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Operational Optimization

Let’s talk about our options for writing higher-quality CSS while we’re right at it, during development and in operation. This type of optimization benefits us as developers. (The next section will deal with options to optimize for production, that is, for release and live use, and for the benefit of our users.)

To get a better look at CSS itself, it didn’t seem useful to cover preprocessors. Likewise, we’re not going to discuss documentation or guidelines, either, like code comments or formatting standards. Documentation is an entirely different topic that has more to do with maintenance than with optimization. Coding guidelines, as important as they are and as many of them we can set up, are often a matter of preference and don’t necessarily have a bearing on quality (for more on coding guidelines, see The Little Book of HTML/CSS Coding Guidelines). We’re already applying one of the mantras: keeping it simple.


In operation, we need to make sure our work is understandable. This doesn’t only refer to multi-person environments in which we’re not alone working on a project. With consistency, for example, there’s at least individual consistency, which means to write code consistent with ourselves.

Understandability can, in part, be achieved through documentation and comments. Yet other aspects, and we’ll right start with one (consistent declaration sorting), are so important to take care of that we’ll need to go over them in detail. Consistency and simplicity, the next two sections, make for the two pillars of more understandable CSS code.


Consistency in the case of code means to write and format things the same way every time. With individual or “level 1” consistency, this means to be consistent with how we ourselves write code. With collective and “level 2” consistency, we strive to stay consistent within the realm that we work in, as when we touch third-party code and stick to their code style. And then there’s institutional or “level 3” consistency—being consistent with coding standards put up by our organization.

Consistency is a foundational part of optimization; it’s the first step of optimization. Without consistency, other optimization work is a lot harder.

.feeds ul,
.posts ul,
.events ul {
  list-style: none;
  margin: 0

.feeds li,
.posts li,
.events li {
  border-top: 1px solid #eeeeee;
  padding: 0.7667em 0;

.feeds li:first-child,
.posts li:first-child,
.events li:first-child {
  border-top: 0;
  padding-top: 0;

.feeds li:last-child,
.posts li:last-child,
.events li:last-child {
  padding-bottom: 0;

.authors > ul > li > a {
  margin-bottom: 1em;
  display: inline-block;

.authors ul {
  list-style: none;

.authors li {
  padding: .7667em 0;
  border-top: 1px solid #eee;

.authors li:first-child {
   border-top: 0;
   padding-top: 0;

.authors li:last-child {
  padding-bottom: 0;

C> Example: Random sample code.

.feeds ul,
.posts ul,
.events ul,
.authors ul {
  list-style: none;
  margin: 0;

.feeds li,
.posts li,
.events li,
.authors li {
  border-top: 1px solid #eee;
  padding: .77em 0;

.feeds li:first-child,
.posts li:first-child,
.events li:first-child,
.authors li:first-child {
  border-top: 0;
  padding-top: 0;

.feeds li:last-child,
.posts li:last-child,
.events li:last-child,
.authors li:last-child {
  padding-bottom: 0;

.authors > ul > li > a {
  display: inline-block;
  margin-bottom: 1em;

C> Example: Revised sample code (note the order of declarations and selectors). Since the writing of this book, the :is() pseudo-class emerged as a great option to simplify code like this.

Consistency is reasonably easy to achieve. We establish coding guidelines, we use (or build) tools to help follow and test for the guidelines, and then we enforce the guidelines. Many guidelines can be enforced right after writing and editing our CSS; others when shipping the code to production, where we may apply slightly different rules.

We’ll cover this last part in the chapter “Production Optimization,” and go over tools under “Tools and Resources.” Next, we review aspects of consistency that are of import to CSS optimization. One is automatable; the other isn’t: declaration sorting and selector sorting.

Declaration Sorting

This is trivial and, at the same time, automatable: Sort declarations alphabetically. As Google advocates, the only exception are vendor-specific extensions—self-destructing declarations that start with hyphens—which are to be located right before the respective main declaration. (Disclosure: I had been driving the last major initiative around Google’s HTML and CSS guidelines, which introduced alphabetical sorting.)

.example {
  background: none;
  border: 1em dotted #069;
  color: #096;
  display: block;
  -moz-filter: blur(33.35px) sepia(0.34);
  -webkit-filter: blur(33.35px) sepia(0.34);
  filter: blur(33.35px) sepia(0.34);
  float: none;
  font-size: 1em;
  font-style: italic;
  height: 100px;
  margin-top: 1em;
  max-width: calc(100vw - 10em);
  outline: 2em solid #609;
  overflow: auto;
  padding: 1em;
  position: relative;
  text-align: center;
  top: 1em;
  white-space: pre-wrap;
  width: 100%;
  z-index: 1;

C> Example: Where to add transform: rotateY(10deg) so that everyone can immediately find it?

This is trivial and automatable but still, in my mind, one of the key optimization methods. That’s because an almost failsafe, easily repeatable, soon to become habitual, quickly communicable, and universal method to structure our code is something that has tremendous value. A simple and robust sorting scheme, like the alphabetical ordering of declarations, at once makes our code more understandable and navigable.

I intentionally raise alphabetical sorting to “optimization status” because of its many benefits; our code will be better once we structure it, and we’ll write better code once we can do it ourselves and not require tooling to do that for us. (Not all CSS we’ll touch will have a script behind it that sorts for us, so we benefit from internalizing this way of sorting.)

Sort declarations alphabetically.

Selector Sorting

Selector sorting is the antithesis to declaration sorting. It’s far less trivial to standardize and also more difficult to automate. (On a brief investigation it seems that until now, my own draft is the only public attempt at a system. I welcome feedback!)

Yet selector sorting is the next impactful method at our disposal to make style sheets consistent and, in a way, optimize them for further optimization. When it comes to maintenance, a defined and followed selector order is crucial to successfully DRYing up our style sheet declarations (“DRY” from “Don’t Repeat Yourself,” a principle that helps with maintenance). It makes us avoid an extra round of DRYing selector groups and spares us from additional testing complexity.

html {
  font: 87.5%/1.5 'helvetica neue', helvetica, sans-serif;
  max-width: 600px;
  padding: 1em;

footer {
  border-top: 1px solid #eee;
  margin: 2.5em 0 0;
  padding: 3px 0 0;

h1 {
  font-weight: 300;
  margin: 0;

ul {
  list-style: none;
  margin-left: 0;
  padding-left: 0;

a {
  color: #e30613;
  text-decoration: none;

a:active {
  text-decoration: underline;

em {
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: 600;

#error {
  border-radius: 5px;
  padding: 5px;

.info {
  background: #fff3ca;
  margin: 1em -5px;

C> Example: High level block elements, then text level elements, then classes and IDs, &c.

Although it seems that many teams of web developers have survived without a firm idea of how to arrange selectors, only when we have some sense of order can we truly get to consistent style sheets (granted that this is our goal). More importantly, only then do we have a chance of eliminating unnecessary work caused by chance ordering. As we’ll see with the avoidance of repetition, that unnecessary work is otherwise awaiting us.

Accordingly, the lack of initiatives and options for selector orders should give us something to think about and work on in our community. If you’re in a position to do so, consider what we have and help us come up with additional options and conventions.


Making code simpler is the next optimization goal. However, the goal of code simplicity is often also a goal of code minimalism. Simplicity and minimalism don’t necessarily correlate—they don’t correlate in our coming case of shorthands, yet they do when we speak about character minimization as part of production optimization.

The goal of simplicity is important: Optimizing for it makes code more understandable and, in most cases, faster. It makes our work easier. And it generally makes our work better, because using simple and concise code challenges ourselves as craftspeople.

ID and Class Naming

In times of a surprisingly alive OOCSS and BEM and Atomic CSS [and, later, Tailwind], ID and class naming has drowned as a developer topic, sinking to a second-order afterthought. And yet when we consider that not all web projects are super-complex mega sites with internationally distributed teams of dozens of developers and third-party agencies in automated testing and deployment environments, in order to warrant presentational naming schemes because our guideline and communication processes are so difficult to implement that no hand knows what the other hand is doing—short pause—, we don’t need or benefit from naming schemes that sacrifice understandability and maintainability for brief presentational class soups from the 90’s (Atomic CSS). The time to know how to name IDs and classes, and to use both aren’t over yet; IDs aren’t blindly to be discarded, just as little as universal selectors, !important, or shorthands.

The rules for ID and class naming are simple and lasting:

  • Keep use of IDs and classes to a minimum.
  • If needed, use functional ID and class names; otherwise use generic ID and class names.
  • Use names that are as short as possible but as long as necessary.

This doesn’t aim to rule out other naming schemes, but should be the starting point. It’s useful to learn and apply these rules before switching to a scheme that violates them. Only when we have the experience of developing and maintaining web projects will we be able to tell whether the violation is smart and justified, or haphazard and premature.

Because the topic of ID and class naming, although a beginner topic, has been so neglected, it’s important to note: No matter how otherwise optimized, a style sheet that uses poor ID and class names is still a poorly crafted style sheet.


Shorthands—CSS declarations that combine other declarations, like font, border, or animation—are a useful part of CSS because they help to make CSS more minimal-simple. They allow us to write less code, though not necessarily more understandable code. This is a situation that perhaps made one camp declare that CSS shorthands were an anti-pattern, and the other say they weren’t.

Modifying what I put to protocol as a part of that other camp, they’re both.

Shorthands make code less understandable in complex projects, but do make code more minimal. What tips the simplicity scale is the fact that shorthands always make our CSS more minimally simple. Only in large and complex projects, they make it less understandably simple because they imply so much: Everything a shorthand declaration doesn’t say still means something, because the values that aren’t set are set to their initial values. And that can—in large projects—lead to problems.

html {
  background: #fff;
  font: 100%/1.88 palatino, lora, georgia, cambria, serif;

body {
  margin: auto;
  padding: 1.25em 1em;

#announcement {
  background: #ff0;
  margin: 1em auto 1.5em;
  padding: .5em;

C> Example: In this shorthands-only piece from an actual website, the shorthands simplify and improve the code.

Because of their value in making code more compact, and their generally positive effects on small projects, we benefit from using shorthands.


Performance is an obvious goal to optimize for. The faster, the better. We know that the user experience improves when everyone gets what they want, quickly, and that with better speed, conversions increase as well.

What we can also say is that improving rendering performance may not be nearly as effective as improving loading performance. That is, not omitting optional tags for the reason that the browser would otherwise need to “put them back” is not as helpful for performance as is compressing images. These calculations are generally done so quickly that the respective issues don’t matter in practice. (There’s nothing to worry about when omitting optional tags and unneeded quotes.)

The cases we’ll look at now exemplify this situation. Performance is not nearly as clear-cut as it’s often presented.

Irrelevant: Selector Performance

Selector performance is not something to optimize for. Selector performance is irrelevant. The price we pay for optimizing for selector performance is terrible: We micromanage our work for gains that aren’t noticeable.

In 2009, Steve Souders contributed perhaps the first insights into the topic, and one of his main articles on the subject should have made us think. First, in his tests, even style sheets with 18,000 rules were rendered within 600 ms. Then, Steve explained: “For most websites, the possible performance gains from optimizing CSS selectors will be small, and are not worth the costs.”

Perhaps people misunderstood when Steve went on to write, “There are some types of CSS rules and interactions with JavaScript that can make a page noticeably slower. This is where the focus should be.” What we saw was an undue focus on selector performance and an outright childish ban of selectors, notably, the universal selector.

(Years later, in additional investigations, we find problems with the methodology, leading to important observations like this one, by Ben Frain: “It is practically impossible to predict the final performance impact of a given selector by just examining the selectors.”)

The first problem with optimizing for selectors is that the gains are negligible. Yes, some selectors are slower than others, and from the way they work this is probably going to be the case until the world ends. Alas, nothing practically relevant follows from this observation: The effects are felt neither by us nor by our users. We do not ship websites that contain 25,000 rules using ::after (and nothing else) to bring pages to a crawl; a) they don’t come to a crawl, b) someone who writes code like that has other issues.

The second problem with optimizing for selectors is that we over-optimize and micromanage, and actually slow down our workflow writing worse CSS. Putting up rules in place for how selectors should look is adding a restriction that only hinders a team of developers. The outcome is not any more elegant code in terms of code minimalism (though those who connect verbosity with understandability may have a point).

Where we are right now, selector performance is a box better left closed.

Irrelevant: Inline CSS

Avoid inline CSS (applying CSS directly through style attributes). Again, this recommendation is based on the idea of keeping the big picture in mind, by acknowledging that yes, inline CSS can be useful for performance reasons (saving one or more style sheet HTTP requests, applying faster selectors), but no, it violates separation of concerns and makes maintenance harder. Too hard.

It’s important to drive home this point: We are of little help as web developers when we are blind to the consequences of our work. It’s tragic even, if we are JavaScript experts, performance experts, accessibility experts, and don’t consider and understand how our expert knowledge impacts other areas of the field.

<div style="display:none" jsl="$t t-aTz9-_sUcEc;$x 0;" class="r-ild1JbEZKhjg"></div><div id="duf3-46" data-jiis="up" data-async-type="duffy3" data-async-context-required="type,open,feature_id,async_id,entry_point,authority,card_id,header,suggestions,surface,suggestions_types,suggestions_subtypes" class="y yp"></div><a class="duf3 _sWr" href="#" id="sbfblt" data-async-trigger="duf3-46" jsaction="async.u">Report foo</a></div></form></div><div class="sfbgx"></div><div id="gac_scont"></div><div class="spch s2fp-h" style="display:none" id="spch"><div class="spchc" id="spchc"><div class="_o3"><div class="_AM"><span class="_CMb" id="spchl"></span><span class="button" id="spchb"><div class="_wPb"><span class="_AUb"></span><div class="_Fjd"><span class="_oXb"></span><span class="_dWb"></span></div></div></span></div><div class="_gjb"><span class="spcht" id="spchi" style="color:#777"></span><span class="spcht" id="spchf" style="color:#000"></span></div><div class="foo-logo"></div></div><div class="_ypc"><div class="_zpc"></div></div></div><div class="close-button" id="spchx">&times;</div></div><div style="display:none" jsl="$t t-orNZyHXTT74;$x 0;" class="r-iCneKvRyCT78"></div><div class="content" id="main"><span class="ctr-p" id="body"><center><div style="height:233px;margin-top:89px" id="lga"><div style="padding-top:109px"><style>#hplogo{background:url(/images/branding/foologo/2x/foologo_color_272x92dp.png) no-repeat}@media (-webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio:1),(max-resolution:96dpi){#hplogo{background:url(/images/branding/foologo/1x/foologo_color_272x92dp.png) no-repeat}}</style><div style="background-size:272px 92px;height:92px;width:272px" title="foo" align="left" id="hplogo" onload="">

C> Example: Can these styles lie?

As such, yes, inline CSS is good for performance, and as such, we should consider it a CSS optimization measure. But unless we deal with truly unique styling on truly unique single pages, a categorical “no” to inline CSS. Our vision of web development discourages this: It asks to write the leanest possible HTML for maximum freedom of movement in terms of updates and maintenance. We don’t want to touch HTML for formatting updates—and inline CSS prevents that.

I> With improvements to our content management, build, and deployment processes, HTML maintenance has become a lot easier and cheaper. Not only due to component-based development have we gotten to a point at which we can speak of a new paradigm for web development, where the first paradigm, absolute separation of concerns, has been softened decisively. That’s practically speaking a helpful and theoretically speaking a fascinating development. Personally, I still recommend following the first paradigm and to separate concerns (like structure, presentation, and behavior).

Potentially Relevant: Declaration Prudence

For declarations, we face a similar situation as with selectors—avoiding certain declarations appears to be more counter-productive than not doing anything.

We know that declarations involving box-shadow, filter, opacity, and transform, depending on their values, can be significantly slower and hence more expensive than others. They may be so much more expensive that we can perceive the effects even with few declarations, hence making this a much more important point on our optimization agenda than selectors.

However, the problem is that data are hard to come by. Ben Frain has contributed some data on selector and declaration performance, and so has Juriy Zaytsev. Alas, the data are not robust and may not even be available anymore (I couldn’t reach Juriy for clarification).

Until we do more research and can properly, reliably document all the declarations and value ranges that are particularly slow, there’s no point in panicking and no point in blindly guessing what declarations and values should be avoided.

There may not even be a point taking any action because we’ll still need to look at the cases in question: How important is the respective styling, and what’s the performance impact of its substitute? In this case it seems advisable to flag declarations as a possible optimization source, but not to make it a priority until we have better data.

Rule Hygiene

We can have a big impact on performance by removing unused and unneeded CSS. This sort of hygiene is simple in theory—just get rid of what isn’t necessary—but a bit more tricky in practice.

The trickiness lies in the fact that it’s often hard, if not impossible, to tell what rules truly aren’t needed. There are tools for this purpose, but it’s difficult to be certain of where styles are used, and often not feasible on large websites—sites so large that they have similarly looking marketing sites run by third parties that secretly hot-link the main site’s core style sheets. On top of that, it’s difficult to automate the procedure.

Here are some actions that help keep unused CSS in check:

The Unused CSS crawler has the most to offer, telling us with considerable certainty what’s used and what’s not. (It has become one of my favorite tools for CSS rule hygiene optimization.)

I> Images have always been a matter of optimization on the Web. At first they hadn’t been recognized as something to optimize for and rather, like the infamous “spacer GIFs,” served the widespread deterioration of websites by being used endlessly to build entire layouts in conjunction with layout tables. But then our attention was on I> I> * what formats to use for quality and compression (“GIF or JPG?”); I> * how to compress images; I> * how to limit the number of images (and the number of HTTP requests, through sprites and such); I> * whether to use images (data URIs); I> * and again, what formats to use (“…or SVG? WebP?”). I> I> These topics, without the redundancy of the formats and compression questions, are exactly the ones we still focus on today. But although I’ve debated to make image optimization a part of this book, it’s not CSS optimization—it’s image optimization. And Addy Osmani has written such a book.


What is code quality, or quality code? A great question for technical interviews, the answers are linked to almost everything in this book. However, there’s one aspect that’s key.


How can we tell that what we’re coding works? We test. How can we tell it’s error-free? We validate. Yes, testing also exposes errors in our code, and we depend on validators to be up-to-date on the latest (which they aren’t always). Still, validation plays the critical part in making sure that our code is syntactically correct, and that it uses selectors and declarations (CSS) as well as a document structure and elements and attributes (HTML) that actually exist.

There’s a gray area when the respective working groups have just come up with new features (that is, recently extended the specifications), and the validator teams haven’t caught up yet. That gray area must not prevent us from validating. That would be like refusing to use cellphones unless the batteries are fully charged, or declining to wear clothes unless they’re brand-new.

“We found the following errors.”

C> Example: Issues.

Through validation—whether using the W3C CSS validator or another tool—we optimize our style sheets because we can correct or remove code that doesn’t work. We also benefit by getting a better technical understanding (validation issues can be instructive) and with that becoming better professionals (everyone can write invalid code—we’re experts because we write valid code). These are the two great things about validation.


Optimizing for maintainability means doing everything to make maintenance as easy as possible. It starts with avoiding work that’s unnecessary, and surprisingly, this begins with the mundanest of things—proper style sheet naming. We won’t dive deeper into this here, but it’s important to keep an eye on the senseless activity of changing style sheet names. When we’re doing that, we’re not taking care of a maintenance task—we instead mess up one of the simplest things in web development. (Defensive caching assumed, let’s just use functional or generic names. Personally, I’ve never in my 20-year career changed a style sheet’s name once it was just called “default.css”.)

Irrelevant: !important

Similar to performance, there are myths to debunk. Contrary to some views, there’s nothing harmful, dangerous, or unmaintainable about using !important. !important, a part of the cascade, is a tool.

As with every tool, one can use it wrong. Using a knife to eat soup is frustrating. Using a hammer to solder circuit boards is difficult. Using !important to fix every layout problem is like using pesticides against bugs: It’s tough on the environment.

Alas, that doesn’t mean one shouldn’t use knives, hammers, or !important. What it means is to learn when it’s best and most effectively used.

In essence, let’s not refrain from using !important. Let’s not shy away from using it for quick testing and debugging. Let’s use it for declarations that come early in our style sheets but that are rather unspecific, and hence run the risk of (or probably just suffered from) being overridden in some way. That’s not bad development practice. That makes sense.

Use of !important is legitimate.

Separation of Concerns

Separation of concerns is one key for maintainability. It’s defined as follows in Wikipedia:

In computer science, separation of concerns (SoC) is a design principle for separating a computer program into distinct sections such that each section addresses a separate concern. A concern is a set of information that affects the code of a computer program. A concern can be as general as “the details of the hardware for an application,” or as specific as “the name of which class to instantiate.” A program that embodies SoC well is called a modular program. Modularity, and hence separation of concerns, is achieved by encapsulating information inside a section of code that has a well-defined interface.

The first and most important part of separation of concerns is to separate structure (HTML), presentation (CSS), and behavior (JavaScript or, more accurately, ECMAScript).

On a macro-level, separation of concerns ensures that we develop using the appropriate language (in the 90’s and 2000’s we’ve seen what solving design issues in HTML leads to: millions of layout tables), and that we know where to look when there are issues (we don’t want to address document-structural issues in JavaScript).

For CSS, that means to make sure we collect everything that’s related to the appearance of our site or app, and place that in our style sheets. In a way, separation of concerns is the basis for all optimization—that way, we know that our CSS is actually handled in style sheets (and not in HTML templates or JavaScript files).

On a micro- and intra-style sheet level, there are now two options for separation of concerns.

One, reflecting the Single Responsibility Principle, is to separate all styles by functionality and to break them into modules, blocks, or elements (BEM).

Two is not to do anything, as we don’t have to do anything if we’re sorting selectors consistently (sorting will inherently lead to a modular order within our style sheets). This is especially true when we DRY our style sheets. As we’ll see, we can DRY individual CSS modules, but we can also DRY our style sheets entirely, something for which module separation is inconvenient. (This is another example of where our work requires prioritization and balance. We may opt for a different approach when our projects are particularly large.)

T> Be cautious with OOCSS (object-oriented CSS), BEM (Block Element Modifier), Atomic CSS [and Tailwind], and similar methods and solutions. Monitor closely how they help and how they hinder you. T> T> What they do is address some of the problems of large-scale web development, while curbing freedom and flexibility affecting all of web development. (In the case of utility CSS, it may lead everyone back to standardized beginner code.) T> T> When we’re asked to avoid the descendant selector (OOCSS), then great, no worries about inheritance—but also no elegance through contextual styling. When we shall avoid nested selectors (BEM), but “in this case they are reasonable,” then we are not better off than before. When we must memorize more than 40 new classes (Atomic CSS) only to write the most presentational markup (the opposite of separation of concerns), then we negate all the advantages of CSS.

Don’t Repeat Yourself

The next maintainability pillar to optimize for is (avoidance of) repetition. When we think about selectors in terms of grouped selectors (that is, section to be different from section, div), and when we assume declarations to be written so consistently as not to inadvertently repeat through different spellings (compare outline: 0 and outline: none), there’s only one way to avoid repetition: through avoiding repeat declarations.

Limiting the number of places where a particular style is defined usually makes our style sheets more compact and maintainable.

Using Declarations Just Once

Using declarations just once (“UDJO”) is an old technique. It means what it says: to use each declaration just a single time.

It’s a tangible optimization step in that we’re still encouraged to write CSS the natural way, to then go over what we’ve written to make sure we leave no repetition behind. That process is roughly as follows:

  • Write CSS.
  • Decide on DRY boundaries: section (functionally separate CSS parts) or file, component, at-rule level?
  • Be sure to format code consistently, as background: none, background:none, and background-image: none could all mean the same but make our task of finding duplicates unnecessarily complicated.
  • Search for duplicate declarations:
    • For new style sheets: after the initial setup has been done.
    • For new features and bug fixes: after the respective work has been done.
    • Tip: If version control highlighting for file changes is not enough, temporarily indent changed declarations only to check for their repetition.
  • Dissolve duplicate declarations:
    • Check each declaration (in new style sheets) or each changed declaration for re-occurrence within the set boundary (when limiting de-duplication to sections, limit search scope to these sections).
    • For each duplicate declaration (the actual work):
      • Determine which respective rule should come first in the style sheet (for this, one has to have an unwritten or written standard for how to order selectors).
      • If this first rule contains additional declarations, i.e., declarations that we haven’t checked yet or that aren’t duplicates, copy the entire rule and paste it after the original. Keep the discovered duplicate in the first rule and remove the other declarations, and vice versa in the second rule, so that that rule is like the old rule just without the declaration we found to be used more than once.
      • Copy the selectors of the other rules that contain the respective duplicate declaration to the rule that comes first.
      • Be sure to remove the duplicate declarations whose selectors have just been copied up in the style sheet, and to remove the entire rule if the rule only consisted of the now moved duplicate declaration.
      • (Repeat.)
    • Be sure to check the correct order of the selectors for the rules that now handle the formerly duplicate declarations.
    • Be sure to check for the correct placement of the rules that now combine formerly duplicate declarations.
  • (Repeat.)
  • Test.

This may seem intimidating, but is precise; and it’s only a lot of work when we just wrote and optimized an entire style sheet. For small updates, the process is considerably easier and feels much more grateful. (Unfortunately, there’s no tooling yet for UDJO. As it’s difficult to automate, it’s a technique that belongs to the craft of writing CSS.)

“The ratio of unique to total declarations is 0.84.”

C> Example: CSS Stats shows a style sheet’s DRY factor.

What we receive is a style sheet that’s in most cases lighter than what we started with. Yet as file size is not always a factor for performance (thanks to compression), the main benefit is greater maintainability: We end up with style sheets that are more compact, easier to understand, and easier to manage. The benefit of this optimization step is so great that we may not even need something like variables anymore. When, unlike the average website, we don’t repeat each declaration about four times, we don’t suffer from the issues of that much repetition.

Try this process on for size, and apply it to components or CSS sections first (that is, avoid declaration repetition within functional blocks, as with page styles, navigation styles, form styles, however the blocks are divided). This way, it’s easier to get acquainted with the process, to get a moderate result, and also to feed back your own ideas on DRY CSS to the community.

C> ⁂

This concludes the section on operational optimization. What we’ve covered are all things we need to focus on while working on style sheets. Most of that couldn’t be automated (except controls that inform us when, say, our style sheet contained too much repetition, or if we were about to submit something invalid). But even if it could all be automated, I believe it makes sense for us to internalize and live what we’ve just discussed. Not only does that improve our code, but also us as professionals.

I> That exception there in parentheses, about controls, looks innocent but hints at the future of professional development: automatic live feedback. A priority for modern editors of which some (Visual Studio Code, WebStorm) have begun to pick it up, this will mean to instantly, on editing, get notifications on unused code, inconsistencies, redundancies, validation issues, &c. The way still seems long at this point: We’ll need great UI and AI features to make it all work effectively, from easy ways to mark false positives to train the software false negatives. Still it’s what’s missing from the current way of development in which code is only evaluated once we checked it into a repository or deployed it to a staging or production environment.