copyright | lastupdated | ||
2018-05-07 |
{:new_window: target="_blank"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc}
{: #services_availability}
{{}} identified a set of services as Tier 1. IBM will not withdraw any Tier 1 service without either making a functional equivalent available or providing at least five years notice of the withdrawal.
The following services are classified as Tier 1:
- {{}}
- {{}}
- {{}}
- {{}}
- {{}}
- {{}}
- MongoDB by Compose
- {{}}
- PostgresSQL by Compose
- {{}}
To read more about terms of use for services, see {{}} terms.
{: #service_deprecation}
IBM provides at least 30 days notice of its intention to discontinue or replace a generally available service. If an equivalent replacement is not provided, for at least 12 months from the date of that announcement, IBM uses commercially reasonable means to continue the operation and support of previously deployed instances of the service.