Summary Introduction What is Feathers Quick Start Your First App Getting Set Up Scaffolding and Services User Management Manipulating data Building a Front-end Why Feathers Philosophy Built with Feathers Features Feathers vs. X Express + Feathers vs Meteor Feathers vs Sails Feathers vs Firebase Feathers vs Parse Services Providers REST Realtime Primus Real-time Events Event Filtering Databases Pagination and sorting Querying Extending adapters In Memory KnexJS localStorage/AsyncStorage Mongoose MongoDB NeDB Sequelize Waterline LevelUP RethinkDB Elastcisearch Hooks Usage Common hooks Deprecated Bundled hooks Client Use Feathers Client REST Primus Direct connection REST Primus Frameworks React React Native jQuery CanJS Angular Angular 2 Vue.js Choo Middleware Express Middleware Routing and Versioning HTTPS, VHost, sub-apps Authentication Token (JWT) Local (username & password) Oauth1 (Twitter, etc) OAuth2 (Facebook, etc) Two Factor Password Management Feathers Client Authorization Bundled Hooks Error Handling Logging Configuration Debugging Testing Security Scaling Core API Guides Migrating to Feathers 2 Using A View Engine Uploading files Creating a plugin Seeding Services Help FAQ Contributing Changelog License