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The following is a small selection of useful CSS tools, sites, and books. They’re geared towards more experienced developers, yet novice developers may benefit from them as much, if not more, than staying with beginner materials.
A few handy CSS tools, for manual and automated testing:
- clean-css package, to optimize and minify CSS
- CSS Minifier online tool, to minify CSS
- CSS Stats online tool and script, to analyze style sheets
- CSS Validation Service online tool and script, to validate CSS
- css-minify package, to minify CSS
- CSSJanus Left-to-Right-to-Left-ifyer script, to convert CSS directionality (LTR/RTL)
- CSSLint online tool and script, to identify CSS code issues
- CSSO package, to optimize and minify CSS
- CSSTidy online tool and script, to reformat and optimize CSS
- Minify online tool and script, to minify CSS
- Minify package, to minify CSS
- ngx-unused-css package, to remove unused CSS (for Angular)
- pre-commit script, to validate syntax errors in CSS (through CSS Lint) and SCSS (through SCSS Lint)
- Prettier package, to format CSS
- PurgeCSS package, to remove unused CSS
- PurifyCSS script, to remove unused CSS
- rm-unused-css package, to remove unused CSS
- stylelint package, to lint and format CSS
- UglifyCSS package, to minify CSS
- UnCSS online tool, script, and package, to remove unused CSS
- Unused CSS online tool, to remove unused CSS
- YUI CSS Compressor online tool and script, to format and minify CSS
A small collection of initiatives and individuals covering CSS:
- Andrew, Rachel
- Atkins Jr., Tab
- Barker, Michelle
- Can I Use
- Comeau, Josh W.
- CSS-Tricks
- Eckles, Stephanie
- Frain, Ben
- Heilmann, Christian
- Kinlan, Paul
- Meiert, Jens Oliver
- Meyer, Eric
- Roberts, Harry
- Shadeed, Ahmad
- Van Damme, Bramus
- W3C (Cascading Style Sheets)
- Verou, Lea
- Weyl, Estelle
An even smaller selection of books: