Releases: folio-org/ui-inventory
Releases · folio-org/ui-inventory
- Fetch sharing of local instance status in the context of member tenant. Refs UIIN-2680.
- Handle errors when sharing local instances failed. Refs UIIN-2682.
- ECS: Show info message when user in member tenant tries to view shared instance details without permission. Refs UIIN-2590.
- Show only local MARC Authorities when share local instance. Fixes UIIN-2647.
- Single instance export - MARC files sent to central tenant from member tenant. Fixes UIIN-2613.
- Fix misspelled Instance notes (all) advanced search query index. Fixes UIIN-2677.
- Switch from
operator when querying forholdings-storage/holdings
by hrid. Fixes UIIN-2658.
- Enable/disable consortial holdings/item actions based on User permissions. Refs UIIN-2452.
- Instance. Series heading has vanished in detailed view. Fixes UIIN-2601.
- Add immediate warning message when a local instance is shared. Refs UIIN-2617.
- Optimistic locking message not working for instances in non-consortial tenant. Fixes UIIN-2628.
- User receives an error when searching for an item in the Inventory app. Fixes UIIN-2634.
- Create new instance success toast no longer shows the instance HRID. Fixes UIIN-2635.
- Instance 3rd pane: Adjust behavior when returning to instance from holdings/item full screen. Refs UIIN-2453.
- Consortial holdings accordion is not appearing after the sharing of Instance. Fixes UIIN-2629.
- Reset CheckboxFacet state.more when user resets search form and fewer facet options are loaded. Fixes UIIN-2531.
- Edit instance success toast no longer shows the instance HRID. Fixes UIIN-2588.
- Show facet options, if they exist, after clicking the +More button. Refs UIIN-2533.
- If Shared & Held by facets were selected in the Browse search, then retain them in the Search lookup after clicking the record. Refs UIIN-2608.
- Remove error message after switch from Instance Edit screen to another app. Fixes UIIN-2600.
- Added a new option in the "Actions" dropdown within the Inventory app search page for "+New MARC Bib Record". Refs UIIN-2356.
- Change the url for the "New MARC Bib Record" page. Refs UIIN-2380.
- Avoid private paths in stripes-core imports. Refs UIIN-2367.
- Add bound-with parts to an Item. Refs UIIN-1998.
- Fix for Note text box starts flickering/jumping in Instance/Holding/Items during resizing. Refs. UIIN-2387.
- Instance Create/Edit screens: Replace custom RepeatableField with component from stripes. Refs UIIN-2390.
- Instance Create/Edit screens: Repeatable field trashcan is not aligned with the data row. Fixes UIIN-2372.
- Holdings Create/Edit screens: Replace custom RepeatableField with component from stripes. Refs UIIN-2398.
- Holdings Create/Edit screens: Repeatable field trashcan is not aligned with the data row. Fixes UIIN-2373.
- Holdings view source: Print button not visible with "View MARC holdings record" permission. Refs UIIN-2405.
- The 'Missing' and 'Withdrawn' options in the actions menu are absent after clicking on the 'Actions' button for item status "In process". Fixes UIIN-2338.
- Item Create/Edit screens: Replace custom RepeatableField with component from stripes. Refs UIIN-2397.
- Item Create/Edit screens: Repeatable field trashcan is not aligned with the data row. Fixes UIIN-2374.
- Chronology not displayed in receiving history. Fixes UIIN-2411.
- Also support
. Refs UIIN-2412. - Instance/Holdings/Item notes, administrative notes character limit to 32K. Refs UIIN-2354.
- Import testing-library deps from
. Refs UIIN-2427. - Bump zustand to v4. Refs UIIN-2353.
- Fix the
request by adding_actionType
. Refs UIIN-2431. - Navigating away and back to item-edit or holdings-edit screen throws NPE. Fixes UIIN-2112.
- ISRI: Adjust jobProfiles GET request to fetch profiles by ids. Refs UIIN-2428.
- Sorting of profiles is not executed in alphabetical order in the Z39.50 target profiles View. Fixes UIIN-2424.
- Added sort options in Actions for Instance/Holdings/Item. Refs UIIN-2357.
- Statistical code empty field error. Refs UIIN-2420.
- Hide the
button for the view page if there are no permissions. Refs UIIN-2360. - When duplicating an item, the circulation history is duplicated when it should not be. Fixes UIIN-2419.
- Don't reset browse query when on Browse route and click Browse segment. Fixes UIIN-2434.
- Prevent double-escaping of query when Browsing. Fixes UIIN-2435.
- When adding items, cursor is in the barcode field as default. Refs UIIN-2205.
- Quick export from instance detail view. Refs UIIN-2430.
- Escape quotes to search for Subjects and Contributor. Refs UIIN-2445.
- Fix Search and Browse navigation and determining if the button is active. Refs UIIN-2444.
- Scrolling within Inventory facets. Refs UIIN-2377.
- When removing the dead icons in the Item record, then the displayed text looks inconsistent. Fixes UIIN-1392.
- Adjust the sentence case for some Inventory action options. Refs UIIN-2436.
- Adjust the Instance Edit screen header. Refs UIIN-2437.
- Inventory: Retain Search/Browse query/options/filter and facet selections UNLESS user resets/clear selections. Refs UIIN-2433.
- Statistical Code dropdown "contains" type ahead functionality needed (Instance/Holdings/Items). Refs UIIN-2466.
- Fix problem with a large number of items on a single holdings record. Refs UIIN-2478.
- Decrease rerenders for TargetProfileDetail component to avoid errors when view the target profile. Fixes UIIN-2467.
- leverage cookie-based authentication in all API requests. Refs UIIN-2282.
- Restrict modifying and deleting system call number types. Refs UIIN-2385.
- Prevent editing of shared settings from outside "Consortium manager". Refs UIIN-2482.
- Add new browse options to limit browse by call number type. Fixes UIIN-2467.
- Implement Advanced search modal. Refs UIIN-1920.
- Remove override CSS for TextLink. Refs UIIN-2365.
- Remove BigTest infrastructure including tests, deps, config. Refs UIIN-2317.
- Hide Inventory actions related to Local records in Central tenant. Refs UIIN-2491.
- Add Shared icon to inventory instance results. Refs UIIN-2491.
- User with limited permissions gets an error modal when navigating to the Inventory app. Fixes UIIN-2490.
. Refs UIIN-2508. - Add
facet to Instance/Holdings/Items search. Refs UIIN-2393. - Add
search parameter when the user is redirected to the quick-marc page to identify shared record. Refs UIIN-2517. - Instance Edit screen header: add shared/local indication. Refs UIIN-2438.
- i18n item status in item list. Refs UIIN-2473.
- Disable "Save & close" button by default in "Create new Item" window. Fixes UIIN-2492.
- Inventory 2nd pane Actions menu: Adjust New action. Refs UIIN-2439.
- Add "Local" or "Shared" to flag MARC bib records. Refs UIIN-2522.
- Edit MARC bib record on Shared Instance. Refs UIIN-2526.
- Allow for new source values for shadow Instances. Refs UIIN-2459.
- Update Node.js to v18 in GitHub Actions. Refs UIIN-2520.
- Fix issue with Relevance sort option. Refs UIIN-2474.
- Change tenant id to central when opening details of shadow instance. Refs UIIN-2529.
- "Something went wrong" screen appears when adding Item to Holdings. Fixes UIIN-2534.
- Sorting on the Instance's Holdings item table is not working. Fixes UIIN-2528.
- ECS: use mod-search to get tenantId for local/shared instance details. Refs UIIN-2538.
- Make the 'enabled' argument always boolean when calling useUserTenantPermissions. Refs UIIN-2540.
- Instance details are not shown on Inventory pane. Fixes UIIN-2541.
- Enclose the query in quotes to allow for parentheses. Fixes UIIN-2516.
- Make the isShared prop boolean to avoid crashes when calling methods from undefined. Fixes UIIN-2554.
- Add advanced search query for facets. Fixes UIIN-2536.
- Show Effective location facet for all Call Number browse sub-options. Fixes UIIN-2499.
- Enable pagination/item number information in the Instance's Holding Item list. Fixes UIIN-2530.
- Adjust behaviour of View source for shared instances. Refs UIIN-2449.
- Consortial Central Tenant: Handling of Instance Action Menu options. Refs UIIN-2498.
- ECS: display shadow instances as shared. Refs UIIN-2552.
- Display correct number of items in the Instance's Holding accordion. Fixes UIIN-2550.
- Don't reset filters after changing a search option. Fixes UIIN-2566.
- Fix issue with 'Up' caret on default sort Holdings/Items segments. Refs UIIN-2553.
. Refs UIIN-2573. - Remove error message when switch between apps. Fixes UIIN-2488.
- Make the Move actions available regardless of how user navigated to the record. Refs UIIN-2518.
- Sorting on the Instance's Holdings item table is not working, part 2. Fixes UIIN-2565.
- Promote a local instance to become a shared instance. Refs UIIN-2460.
- Consortial Central Tenant: Suppress Holdings detail view Action menu. Refs UIIN-2524.
- Consortial Central Tenant: Suppress Item detail view Action menu. Refs UIIN-2525.
- Consortial Central Tenant: Hide Instance Action Menu New Request option. Refs UIIN-2572.
- Add facet for members with holdings on Instances in Inventory Instances/Holdings/Items search. Refs UIIN-2395.
- Add Inventory Browse facet for Contributors & Subjects on Shared vs Local Instances. Regs UIIN-2400.
- Disable View source button for Source = FOLIO instances. Fixes UIIN-2570.
- Add Inventory Browse facet for Call numbers (item) on Shared vs Not shared Instances. Refs UIIN-2407.
- Add Browse facet for members with holdings on Instances in Contributors & Subject Browse. Refs UIIN-2415.
- Add permission to promote a local instance to shared. Refs UIIN-2571.
- Add
Held By
facet in Call number browse. Refs UIIN-2416. - Item barcode redirects to the broken page in circ log. Fixes UIIN-2606.
- Bump the major versions of @folio/plugin-create-inventory-records optionalDependencies. Refs UIIN-2597.
- Instance 3rd pane: Add consortial holdings/item accordion. Refs UIIN-2410.
- Consortial Central Tenant: Handling Holdings and Item actions on the Instance detail view. Refs UIIN-2523.
- Hide Held by facet in Inventory contributor and subject browse. Refs UIIN-2591.
- Use
for exact phrase search in Advanced Search for all full-text and term fields. Refs UIIN-2612. - Provide an instance
to the PO line form when creating an order from the instance. Refs UIIN-2614. - Bump @folio/stripes-acq-components dependency version to 5.0.0. Refs UIIN-2620.
- ECS: Check when sharing instance with source=MARC is complete before re-fetching it. Refs UIIN-2605.
- Update all facets after changing a term or selecting a facet option. Refs UIIN-2610.
- Sorting on the Instance's Holdings item table is not working. Fixes UIIN-2528.
- Sorting on the Instance's Holdings item table is not working, part 2. Fixes UIIN-2565.
- User with limited permissions gets an error modal when navigating to the Inventory app. Fixes UIIN-2510.
- Introduce server side pagination for large volume of items. Fixes UIIN-2478.
- Fix useBoundWithHoldings for 100+ items. Fixes UIIN-2478.