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History of changes

Current version

New features

  • Issue 148 - Implemented effective_borehole_thermal_resistance() and local_borehole_thermal_resistance() methods for all pipe classes. Deprecated pipes.borehole_thermal_resistance(), which computed the effective borehole thermal resistance. It will be removed in v3.0.0. Implemented a new update_thermal_resistances() method to all pipe classes. This method allows to update the delta-circuit of thermal resistance of the boreholes based on provided values for the fluid thermal resistances. This allows simulations with time-variable fluid thermal resistances.


  • Issue 152 - Vectorized coefficients_temperature and _general_solution in pipe objects to accept depths z as an array. This speeds up calculations for get_temperature and get_borehole_heat_extraction_rate class methods.

Other changes

  • Issue 171 - Refactored modules and examples to use the built-in enumerate(x) instead of range(len(x)).
  • Issue 172 - Refactored reports of calculation time to use time.perf_counter() instead of time.time().
  • Issue 173 - Refactored strings into f-strings instead of using str.format().

Version 2.1.0 (2021-11-12)

New features

  • Issue 36 - Added a Coaxial class to the pipes module to model boreholes with coaxial pipes.
  • Issue 135 - Added functionality for non-uniform discretization of the segments along the boreholes. This increases the accuracy of g-function calculations for the same number of segments when compared to a uniform discretization. Segment lengths are defined using the segment_ratios option in the gFunction class. A discretize function is added to the utilities module to generate borehole discretizations using an expanding mesh.
  • Issue 146 - Added new solver 'equivalent' to the gFunction class. This solver uses hierarchical agglomerative clustering to identify groups of boreholes that are expected to have similar borehole wall temperatures and heat extraction rates. Each group of boreholes is represented by a single equivalent borehole. The FLS solution is adapted to evaluate thermal interactions between groups of boreholes. This greatly reduces the number of evaluations of the FLS solution and the size of the system of equations to evaluate the g-function.


  • Issue 118 - Refactored checks for stored _BasePipe and Network coefficicients to use numpy.all(). This decreases calculation time.
  • Issue 119 - Refactored Network class to change how coefficient matrices are calculated. This decreases calculation time.
  • Issue 132 - Refactored SingleUtube and MultipleUTube classes to eliminate for loops in the calculation of matrix coefficients. This decreases calculation time when nSegments>>1.
  • Issue 133 - The nSegments argument is now able to take in the number of segments for each borehole as a list. Each borehole must be split into at least 1 segment, and the length of the segment list must be equal to the number of boreholes.
  • Issue 141 - Changed the calculation of the convective heat transfer coefficient in the transition region (2300. < Re < 4000.) by convective_heat_transfer_coefficient_circular_pipe(). The Nusselt number is now interpolated between the laminar value (at Re = 2300.) and the turbulent value (at Re = 4000.). This avoids any discontinuities in the values of the convective heat transfer coefficient near Re = 2300..

Other changes

  • Issue 93 - Reformatted pipes and networks modules to use the @ matrix product operator introduced in PEP465. This improves readability of the code.
  • Issue 100 - Replaced calls to numpy.asscalar() with calls to array.item(). numpy.asscalar() is deprecated as of numpy version 1.16.
  • Issue 124 - Reformatted pipesand networks modules to clarify the expected values for m_flow parameters. These are replaced by any of m_flow_pipe, m_flow_borehole or m_flow_network depending on the function or class method. Added a nomenclature of commonly used variables to the documentation.
  • Issue 125 - Refactored class methods and docstrings in Pipe and Network objects to better represent the expected shapes of array inputs and outputs.
  • Issue 139 - Updated requirements for numpy from version 1.19.2 to 1.20.1. Clarified the Python version 3.7 requirement in the file.
  • Issue 154 - Replaced and numpy.bool dtypes in array initializations with built-in types int and bool. and numpy.bool are deprecated as of numpy version 1.20.
  • Issue 158 - Changed default parameter values for g-function calculations. The gFunction class now uses the 'equivalent' solver by default and a non-uniform discretization of nSegments=8 given by utilities.segment_ratios().
  • Issue 160 - Deprecated functions gfunction.uniform_heat_extraction, gfunction.uniform_temperature, gfunction.equal_inlet_temperature and gfunction.mixed_inlet_temperature. They will be removed in v3.0.0.

Bug fixes

  • Issue 99 - Fixed an issue where MultipleUTube._continuity_condition() and MultipleUTube._general_solution() returned complex valued coefficient matrices.
  • Issue 130 - Fix incorrect initialization of variables _mix_out and _mixing_m_flow in Network.
  • Issue 155 - Fix incorrect initialization of variables in Network and _BasePipe. Stored variables are now initialized as numpy.nan instead of numpy.empty.
  • Issue 159 - Fix segment_ratios function in the utilities module to always expect 0 < end_length_ratio < 0.5, and allows for nSegments=1 or nSegments=2. If 1<=nSegments<3 then the user is warned that the end_length_ratio parameter is being over-ridden.

Version 2.0.0 (2021-05-22)

New features

  • Issue 33, Issue 54, Issue 85 - New class gFunction for the calculation of g-functions. The new class is a common interface to all boundary conditions and calculation methods. The new implementation of the solver reduces the memory requirements of pygfunction. The new class implements visualization features for the g-function and for heat extraction rates and borehole wall temperatures (both as a function of time and for the profiles along the borehole lengths).
  • Issue 75 - New module media with properties of brine mixtures.
  • Issue 81 - Added functions to find a remove duplicate boreholes.


  • Issue 78, Issue 109 - Optimization of solvers for the calculation of g-functions. The finite line source (FLS) solution is now calculated using scipy.integrate.quad_vec which significantly improves calculation time over scipy.integrate.quad. The identification of similarities in the 'similarities' solver has also been refactored to identify similarities between boreholes as an intermediate step before identifying similarities between segments. The calculation time for the identification of similarities is significantly decreased.
  • Issue 94 - Refactor visualization functions and methods to uniformize figure styles across modules.
  • Issue 108 - Optimize the load aggregation algorithm of Claesson and Javed using numpy.einsum().
  • Issue 112 - Optimization of _BaseSolver.temporal_superposition(). The computationally expensive for loop is replaced by a call to numpy.einsum(). This decreases the calculation time of large bore fields.
  • Issue 114 - Optimization of _finite_line_source_integrand(). The call to _erfint() is now vectorized. This decreases the number of calls by a factor 8 during integration. The calculation time of g-functions is decreased, especially for smaller bore fields.

Bug fixes

  • Issue 86 - Documentation is now built using Python 3 to support Python 3 features in the code.
  • Issue 103 - Fixed gFunction class to allow both builtin float and numpy.floating inputs.
  • Issue 104 - Raise an error if g-function is calculated with inclined boreholes. This will be supported in a later version of pygfunction.

Other changes

  • Issue 72 - Added a list of contributors to the front page. The list is managed using all-contributors.
  • Issue 87 - Drop support for Python 2. All package requirements are updated to the latest conda version.
  • Issue 96 - Added a reference to the conference paper introducing pygfunction in the documentation.

Version 1.1.2 (2021-01-21)

New features

  • Issue 47 - Added verification of the validity of pipe geometry to pipe classes. Extended visualization of the borehole cross-section.
  • Issue 66 - Added a class method to the Claesson & Javed load aggregation method to retrieve the thermal response factor increment.


  • Issue 59 - Use a relative tolerance instead of an absolute tolerance in the identification of borehole pair similarities. This provides faster execution times and similar accuracy.

Bug fixes

  • Issue 58 - Store matrix coefficients in Network class methods for re-use when inlet conditions are constant.
  • Issue 64 - Fixed an issue where the g-function was returned as an array of integers if time values were integers.

Version 1.1.1 (2020-06-20)

New features

  • Issue 40 - Added Network class for simulations involving networks of boreholes.

Bug fixes

  • Commit a4f6591 - Fixed import of Axes3D necessary in borehole.visualize_field().

Version 1.1.0 (2018-03-09)

New features

  • Commit 2bd12bd - Implemented UTube.visualize_pipes() class method.
  • Issue 30 - Laminar regime is now considered for calculation of convection heat transfer coefficient.
  • Issue 32 - g-Functions for bore fields with mixed series and parallel connections between boreholes.

Bug fixes

  • Commit 2523f67 - boreholes.visualize_field() now returns the figure object.
  • Issue 25 - Fixed documentation of ./examples/
  • Issue 27 - thermal_response_factors() is now part of the heat_transfer module (moved from gfunction).
  • Commit 1f59872 - Fixed incorrect summation limit in pipes._F_mk.

Version 1.0.0 (2017-12-01)

New features

  • Issue 4 - Unit testing and integration with Travis CI.
  • Issue 16 - Added capability to import bore field from external text files.
  • Issue 18 - Added capability to visualize bore fields.
  • Issue 20 - Added utilities module.
  • Issue 5 - Added installation script using setuptools. pygfunction will now be available on pypi.

Bug fixes

  • Commit 0b2d364 - boreholes.U_shaped_field() and boreholes.U_shaped_field() did not construct the field properly when called with low form factors
  • Commit 62acd42 - Criteria for smooth pipe correlation in calculation of Darcy friction factor was too large. Colebrooke-White equation is now always used for turbulent flow.
  • Issue 14 - Evaluate g-functions at a single time value.
  • Commit 7b408e9 - Fix interpolation of thermal response factors in cases where the minimum timestep does not correspond to the first timestep. This also fixes errors caused by rounding errors in the interpolation.
  • Issue 22 - Allow 1d arrays for g-function values in the initilization of load aggregation algorithms.

Version 0.3.0 (2017-10-17)

New features

  • Issue 6 - Store coefficients in pipe models for faster computation
  • Issue 7 - Multipole method to evaluate borehole internal resistances