- -1to1 option which automatically adds -emit options for each input .h such that each .h is emitted into its own .bi, in the directory given with -o. Strip only the common prefix, preserve remaining directory structure (if any).
- Define2Decl shouldn't move all alias defines - it's typically unnecessary for procs/vars/typedefs at least.
- Define2Decl shouldn't count #undefs as declarations (preventing affected symbols from being handled by the pass)
- Define2Decl should count multiple, equal declarations as one declaration
- Only add things to renamelist if they have a RENAMED flag (not everything with an alias was renamed)
- Add -printcconstruct option for dumping C constructs as seen by fbfrog to make writing replacements easier. (TODOs aren't enough, because sometimes we want to do a replacement even though it's not a TODO)
- don't build VERAND conditions at frogEvaluateScript() time, but rather do it later when generating the #if conditions. -declareversions/-declarebool should store version number/flags in ApiInfo, and frogEvaluateScript() should build ApiInfo objects directly, then copy them for recursive invocations, no more separate loadOptions().
- LCS algorithm is main performance bottle-neck (especially for Windows API binding), can it be optimized?
- Turn more inline functions into macros: also void functions whose body can just be used as macro'd scope block, and doesn't contain any RETURNs.
- It would be nice if fbfrog could preserve comments for documentation purposes.
- Flatten AST data structure such that statements nested inside struct/proc bodies can be merged separately from the compound block (i.e. use TYPEBEGIN/TYPEEND/PROCBEGIN/PROCEND nodes). Interesting for merging the fields if UDT's FIELD=N value changes between targets.
- Don't expand macro constants outside CPP expressions, to keep them as array size etc.
- Solve out tag ids if there is an alias typedef, unless the tag id is used elsewhere
- Add pattern-based renames, e.g.
-renamedefine '%' 'FOO_%'
, or at least--rename-define-add-prefix '*' FOO_
(add prefix FOO_ to matching defines). - Auto-convert C's [] array indexing into FB's (): track which vars/fields are arrays (or pointers) and then compare indexing BOPs against that.
- Add support for
#pragma pack
with named stack entries (#pragma {pack|pop}(push, <identifier> [, N])
) Popping by name means popping everything until that node is popped. If not found, nothing is popped. (MinGW-w64 CRT headers use this) - Continue support for parsing function bodies:
operators, for loops, continue/break, goto/labels/switch/case. - Reference typedefs - must be expanded like array typedefs
- Add more C++ support
- ...