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--- a/src/pages/getting-started/_meta.json
+++ b/src/pages/getting-started/_meta.json
@@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
"how-to-build": "How to build?",
"smart-contract-intro": "Smart Contract",
"operations": "Operations over Contract",
- "unit-tests": "Unit Tests",
- "integration-tests": "Integration Tests",
+ "testing": "Testing",
"endpoints": "Creating Endpoints",
"browser-integration": "Browser Integration"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/pages/getting-started/smart-contract-intro.mdx b/src/pages/getting-started/smart-contract-intro.mdx
index f737e9a..f688d33 100644
--- a/src/pages/getting-started/smart-contract-intro.mdx
+++ b/src/pages/getting-started/smart-contract-intro.mdx
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Let's now start by writing a smart contract that we will use to convey framework
## Contract Description
-Setting here is that we have a sport match happening and a group of friends want to bet on the number of goals scored by their favorite team in it.
+A setting here is that we have a sport match happening and a group of friends want to bet on the number of goals scored by their favorite team in it.
Winner is the one whose guess is closest (and in case of tie - the one who takes it fastest!).
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ data BetRefParams = BetRefParams
PlutusTx.makeLift ''BetRefParams
### Reference Input Datum
The Oracle tells us the number of goals scored by the concerned team:
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pages/getting-started/testing.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+import { Callout } from 'nextra-theme-docs'
+# Testing
+Writing smart contracts and operations over them go hand in hand with testing them.
+Tests are also an excellent way to check your smart contracts
+instead of building transactions using `cardano-cli`
+and submitting them to a local node.
+## Levels of testing
+Now that we have written our smart contracts and defined the required operations,
+let's see whether they work as expected. When it comes to testing dApps there are
+plenty of techniques and approaches. Let's focus on __levels__ at which we can
+perform testing:
+ * **Testing of UPLC functions.** You may want to verify that individual functions
+ your validators or minting policies consist of, indeed hold some properties. This is
+ useful if your on-chain logic is convoluted and involves complex computations.
+ This level is tightly coupled to the language you use to build your smart contracts
+ so you should consult the documentation.
+ * **Testing of individual contracts (script level).**
+ You might want to verify that the on-chain contracts you developed behave as expected
+ in isolation just by calling them with hand-constructed arguments for datum,
+ redeemer, and script context (since they are just functions after all)
+ and checking the results. Here again, you can use language-specific tools.
+ But in case your contracts are already compiled down to UPLC code,
+ you will need a special testing framework to do that.
+ Atlas currently doesn't provide such a thing, but there exist some projects of help,
+ namely [liqwid-context-builder](https://github.com/Liqwid-Labs/liqwid-libs/tree/main/plutarch-context-builder)
+ from Liqwid's Libs mono repo. It allows one to easily construct various transaction contexts
+ and verify a result that a particular script evaluates.
+ Testing of individual contracts proved to be very fruitful for both simple
+ and complex applications since it discovers bugs at very early stages
+ even before operations are defined.
+ * **Testing of operations (transactions).**
+ At this level, one can execute whole operations (transactions)
+ an application provides and verifies that they a) can run through and
+ b) confirm that some conditions we are interested in are held.
+ A nice thing to know about Atlas is that it allows you to reuse the code for operations
+ you created in the previous step [Operations over Contract](./operations.mdx).
+ This is the level of testing we discuss in this section.
+ You can also make a distinction between testing individual transactions and
+ testing a flow of transactions, but in practice, it proves to be hard
+ to prepare a hand-made environment for most intermediary transactions to be run in
+ without running transactions that precede, so mostly it boils down
+ to test the whole transaction flow.
+## Overview of unified testing in Atlas
+Testing of whole operations (transactions) requires a Cardano ledger to evaluate them
+and keep the state.
+There are two interchangeable options available in Atlas.
+We will call them *ledger backends* throughout the rest of the section:
+ * __[CLB](https://github.com/mlabs-haskell/clb) emulator__
+ (a modern replacement for deprecated [PSM](https://github.com/mlabs-haskell/plutus-simple-model) library)
+ is the preferable way to test operations.
+ It's built around the pure Cardano ledger without the use of any network or consensus bits
+ and offers incredibly high speed with a tiny memory footprint,
+ but with some functional limitations.
+ You can easily spin up a fresh emulator ledger for every test case,
+ which makes running tests in isolation a trivial task.
+ * __Cardano private test network option__ (privnet for short) provides a more realistic environment.
+ It is a cluster of three `cardano-node` instances
+ that potentially could support all Cardano features,
+ including staking and governance.
+ The main downside of a privnet is that testing time is significantly bigger
+ (minutes not seconds even for simple tests).
+ So it's practically impossible to have a fresh network for every test case
+ but rather for the whole test suite run.
+ Bear in mind that the behavior of the CLB emulator and a Cardano private network differ.
+ Not all features are supported in the emulator, and some notions, e.g. blocks and time
+ is not represented enough in the emulator to carry out all tests.
+ Fortunately, you can switch easily between two backends with unified testing.
+ TODO: add more information on how CLB/privnet differ.
+Now that we know what the two backends available are,
+let's spend some time understanding what **unified testing** in Atlas offers.
+If we dissect a test case within a test suite
+we can identify the following things involved:
+1. An application under testing, including:
+ * Smart contracts
+ * Operations, which usually prepare transactions (or their skeletons)
+2. Definition of a test case, including:
+ * A prelude sequence of actions that prepare the state for a particular
+ operation to be ready to be executed
+ * A condition that wraps an operation we are testing in the test case
+ and expresses checks we want to verify
+3. Test suite runtime:
+ * A ledger backend
+ * Some code to run a test case against a backend
+The idea of unified testing pursues the goal of making items under (1) and (2) reusable
+across different (currently, the two mentioned above) ledger backends.
+Let's run through an example test suite to get the idea and figure out its details.
+## Testing placing a bet
+You can find the entire code for this example [here](https://github.com/geniusyield/atlas/blob/main/tests-unified/GeniusYield/Test/Unified/BetRef/).
+Mind you we are using [`tasty`](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/tasty) to write tests.
+Our objective here would be to write test cases for one of two main operations
+from the `bet-ref` example - namely for placing bet operation.
+### Testing environment
+Unified testing hides implementation details specific to ledger backends under
+a layer of abstraction. Regardless of the backend we ultimately choose there is
+`TestInfo` datatype that provides access to user wallets among other things.
+A wallet is represented by `User` datatype that holds signing keys, address,
+and collateral to use:
+data TestInfo = TestInfo
+ { testGoldAsset :: !GYAssetClass
+ , testIronAsset :: !GYAssetClass
+ , testWallets :: !Wallets }
+data Wallets = Wallets
+ { w1 :: !User
+ ... more eighth wallets ...
+ }
+data User = User
+ { userPaymentSKey :: !GYPaymentSigningKey
+ , userStakeSKey :: !(Maybe GYStakeSigningKey)
+ , userAddresses :: !(NonEmpty GYAddress)
+ , userChangeAddress :: !GYAddress
+ , userCollateral :: Maybe UserCollateral
+ }
+Every wallet in `Wallets` will be funded with an initial set of assets:
+* Million ADA.
+* Million `fakeGold`.
+* Million `fakeIron`.
+`fakeGold` and `fakeIron` are testing Cardano native assets that might be useful
+(though you can ignore them safely).
+In previous sections, we got acquainted with several monads available in Atlas
+namely `GYTxQueryMonad` and `GYTxMonad` that allowed us to query the blockchain
+and to construct transactions. Now it's time to introduce another monad that
+facilitates testing - `GYTxGameMonad`. Its most important action is called
+`asUser` and allows to run computations in `GYTxMonad` using a particular
+wallet (signature is slightly simplified):
+asUser :: User -> GYTxMonad a -> m a
+We conventionally call actions in `GYTxGameMonad` "runners" since they run some
+operations by submitting them under a particular user. We will see examples soon.
+Then we have two functions that allow us to make a test case for a particular
+backend out of a runner (the signature again is slightly modified here):
+mkTestFor :: TestName -> (TestInfo -> GYTxGameMonad a) -> TestTree
+mkPrivnetTestFor :: Setup -> TestName -> (TestInfo -> GYTxGameMonad a) -> TestTree
+Both functions take a name for a test case and a continuation function of type
+`TestInfo -> GYTxGameMonad a`. Then they internally generate the environment to
+do the job. The difference is that `mkPrivnetTestFor` also takes a value of type
+`Setup` that contains information about an instance of a private network.
+This highlights an important distinction between them:
+ * `mkTestFor` spawns a new instance of the emulator on every call - that way
+ all test cases will be given with a fresh (new) blockchain ledger state having
+ the above balances to those 9 wallets.
+ * `mkPrivnetTestFor` is supposed to be run inside a helper function
+ `withPrivnet` which spins up a private testnet according to the configuration
+ provided and calls a series of test cases (i.e. the whole test suite) against it.
+Let's use these bits to build various test cases for operations
+within `bet-ref` example.
+### Defining runner for bet placing operation
+Let's start with the runner to test `placeBet` operation. We won't see anything
+new here. It just uses `asUser action` we just learned to run the operation.
+We need values of all arguments that our operation takes. We cannot know them, so
+we just take all of them as arguments to the runner itself, except the address as
+it can be obtained using `ownAddresses` function. This function gives back all
+the addresses of the wallet (`User`) that we provide to `asUser`.
+Once we get the result of the operation, we can build, sign, and submit a transaction.
+Here, again, the wallet we specified to `asUser` action is used to sign it
+(though you can add additional signatures manually).
+Let's take a look at the code (you can find the full version in the sources,
+here it's slightly redacted for simplicity).
+-- | Run to call the `placeBet` operation.
+ :: GYTxGameMonad m -- We write runners in `GYTxGameMonad` monad
+ => GYTxOutRef -- ^ Script output reference
+ -> BetRefParams -- ^ Parameters
+ -> OracleAnswerDatum -- ^ Bet guess
+ -> GYValue -- ^ Bet value
+ -> Maybe GYTxOutRef -- ^ Ref output with existing bets
+ -> User -- ^ User that plays bet
+ -> m GYTxId
+runPlaceBet refScript brp guess bet mPrevBets user =
+ asUser user $ do
+ -- Get the address
+ addr <- maybeM (throwAppError $ someBackendError "No own addresses")
+ pure $ listToMaybe <$> ownAddresses
+ -- Call the operation
+ skeleton <- placeBet refScript brp guess bet addr mPrevBets
+ -- Submit the transaction
+ buildTxBody skeleton >>= signAndSubmitConfirmed
+### Additional runners
+Let's take a look at the arguments our runner takes:
+ :: GYTxOutRef -- ^ Script output reference
+ -> BetRefParams -- ^ Parameters
+ -> OracleAnswerDatum -- ^ Bet guess
+ -> GYValue -- ^ Bet value
+ -> Maybe GYTxOutRef -- ^ Ref output with existing bets
+ -> User -- ^ User that plays bet
+ -> m GYTxId
+Bet guess, value, existing bets, and the user that plays a bet pertain to the
+test case, so we should somehow pick or generate values for them
+(we will just use some sensible values in this example).
+But the first argument of type `GYTxOutRef` can't seem to be easy to know.
+It's the transaction output reference (transaction hash and output index number)
+that should contain a reference script on the ledger. To create it we need to build
+and submit another transaction.
+So we need another runner that applies the script to arguments, builds a transaction
+that will deploy it, sign and submits it. Let's pretend we don't have such an operation
+to build a transaction to deploy within our application but what we have is
+a function that makes the script. Notice the use `GYTxQueryMonad` here since all that function
+needs is only to figure out the current slot in the ledger to make the calculations:
+-- | Queries the current slot, calculates the parameters, and builds
+-- a script that is ready to be deployed.
+ :: GYTxQueryMonad m
+ => Integer -- ^ How many slots betting should be open
+ -> Integer -- ^ How many slots should pass before oracle reveals answer
+ -> GYPubKeyHash -- ^ Oracle PKH
+ -> GYValue -- ^ Bet step value
+ -> m (BetRefParams, GYScript PlutusV2)
+mkScript betUntil betReveal oraclePkh betStep = do
+ ... [the body is omitted] ...
+It takes several parameters that define the process of betting,
+does some calculations, and gives us back all the parameters of type `BetRefParams`
+and also `GYScript PlutusV2` which is the script we can deploy. So in this case
+we have to build the transaction directly within the runner. Fortunately,
+we can use `addRefScript` function that does exactly what we need:
+-- | Runner to build and submit a transaction that deploys the reference script.
+ :: GYTxGameMonad m
+ => Integer -- ^ Bet Until slot
+ -> Integer -- ^ Bet Reveal slot
+ -> GYValue -- ^ Bet step value
+ -> Wallets
+ -> m (BetRefParams, GYTxOutRef)
+runDeployScript betUntil betReveal betStep ws = do
+ (params, script) <- mkScript betUntil betReveal (userPkh $ oracle ws) betStep
+ asUser (admin ws) $ do
+ let sAddr = userAddr (holder ws)
+ refScript <- addRefScript sAddr script
+ pure (params, refScript)
+This runner doesn't call any application operations, but now we can run it
+before our main runner `runPlaceBet` since it returns both `BetRefParams`
+and `GYTxOutRef` we need to call the main runner and ultimately `placeBet`
+### Place first bet test
+Now we are finally ready to write our first test.
+It should first use `runDeployScript` to calculate and deploy the script
+and then run the main runner `runPlaceBet`
+checking that a transaction goes through and the balance of the user
+that submits it gets smaller accordingly
+(of course, we could imagine other checks as well).
+-- | Test for placing the first bet.
+ :: GYTxGameMonad m
+ => Integer
+ -> Integer
+ -> GYValue
+ -> OracleAnswerDatum
+ -> GYValue
+ -> TestInfo
+ -> m ()
+firstBetTest betUntil betReveal betStep dat bet (testWallets -> ws@Wallets{w1}) = do
+ (brp, refScript) <- runDeployScript betUntil betReveal betStep ws
+ withWalletBalancesCheckSimple [w1 := valueNegate bet] $ do
+ void $ runPlaceBet refScript brp dat bet Nothing w1
+The code almost verbatim repeats what we just said using the function `withWalletBalancesCheckSimple`[^1].
+It allows checking the change of wallet's balance with no caring about transaction and storage fees
+(the latter is also known as minimal ADA - the number of coins that should accompany Cardano native tokens).
+This convenience is possible because Atlas manages its own record of
+all fees that were spent over the course of tests, so they can be accounted
+automatically. This way we just provide the expected delta in balance by negating
+bet's value. More precisely this function takes a list of tuples[^2] where the first element
+of the tuple is the wallet and the second element denotes the difference in
+the wallet's value which we expect after the execution of the operation
+defined inside its `do` block.
+Here we want the balance of wallet 1 (which is the one calling this operation)
+to decrease with the bet amount and also the fees.
+We specify all parameters when defining a test case:
+placeBetTests :: TestTree
+placeBetTests = testGroup "Place Bet (Emulator)"
+ [ mkTestFor "Balance checks after placing first bet" firstBetTest'
+ ]
+firstBetTest' :: GYTxGameMonad m => TestInfo -> m ()
+firstBetTest' = firstBetTest
+ 40
+ 100
+ (valueFromLovelace 200_000_000)
+ (OracleAnswerDatum 3)
+ (valueFromLovelace 20_000_000)
+Use the following command to observe test's results (being granted you are inside a Nix
+$ cabal run atlas-unified-tests -- -p 'Emulator.Place bet.Placing first bet'
+### Multiple bets test
+Now let's write a slightly more involved test. This time we want to make sure
+that many bets placed in a raw using different wallets can be submitted and the
+balances of the wallets change accordingly.
+Let's start with defining some additional type aliases to save up space:
+-- This is an alias for fields of `Wallet` datatype
+type Wallet = Wallets -> User
+-- This type represent a bet made by a wallet
+type Bet = (Wallet, OracleAnswerDatum, GYValue)
+Now we want to write a function `mkMultipleBetsTest`, we can pass a list
+of concrete bets to build a test case:
+multipleBetsTest :: GYTxGameMonad m => TestInfo -> m ()
+multipleBetsTest TestInfo{..} = mkMultipleBetsTest
+ 400 1_000 (valueFromLovelace 10_000_000) -- game params
+ -- list of bets
+ [ (w1, OracleAnswerDatum 1, valueFromLovelace 10_000_000)
+ , (w2, OracleAnswerDatum 2, valueFromLovelace 20_000_000)
+ , (w3, OracleAnswerDatum 3, valueFromLovelace 30_000_000)
+ , (w2, OracleAnswerDatum 4, valueFromLovelace 50_000_000)
+ , (w4, OracleAnswerDatum 5, valueFromLovelace 65_000_000
+ <> valueSingleton testGoldAsset 1_000)
+ ]
+ testWallets
+As usual, let's commence with a runner. We already have a runner for placing a
+single bet so we can reuse it:
+-- | Runner for multiple bets.
+ :: GYTxGameMonad m
+ => BetRefParams
+ -> GYTxOutRef -- ^ Reference script
+ -> [Bet]
+ -> Wallets
+ -> m ()
+runMultipleBets brp refScript bets ws = go bets True
+ where
+ go [] _ = return ()
+ go ((getWallet, dat, bet) : remBets) isFirst = do
+ if isFirst then do
+ gyLogInfo' "" "placing the first bet"
+ void $ runPlaceBet refScript brp dat bet Nothing (getWallet ws)
+ go remBets False
+ else do
+ gyLogInfo' "" "placing a next bet"
+ -- need to get previous bet utxo
+ betRefAddr <- betRefAddress brp
+ GYUTxO{utxoRef} <- head . utxosToList <$> utxosAtAddress betRefAddr Nothing
+ gyLogDebug' "" $ printf "previous bet utxo: %s" utxoRef
+ void $ runPlaceBet refScript brp dat bet (Just utxoRef) (getWallet ws)
+ go remBets False
+The runner recursively traverses the list of bets, calling `runPlaceBet` on every
+element, indicating whether it is the first element or not using the last
+parameter of `go`. Once we have the runner at hand we can write the test. We are
+going to skip some details to handle balances, you can find the full version in
+the source code.
+-- | Makes a test case for placing multiple bets.
+ :: GYTxGameMonad m
+ => Integer -- ^ Number of slots for betting
+ -> Integer -- ^ Number of slots for revealing
+ -> GYValue -- ^ Bet step
+ -> [Bet] -- ^ List denoting the bets
+ -> Wallets -- ^ Wallets available
+ -> m ()
+mkMultipleBetsTest betUntil betReveal betStep bets ws = do
+ -- Deploy script
+ (brp, refScript) <- runDeployScript betUntil betReveal betStep ws
+ -- Get the balance
+ balanceBefore <- getBalance
+ gyLogDebug' "" $ printf "balanceBeforeAllTheseOps: %s" (mconcat balanceBefore)
+ -- Run operations
+ runMultipleBets brp refScript bets ws
+ -- Get the balance again
+ balanceAfter <- getBalance
+ gyLogDebug' "" $ printf "balanceAfterAllTheseOps: %s" (mconcat balanceAfter)
+ -- Check the difference
+ verify $ zip3
+ walletsAndBets
+ balanceBefore
+ balanceAfter
+ where
+ ... some balance-related functions are omitted here ...
+ -- | Function to verify that the wallet indeed lost by /roughly/ the bet amount.
+ -- We say /roughly/ as fees is assumed to be within (0, 1 ada].
+ verify :: GYTxGameMonad m => [((User, GYValue), GYValue, GYValue)] -> m ()
+ verify [] = return ()
+ verify (((wallet, diff), vBefore, vAfter) : xs) =
+ let vAfterWithoutFees = vBefore <> diff
+ (expectedAdaWithoutFees, expectedOtherAssets) = valueSplitAda vAfterWithoutFees
+ (actualAda, actualOtherAssets) = valueSplitAda vAfter
+ threshold = 1_000_000 -- 1 ada
+ in
+ if expectedOtherAssets == actualOtherAssets
+ && actualAda < expectedAdaWithoutFees
+ && expectedAdaWithoutFees - threshold <= actualAda
+ then verify xs
+ else
+ throwAppError . someBackendError . T.pack $
+ printf "For wallet %s expected value (without fees) %s but actual is %s"
+ (show $ userAddr wallet)
+ (show vAfterWithoutFees)
+ (show vAfter)
+Use the following command to observe the test's results (being granted you are inside a Nix
+$ cabal run atlas-unified-tests -- -p 'Emulator.Place bet.Multiple bets'
+### Writing negative tests
+But sometimes we want a test to fail! What happens if the newly placed bet is
+not more than at least `brpBetStep` amount? What happens if the transaction
+skeleton is somewhat wrong, say we didn't put `mustBeSignedBy`? What if someone
+tries to place a bet after `brpBetUntil`? What if...
+Let's add another test:
+failingMultipleBetsTest :: GYTxGameMonad m => TestInfo -> m ()
+failingMultipleBetsTest TestInfo{..} = mkMultipleBetsTest
+ 400 1_000 (valueFromLovelace 10_000_000)
+ [ (w1, OracleAnswerDatum 1, valueFromLovelace 10_000_000)
+ , (w2, OracleAnswerDatum 2, valueFromLovelace 20_000_000)
+ , (w3, OracleAnswerDatum 3, valueFromLovelace 30_000_000)
+ , (w2, OracleAnswerDatum 4, valueFromLovelace 50_000_000)
+ , (w4, OracleAnswerDatum 5, valueFromLovelace 55_000_000
+ <> valueSingleton testGoldAsset 1_000)
+ ]
+ testWallets
+If we run it we will get an error, since the last bet doesn't respect the minimal
+bet step which is `10_000_000` lovelaces. Well for all such cases, we can assert
+that a given trace must fail. It's done slightly differently for the emulator and
+a private test network. For the emulator we just use `mustFail`:
+placeBetTestsClb :: TestTree
+placeBetTestsClb = testGroup "Place bet"
+ [ mkTestFor "Multiple bets - to small step" $ mustFail . failingMultipleBetsTest
+ ]
+For a private testnet it's more wordy:
+placeBetTests :: Setup -> TestTree
+placeBetTests setup = testGroup "Place bet"
+ [ mkPrivnetTestFor' "Multiple bets - too small step" GYDebug setup $
+ handleError
+ (\case
+ GYBuildTxException GYBuildTxBodyErrorAutoBalance {} -> pure ()
+ e -> throwError e
+ )
+ . failingMultipleBetsTest
+ ]
+This section concludes our journey to testing dApps with Atlas.
+[^1]: If you were to have fine-grained control over balance change, use `withWalletBalancesCheck` instead.
+[^2]: To convey the message better, we have a defined [`(:=)`](https://haddock.atlas-app.io/GeniusYield-Test-Utils.html#v::-61-) pattern synonym:
+ ```haskell
+ pattern (:=) :: x -> y -> (x, y)
+ pattern (:=) x y = (x, y)
+ ```
diff --git a/src/pages/introduction.mdx b/src/pages/introduction.mdx
index 9677867..6b5af24 100644
--- a/src/pages/introduction.mdx
+++ b/src/pages/introduction.mdx
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ Avoid code duplication between on-chain and off-chain code, interoperate with ad
Query ledger state information from remote provider such as [Maestro](https://www.gomaestro.org/dapp-platform), [Blockfrost](https://blockfrost.io/) or from your own node with the help of [Kupo](https://cardanosolutions.github.io/kupo/). You can also build and contribute your own data provider!
### Test extensively
-Use Atlas' test harness to write realistic [unit tests](./getting-started/unit-tests) that correspond to on-chain behavior, and execute [integration tests](./getting-started/integration-tests) against cardano node in a private network.
+Use Atlas' test harness to write realistic [tests](./getting-started/testing)
+that can be run against an emulator or a private Cardano network.
### Stay up to date
Benefit from Cardano's latest innovations such as **Reference Inputs**, **Inline Datums** and **Reference Scripts**. Conway we are looking at you 👀.