(thanks to Peter Suber for providing many of these)
Gerard A.W. Vreeswijk, Emergent political structures in abstract forms of rule-making and legislation, 1995. http://pub.maastrichtuniversity.nl/178d0ed6-5a76-41c2-b004-44bfb1068dd1
Clay Shirky, Nomic World: By the players, for the players, 2004. http://www.shirky.com/writings/nomic.html
Michael Mussman, Programming a Deliberative Direct-Democracy: A Method of Open-Source Self-Governance, 2007. http://efficasync.blogspot.com/
Andrew Sabl, Democratic Sportsmanship, Contested Games, and Political Ethics, 2008. http://www.academia.edu/713610/Democratic_Sportsmanship_Contested_Games_and_Political_Ethics
L.M Goodman, Tezos: A Self-Amending Crypto-Ledger Position Paper, 2014. https://tezos.com/position-paper.pdf