- New onboarding
- Adblocker toggle controls all blocking
- Ability to disable redirect protection
- Fixed: error message on recent Chrome versions (#806)
- Fixed: Ghostery Account login problems on Firefox
- Fixed: WTM default setting for Ghostery Browsers
- Improve: better error reporting
- Fixed: Ghostery onboarding and update popup should no longer be displayed on every startup #500 - fixed with following changes:
- Fixed: Firefox first party cookie isolation was breaking Ghostery settings #795
- Fixed: Ghostery account initialization could break extension startup #796
- Fixed: Initialization could not finish which will prevent the extension from saving settings (#792)
- Improve: Critical errors reporting (#791)
- Improve: Vietnamese translations - thanks to @tachibana-shin (#773)
- Fixed: missing icons and descriptions for new categories (#778)
- Fixed: cleanup extension storage (#776)
- Update: sunset smart blocking (#779)
- Fixed: Memory leak in Chromium based browsers (#764)
- Update: adblocker engine update (#765)
- Improve: registration forms moved to ghostery.com (#769)
- Fixed: In a new installation, the AdBlocking engine started with the wrong block mode (#752)
- Free up space in chrome.storage.local by deleting obsolete keys (#750)
- Add disable button on trackers preview iframe (#746)
- Settings: option to disable Trackers Preview on search results (#742)
- Smart Blocking: Disable the exception for first-party tracking, allowing Ghostery to block Google Beacons (#730)
- WhoTrackMe tracker wheel shown on the the Google search page (#738)
- Improved the logic to decide whether to block new trackers (#732)
- Fixes site breakage related to the Tracker-Tally and changed it to be opt-in (#727)
- Fix for WebAssembly in Chrome and Edge (#739)
- Updated translations (#731)
- Remove Ghostery Dawn onboarding (#721)
- Fixes panel header alignment in Chrome (#713)
- Adds cross-extension messaging for Ghostery Search (#712)
- Remove promo modals for Insights and Midnight (#706)
- Allow host name fuzzy matching for Compatibility URLs (#680)
- Add subscription status to CMP fetch URL (#694)
- Avoid possible race condition in ABTest & CMP on Dawn (#687)
- Updates to intro hub (#711, #710, #708)
This release is for Ghostery Dawn only.
- Onboading improvements and bug fixes for Ghostery Dawn browser
- Updated translations
See the complete GitHub milestone
- Integrate new v4 tracker databases (#616)
- Pull tracker meta data from whotracks.me (#616)
- Migrate from Cliqz browser-core to ghostery-common (#644)
- Allow user to disable automatic updates for Anti-Tracking and Ad-Blocker (#646, #561)
- New on-boarding hub for Ghostery Browser (#665)
See the complete GitHub milestone
- Adds support for Ghostery Browser (#621, #622)
- Remove Ghostery Rewards (#630)
- Updated feature names (#613, #626, #627)
- Shortened metrics uninstall URL (#615)
- Fixes bug with initial account settings sync (#629)
- Bug fixes (#617, #624, #625, #628)
- Updated translations
See the complete GitHub milestone
- Updated Firefox Android extension panel UI and mobile optimizations (#587)
- New console debugging interface for user troubleshooting (#568)
- Display error message after too many failed login attempts (#577)
- Add opt-out for AB Tests (#608)
- Added product id parameter to extension pings (#574)
- Detect Ghostery Desktop Browser (#602)
- Remove broken page pings (#609)
- On-boarding AB Tests (#603)
- Updated translations
See the complete GitHub milestone
- Fixes bug where Ghostery icon could be grayed out on restricted sites (#564)
- Clean up lint suppression rules. Remove React UNSAFE events. (#559, #566)
- Fixes bug where themes were not unlocked on upgrade (#555)
- Add upgrade promotion to Intro Hub (#551)
- Adds options for yearly subscription plans (#567)
- Rate limit password reset attempts (#548)
- Add A/B testing support to promo modals (#583)
- Updates to account creation panel messaging (#541)
- Slimmer Human Web modules for Android browsers (#569)
- Remove Spring promo modal (#571)
- Search for missing language tokens (#563)
- Updated campaign metrics (#576)
- Update dependencies
- Bump minimum versions for Firefox, Chrome and Opera
- Unlock Plus features for Ghostery Midnight users (#546)
- Update Ghostery Plus feature list in subscription panel (#540)
- Remove hard-coded subscription pricing (#547)
- New Spring themes for Plus subscribers (#525)
- New settings option to select Ad-Blocker lists (#527)
- Add password reset link to Intro Hub (#507)
- Updated in-app promo modals (#509)
- Fixes bug in site-specific tracker white-listing (#522, Fixes #519)
- Improved Click2Play Script Injection (#528)
- Standardize all Ghostery staging and production global URLs (#511)
- Updated Rewards UI (#521)
- Update legacy unit tests (#526)
- Updated translations
- Better handling of semantic version comparison (#524)
- Updates to AMO build script (#524)
- Fixes issue that could intermittently cause some cookies to be reset (Fixes #514)
- Handle legacy opt-in settings for Firefox (#518)
- Migrate to the new Chromium-based Edge browser (#492)
- Disable Purplebox on Firefox Android (#494)
- Allow white-listing of wildcard domains (#501)
- Allow site-specific white-listing of Unknown Trackers caught by Ad-Blocker (#503)
- Fixes issue when adding localhost to Trusted Sites with port value (Fixes #470)
- Add locale-appropriate formatting to historical stats numbers (#498)
- Remove email opt-in from account creation in panel and hub (#495)
- More aggressive cookie-blocking via Anti-Tracking (#490)
- Modularize Rewards code (#462)
- Updated promo modals for Ghostery Midnight (#485, #486)
- Disabled Rewards for Edge (#483)
- Updated translations
- Remove unused telemetry from promo modals (#474)
- Update Rewards opt-in setting for Firefox
- New upgrade modals for Ghostery Plus & Ghostery Insights (#458,#460,#463,#464,#467,#468)
- Improves context-detection of WebRequests, particularly for pages using service workers (#461)
- Fixes some cases where cookies were blocked for first parties because anti-tracking thought they were third (#461)
- Updates Ad Blocker version. We now support HTML filters on Firefox (#461)
- Human Web cleanup and refactor (#461)
- Updated telemetry (#466)
- Updated translations
- Language string cleanup
- Fixes issue where Detail View is blank when there are only Unknown trackers found (#446)
- New opt-in flow for Ghostery Rewards (#444)
- Uncheck email promotions options for create account view (#446)
- Revert Rewards opt-in setting for Firefox (#446)
- Compatibility fixes for Cliqz browser (#450, #452, #455)
- Fixes issue where Ghostery on-boarding Hub appeared on each browser launch (Fixes #456)
- Fixes issue where site-specific blocking settings did not persist for some users
- Fixes for AMO build script
- Update project dependencies
- Updated translations
- Fix slow memory leak in Firefox (#434)
- Fix error message on Forgot Password panel (#440)
- Update Intro Hub copy for Firefox (#436)
- Change Rewards opt-in setting for Firefox (#437)
- Adds Cliqz anti-ad-blocker circumvention rules (#443)
- Package build script for AMO review (#441)
- Updated translations
- Add new Unknown tracker category in detail view with anti-tracking whitelist (#417, #433)
- Fixes broken
links in Opera (#426) - Fixes error
Uncaught TypeError: c.querySelectorAll
(#406) - Show ad-blocking icons in detail view tracker list (#411)
- Add new terms and conditions acknowledgment to account creation(#414)
- Implement new Cliqz url parser (#410)
- Fix donut tooltip (#409)
- Fix bug in collapsed Summary view on un-scanned pages (#404)
- Improved broken page metrics (#418)
- Update all project dependencies to satisfy security alerts (#405)
- Updated translations (#402)
- Add new counter for Requests Modified by Anti-Tracking (#392)
- Show fingerprint, cookie and advertisement icons in Detail View tracker list (#394)
- Improved Anti-Tracking integration (#377)
- Integrate Click2Play into SmartBlocking (#388)
- Respect pause state before displaying CMP and Rewards windows (Fixes #389)
- Performance improvements (Fixes #12)
- Improved Ad-Blocker filter rule injection (Fixes #381)
- Updated translations (#397, #400)
- Fixes bug in Click2Play redirect blocking
- Fixes bug where Ad-Blocker/Anti-Tracking modules did not respect whitelist settings
- Fixes bug in category description names
- Ghostery tracker panel now updates dynamically in real time!
- Remove unsupported file types for Opera automated-review
- Removed unnecessary files for slimmer production build
- Sync account creation UI between intro hub, panel and auth-web
- Performance improvements when browsing certain Google sites (gmail, maps)
- Feature parity for Edge browser (Human Web, Rewards)
- Clean up various errors thrown by content scripts and message handlers
- Updated Readme (team members and open-source projects)
- Minor UI tweaks
- Add
support for Intro Hub - Add Ghostery Plus support for Opera and Edge
- Fixes issue where page load speed value could be negative
- Fixes "Report a Broken Page" link
- Multiple translation fixes
- Minor bug fixes
- New Ghostery Plus features - Historical Stats, Midnight Theme
- New intro hub with streamlined setup and tutorial
- Improved UI for Firefox Android
- Integration with Ghostery Tab extension for Chrome
- Improved anti-tracking whitelist logic
- Improved anti-ad-blocker circumvention
- Bug fixes and updated translations
- Remove WebSocket permissions and filter support for Firefox
- Minor UI tweaks
- Multiple UI fixes for Rewards panel
- Bump minimum Chrome version to 58+, Opera to 45+
- Added support for web socket request filtering
- Minor UI tweaks and bug fixes
- Fixes Firefox account logout issues
- Fixes several UI-related Rewards bugs
- Fixes broken settings export feature from panel
- Delay tracker database update to 1 hour
- Improved AUTH error messaging
- Fix Rewards campaign names that include a '%' issue, which caused a blank panel
- Fix login and register forms on setup page being called twice on submit, which triggered misleading callout messages
- Fix several login/logout issues for existing users on startup
- Complete rewrite of account logic to support v2 AUTH API
- Fixes issue where some users did not remain logged in after browser restart
- Improved error messaging related to user accounts
- Login state now syncs between extension and account.ghostery.com
- Rewards UI improvements
- Fixes Anti-tracking login issue with microsoft.com and salesforce.com
- Fixes issue where Ghostery was breaking web requests from other extensions
- Ghostery tracker counter and badge icon now includes block counts from Anti-Tracking and Ad-Blocker
- Fixes issue where settings menu does not close
- Remove redundant opt-in for Rewards
- Improved translations for German and Russian languages
- Styling adjustments and improvements for Edge
- Various bug fixes and improvements for Rewards
- Improved simple-view and detail-view UI
- Ghostery Rewards integration
- Fixes for Ad-Blocker cosmetic filters on Chrome
- Move dependency manager to Yarn
- Performance improvements and bug fixes
- Fix for 100% CPU on Chrome 67 from synchronous XHR
- Remove WebSocket filter scheme support for older versions of Chrome and FF
- Fix Human Web endpoint URLs
- New surrogate for 'NetRatings SiteCensus' tracker that locks up Chrome when blocked (Issue #11)
- Site-specific tracker allow now bypasses Anti-Tracking
- Adds Cliqz browser compatibility
- Improved German language translations for better UI
- Fixes inconsistency in install_complete metric
- Removed scroll bar in Simple View
- Updated CONTRIBUTING (Issue #6)
- Ghostery is now open source!!
- Changed license to MPL-2.0
- All files now support JSDoc. Build docs with
npm run docs
- Fixed issue when selecting Block All/None in setup flow custom blocking
- Updated language translations