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title: Blockchain vs (Hyper) Ledger -- Inside (Hyper) Ledger Lite - Add Transactions One Block at a Time and Balance the Accounts (Books)

Blockchain! Blockchain! Blockchain! Decentralize Payments. Decentralize Transactions. Decentralize Blockchains.

What's Blockchain?

  • Distributed Database?
  • Hyper Ledger Book?
  • Consensus with Proof-of-Work or Proof-of-Stake?
  • Digital Fingerprints? Cryptographic Hashes?
  • Lottery? Central Bank?
  • Byzantine-Generals Solution?

Yes. Yes. Yes. Blockchain! Blockchain! Blockchain!

(Source: openblockchains/whatsblockchain)

Inside Blockchains - Inside (Hyper) Ledgers

Q: What's the best way to understand and learn about blockchains and (hyper) ledgers?

A: Do it yourself (DIY)! Build your own blockchains and (hyper) ledgers from scratch (zero)!

Let's Build Your Own (Hyper) Ledger (From Zero / Scratch)

Crypto God? Python Cowboy? Ruby Ninja? JavaScript Rockstar?

Yes, you can.

Awesome Blockchains

What's Awesome Blockchains?

A public page that collects articles on building your own blockchains and (hyper) ledgers from scratch (zero) - github: openblockchains/awesome-blockchains.

What's (Hyper) Ledger Lite?

ledger-lite library (github: openblockchains/ledger.lite.rb) - (free, open source) hyper ledger book for the distributed blockchain internet era; add your transactions one block at a time; transfer crypto currencies or collectibles and balance the accounts.

Blockchain vs (Hyper) Ledger (Book) - What's the Difference?

Q: What's the Difference?

Blockchain vs (Hyper) Ledger (Book) - What's the Difference?

Blockchain - a list (chain) of blocks of transactions.

Blockchain Lite Example:

b0 = Block.first(
        { from: "Dutchgrown", to: "Vincent", what: "Tulip Bloemendaal Sunset", qty: 10 },
        { from: "Keukenhof",  to: "Anne",    what: "Tulip Semper Augustus",    qty: 7  } )

b1 = b0,
        { from: "Flowers", to: "Ruben", what: "Tulip Admiral van Eijck",  qty: 5 },
        { from: "Vicent",  to: "Anne",  what: "Tulip Bloemendaal Sunset", qty: 3 },
        { from: "Anne",    to: "Julia", what: "Tulip Semper Augustus",    qty: 1 },
        { from: "Julia",   to: "Luuk",  what: "Tulip Semper Augustus",    qty: 1 } )

b2 = b1,
        { from: "Bloom & Blossom", to: "Daisy",   what: "Tulip Admiral of Admirals", qty: 8 },
        { from: "Vincent",         to: "Max",     what: "Tulip Bloemendaal Sunset",  qty: 2 },
        { from: "Anne",            to: "Martijn", what: "Tulip Semper Augustus",     qty: 2 },
        { from: "Ruben",           to: "Julia",   what: "Tulip Admiral van Eijck",   qty: 2 } )

Blockchain vs (Hyper) Ledger (Book) - What's the Difference?

Ledger Book = Accounting Book = Book of Accounts

What's an Account?

Q: An account records .... ?

A: Transactions, transaction, transactions.

Blockchain vs (Hyper) Ledger (Book) - What's the Difference?

Ledger Lite Example:

ledger =

ledger.write( from: "Keukenhof†",  to: "Vincent", qty: 11, name: "Tulip Admiral van Eijck" ))
ledger.write( from: "Vincent",     to: "Anne",    qty:  3, name: "Tulip Admiral van Eijck" ))
ledger.write( from: "Anne",        to: "Julia",   qty:  2, name: "Tulip Admiral van Eijck" ))
ledger.write( from: "Julia",       to: "Luuk",    qty:  1, name: "Tulip Admiral van Eijck" ))

ledger.write( from: "Dutchgrown†", to: "Ruben",   qty: 11, name: "Tulip Semper Augustus" ), from: "Vincent",     to: "Max",     qty:  3, name: "Tulip Admiral van Eijck" ), from: "Ruben",       to: "Julia",   qty:  2, name: "Tulip Semper Augustus" ), from: "Anne",        to: "Martijn", qty:  1, name: "Tulip Admiral van Eijck" ))

Blockchain vs (Hyper) Ledger (Book) - What's the Difference?

Ledger Lite Example:

ledger =

ledger.write( from: "Keukenhof†",  to: "Vincent", qty: 11, name: "Tulip Admiral van Eijck" ),
     from: "Vincent",     to: "Anne",    qty:  3, name: "Tulip Admiral van Eijck" ),
     from: "Anne",        to: "Julia",   qty:  2, name: "Tulip Admiral van Eijck" ),
     from: "Julia",       to: "Luuk",    qty:  1, name: "Tulip Admiral van Eijck" )), from: "Dutchgrown†", to: "Ruben",   qty: 11, name: "Tulip Semper Augustus" ),
     from: "Vincent",     to: "Max",     qty:  3, name: "Tulip Admiral van Eijck" ),
     from: "Ruben",       to: "Julia",   qty:  2, name: "Tulip Semper Augustus" ),
     from: "Anne",        to: "Martijn", qty:  1, name: "Tulip Admiral van Eijck" )))

Blockchain vs (Hyper) Ledger (Book) - What's the Difference?

Q: What's the Difference?

Blockchain vs (Hyper) Ledger (Book) - What's the Difference?


  • bundles transactions into blocks
  • transactions get added to the chain on block at a time

=> Is the transaction valid and the "consensus" / accepted "time-stamped" truth to be trusted?


  • add one transaction at a time
  • balances your accounts!
  • double entry bookkeeping (or triple entry bookkeeping!)

=> Who owns what?

Double Entry Bookkeeping (Accounting)

Double-entry bookkeeping, in accounting, is a system of bookkeeping so named because every entry to an account requires a corresponding and opposite entry to a different account. The double entry has two equal and corresponding sides known as debit and credit. The left-hand side is debit and right-hand side is credit.

-- Wikipedia

## apply/do single transaction - send payment - do transfer
def send( from, to, amount )

  if sufficient?( from, amount )
     @addr[ from ] -= amount
     @addr[ to   ] += amount

end  # method send

## note: transfer is an alias for send (payment)
alias :transfer :send

Ledger vs Hyper Ledger - What's the difference?

Hyper - Ledger (book) for the distributed blockchain internet era

Coinbase! Create money out of ... nothing one block at a time! (†)

Ledger.configure do |config|
  config.coinbase = ['Keukenhof†']

# ...

def send( from, to, amount )
  if sufficient?( from, amount )
    if Ledger.config.coinbase?( from )
      # note: coinbase has unlimited funds!! ("virtual" built-in money printing address)
      @addr[ from ] -= amount
    @addr[ to ] += amount
end  # method send

(†): Yes, I know. Creating money out of nothing is not new :-). One block at a time every ten minutes with a lottery might.

Inside Ledger Lite - Currencies, Commodities, Collectibles, Assets and More

Ledger Lite lets you design / create your own transactions.

For example, let's use from, to, qty (quantity) and name (of commodity, collectible or asset). Override the Ledger#unpack method for "unpacking" arguments from transactions and the Ledger#send method for "committing" transactions:

def unpack( tx )
  ## "unpack" from, to, qty, name values
  if tx.is_a?( Hash )   ## support hashes
    from   = tx[:from]
    to     = tx[:to]
    qty    = tx[:qty]
    name   = tx[:name]
  else   ## assume it's a transaction (tx) struct/class
    from   = tx.from
    to     =
    qty    = tx.qty
    name   =

Inside Ledger Lite - Currencies, Commodities, Collectibles, Assets and More (Cont.)

def send( from, to, qty, name )
  if sufficient?( from, qty, name )
    if Ledger.config.coinbase?( from )
      # note: coinbase has unlimited supply!! magic happens here
      @addr[ from ][ name ] -= qty
    @addr[ to ][ name ] += qty

Inside Ledger Lite - Currencies, Commodities, Collectibles, Assets and More (Cont.)

Now use the ledger with the new transaction format like:

ledger =

ledger.send( "Keukenhof†",  "Vincent", 11, "Tulip Admiral van Eijck" )
ledger.send( "Vincent",     "Anne",     3, "Tulip Admiral van Eijck" )
ledger.send( "Anne",        "Julia",    2, "Tulip Admiral van Eijck" )
ledger.send( "Julia",       "Luuk",     1, "Tulip Admiral van Eijck" )

ledger.send( "Dutchgrown†", "Ruben",   11, "Tulip Semper Augustus"  )
ledger.send( "Vincent",     "Max",      3, "Tulip Admiral van Eijck" )
ledger.send( "Ruben",       "Julia",    2, "Tulip Semper Augustus" )
ledger.send( "Anne",        "Martijn",  1, "Tulip Admiral van Eijck"

Do-it-yourself (DIY) - Build Your Own Real-World Case Studies

Open source, free case studies using blockchain-lite, merkletree, p2p, and ledger-lite include:

And last but not least:

  • Shilling (or Schilling) also known as Bitshilling - github: bitshilling

Do-it-yourself (DIY) - Build Your Own Real-World Case Studies - Central Bank

Central Bank - centralbank command line tool (and core library) - print your own money / cryptocurrency; run your own federated central bank nodes on the blockchain peer-to-peer over HTTP; revolutionize the world one block at a time

Command Line. Use the centralbank command line tool. Try:

$ centralbank -h     

resulting in:

Usage: centralbank [options]

  Wallet options:
    -n, --name=NAME                  Address name (default: Alice)

  Server (node) options:
    -o, --host HOST                  listen on HOST (default:
    -p, --port PORT                  use PORT (default: 4567)
    -h, --help                       Prints this help

Do-it-yourself (DIY) - Build Your Own Real-World Case Studies - Central Bank (Cont.)

To start a new (network) node using the default wallet address (that is, Alice) and the default server host and port settings use:

$ centralbank

Stand back ten feets :-) while starting up the machinery. Ready to print (mine) money on the blockchain? In your browser open up the page e.g. http://localhost:4567. Voila!

Do-it-yourself (DIY) - Build Your Own Real-World Case Studies - Shilling (or Schilling)

Shilling (or Schilling) on the Blockchain! - Rock-Solid Alpine Dollar from Austria - BTS is the new ATS - Bitcoin Sidechain

Find out more @ github: bitshilling.