diff --git a/.paket/Paket.Restore.targets b/.paket/Paket.Restore.targets
index d93abfef..e33a731f 100644
--- a/.paket/Paket.Restore.targets
+++ b/.paket/Paket.Restore.targets
@@ -17,23 +17,43 @@
- $(PaketToolsPath)paket
- $(PaketRootPath)paket.exe
- $(PaketToolsPath)paket.exe
- $(PaketToolsPath)paket.exe
- $(PaketToolsPath)paket
+ $(PaketRootPath)paket.bootstrapper.exe
+ $(PaketToolsPath)paket.bootstrapper.exe
+ $([System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName("$(PaketBootStrapperExePath)"))\
+ $(PaketRootPath)paket.exe
+ $(PaketToolsPath)paket.exe
+ $(PaketToolsPath)paket.exe
+ $(_PaketBootStrapperExeDir)paket.exe
+ paket.exe
+ $(PaketRootPath)paket
+ $(PaketToolsPath)paket
+ $(PaketToolsPath)paket
+ $(PaketRootPath)paket.exe
+ $(PaketToolsPath)paket.exe
+ $(PaketBootStrapperExeDir)paket.exe
+ paket
dotnet "$(PaketExePath)"
- "$(PaketExePath)"
$(MonoPath) --runtime=v4.0.30319 "$(PaketExePath)"
- "$(PaketExePath)"
+ "$(PaketExePath)"
- $(PaketRootPath)paket.bootstrapper.exe
- $(PaketToolsPath)paket.bootstrapper.exe
$(MonoPath) --runtime=v4.0.30319 "$(PaketBootStrapperExePath)"
@@ -42,6 +62,9 @@
+ True
@@ -82,7 +105,11 @@
@@ -163,6 +190,7 @@
+ true
@@ -200,6 +228,7 @@
<_NuspecFilesNewLocation Include="$(BaseIntermediateOutputPath)$(Configuration)\*.nuspec"/>
@@ -209,12 +238,14 @@
+ false
+ true
- true
+ true
- true
+ true
- true
+ true
@@ -230,6 +261,53 @@
let useMsBuildToolchain = environVar "USE_MSBUILD" <> null
-let dotnetSdkVersion = "2.1.403"
+let dotnetSdkVersion = "2.2.105"
let sdkPath = lazy DotNetCli.InstallDotNetSDK dotnetSdkVersion
let getSdkPath() = sdkPath.Value
diff --git a/src/ProvidedTypes.fs b/src/ProvidedTypes.fs
index cc66f353..fe45b6fd 100644
--- a/src/ProvidedTypes.fs
+++ b/src/ProvidedTypes.fs
@@ -9226,66 +9226,7 @@ namespace ProviderImplementation.ProvidedTypes
// Use the reflection hack to determine the set of referenced assemblies by reflecting over the SystemRuntimeContainsType
// closure in the TypeProviderConfig object.
- let referencedAssemblyPaths =
- try
- let hostConfigType = config.GetType()
- let hostAssembly = hostConfigType.Assembly
- let hostAssemblyLocation = hostAssembly.Location
- let msg = sprintf "Host is assembly '%A' at location '%s'" (hostAssembly.GetName()) hostAssemblyLocation
- if isNull (hostConfigType.GetField("systemRuntimeContainsType",bindAll)) then
- failwithf "Invalid host of cross-targeting type provider: a field called systemRuntimeContainsType must exist in the TypeProviderConfiguration object. Please check that the type provider being hosted by the F# compiler tools or a simulation of them. %s" msg
- let systemRuntimeContainsTypeObj = config.GetField("systemRuntimeContainsType")
- // Account for https://github.com/Microsoft/visualfsharp/pull/591
- let systemRuntimeContainsTypeObj2 =
- if systemRuntimeContainsTypeObj.HasField("systemRuntimeContainsTypeRef") then
- systemRuntimeContainsTypeObj.GetField("systemRuntimeContainsTypeRef").GetProperty("Value")
- else
- systemRuntimeContainsTypeObj
- if not (systemRuntimeContainsTypeObj2.HasField("tcImports")) then
- failwithf "Invalid host of cross-targeting type provider: a field called tcImports must exist in the systemRuntimeContainsType closure. Please check that the type provider being hosted by the F# compiler tools or a simulation of them. %s" msg
- let tcImports = systemRuntimeContainsTypeObj2.GetField("tcImports")
- if not (tcImports.HasField("dllInfos")) then
- failwithf "Invalid host of cross-targeting type provider: a field called dllInfos must exist in the tcImports object. Please check that the type provider being hosted by the F# compiler tools or a simulation of them. %s" msg
- if not (tcImports.HasProperty("Base")) then
- failwithf "Invalid host of cross-targeting type provider: a field called Base must exist in the tcImports object. Please check that the type provider being hosted by the F# compiler tools or a simulation of them. %s" msg
- let dllInfos = tcImports.GetField("dllInfos")
- if isNull dllInfos then
- let ty = dllInfos.GetType()
- let fld = ty.GetField("dllInfos", bindAll)
- failwithf """Invalid host of cross-targeting type provider: unexpected 'null' value in dllInfos field of TcImports, ty = %A, fld = %A. %s""" ty fld msg
- let baseObj = tcImports.GetProperty("Base")
- [ for dllInfo in dllInfos.GetElements() -> (dllInfo.GetProperty("FileName") :?> string)
- if not (isNull baseObj) then
- let baseObjValue = baseObj.GetProperty("Value")
- if isNull baseObjValue then
- let ty = baseObjValue.GetType()
- let prop = ty.GetProperty("Value", bindAll)
- failwithf """Invalid host of cross-targeting type provider: unexpected 'null' value in Value property of baseObj, ty = %A, prop = %A. %s""" ty prop msg
- let baseDllInfos = baseObjValue.GetField("dllInfos")
- if isNull baseDllInfos then
- let ty = baseDllInfos.GetType()
- let fld = ty.GetField("dllInfos", bindAll)
- failwithf """Invalid host of cross-targeting type provider: unexpected 'null' value in dllInfos field of baseDllInfos, ty = %A, fld = %A. %s""" ty fld msg
- for baseDllInfo in baseDllInfos.GetElements() -> (baseDllInfo.GetProperty("FileName") :?> string) ]
- with e ->
- failwithf "Invalid host of cross-targeting type provider. Exception: %A" e
+ let referencedAssemblyPaths = config.ReferencedAssemblies |> Array.toList
ProvidedTypesContext(referencedAssemblyPaths, assemblyReplacementMap, sourceAssemblies)
diff --git a/src/ProvidedTypesTesting.fs b/src/ProvidedTypesTesting.fs
index e41d72a9..8685cb01 100644
--- a/src/ProvidedTypesTesting.fs
+++ b/src/ProvidedTypesTesting.fs
@@ -19,51 +19,16 @@ open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
module Utils =
let isNull x = match x with null -> true | _ -> false
-/// Simulate a real host of TypeProviderConfig
-type internal DllInfo(path: string) =
- member __.FileName = path
-/// Simulate a real host of TypeProviderConfig
-type internal TcImports(bas: TcImports option, dllInfos: DllInfo list) =
- member __.Base = bas
- member __.DllInfos = dllInfos
type internal Testing() =
/// Simulates a real instance of TypeProviderConfig
static member MakeSimulatedTypeProviderConfig (resolutionFolder: string, runtimeAssembly: string, runtimeAssemblyRefs: string list, ?isHostedExecution, ?isInvalidationSupported) =
- let cfg = TypeProviderConfig(fun _ -> false)
+ let cfg = TypeProviderConfig(fun _ -> failwith "SystemRuntimeContainsType is deprecated and should never be called")
cfg.IsHostedExecution <- defaultArg isHostedExecution false
cfg.IsInvalidationSupported <- defaultArg isInvalidationSupported true
- let (?<-) cfg prop value =
- let ty = cfg.GetType()
- match ty.GetProperty(prop,BindingFlags.Instance ||| BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.NonPublic) with
- | null ->
- let fld = ty.GetField(prop,BindingFlags.Instance ||| BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.NonPublic)
- if fld = null then failwith ("expected TypeProviderConfig to have a property or field "+prop)
- fld.SetValue(cfg, value)|> ignore
- | p ->
- p.GetSetMethod(nonPublic = true).Invoke(cfg, [| box value |]) |> ignore
- cfg?ResolutionFolder <- resolutionFolder
- cfg?RuntimeAssembly <- runtimeAssembly
- cfg?ReferencedAssemblies <- Array.zeroCreate 0
- // Fake an implementation of SystemRuntimeContainsType the shape expected by AssemblyResolver.fs.
- let dllInfos = [yield DllInfo(runtimeAssembly); for r in runtimeAssemblyRefs do yield DllInfo(r)]
- let tcImports = TcImports(Some(TcImports(None,[])),dllInfos)
- let systemRuntimeContainsType = (fun (_s:string) -> if tcImports.DllInfos.Length = 1 then true else true)
- cfg?systemRuntimeContainsType <- systemRuntimeContainsType
- //Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch() |> ignore
- Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(cfg.GetType().GetField("systemRuntimeContainsType",BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Instance) |> isNull |> not)
- Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(systemRuntimeContainsType.GetType().GetField("tcImports",BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Instance) |> isNull |> not)
- Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(typeof.GetField("dllInfos",BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Instance) |> isNull |> not)
- Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(typeof.GetProperty("Base",BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Instance) |> isNull |> not)
- Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(typeof.GetProperty("FileName",BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| BindingFlags.Public ||| BindingFlags.Instance) |> isNull |> not)
+ cfg.ResolutionFolder <- resolutionFolder
+ cfg.RuntimeAssembly <- runtimeAssembly
+ cfg.ReferencedAssemblies <- Array.ofList runtimeAssemblyRefs
/// Simulates a real instance of TypeProviderConfig and then creates an instance of the last