All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Task queueing for non critical tasks like emails etc.
- Fixed checking induction requirements being skipped during signup
- Added max width to credit card component
- Prevent clicking next during signup if saved card doesn’t exist
- Fixed various missing/wrong translations
- Added send grid not configured error to payment card component
- Added stripe not configured error to member bucks and manage billing components
- Fixed add payment plan not closing/resetting correctly
- Updated python dependencies
- Fixed Django warning by specifying explicit ID field in models
- More work on usage statistics
- new signups not receiving induction email
- site sign in info box accent colour
- fixed i18n display issue on plan confirmation page
- improved reliability of stripe subscription creation with some new retry logic
- Various minor bug fixes to the strip subscription flow
- basic usage stats on each door/interlock
- more documentation on how to run linting checks manually
- configuration files for eslint github action and lint-staged/husky
- configuration and documentation for setting up MM on AWS with terraform/copilot
- moved from font awesome to material design icons
- combined doors/interlocks into devices page
- updated some python dependencies
- Plan/Tier card interval string error
- some users can't login (SPA build mode trying to use JWTs)
- fixed short login sessions on iOS (jwt refresh logic)
- self site sign out feature (members can sign out from site using the portal)
- new warning and info banners throughout the site for inactive or account only profiles
- broken reset password functionality
- member tools link disappearing
- make member button bug with account only profiles
- manage member page doesn't refresh after changes
- auto login after email verification
- broken signup flow caused by renaming noobs to needs inductions
- fixed several bugs related to above
- ios version update script
- android capacitor build mode
- made capacitor build mode check if logged in before hiding splashscreen
- sending members to stripe flow if stripe flow is not enabled
- themeing on capacitor build mode
- better documentation for kiosk building
- fixed linting on some files
- refactored all remaining (except for door/interlock controller endpoints) endpoints to use DRF in preparation for mobile app support
- Changed capacitor scheme and changed iOS build target to 13.0
- fixed typo on doors/interlocks page
- fixed some plurarls in django admin
- 𝔗𝔥𝔢𝔪𝔢𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔰𝔲𝔭𝔭𝔬𝔯𝔱 🎨 (thanks @snoopen)
- stripe billing payments
- .dockerignore bug
- added note about nvm/ubuntu dependency
- documentation regarding font awesome icons
- free font awesome icon usage bugs
- out of date packge-lock.json
- minor dependency updates
- removed sentry configuration
- configurable dashboard stats card image.
- updated default/example dashboard cards and icons.
- made Dockerfile build more reliably and published armv7 image.
- This file!
- Google Analytics support (just specify your tracking id in the constance settings).
- Reboot and/or unlock buttons now appear on doors and interlocks.
- Implemented manage door and interlock pages.
- Screenshots of v2 to repo and added to readme.
- Initial typescript support.
- Added Alpha version of iOS app.
- Ground work (backend models, UI and endpoints) for Stripe billing.
- Python linter to GitHub actions.
- Configurable (via constance) site logo URL and sendgrid API key.
- Configurable (via constance) default member type for signups.
- [BREAKING] reset database migrations - existing databases may need to be manually migrated across.
- Updated dockerfile to optimise for final image size. It went from ~2gb down to ~800mb.
- Split out manage member, doors and interlock components to separate page with dedicated route for easier navigation.
- Numerous UI tweaks for improvement to UI and formatting consistency.
- Upgraded to Quasar v2.
- Updated project dependencies.
- Update credit card component has been moved to a separate "Billing" page in anticipation of Stripe billing.
- Set cache header to 0 for index.html to assist with cache busting on frontend updates
- Xero integration has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release once Stripe billing is stable.
- Typos in
- Electron-packager and other dependency conflicts.
- First run detection and fixture loading.
- Added a handful of missing translation definitions.
- Corner/border formatting with credit card component.
- membermatters#90
- membermatters#91
- membermatters#92
- membermatters#93
- membermatters#101
- For these versions, please see the git commit history for changes.
- for new features.
- for changes in existing functionality.
- for soon-to-be removed features.
- for now removed features.
- for any bug fixes.
- in case of vulnerabilities.