- FDK Python: 0.1.90 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.89 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.88 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.87 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.86 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.85 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.84 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.83 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.82 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.81 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.80 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.79 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.78 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.77 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.76 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.75 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.74 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.73 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.72 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.71 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.70 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.69 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.68 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.67 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.66 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.65 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.64 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.63 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.62 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.61 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.60 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.59 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.58 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.57 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.56 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.55 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.54 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.53 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.52 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.51 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.50 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.49 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.48 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.49 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.48 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.47 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.46 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.45 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.44 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.43 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.42 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.41 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.40 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.39 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.38 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.37 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.36 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.35 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.34 version release
- FDK Python: 0.1.33 release [skip ci]
- FDK Python: 0.1.32 release [skip ci]
- FDK Python: 0.1.31 release [skip ci]
- FDK Python: 0.1.30 release [skip ci]
- FDK Python: 0.1.29 release [skip ci]
- FDK Python: 0.1.28 release [skip ci]
- FDK Python: 0.1.27 release [skip ci]
- FDK Python: 0.1.26 release [skip ci]
- Roneet| removed deadline unit testcase
- Roneet| removed deadline unit testcase
- Roneet | removed timeout handling code as its managed by runner layer
- FDK Python: 0.1.25 release [skip ci]
- Fix to the zipkin_attrs
- FDK Python: 0.1.24 release [skip ci]
- Added license files and other files to build wheel - Started tracking CHANGELOG.md in source
- FDK Python: 0.1.23 release [skip ci]
- Added license files to wheel
- FDK Python: 0.1.22 release [skip ci]
- Add support for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tracing solution by providing a tracing context #117
- Add support for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tracing solution by providing a tracing context
- Added versions 3.7 and 3.8 to FDK - Added scripts to build images properly
- FDK Python: 0.1.21 release [skip ci]
- FDK Python: 0.1.20 release [skip ci]
- Fix dependency issue with python 3.6.0
- FDK Python: 0.1.19 release [skip ci]
- Updated copyright headers, added NOTICE.txt and updated THIRD_PARTY_LICENSES.txt
- Set root logger to DEBUG to preserve existing log level behaviour
- Format logs with call ID and one-line exceptions
- Moved FDK logging to debug, and turned debug off by default
- Updated README.md
- FDK Python: 0.1.18 release [skip ci]
- Fix "None-None" race condition with keep-alive timeout
- FDK Python: 0.1.17 release [skip ci]
- Satisfy pep8 warnings
- Add Python 3.8.5
- FDK Python: 0.1.16 release [skip ci]
- Support sending response as binary data
- FDK Python: 0.1.15 release [skip ci]
- Refresh the Python FDK dependencies to more recent versions
- FDK Python: 0.1.14 release [skip ci]
- Fix issue with header prefixes, remove ambiguous header processing, add test
- FDK Python: 0.1.13 release [skip ci]
- Add third party license file
- FDK Python: 0.1.12 release [skip ci]
- Turn off CircleCI docker layer caching
- FDK Python: 0.1.11 release [skip ci]
- Pin attrs==19.1.0 as just released attrs 19.2.0 is breaking pytest pytest-dev/pytest#5901
- fix formatting issues
- fix value of fn-fdk-version to include the fdk language. format: fdk-python/x.y.z
- ensure workflow works
- Ensure that CI pipeline works
- Fix request URL and HTTP method definitions
- Adding necessary git config vars to do commits from inside of the CI jobs (#93)
- Enable docker images release (#92)
- Fixing version placement command
- properly grab content type (#90)
- Disable image release procedure temporarily (#89)
- FDK Python: 0.1.6 release [skip ci]
- fix gateway headers / headers casing (#88)
- removing corresponding TODO
- adding FDK release into the CI
- New PBR release broke setup config
- Automated releases + FDK version header (#82)
- attempt fixing content type issue (#83)
- Adding Anchore CI check (#77)
- If enabled, print log framing content to stdout/stderr (#81)
- Add fn user/group to 3.6 runtime image (#79)
- Runtime image updated: fn user/group fix
- Bring all Dockerfiles for supported Python runtimes into FDK repo (#76)
- fn user added to runtime image
- Make gen script add build/run images into func.yaml (#73)
- Script to generate and deploy a function from FDK git branch (#72)
- Adding Py3.5.2+ support (#70)
- changing request header fields in context to lower case (#67)
- Comply with internal Fn response code management (#65)
- Fix setuptools classfier reference
- asyncio + h11 (was #58) (#60)
- cleaning up code samples
- Removing application's code
- No py2 builds (#57)
- Requirements update (#56)
- Fixing unit test section in README (#55)
- Fn applications, request content reading fix (#54)
- HTTP stream format support (#51)
- Feature: unittest your function (#47)
- Fix protocol key addressing (#46)
- Moving docker images to FDK repo as officially supported (#45)
- Error handling improvement: default error content type to application/json
- Improvement: make FDK return valid raw XML/HTML content (#42)
- GoLikeHeaders.set() logic improvements (#41)
- Adjust parser to make fn-test fn-run at least spit out the response (#40)
- Refactoring. CloudEvents (#39)
- Fix headers rendering (#38)
- Hotfix: str -> bytes
- Try to identify the end of th request (#35)
- More debug information (#34)
- Stable parser! (#33)
- Fn-powered applications improvements (#32)
- Making fn-powered apps API stable (#31)
- General improvements (#30)
- Get rid of unstable coroutines (#29)
- Attempt to create new loop for each request
- Trying to fix the event loop access
- Use deadlines for coroutines
- Playing with an executor
- More logging
- Coroutine hotfix (#28)
- Do not attempt to jsonify response data (#27)
- Run coroutines thread-safely (#26)
- +x mode for release script
- Fix script name
- Update release script
- Coroutine support (#25)
- Custom response objects (#24)
- New JSON parser! (#22)
- More wise JSON parsing with en empty body (#21)
- Check the request body before trying to turn that into a json (#20)
- New JSON protocol improvements (#19)
- FDK Context| deadline | generic response, etc. (#16)
- Fix pytest capture (#12)
- Stable v0.0.4 release (#11)
- Updating to newer JSON protocol (#10)
- Fixing release doc (#9)
- Stable v0.0.3 release (#8)
- Fn-powered truly-serverless apps with functions (#7)
- Stable release v0.0.2 (#6)
- Applications powered by Fn (#5)
- Fixing root Dockerfile
- Updating samples deps to fdk-0.0.1
- Fixing CircleCI again
- Fixing CircleCI config
- Adding circle CI config
- Attempting to pick appropriate binary
- Updating tox config for CircleCI
- Updating artifact name
- Refactoring to be a single handler based on FN_FORMAT
- Get rid of verbose response in favour of http lib
- Implementing generic handler based on FN_FORMAT
- Updating sample apps
- Updating root Dockerfile
- JSON parser added
- Addressing review comments
- Initial commit
- Initial commit