This guide explains how to install HikoGUI for developing HikoGUI itself. For installing the HikoGUI library as part of an application see the hikogui_hello_world example application.
Specific installation manuals for each platform and IDE:
Please vote on the following bugs to potentially prioritize fixes by Microsoft
Components, such as IntelliSense and vcpkgsrv.exe, of Visual Studio will crash very often due to the following bug:
The following bugs cause thousands of false positive warnings and errors from IntelliSense. You should set Error List window to show "Build Only" to ignore IntelliSense.
We also would like to use non-google unit-testing. However Microsoft does plugin system for unit-test does not work with CMake, therefor only google and boost unit-testing are supported. We would like to use catch2, but that doesn't work:
Test Explorer is almost always broken in Visual Studio one of the problems is the Test Explorer cache that get corrupted. This is a feature request to add a button to delete this cache:
The following are some random MSVC compiler errors that needed to be worked around: