttech
- #318 - Fixed dependency for
- @stloyd - #318 - Fixed wrong class name used in amphp
class - @stloyd - #318 - Don't use do real http calls in tests - @stloyd
- #319 - Fixed typos in Github PR template - @stloyd
- 88b413 - json_encode in test suite - @norberttech
- 894ecb - type in code - @norberttech
- #233 - Skip corrupted (more columns than headers) rows in CSV extractor - @norberttech
- 1e7ced - static analysis - @norberttech
- #172 - Documentation typos for left anti join - @Wirone
- #166 - Typo in code example - @drupol
- #110 - limit behavior when expanding rows during transformations - @norberttech
- #108 - keep_entries transformer behavior for missing entries - @norberttech
- #108 - native entry factory behavior for empty lists - @norberttech
- #108 - CSV Loader SaveMode when used with partitions - @norberttech
- #104 - Avro Loader - detecting already existing file - @norberttech
- #104 - Avro Loader - error message when converting entries with name not supported by Avro library - @norberttech
- #104 - Parquet Loder - detecting already existing files - @norberttech
- #103 - SaveMode ExceptionIfExists behavior across all loaders. - @norberttech
- #101 - opening single stream more than once in FilesystemStreams - @norberttech
- #97 - amphp react parallel processing examples - @norberttech
- #96 - Sort behavior when used after DataFrame::collect() - @norberttech
- 915c80 - broken markdown links in documentation - @norberttech
- c05fc1 - invalid access token in workflows - @norberttech
- 3909b0 - restore remvoved composer json from array-dot library - @norberttech
- 86407c - lowest dependencies tests in test suite - @norberttech
- 802b90 - codding standards - @norberttech
- b5ed23 - test suite setup - @norberttech
- dbdbcf - testsuite workflow - @norberttech
- da25f6 - mutation tests by disabling integration tests - @norberttech
- 248591 - filesystem cache in integration tests - @norberttech
- ffe5ae - FlysystemWrapper path and tests cache path - @norberttech
- 6ceb80 - tools/composer.json - disabled plugins - @norberttech
- 5d0b3a - accessing connection string in azure blob stream adapter - @norberttech
- bd9465 - FlysystemFS::open - use uri for remote resources - @norberttech
- f3f2ba - FlysystemWrapper: fallback to host when path not present - @norberttech
- 361d78 -
class to not use0777
mode & reduce code duplicates (#266) - @stloyd - 1d706d - wrong name comparison in
class (#263) - @stloyd - 820189 - invalid dbal type in tests - @norberttech
- 338cf6 - codding standard - @norberttech
- afc893 - missing dependency - @norberttech
- 8c0f01 - single row ASCII table (#260) - @norberttech
- fdd296 - ascii table when working with multibyte strings (#254) - @norberttech
- e70bfe - expanding lists, not only arrays (#253) - @norberttech
- ebb301 - stream reading mode - @norberttech
- 093b39 - Stream Handler behavior when working with local files (#244) - @norberttech
- 5acc57 - BC break - @norberttech
- 00122b - BC break - @norberttech
- 2148dc - dependencies - @norberttech
- 56853d - bug with empty first row and headers (#106) - @scyzoryck
- c18bd5 - using numeric column names for display (#217) - @norberttech
- 968e0d - schema ascii formatter separators (#215) - @norberttech
- e13e06 - sum aggregation float alias (#193) - @norberttech
- dfe32b - GroupByPipeline execution (#192) - @norberttech
- 612ca1 - failing tests - @DawidSajdak
- 38c119 - typo in readme - @norberttech
- ef1bcb - display function for arrays (#155) - @norbertmwk
- d2c3af - array_dot edge case of accessing non array through wildcard (#66) - @norberttech
- 9004d9 - PHPStan - @tomaszhanc
- 80f08b - PHPStan; - @tomaszhanc
- 4e7a49 - memory consumption broken by using iterator_to_array on pipeline (#139) - @norberttech
- aa81c2 - Psalm - @tomaszhanc
- 6c123a - workflow indentation - @tomaszhanc
- ee6c19 - workflow indtentation - @tomaszhanc
- c7e6f0 - infection config - @tomaszhanc
- e974dc - infection config - @tomaszhanc
- 0cd93a - infection config - @tomaszhanc
- cca14f - infection config - @tomaszhanc
- a7d737 - infection config - @tomaszhanc
- f4a628 - static analyze errors - @tomaszhanc
- d41ac7 - PHPStan - @tomaszhanc
- d9a22f - errors from static analyze (#41) - @tomaszhanc
- 413601 - errors from static analyze (#61) - @tomaszhanc
- 0ec037 - errors from static analyze (#38) - @tomaszhanc
- ca57df - removed things from the fixer - @tomaszhanc
- 13daa4 - PR description check configuration - @tomaszhanc
- f54ba3 - removed things from the fixer - @tomaszhanc
- 19b2e4 - removed things from the fixer - @tomaszhanc
- a41b22 - removed things from the fixer - @tomaszhanc
- 31b928 - removed things from the fixer - @tomaszhanc
- 2f07f3 - removed things from the fixer - @tomaszhanc
- 1f0da0 - multiselect nested paths - @norberttech
- 754ced - psalm errors after upgrade (#59) - @tomaszhanc
- 3217a5 - comparison by using weak comparison only against objects - @norberttech
- eacaf3 - loading csv to file (#15) - @norberttech
- b86bff - reading from streams (#8) - @norberttech
- 769283 - setting response body (#7) - @jpiatko
- 59e5b8 - failing tests after etl BC break change (#2) - @norberttech
- f0ef40 - invalid variable name - @norberttech
- 1a6eec - failing tests - @norberttech
- d197ed - readme and changelog - @norberttech
- 4d2ac1 - monorepo-split.yml - @norberttech
- e72c38 - auto merge workflow - @norberttech
- e69edf - tools - @norberttech
- fa6a6f - dependencies - @norberttech
- 6c08cf - dependencies - @norberttech
- 756543 - tools dependencies - @norberttech
- 808687 - dependencies - @norberttech
- a68ae3 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 5a8c01 - phpstan - @norberttech
- 0c5830 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 413739 - labeler.yml - @norberttech
- ffa5c2 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 193040 - pr-check.yml - @norberttech
- fb496d - doctrine/dbal dependency - @norberttech
- 573ab1 - README - @norberttech
- 25aa47 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 6a3d0e - dependabot-auto-merge.yml - @norberttech
- d4ad4f - dependabot-auto-merge.yml - @norberttech
- 53ca28 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 8b147e - dependencies - @norberttech
- 796d42 - README - @norberttech
- d844d6 - README - @norberttech
- c9c197 - README - @norberttech
- 313cb8 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 60883f - README.md - @norberttech
- 6c5a3f - README.md - @norberttech
- 58fe18 - README.md - @norberttech
- d8858c - dependencies - @norberttech
- 2c54c0 - README.md - @norberttech
- 617d79 - README.md - @norberttech
- bc7653 - README.md - @norberttech
- 644bbf - README.md - @norberttech
- b8b05f - README.md - @norberttech
- 4f9c7e - dependnecies, cs fixes - @norberttech
- ab1ca3 - README.md - @norberttech
- a7139f - flow-php dependency - @norberttech
- 518e6a - dependabot-auto-merge.yml - @norberttech
- 0aeee7 - project to php 8.1 (#109) - @norberttech
- 5dc9ce - project to php 8.1 (#102) - @norberttech
- b8f3ae - project to php 8.1 (#102) - @norberttech
- 9d29c2 - project to php 8.1 (#111) - @norberttech
- 6d1456 - project to php 8.1 (#104) - @norberttech
- 160204 - project to php 8.1 (#107) - @norberttech
- cb99ee - project to php 8.1 (#102) - @norberttech
- 534a13 - to PHP 8.1 (#110) - @norberttech
- 6b96b2 - project to PHP 8.1 (#212) - @norberttech
- 56df9b - README.md - @norberttech
- 6521a2 - tools dependencies - @norberttech
- ad748a - multiple rows ar once. - @DawidSajdak
- 0f01ff - dependencies - @norberttech
- 2844ae - dependncies - @norberttech
- 577e7d - dependencies - @norberttech
- d204d2 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 21d3ef - dependencies - @norberttech
- 5eb1d9 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 60942d - dependencies - @norberttech
- bee0b4 - dependencies - @norberttech
- 0f739f - dependencies - @norberttech
- eb8a5c - README.md - @norberttech
- c14ee8 - README by fixing smoe missing pieces and making bullet points lowercase - @norberttech
- 15c7c5 - README.md - @norberttech
- 247c2f - dependencies - @norberttech
- 44272b - README.md - @norberttech
- 42fb80 - README.md - @norberttech
- 7ff2da - README.md - @norberttech
- a6bea0 - doctrine dbal - @tomaszhanc
- 5714e6 - tools dependencies - @tomaszhanc
- 56b836 - composer lock (#56) - @tomaszhanc
- d73a8d - composer.json - @tomaszhanc
- 64031f - dependencies - @tomaszhanc
- 83dc98 - pull-request-description-check.yml - @tomaszhanc
- 56cc82 - Adapters and Extensions section - @norberttech
- bf5960 - README.md - @norberttech
- 424aa9 - README.md - @norberttech
- 6113d9 - README.md - @norberttech
- a7c4a4 - dependencies (#5) - @norberttech
- 758afc - dependencies - @norberttech
- 8fc505 - README.md - @norberttech
- 15cc7c - README.md - @norberttech
- e3d99d - tests.yml (#2) - @norberttech
- 4098cb - README.md - @norberttech
- 8f6cb0 - README.md - @norberttech
- 4ec891 - README.md - @norberttech
- be775d - docs - @norberttech
- 6d2a31 - tools dependencieS - @norberttech
- 63633c - docs - @norberttech
- c66f6f - pull-request-description-check.yml - @norberttech
- 55faa8 - README.md - @norberttech
- #342 - Remove support for not maintained Doctrine DBAL versions - @stloyd
- #331 - Removed not reachable throw in a
- @stloyd - #177 - psalm-immutable annotation from transformers and extractors - @norberttech
- #103 - safe_mode argument from all loaders constructors - @norberttech
- fd8072 - github actions and tools settings from readonly repositories - @norberttech
- 155e5d - failing test in dbal platform - @norberttech
- 6b7826 - uuid dev dependency - @norberttech
- c07e08 - hard doctrine dbal dependency (#104) - @norberttech
- 94b36a - XML Entry (#103) - @norberttech
- a58cef - unused php extensions dependencies - @norberttech
- 838278 - psalm config - @norberttech
- 28579b - deprecated code - @norberttech
- b255e9 - callbacks from pipeline process (#195) - @norberttech
- 0e835c - DateEntry and fixed DateTimeEntry::value (#64) - @norberttech
- bd6bae - php extensions dependencies - @norberttech
- 2777ce - tests at windows on github - @norberttech
- 57c585 - redundant workflow - @norberttech
- 420f4c - unused php extension from dev requirements - @norberttech
- @alexislefebvre
- @DawidSajdak
- @drupol
- @flavioheleno
- @ghost
- @inmanturbo
- @jguittard
- @jpiatko
- @jwojtyra-aterian
- @mleczakm
- @norbertmwk
- @norberttech
- @owsiakl
- @peter279k
- @rzarno
- @scyzoryck
- @stloyd
- @szepeviktor
- @tomaszhanc
- @voku
- @Wiktor6
- @Wirone
- @xaviermarchegay
Generated by Automation