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Install Cardano Executables

This guide covers installing cardano-node, cardano-cli and optionally cardano-db-sync into $HOME/.local/bin.


  • This guide assumes you are running a Debian/Ubuntu linux OS. If you are using a different flavor of Linux, you will need to use the correct package manager for your platform

Download/install the latest release tags of Cardano node and Cardano CLI executables

  • Go to the README page of the cardano-node project and you will see links to follow, where you can download the latest release binaries.
  • Copy the binaries to local user path
    # extract cardano-cli and cardano-node from the archive
    # copy them to local path location
    cp cardano-cli $HOME/.local/bin/
    cp cardano-node $HOME/.local/bin/

Continue to guide: 3. Run Network Scripts

If you don't plan on using cardano-db-sync, you can continue to guide: 3. Run Network Scripts.

Otherwise, continue following the directions below.

Note: The remainder of this guide covers how to build the cardano-db-sync executables from Haskell sources. You may skip the rest of this readme, if db-sync is not relevant to you.

Optional: Building cardano-db-sync from Haskell sources using cabal and GHC

1. Install package dependencies and Haskell tooling

  • Install package dependencies of tools

    # update/upgrade your package indexes
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade  
    # reboot as necessary
    sudo apt-get install automake build-essential pkg-config libffi-dev libgmp-dev libssl-dev libtinfo-dev libsystemd-dev zlib1g-dev make g++ tmux git jq wget libncursesw5 libtool autoconf -y  
  • Install Cabal and GHC using GHCUp - Haskell language installer

    # download and run get-ghcup script
    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
    # During questions, I chose to (A)ppend the path to ghc to .bashrc
    # and did not choose to install Haskell Language Server (HLS) or stack
    # source the bash start script to apply updates to PATH
    cd $HOME
    source .bashrc
    # get the latest updates to GHCUp tool
    ghcup upgrade
    # install cabal with GHCUp 
    ghcup install cabal
    ghcup set cabal
    # install GHC with GHCUp
    ghcup install ghc 8.10.7
    ghcup set ghc 8.10.7
    # Update cabal and verify the correct versions were installed successfully.
    cabal update
    cabal --version
    ghc --version

2. Install latest release tags of Cardano db-sync executables including some patches necessary to make things work in private testnet

Note: The directions below are to build cardano-db-sync from Haskell sources using cabal and GHC. If you want to explore other options to build or deploy, e.g. using nix-build or docker, please see the IOHK cardano-db-sync README for more info.

Note2: The directions below include applying some cherry-pick commits, which are necessary to allow cardano-db-sync to work with a private testnet. If you want to understand the issue, please visit: issue.

  • Clone the IOHK cardano-db-sync repo

    cd $HOME/src
    git clone
    cd cardano-db-sync  
    # fetch the list of tags and check out the latest release tag name  
    git fetch --tags --all
    # checkout the latest release (currently 12.0.2 as of 3/27/22) of db-sync
    git checkout $(curl -s | jq -r .tag_name)
    # cherry pick the following 2 commits (using -n to avoid auto committing into local git repo)
    # cherry-pick #1 - change to Genesis.hs
    git cherry-pick -n bff6e182cf41f6f7a9ff3d08bb1fc9984e2d0f66
    # cherry-pick #2 - change to Block.hs
    git cherry-pick -n 132f569bcd297ce73bca407a52acee513aa75389
  • Fetch postgres libpq-dev package, update dependencies and build the cardano-db-sync project. This can take 20 minutes+

    Note: Building cardano-db-sync project from source, depends on finding the postgres libpq-dev package on the host OS.

    sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
    cabal update
    # build cardano-db-sync executables
    cabal build all
  • Copy db-sync executables to local user default path location

    cp -p $(find dist-newstyle/build -type f -name "cardano-db-sync") $HOME/.local/bin/cardano-db-sync
    cp -p $(find dist-newstyle/build -type f -name "cardano-db-sync-extended") $HOME/.local/bin/cardano-db-sync-extended  
  • Verify the versions of the db-sync executables

    cardano-db-sync --version
    cardano-db-sync-extended --version
    # when this document was written, the current version for each is 12.0.2 on linux-x86_64

Continue to next guide: 2. Install PostgreSQL instructions