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jupyter: Jupyter ↔ Haskell

The jupyter package provides a type-safe high-level interface for interacting with Jupyter kernels and clients using the Jupyter messaging protocol, without having to deal with the low-level details of network communication and message encoding and decoding. Specifically, the package provides a quick way of writing Jupyter kernels and Jupyter clients in Haskell.

If you are looking for a Haskell kernel (for evaluating Haskell in the Jupyter notebook or another frontend), take a look at IHaskell.

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Table of Contents

What is Jupyter?

The Jupyter project is a set of tools and applications for working with interactive coding environments. Jupyter provides the architecture and frontends (also called clients), and delegates the language-specific details to external programs called Jupyter kernels.

Jupyter kernels are interpreters for a language which communicate with Jupyter clients using the messaging protocol. The messaging protocol consists primarily of a request-reply pattern, in which the kernel acts as a server that responds to client requests. Clients can send requests to the kernel for executing code, generating autocompletion suggestions, looking up documentation or metadata about symbols, searching through execution history, and more.

Jupyter clients (also known as frontends) are programs that connect to kernels using the messaging protocol, typically interacting with the kernels via a request-reply pattern. Clients can do whatever they want – currently, frontends exist for notebook interfaces, a graphical terminal, a console interface, Vim plugins for evaluating code, Emacs modes, and probably more.

The most commonly used and complex frontend is likely the Jupyter notebook, which allows you to create notebook documents with complex interactive visualizations, Markdown documentation, code execution and autocompletion, and a variety of other IDE-like features. You can try using the notebook with an online demo notebook.

The following screenshots are examples of the Jupyter notebook, taken from their website: Jupyter notebook


jupyter can be installed similarly to most Haskell packages, either via stack or cabal:

# Stack (recommended)
stack install jupyter

# Cabal (not recommended)
cabal install jupyter

ZeroMQ Installation

jupyter depends on the zeromq4-haskell package, which requires ZeroMQ to be installed. Depending on your platform, this may require compiling ZeroMQ from source. If you use a Mac, it is recommended that you install Homebrew (if you have not installed it already) and use it to install ZeroMQ.

Installation Commands:

  • Mac OS X (Homebrew, recommended): brew install zeromq
  • Mac OS X (MacPorts): ports install zmq
  • Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev
  • Other: Install ZeroMQ from source:
git clone [email protected]:zeromq/zeromq4-x.git libzmq
cd libzmq
./ && ./configure && make
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Intro to jupyter

The Jupyter messaging protocol is centered around a request-reply pattern, with clients sending requests to kernels and kernels replying to every request with a reply. Although that is the primary communication pattern, there are different messaging patterns that happen between clients and kernels:

  • Request-Reply: Clients send requests to kernels, and kernels reply with precisely one response to every request.
  • Outputs: Kernels broadcast outputs to all connected clients. (A client request can have only reply, as mentioned previously, but can also trigger any number of outputs being sent separately.)
  • Kernel Requests: Kernels can send requests to individual clients; this is currently used only for querying for standard input, such as when the Python kernel calls raw_input() or the Haskell kernel calls getLine. (Requests for input are sent from the kernel to the client, and clients get the input from the user and send it to the kernel.)
  • Comms: For ease of extension and plugin development, the messaging protocol supports comm channels; a comm is a one-directional communication channel that can be opened on either the kernel or client side, and arbitrary data may be sent by either the client to the kernel or the kernel to the client. This can be used for doing things that the messaging spec does not explicitly support, such as the ipywidget support in the notebook.

The jupyter package encodes these messaging patterns in the type system. Each type of message corresponds to its own data type, and clients and kernels are created by supplying appropriate handlers for all messages that they can receive. For example, client requests correspond to the ClientRequest data type:

-- | A request sent by a client to a kernel.
data ClientRequest
  = ExecuteRequest CodeBlock ExecuteOptions
  | InspectRequest CodeBlock CodeOffset
  | CompleteRequest CodeBlock CodeOffset
  | ...

-- | A code cell
newtype CodeBlock = CodeBlock Text

-- | A cursor offset in the code cell
newtype CodeOffset = CodeOffset Int

Each of the ClientRequest constructors has a corresponding KernelReply constructor:

-- | A reply sent by a kernel to a client.
data KernelReply
  = ExecuteReply ExecuteResult
  | InspectReply InspectResult
  | CompleteReply CompleteResult
  | ...

Kernels may send KernelOutput messages to publish outputs to the clients:

-- | Outputs sent by kernels to all connected clients
data KernelOutput
  = StreamOutput Stream Text
  | DisplayDataOutput DisplayData
  | ...

-- | Which stream to write to
data Stream = StreamStdout | StreamStderr

-- | Display data mime bundle, with one value at most per mimetype.
newtype DisplayData = DisplayData (Map MimeType Text)

data MimeType
  = MimePlainText
  | MimeHtml
  | MimePng
  | ...

The other message types are represented by the KernelRequest data type (requests from the kernel to a single client, e.g. for standard input), ClientReply (replies to KernelRequest messages), and Comm messages (arbitrary unstructured communication between frontends and servers).

Creating Kernels

A kernel is an executable with distinct but related functions: first, registering the kernel with Jupyter, and second, communicating via the messaging protocol with any connected clients.

Registering the Kernel

The kernel must be able to register itself with the Jupyter client system on the user's machine, so that clients running on the machine know what kernels are available and how to invoke each one.

The Jupyter project provides a command-line tool (invoked via jupyter kernelspec install) which installs a kernel when provided with a directory known as a kernelspec. The jupyter project automates creating and populating this directory with all needed files and invoking jupyter kernelspec install via the installKernel function in Jupyter.Install:

installKernel :: InstallUser -- ^ Whether to install globally or just for this user.
              -> Kernelspec  -- ^ Record describing the kernel.
              -> IO InstallResult

-- | Install locally (with --user) or globally (without --user).
data InstallUser = InstallLocal | InstallGlobal

-- | Did the install succeed or fail?
data InstallResult = InstallSucccessful
                   | InstallFailed Text -- ^ Constructor with reason describing failure.

A kernel is described by a Kernelspec:

data Kernelspec =
         { kernelspecDisplayName :: Text
         , kernelspecLanguage    :: Text
         , kernelspecCommand :: FilePath -> FilePath -> [String]
         , kernelspecJsFile :: Maybe FilePath
         , kernelspecLogoFile :: Maybe FilePath
         , kernelspecEnv :: Map Text Text

The key required bits are the display name (what to call this kernel in UI elements), the language name (what to call this kernel in code and command-line interfaces), and the command (how the kernel can be invoked). The kernelspecCommand function is provided with the absolute canonical path to the currently running executable and to a connection file (see the next section for more on connection files), and must generate a command-line invocation.

For testing and demo purposes, jupyter provides a helper function simpleKernelspec to generate a default kernelspec just from the three fields described above:

simpleKernelspec :: Text  -- ^ Display name
                 -> Text  -- ^ Language name
                 -> (FilePath -> FilePath -> [String]) -- ^ Command generator
                 -> Kernelspec

Using simpleKernelspec, we can put together the smallest viable snippet for installing a kernelspec:

-- | Install a kernel called "Basic" for a language called "basic".
-- The kernel is started by calling this same executable with the command-line 
-- argument "kernel" followed by a path to the connection file.
install :: IO ()
install = 
  let invocation exePath connectionFilePath = [exePath, "kernel", connectionFilePath]
      kernelspec = simpleKernelspec "Basic" "basic" invocation
  in installKernel InstallLocal kernelspec

Communicating with Clients

Once the kernel is registered, clients can start the kernel, passing it a connection file as a command-line parameter. A connection file contains a JSON encoded kernel profile (KernelProfile), which specifies low-level details such as the IP address to serve on, the transport method, and the ports for the ZeroMQ sockets used for communication.

To decode the JSON-encoded profile, the readProfile utility is provided:

-- | Try to read a kernel profile from a file; return Nothing if parsing fails.
readProfile :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe KernelProfile)

Obtaining the KernelProfile enables you to call the main interface to the Jupyter.Kernel module:

serve :: KernelProfile -- ^ Specifies how to communicate with clients
      -> CommHandler   -- ^ What to do when you receive a Comm message
      -> ClientRequestHandler -- ^ What to do when you receive a ClientRequest
      -> IO ()

The kernel behaviour is specified by the two message handlers, the CommHandler and the ClientRequestHandler. The ClientRequestHandler receives a ClientRequest and must generate a KernelReply to send to the client:

type ClientRequestHandler = KernelCallbacks -> ClientRequest -> IO KernelReply

The constructor of the output KernelReply must match the constructor of the ClientRequest.

Besides generating the KernelReply, the ClientRequestHandler may also send messages to the client using the publishing callbacks:

data KernelCallbacks = PublishCallbacks {
    sendKernelOutput :: KernelOutput -> IO (),
    sendComm :: Comm -> IO (),
    sendKernelRequest :: KernelRequest -> IO ClientReply

For example, during code execution, the kernel will receive an ExecuteRequest, run the requested code, using sendKernelOutput to send KernelOutput messages to the client with intermediate and final outputs of the running code, and then generate a ExecuteReply that is returned once the code is done running.

The CommHandler is similar, but is called when the kernel receives Comm messages instead of ClientRequest messages. Many kernels will not want to support any Comm messages, so a default handler defaultCommHandler is provided, which simply ignores all Comm messages.

Unlike the CommHandler, the ClientRequestHandler must generate a reply to every request; it does not have the option of returning no output. Since there are quite a few request types, a default implementation is provided as defaultClientRequestHandler, which responds to almost all messages with an empty response:

defaultClientRequestHandler :: KernelProfile -- ^ The profile this kernel is serving
                            -> KernelInfo    -- ^ Basic metadata about the kernel
                            -> ClientRequestHandler

The KernelInfo record required for the defaultClientRequestHandler has quite a bit of information in it, so for any production kernel you will want to fill out all the records, but for demo purposes juptyer provides the utility simpleKernelInfo:

simpleKernelInfo :: Text -- ^ Name to give this kernel
                 -> KernelInfo

Putting this all together, the shortest code snippet which runs a valid (but useless) Jupyter kernel is as follows:

runKernel :: FilePath -> IO ()
runKernel profilePath = do
  Just profile <- readProfile profilePath
  serve profile defaultCommHandler $
    defaultClientRequestHandler profile $ simpleKernelInfo "Basic"

A Complete Kernel

Recall from the registering the kernel section that the kernel provides an invocation to Jupyter; in our example, our kernel is invoked as $0 kernel $CONNECTION_FILE (where $0 is the path to the current executable). Our runKernel function from the previous section must receive the file path passed as the $CONNECTION_FILE, so these two must be combined in the same executable with a bit of flag parsing:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  args <- getArgs
  case args of
    -- If invoked with the 'install' argument, then generate and register the kernelspec 
    ["install"] ->
      void $ installKernel InstallGlobal $
        simpleKernelspec "Basic" "basic" $ \exe connect -> [exe, "kernel", connect]

    -- If invoked with the 'kernel' argument, then serve the kernel
    ["kernel", profilePath] -> do
      Just profile <- readProfile profilePath
      serve profile defaultCommHandler $
        defaultClientRequestHandler profile $ simpleKernelInfo "Basic"
    _ -> putStrLn "Invalid arguments."

This example is available in the examples/basic subdirectory, and you can build and run it with stack:

stack build jupyter:kernel-basic
stack exec kernel-basic install

Once it is installed in this manner, you can run the kernel and connect to it from frontends; you can try it with jupyter console --kernel basic. The kernel does not do much, though!

In order to write a more useful kernel, we would need to supply a more useful client request handler; the client handler would need to parse the code being sent for execution, execute it, and publish any results of the execution to the frontends using the publishOutput callback. An example kernel that implements a simple calculator and handles most message types is provided in the examples/calculator directory, and can be built and run similarly to the basic kernel (see above).

Reading from Standard Input

In the Jupyter messaging protocol, the kernel never needs to send requests to the frontend, with the exception of one instance: reading from standard input. Because knowing when standard input is read requires executing code (something only the kernel can do), only the kernel can initiate reading from standard input.

Since the kernel may be running as a subprocess of the frontend, or can even be running on a remote machine, the kernel must be able to somehow intercept reads from standard input and turn them into requests to the Jupyter frontend that requested the code execution. To facilitate this, the KernelCallbacks record provided to the ClientRequestHandler has a sendKernelRequest callback:

-- Send a request to the kernel and wait for a reply in a blocking manner.
sendKernelRequest :: KernelCallbacks -> KernelRequest -> IO ClientReply

-- Request from kernel to client for standard input.
data KernelRequest = InputRequest InputOptions
data InputOptions = InputOptions { inputPrompt :: Text, inputPassword :: Bool }

-- Response to a InputRequest.
data ClientReply = InputReply Text

The KernelRequest and ClientReply data types are meant to mirror the more widely used ClientRequest and KernelReply data types; at the moment, these data types are used only for standard input, but future versions of the messaging protocol may introduce more messages.

An example of a kernel that uses these to read from standard input during code execution is available in the examples/stdin folder.

Creating Clients

Jupyter clients (also commonly called frontends) are programs which connect to a running kernel (possibly starting the kernel themselves) and then query them using the ZeroMQ-based messaging protocol. Using the jupyter library, the same data types are used for querying kernels as for receiving client messages, so if you understand how to write kernels, using the client interface will be straightforward.

Finding Kernels

Any kernel that registers itself with Jupyter using jupyter kernelspec install (or the utilities from the jupyter library) can then be located using jupyter kernelspec list. The jupyter package provides two convenient wrappers around jupyter kernelspec list:

-- Locate a single kernelspec in the Jupyter registry.
findKernel :: Text -> IO (Maybe Kernelspec)

-- List all kernelspecs in the Jupyter registry.
findKernels :: IO [Kernelspec]

Using the Kernelspec and the kernelspecCommand field, we can find out how to launch any registered kernel as a separate process. (System.Process and the spawnProcess function may prove useful here.)

Establishing Communication with Kernels

Before we can communicate with a kernel, we must first set up handlers for what to do when the kernel sends messages to the client. The following handlers are required, stored in the ClientHandlers record:

data ClientHandlers =
         { kernelRequestHandler :: (Comm -> IO ()) -> KernelRequest -> IO ClientReply
         , commHandler :: (Comm -> IO ()) -> Comm -> IO ()
         , kernelOutputHandler :: (Comm -> IO ()) -> KernelOutput -> IO ()

Each of the handlers receives a Comm -> IO () callback; this may be used to send Comm messages to whatever kernel sent the message being handled.

  • The kernelRequestHandler receives a KernelRequest (likely a request for standard input from the user), and must generate an appropriate ClientReply, with a constructor matching the one of the request.
  • The commHandler may do anything in response to a Comm message, including doing nothing; since doing nothing is a common option, the defaultCommHandler function is provided that does exactly this (that is, nothing).
  • The kernelOutputHandler is called whenever a KernelOutput message is produced by the kernel. This can be used to display output to the user, update a kernel busy / idle status indicator, etc.

Once a ClientHandlers value is set up, the runClient function can be used to run any Client command:

runClient :: Maybe KernelProfile
          -> Maybe Username
          -> ClientHandlers
          -> (KernelProfile -> Client a)
          -> IO a

In addition to the handlers, runClient takes an optional KernelProfile to connect to and an optional username. If no profile is provided, one is chosen automatically; if no username is provided, a default username is used. The profile that was used (whether autogenerated or set by the caller) is provided to an action KernelProfile -> Client a, and the Client action returned is run in IO.

Sending Requests to Kernels

To send requests to kernels (and receive replies), construct the appropriate Client action; these are thin wrappers around IO that allow you to use the sendClientComm and more importantly sendClientRequest to communicate with kernels.

Before sendClientRequest can be used, though, the connection to the kernel must be verified. This is done by connectKernel, which blocks until the kernel connects to the client and returns a KernelConnection for use with sendClientRequest. Once we have a KernelConnection, we can query the kernel, as in:

getKernelInfoReply :: KernelConnection -> Client KernelInfo
getKernelInfoReply connection = do
  KernelInfoReply info <- sendClientRequest connection KernelInfoRequest
  return info

For example, the KernelInfo for the python3 kernel can be obtained as follows:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
import           System.Process (spawnProcess)

import           Jupyter.Client (runClient, sendClientRequest, ClientHandlers(..), connectKernel,
                                 defaultClientCommHandler, findKernel, writeProfile, Kernelspec(..))
import           Jupyter.Messages (ClientRequest(KernelInfoRequest), KernelReply(KernelInfoReply),
                                   KernelRequest(InputRequest), ClientReply(InputReply))

main :: IO ()
main = do
  -- Find the kernelspec for the python 3 kernel
  Just kernelspec <- findKernel "python3"

  -- Start the client connection
  runClient Nothing Nothing handlers $ \profile -> do
    -- Write the profile connection file to a JSON file
    liftIO $ writeProfile profile "profile.json"

    -- Launch the kernel process, giving it the path to the JSON file
    let command = kernelspecCommand kernelspec "" "profile.json"
    _ <- liftIO $ spawnProcess (head command) (tail command)

    -- Send a kernel info request and get the reply
    connection <- connectKernel
    KernelInfoReply info <- sendClientRequest connection KernelInfoRequest
    liftIO $ print info

handlers :: ClientHandlers
handlers = ClientHandlers {
    -- Do nothing on comm messages
    commHandler = defaultClientCommHandler,

    -- Return a fake stdin string if asked for stdin
    kernelRequestHandler = \_ req ->
        case req of
        InputRequest{} -> return $ InputReply "Fake Stdin",

    -- Do nothing on kernel outputs
    kernelOutputHandler = \_ _ -> return ()

This full example is in the examples/client-kernel-info directory, and can be built with stack build jupyter:client-kernel-info, and executed with stack exec client-kernel-info. (It will work if the python3 kernel is installed, but not otherwise!)


Any and all contributions are welcome!

If you'd like to submit a feature request, bug report, or request for additional documentation, or have any other questions, feel free to file an issue.

If you would like to help out, pick an issue you are interested in and comment on it, indicating that you'd like to work on it. Me (or other project contributors) will try to promptly merge and pull requests and respond to any questions you may have. If you'd like to talk to me (@gibiansky) off of Github, feel free to email me; my email is available on my Github profile sidebar.

Developer Notes

  • stack build: Use stack build to build the library and run the examples.
  • stack test: For any bug fix or feature addition, please make sure to extend the test suite as well, and verify that stack test runs your test and succeeds. Travis CI is used to test all pull requests, and must be passing before they will be merged.
  • stack exec python python/ Part of the test suite is triggered from Python (to be able to use the jupyter_client library); make sure that the Python test suite passes as well. You can create a Python environment for yourself separate from your global one with the pyvenv command: pyvenv env && source env/bin/activate.
  • stack haddock: Please make sure that all top-level identifiers are well documented; specifically, run stack haddock and ensure that all modules have 100% complete documentation. This is tested automatically on Travis CI, as well.