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This is the Flux RFC project.
We collect specifications for APIs, file formats, wire protocols, and processes.
The Collective Code Construction Contract (C4.1) is an evolution of the Fork + Pull Model, aimed at providing an optimal collaboration model for free software projects.
The Flux framework is a family of projects used to build site-customized resource management systems for High Performance Computing (HPC) data centers. This document specifies licensing and collaboration guidelines for Flux projects.
This specification describes the format of Flux messages, Version 1.
The Flux Resource Model describes the conceptual model used for resources within the Flux framework.
This specification describes the broker extension modules used to implement Flux services.
This specification describes how Flux Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is built on top of Flux request and response messages.
This specification presents the recommended standards when contributing C code to the Flux code base.
Establishes best practices, preferred patterns and anti-patterns for distributed services in the flux framework.
This specification describes the Flux content storage service and the messages used to access it.
The Flux Key Value Store (KVS) implements hierarchical key namespaces layered atop the content storage service described in RFC 10. Namespaces are organized as hash trees of content-addressed tree objects and values. This specification defines the version 1 format of key value store tree objects.
This document describes the mechanisms used to secure Flux instances against unauthorized access and prevent privilege escalation and other attacks, while ensuring programs run with appropriate user credentials and are contained within their set of allocated resources.
The MPI process manager interface (PMI) version 1 is a de-facto standard API and wire protocol for communication between MPI runtimes and resource managers. It was added to the MPICH2 MPI-2 reference implementation in late 2001, and has since been widely implemented, but was not officially standardized by the MPI Forum and has been only lightly documented. This RFC is an attempt to document PMI-1 to guide developers of resource managers that must support current and legacy MPI implementations.
A domain specific language based on YAML is defined to express the resource requirements and other attributes of one or more programs submitted to a Flux instance for execution. This RFC describes the canonical form of the jobspec language, which represents a request to run exactly one program.
This specification describes Flux Security IMP, a privileged service used by multi-user Flux instances to launch, monitor, and control processes running as users other than the instance owner.
This specification describes the format of data stored in the KVS for Flux jobs.
A log format is defined that can be used to log job state transitions and other date-stamped events.
This specification describes a scheme for a distributed, uncoordinated flux locally unique ID service that generates 64 bit k-ordered, unique identifiers that are a combination of timestamp since some epoch, generator id, and sequence number. The scheme is used to generate Flux job IDs.
This specification defines the version 1 format of the resource-set representation or R in short.
This specification describes Flux job states and the events that trigger job state transitions.
This specification describes a compact form for expressing a set of non-negative, integer ids.
This specification describes a standard form for time duration.
This specification describes the format used to represent standard I/O streams in the Flux KVS.
Version 1 of the domain specific job specification language canonically defined in RFC14.
An extension to the canonical jobspec designed to express the dependencies between one or more programs submitted to a Flux instance for execution.
This specification describes Version 1 of the Flux Resource Allocation Protocol implemented by the job manager and a compliant Flux scheduler.
This specification describes the Flux service that schedulers use to acquire exclusive access to resources and monitor their ongoing availability.
This specification describes the Flux implementation of the Hostlist Format -- a compressed representation of lists of hostnames.
This specification describes the Flux job urgency parameter.
This specification describes an extensible format for the description of job constraints.
This specification describes Version 1 of the Flux Execution Protocol implemented by the job manager and job execution system.
This specification describes Flux Job Queues. A Flux Job queue is a named, user-visible container for job requests sorted by priority.
The Flux Task Map is a compact mapping between job task ranks and node IDs.
The Constraint Query Syntax describes a simple text-based syntax for generating JSON objects in the format described in RFC 31.
This specification defines a method for embedding job submission options and other directives in files.
The File Archive Format defines a JSON representation of a set or list of file system objects.
The Flux Security Key Value Encoding is a serialization format for a series of typed key-value pairs.
The Flux Security Signature is a NUL terminated string that represents content secured with a digital signature.
This specification defines the data format used by the Fluxion scheduler to store resource graph data in RFC 20 R version 1 objects.
The Flux Job Information Service provides proxy access to KVS job information for guest users.
The subprocess server protocol is used for execution, monitoring, and standard I/O management of remote processes.
The Flux Job List Service provides read-only summary information for jobs.
Changes to resource availability are recorded in an RFC 18 eventlog.
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