This GitHub action updates the image used in an AWS Lambda.
It assumes a role to acquire permissions to update the Lambda.
- Required. ARN of IAM role to assume to update the Lambda.function_name
- Required. Name of the Lambda.image_url
- Required. The URL of the image to use in the Lambda.aws_access_key_id
- Optional. AWS access key ID for credentials. If this is NOT provided, the action will NOT set up AWS credentials; it is assumed they are already set up.aws_secret_access_key
- Optional. AWS secret access key for credentials. If this is NOT provided, the action will NOT set up AWS credentials; it is assumed they are already set up.aws_default_region
- Optional. AWS default region for credentials. If this is NOT provided, the action will NOT set up AWS credentials; it is assumed they are already set up.
uses: generalui/github-workflow-accelerators/.github/actions/[email protected]
assume_lambda_update_role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/updateLambda
function_name: my-lambda
This will update the image in the lambda using the provided role.
The action runs the following steps:
- Checks if AWS credentials need to be configured
- Configures AWS credentials if provided
- Assumes provided IAM role to acquire permissions
- Updates the Lambda with provided image URL
This forces the Lambda to pull the image again even if the name of the image hasn't changed.
- Requires AWS credentials configured if not provided to action
- Credentials are configured for the default profile if provided
- Credentials are removed after workflow completes if configured
- Requires AWS CLI and jq to be installed on runner