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TAGCS Mentoring Working Group Monthly Meeting (2024) |
Meeting Minutes, 2024 |
This file’s location:
1. Technical Advisory Groups / TAG Contributor Strategy / Mentoring
GitHub location: https://github.com/cncf/mentoring/blob/main/mentoring-wg/2024-meeting-minutes.md
3rd Thursday of the month at 10AM Pacific Time
CNCF Public Events - TAG CS Mentoring WG
Zoom Meeting:
Passcode: 77777
10:00 AM Pacific Time (18:00 UTC on 2024-11-21)
10:00 Pacific Time (17:00 UTC on 2024-10-17)
- Ali Ok
- Nate W.
- LFX Term 3 in-flight
- Midterm evaluations due
- Some evals still outstanding, Nate has reached out to mentors.
- Only 1 person failed
- Midterm evaluations due
- Mentorship monitor
- There might be issues
- Some PRs not shown
- Let’s do a walkthrough
- There might be issues
- KubeCon
- Tech-docs side of Nate’s job: skill-up at project pavilion stage
- Let’s do a 20 minute informal session
- Could base it on this talk: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1O8Z5p2R9-9cj2dQBfK7kk4KlIRhG_eKZ30rI0bTsZRE/edit?usp=sharing
- Audience: projects looking to grow their contributor pool
- NW to chat with Jorge to see if there’s slots available and when we can run this.
- Tech-docs side of Nate’s job: skill-up at project pavilion stage
- GSoC 2024
- 1 project is still running
- All pass!
- New docs needed (discussed before)
- LFX mentorship org admin guide
- Mentee guide, more specific to CNCF
- Blog post template for mentees
- Info sessions
- 2025 Term 1 schedule: https://github.com/cncf/mentoring/tree/main/programs/lfx-mentorship/2025/01-Mar-May
- Proposal: schedule info sessions in advance, published with teh rest of the term schedule.
- Mentor session: within Wednesday, January 8 - Tuesday February 4, 2025
- Mentee session: on the week of Monday, March 3, 2025
10:00 Pacific Time (17:00 UTC on 2024-09-19)
- Nate W.
- Josh B.
- Prasanth B.
- Faseela K.
- End of LFX Term 2 CNCF blog post should go up tomorrow
- LFX Term 3 has started: 47 mentees, 69 mentors, across 20 CNCF projects
- 2025 Term 1 schedule
- This is a draft, updates/comments welcome
- Governing Board meeting info (here’s what CNCF is sharing with the GB):
- Outreachy: CNCF has approved funding for 1 participant (OTel)
- Revisit blog posting and work reports (NW to write up new mentee guide of how this would work)
- Need templates
- Strongly suggest blog posts (not require)
- NW to explore automating meeting announcements
10:00 Pacific Time (17:00 UTC on 2024-08-15)
TAG Contributor Strategy: Mentoring WG 2023-08-14
- Nate W.
- Josh B.
- Vesyl
LFX Mentorship
- Term 2
- Ending Aug 28, mentors and mentees should be thinking about how to finish up
- Term 3
- Applications closed, mentors making candidate selections
- 2025 Term 1
- We’re holding the 2024 term 1 umbrella issue open still because we’ve not planned 2025 Term 1 yet. We should plan Term 1.
- [NW] Proof of work
- Now that we’re able to monitor mentees productivity more closely, https://mentorship-monitor-ui.netlify.app/, I’d like to discuss the possibility of requiring proof of work in order for mentees to pass the evaluations.
- Historically, the administrators have always deferred to the mentors
If the mentors say that the work submitted isn’t sufficient to pass the evaluation, the administrators could not overrule that, and I’d like to keep that part the same.
Moving forward, I’d like the mentors and administrators to agree that the work is sufficient. In most cases this is obvious, and if the mentors say the work is good it is; however, in some cases we see that some mentors have said the work is good but the public record appears to show a lack of progress. This can be due to several factors
- Not all projects lend themselves to GitHub (for instance UI projects will often use Figma to do the work).
- Some projects require a lot of research before changes can be made in GitHub
If a mentor is able to explain this then I’m happy for the mentee to be passed, receive their stipend, and continue.
What then would the criteria for disagreeing with the mentors be, and how could we override the mentors while preserving the trust of the maintainers?
- Term 2
Revisit blog post requirements
- [NW] We’ve discussed this before, but CNCF leadership has asked if we are requiring blog posts. I told them the reasons we don’t, but I’d like to revisit what recommendations we make around end of term blog posts and how we make them.
- [JB] Need to provide a template - currently folks write about the program, and a little about what they did. We’re interested in what they did primarily.
- Video option?
- NW to invite LFX team to meet with mentoring wg
- Clotributor chat: https://clotributor.dev/
21:00 UTC (2:00 PM PDT on 2024-07-09; 10:00 AM NZST on 2024-07-10)
TAG Contributor Strategy: Mentoring WG 2023-07-09
- Nate W.
- Faseela K
- Josh B
- LFX Term 3
- Issues with LFX platform (cncf#1262)
- LFX team says upload issues should be resolved no later than July 19, meaning we don’t have to postpone the term
- Much better responsiveness, fixing things from LFX team
- Issues: please report at https://community.lfx.dev/
- Changing Meeting times:
- Move to 3rd Thursday of the month starting August
- First meeting on new schedule: August 15, 10am PDT / 7pm CET / 10:30pm IST
- Move to 3rd Thursday of the month starting August
- Nate had a meeting with https://new.rcos.io/ folks
- RedHat quite involved – Nate & Josh to chat offline
- GSoC 2024
- Midterm evals this week
21:00 UTC (2:00 PM PDT on 2024-01-11; 10:00 AM NZST on 2024-01-12)
TAG Contributor Strategy: Mentoring WG 2023-06-11
- Nate W.
- Ali Ok
- Josh Berkus
- Kushal Agrawal
- Sunil Ravipati
- [aliok] Changing time for the Mentoring WG meeting
- Nate is going to create a Doodle
- One slot should be the empty TAG thursday slot (TAG meets 3 times a month, we can grab the 4th)
- Nate is going to create a Doodle
- [aliok] Discussion around mandatory blogposts / webinars / recordings for mentees
- cncf#1216
- We already encourage mentees to write blog posts
- We don’t want to mandate it to block the stipend payments
- We already have a few mentees every term writing blog posts
- Mentors/mentees might not have the skills
- We would need to provide assistance, which might be hard due to resource constraints
- We might provide a blogpost template, which might help with mentees to write the blog posts. This might help with having more blog posts.
- Ali commented on the issue, and asked the issue author if they’re interested in providing such a template.
- Also created a ticket
- [Sunil] Anything to participate in or help with this WG?
- Josh’s suggestion: a semi-structured mentoring program for security tasks on CNCF projects, as Sunil is part of TAG Security
- [Nate W.] Need to schedule info sessions for LFX term 2 (Mentors, mentees, whole group)
- Invite alumni to attend mentee info session
- [aliok] How to recruit more people to this WG?
- Target alumni
- Mentees might be better candidates than mentors, as mentors are busy
- Ambassadors can also help
- Find curated tasks (e.g. find out about / run Outreachy)
- Ask help, similar to: kubernetes-sigs/lwkd#205
- When we get more people, we can:
- Formalize/structure various Kubernetes mentoring programs
- Participate in other mentorship programs (Outreachy, etc)
- Target alumni
- [Josh] Collecting mentorship proposals continuously
- Perhaps with issues with specific labels
- Fork Clotributor? Or, talk to Chris
- Ali to create a ticket
- [aliok] Ali is on PTO next 3 weeks
- [Nate W.] One Kubernetes project dropped out of LFX, cited lack of time to make selections
- [Nate W.] GSoC Mentor Summit
21:00 UTC (2:00 PM PDT on 2024-01-10; 10:00 AM NZST on 2024-01-11)
- Nate W.
- Meeting canceled due to lack of attendance.
- [aliok] Discussion around mandatory blogposts / webinars / recordings for mentees
- [Nate W.] Need to schedule info sessions for LFX term 2 (Mentors, mentees, whole group)
21:00 UTC (2:00 PM PDT on 2024-01-10; 10:00 AM NZST on 2024-01-11)
- Nate W.
- Victor L.
- Term 1 - midterms
- Term 2 - open for proposals (https://github.com/cncf/mentoring/tree/main/programs/lfx-mentorship/2024/02-Jun-Aug)
- Maintainers email went out, will also forward to TOC email list as well as work with socials team to boost
- Term 3 - planning (cncf#1107 review requested)
- GSoC
- Mentors making “I want to mentor this” selections (due April 16)
- Reminder email to go out tomorrow
- Mentors making “I want to mentor this” selections (due April 16)
- Nate W
- Ali Ok
- Riaan K
- [aliok] GSoC - applications start next week
- Need to add mentors
- Next steps:
- Mentors to make their selections by 16th April latest
- Mail to send to mentors about this after 2nd April (applications closed)
- [aliok] GSoDocs https://developers.google.com/season-of-docs/docs/timeline
- Some projects interested: Buildpacks
- [aliok] KubeCon mini-summit
- [aliok] KubeCon TAG CS canvassing
- Details about keeping an eye on mentees?
21:00 UTC (1:00 PM PDT on 2024-02-13; 10:00 AM NZST on 2024-02-14)
- Nate W.
- Josh Berkus
- Riaan Kleinhans
- Jay Tihema
- Mentee candidate applications due today!
- GSoC
- Org application in, we have several proposals. More welcome.
- Josh to include GSoC info in newsletter
- Outreachy
- OTel?
- Josh to help recruit admin
- Google doc vs Hackmd?
- We might have to switch
- Discussed issues for sharing, Chinese contributors
- Need to put stuff into TAG shared drive Document created to move to for 2024 in CNCF/TAG_CS/Mentoring
10:00 AM Pacific Time (17:00 UTC on 2024-08-15)