The secure mode allows Yoti back-end
verifying the image captured on the client-side browser with the FCM hasn't been
modified in any form. Note the Secure mode of Yoti FCM will request Yoti
back-end in order to download the encrypted capture package that takes the
photos and create the secure result request. The secure result information will
be returned in onSuccess
"img": "<base64_img>",
"secure": {
"version": "<fcm_version>",
"token": "<session_token>",
"signature": "<result_signature>"
The flow for the secure mode is the following:
- Request for a session ->
- Request for the obfuscated javascript module ->
Where <version>
is the current version of the FCM (It is embedded in the
module) and the <token>
is the session token the first request returns.
participant A as Browser (FCM)
participant B as Secure Module Server
participant C as Integrator back-end
participant D as Yoti Anti Spoofing Service
A->>B: Request for a session
B->>A: New session response
A->>B: Request for the secure capture module
B->>A: Secure capture module result
A->>A: Take picture
A->>C: Send capture result
C->>D: Propagate request to the Anti Spoofing service