Releases: folio-org/ui-agreements
Releases · folio-org/ui-agreements
Version 8.3.0
8.3.0 2022-10-27
- ERM-2382 Unchecking all search field boxes in Agreements carries out search with no fields
- ERM-2377 Show a user-friendly message when deleting a pick list with 0 values which is assigned to a Supplementary Property
- ERM-2371 In custom property Type dropdown Refdata and Refdata (multi-select) should be labelled "Pick list" and "Pick list (multi-select)"
- ERM-2369 Agreements: Open Access properties accordion name is incorrect
- ERM-2368 Add links from the Agreement lines search to the parent Agreements
- ERM-2359 Values entered into decimal and integer supp prop fields display as "NaN"
- ERM-2355 Aria label for agreement line search incorrect
- ERM-2353 Replace "Detached" with "Unlinked" in Agreement Line filter
- ERM-2352 Navigation to switch between Agreements / Local KB does not display correctly if basket button not present
- ERM-2351 Show error on Agreement line view if user does not have permission for orders.po-lines.collection.get
- ERM-2347 Add all available package identifiers to extended package information in the package view
- ERM-2346 Related Entitlement endpoint unnecessarily hit on package view
- ERM-2344 Add link from an Agreement to an Agreement lines search filtered by the agreementAdd link from an Agreement to an Agreement lines search filtered by the agreement
- ERM-2343 Default selection of Agreement text search fields
- ERM-2340 "Reset all" in Agreement Line search does not correctly reset Agreement or Order filters
- ERM-2338 Selecting "Agreement line type" boxes in filter should use OR (||) not AND
- ERM-2335 Agreement lines search and filter updates
- ERM-2318 stripes-erm-components should be a peer
- ERM-2316 Update for stripes-kint-components translation handling changes
- ERM-2315 Display all identifiers in a namespace for a resource
- ERM-2293 Remove BigTest/Nightmare dependencies and tests (ui-agreements)
- ERM-2290 Add property options to Agreements text search
- ERM-2283 Upgrade Users interface to 16.0
- ERM-2278 Refactor ui-plugin-find-agreement to react-query
- ERM-2234 Replace withKiwtFieldArray with useKiwtFieldArray
- ERM-2233 Remove redundant duplicate utility functions in ui-agreements
- ERM-2220 ERM Comparisons: e-resources plugin is not filtering by Package when used for first time
- ERM-2214 Migrate ERM Picklist Settings to new EditableRefdataList component
- ERM-2215 Migrate ui-agreements Picklist Settings
- ERM-2173 New / Edit supplementary property and Term modals: UX improvements (Settings app)
- ERM-2157 Add multi-select support for custom properties
- ERM-2120 Display package identifiers in Agreements UI
- ERM-1986 Move identifiers between title instances
- ERM-1906 Re-work Supplementary Properties settings screen to use list that can be filtered and fourth pane display
- Bump to stripes-erm-components ^7.0.0
Version 8.2.2
8.2.2 2022-08-02
- ERM-2297 Number of tags doesn't update on adding tags to agreement or agreement line
Version 8.2.1
8.2.1 2022-07-29
- ERM-2300 On loading entitlements for Agreement edit screen incorrect parameters are supplied
- ERM-2299 Error on trying to save an agreement with a linked license
- ERM-2297 Number of tags doesn't update on adding tags to agreement or agreement line
- ERM-2284 Attempt to delete Agreement Line fails
- ERM-2282 Toast message fails to display to user
- ERM-2280 Incorrect labels in move identifiers UI
Version 8.2.0
8.2.0 2022-07-04
- ERM-2229 On creating Agreement, agreement creation view does not close after save
- ERM-2225 Amendment/License link status values do not update immediately after Agreement edit
- ERM-2223 Select tags in Search and Filter screen does not work
- ERM-2217 In custom property Type dropdown Refdata and Refdata (multi-select) should be labelled "Pick list" and "Pick list (multi-select)"
- ERM-2208 Resources per page for "E-resources in package" not obeying display setting
- ERM-2207 User with permission "ui-agreements.generalSettings.manage" cannot edit settings
- ERM-2206 ISSN not displaying in "E-resources covered by this agreement" list
- ERM-2205 List of Agreement statuses in search and filter does not update after changing label
- ERM-2204 Toast error message not displayed on failure to delete custom property
- ERM-2203 Only retrieve license terms if there is at least one license linked to agreement
- ERM-2176 Chunked order line fetching broken in Agreements following migration to react-query
- ERM-2175 Migrate Edit/Create routes to react-query where we have regressions
- ERM-2159 Bump frontend dependency on stripes-kint-components
- ERM-2147 update outdated dependencies in ui-agreements
- ERM-2106 Refactor away from react-intl-safe-html (ui-agreements)
- ERM-2096 Replace babel-eslint with @babel/eslint-parser
- ERM-2086 Labels in PackageInfo component are not translatable
- ERM-2079 Display of related license terms in agreements should use stripes-kint-components
- ERM-2076 Display package status and availability in package card
- ERM-2072 A maximum of 10 custom properties are retrieved for agreements and licenses
- ERM-2066 Number of tags doesn't update on adding tags to agreement line (Refactor to react-query from stripes-connect)
- ERM-2063 Users information not retrieved/displayed for Internal Contact for agreement
- ERM-2061 Search by extended Package metadata in resource search
- ERM-2060 Display extended Package metadata in package display
- ERM-2048 Add support for Date across Agreement filters
- ERM-2044 Ability to make custom properties deprecated
- ERM-1979 Add/Edit configurable OA properties for an Agreement
- ERM-1971 Bump eslint-config stripes version
- ERM-778 Add Date type to customProperties
Version 8.1.2
8.1.2 2022-06-07
- ERM-2188. Backport recent zh_TW translations
Version 8.1.1
8.1.1 2022-04-06
- ERM-2072. A maximum of 10 custom properties are retrieved for agreements and licenses
- ERM-2063. Users information not retrieved/displayed for Internal Contact for agreement
Version 8.1.0
8.1.0 2022-03-03
- ERM-1999. "Load More" button not working - Agreement Lines
- ERM-1990. Add hyperlink to ERM Comparison comparison points (Registry entry)
- ERM-1976. Agreements > Agreement line: Wrong date format when in view screen
- ERM-1974. Agreements: Organization interface credentials malfunction
- ERM-1973. Agreements: Organization interface data hidden
- ERM-1953. Re-implement display of acquistionsMethods following order-lines 3.0 interface
- ERM-1948. Error on accessing /erm/eresources
- ERM-1940. Add AppSettings panel to Agreements
- ERM-1937. Support order-lines 3.0 interface
- ERM-1931. Sort agreement lines by name then reference then UUID in the UI
- ERM-1929. Support configuration of document storage in agreement settings
- ERM-1922. Display "-" in Count column for Agreement lines that do not link to a resource
- ERM-1921. Display selected status of single title resources from eHoldings in Agreement Line
- ERM-1893. Upgrade
compatibility. - ERM-1887. Select an agreement results in Error
- ERM-1762. Add hide accordions option to settings.
- ERM-1757. Agreements: Apply keyboard shortcuts modal guidelines
- ERM-1744. Add Organisations to Agreements simple search widget definition
- ERM-1490. Remove
. - FAT-81. ui-agreements: UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest
- ERM-1661. components / views
- ERM-1681. UrlCustomizerForm
- ERM-1680. UrlCustomizer
- ERM-1678. TitleForm
- ERM-1677. Title
- ERM-1676. Platforms
- ERM-1673. Platform
- ERM-1672. Package
- ERM-1671. PCIForm
- ERM-1670. PCI
- ERM-1669. EResources
- ERM-1668. EResource
- ERM-1667. Basket
- ERM-1666. Agreements
- ERM-1665. AgreementLineForm
- ERM-1664. AgreementLine
- ERM-1663. AgreementForm
- ERM-1662. Agreement
- ERM-1495. SupplementaryPropertiesConfigForm
- ERM-1494. SuppressFromDiscoveryFields
- ERM-1493. SupplementaryPropertiesConfigRoute
- ERM-1492. PickListValueSettings
- ERM-1491. PickListSettings
- ERM-1490. OrgRoleSettings
- ERM-1489. GeneralSettingsForm
- ERM-1488. GeneralSettings
- ERM-1487. withFileHandlers
- ERM-1486. UrlCustomizerViewRoute
- ERM-1485. UrlCustomizerEditRoute
- ERM-1484. UrlCustomizerCreateRoute
- ERM-1483. PlatformsRoute
- ERM-1482. PlatformViewRoute
- ERM-1481. PlatformEditRoute
- ERM-1480. NoteViewRoute
- ERM-1479. NoteEditRoute
- ERM-1478. NoteCreateRoute
- ERM-1477. EResourcesRoute
- ERM-1476. EResourceViewRoute
- ERM-1475. EResourceEditRoute
- ERM-1474. BasketRoute
- ERM-1472. AgreementViewRoute
- ERM-1471. AgreementLineViewRoute
- ERM-1470. AgreementLineEditRoute
- ERM-1469. AgreementLineCreateRoute
- ERM-1468. AgreementEditRoute
- ERM-1467. AgreementCreateRoute
- ERM-1292 UsageDataProvidersFieldArray
- ERM-1411. UsageDataProvidersFieldArray
- ERM-1410. UsageDataProviderField
- ERM-1291. TitleCardExternal
- ERM-1290. TitleCard
- ERM-1409. TitleCardInfo
- ERM-1408. TitleCard
- ERM-1407. SerialResourceInfo
- ERM-1406. MonographResourceInfo
- ERM-1289. RelatedTitleInfo
- ERM-1287. PlatformSections
- ERM-1403. PlatformUrlCustomization
- ERM-1402. PlatformProxySettings
- ERM-1401. PlatformInfo
- ERM-1286. PackageCardExternal
- ERM-1285. PackageCard
- ERM-1284. POLinesFieldArray
- ERM-1400. POLinesFieldArray
- ERM-1399. POLineField
- ERM-1282. OpenBasketButton
- ERM-1269. EResourceFilters
- ERM-1260. AgreementsPeriodsFieldArray
- ERM-1357. AgreementPeriodsFieldArray
- ERM-1356. AgreementPeriodField
- ERM-1259. AgreementLinesFieldArray
- ERM-1355. AgreementLinesFieldArray
- ERM-1354. AgreementLineField
- ERM-1258. AgreementLineSections
- ERM-1348. FormEresource
- ERM-1257. AgreementFilters
- ERM-1661. components / views
Version 8.0.3
8.0.3 2022-02-28
- "Load More" button not working - Agreement Lines. (Javascript equivalence issue fix) Refs ERM-1999
Version 8.0.2
8.0.2 2022-02-28
- "Load More" button not working - Agreement Lines. Refs ERM-1999