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File metadata and controls

284 lines (161 loc) · 24.7 KB


License: MIT Contributor Covenant

How can we develop a good authentication flow for our web applications? How can we limit users operations through a safe authorization system?

In this example project we will show some authentication and authorization examples. Examples differs based on the communication type establish between the frontend and the backend.

In this project we will use a REACT frontend and a PYTHON (Flask) backend. A set of docker containers is given in order to simplify the project execution but they are not mandatory.

In this project we present a project structure that is designed to present a standard authentication method and foresees the implementation of multiple authentication methods to be used in a mutually exclusive way. This does not imply that one of the custom authentication method can't provide multiple authentication solutions (external provider with other providers).

Usually the authentication logic may change but how user data are managed in the application should not depend on this. For this reason we present a set of sub-projects with a customizable authentication logic which does not impact on how this data are used inside the web application.

The sub-projects architecture has been designed to tempt developers not to change the already present files but to add new files, with their custom logic, with few constraints required for the project to correctly use them.

Moreover in this project we will deal with the following frontend-backend communication type:

  • A frontend will periodically execute requests to a backend to retrieve information -> RESTful APIs.
  • A frontend establishes a full-duplex communication with the backend -> WebSocket connection.

Which is the main difference between these approaches, from an authentication and authorization point of view?

RESTful APIs are stateless whereas WebSocket connections are stateful.

The key difference between stateful and stateless applications is that stateless applications usually don’t store data whereas stateful applications require backing storage.

In the first case, every time the frontend executes a request it needs to send additional information about its identity and its authorizations. This can be achieved through Json Web Tokens (JWTs). A JWT embeds encoded information and can have an expiration time to limit access.

In the latter, when the user authenticates itself, the backend can store user information on a local database, but it needs a key to retrieve that information. For this reason sessions exist. The backend stores the key to retrieve the data inside a session cookie.

In both cases, to store user information on the localStorage is a bad practice because it is prone to XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attacks. A good solution is to use cookies which remain between different browser sessions, but they can, again, be prone to CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) attacks. For these reason we will use HttpOnly cookies. Javascript programs can't read their content which is accessible only by the backend. But remember that nothing is certain in this life!

In any case we will use httponly cookies to store JWTs and Session ID.


Based on the communication type the frontend will execute different tasks but there are common sections. We describe them.


A context named AuthDataContext stores and provides the user data and the common functions to sign-in and sign-out from the application. Moreover every time the page is refreshed or it is opened for the first time, the AuthDataContext checks if the user is already authenticated. Both sign-in and sign-out functions and the authentication check on page reload use a customized instance of axios to perform requests, accepting cookies, to the backend.

The AuthDataContext provides a context provider which will wrap all the project components. This way, the data stored in the AuthDataContext will be accessible to all components.

Below the AuthDataContext (from a hierarchical point of view) there are the app routes. They can be public or private. The component Routes contains all. This component will contains also the user defined routes which can be both public or private.

Web Client Architecture


Public routes can be accessed by any user, but the access to private routes is restricted to authorized users. If a user is not authenticated it is redirected to the sign-in page. If the user is authenticated and has the correct rights he can see the page content, but, if he is not authorized, he is redirect to an error page. The component PrivateRoute manage this logic.

When the AuthDataContext updates it's state lower components are re-rendered. This logic allows the PrivateRoute to immediately redirect authenticated and authorized users to the correct page or redirect them to the sign-in page.



The SignIn component shows a standard sign-in page. When users fills and submit the login form with their data, these data are sent, through the AuthDataContext onLogin function to the backend. If the sign-in procedure succeeds the backend responds with the user data required to the frontend and the AuthDataContext will store them in a state variable; if the request does not succeeds the backend raises an exception and the frontend shows error page or message.

SignIn Logic

When the user sign-out through the onLogout function of AuthDataContext, it performs a request to the backend, which will clear browser cookies, and then clears the user data stored in the context.

In this project we provided a really basic authentication logic, but we develop the project to allow users to add their custom sing-in logic. See Add custom authentication for more details.


As for the frontend there are some web settings and functionalities that are commons. Here the details.

The presence of sign-in, sing-out and check already authenticated procedures is independent of the frontend-backend communication type.

If the user is authenticated the check already authenticated retrieves the correct user data, from a secure source, every time the browser loads the app for the first time or refreshes the page.

Through the usage of the extension Flask-RESTful, the backend instantiates three common endpoints providing the sign-in, sign-out and check already authenticated functionalities.

The implementation of these endpoints on the communication type and the app requirements!

To allow our frontend to communicate with the defined endpoints we need to use the Flask-CORS extension to set the cross origin resources (CORS_RESOURCES) and to allow cookies exchange (CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS).


In this section we will dig in into the RESTful APIs version of this project. We will analyze both the frontend and the backend main details and how we use the JWTs.

When the user signs-in in the frontend, it sends a payload with username and password to the backend.

The backend, once it has verified the user identity, generates an access token, and eventually a refresh token. The access token stores the user identity details and its authorizations, whereas the refresh token allows to generate new access tokens when they expire.

Then it sends back to the frontend a response within the user details and the cookies with the JWTs.

Every time the frontend will execute a request to the backend, it will attach the access token to the request.

When the user sings-out, cookies are cleared.

This logic is well managed by the Flask-JWT-Extended extension. It provides useful decorators and functions to generate tokens, decode them, store them into cookies and protect endpoints. It already implements protection from CSRF attacks.

About endpoints protection, endpoints can be public or protect. If a generic protect endpoint does not receive the access token it raises an unauthorized exception avoiding the user to access that route. When a valid access token is received, a further manual check can be done decoding the JWT and verifying the user authorizations; if the check fails the operation is aborted.

When reloading the browser, the AuthDataProvider performs a request to the refresh endpoint to generate a new access token from the refresh token (this logic automatically check user authenticity). If this operation succeeds the user is authenticated otherwise the user is logged out and cookies are cleared.


Here we will describe the project using socket-io connection to implement a websocket connection.

Above the AuthDataContext we create a SocketContext which will contain the socket object and the functions to start and stop a socket connection. Components below this provider will have access to those functions and the socket object to generate socket events.

Flask-SocketIO is the flask extension used to create a websocket connection between the frontend and the backend on server side, whereas the frontend uses the npm package. With these libraries the frontend and the backend do not use requests and responses, for this reason we can't use JWT cookies as shown before.

When the user signs-in in the frontend, it sends a payload with username and password to the backend.

The backend, once it has verified the user identity, thanks to a combination of Flask-Session and Flask-Login locally signs-in the user, starts a user session in the flask context and return the user details required by the frontend.

To locally sign-in a user we need to implement a User class able to store and retrieve user data, starting from an ID, into a DB (or a file).

The ID used to retrieve the user data from the DB is stored in a session cookie. The session is hierarchically placed above the socket connection.

When the frontend receives the user data it can now open a socket connection. When opening this connection the backend checks if the user is authenticated through the ID retrieved from the session cookie.

When the socket connection is opened we can skip the authentication check but we can add an authorization check to verify user permissions to perform specific action. In fact, through the session ID we can retrieve the user authorizations stored in the local DB.

When we close the connection the user remains logged id, this way when refreshing the page the AuthDataContext performs a request (REST call) to the backend which, using information stored in the session cookie, can respond with the user information if the user is authenticated. If the user is not authenticated the session cookie is cleared.

When the users signs-out the connection is also closed.


Often developers want to integrate their custom authentication logic or use external authentication provider. These changes can affect both the frontend and the backend.

In both JWTs and session based sub-projects we arrange a simple authentication system which can be easily expanded by developers. In the proposed logic developers don't have to change the default files. They have a subset of templates to copy and implement with their logic. If they follow the instructions correctly all should work.

In the oidc-google sub-project we give an example of a custom authentication using google as an external OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider. More in details we use the authorization code flow. The following image, from Auth0 main site, explain in details the relevant steps of this flow.

OIDC authorization code flow.

At first we will talk about the backend, then about the client server. We use this order because changes to the first may not implies changes to the latter, whereas changes to the frontend will (most probably) implies changes to the backend. In the oidc-google example changes to the backend requires changes to the frontend.


All authentication and authorizations customizable endpoints and related functions are stored in the backend/app/auth/providers folder.

In this folder the module contains the standard endpoints and functions for the local authentication.

The module is a template with the instructions to write a new module with the custom authentication functions and endpoints. As the description said, developers should copy this file and implement:

  • Login endpoint: if no changes are required it can be imported from another module already implementing it (for example or it can be written from zero. The unique requirement for this endpoint is the usage of get_tokens or start_user_session functions (it depends on the communication type between the backend and the frontend).
  • Refresh endpoint: this should be imported from If developers want to write their own refresh endpoint, they must take as reference the one implemented in
  • Logout endpoint: if no changes are required it can be imported from another module already implementing it (for example or it can be written from zero. The unique requirement for this endpoint is that it has to clear all JWTs or Session cookies (it depends on the communication type between the backend and the frontend).
  • add_auth_routes: this function is essential because it will be used by the module in the backend folder. This function is in charge to add to the APIs all (or a part) of the endpoints defined in this file.

Developers can add to this file as much functions and endpoints as they want (be consistent on what you add to this file!).

The module is a working example of what developers should do to implement external authentication and authorization with an OIDC provider.

This module uses the standard logout and refresh endpoints, but it implements a custom login endpoint based on multiple functions. The login endpoints does not expect a PUT request (as the one implemented into but a GET request with specific params. Moreover it implements another endpoints to get the correct link to redirect the user to the Google's authentication and authorization page. Finally, as required by, it implements the add_auth_routes function adding the defined resources to the backend APIs.

This example shows how various can be the authentication procedures.

How can import the correct add_auth_routes function? Developers have to set the REACT_APP_AUTHN environment variable in the .env file with the name of their custom authentication procedure, in our example google.

This name must be equal to the module name!

In fact the module searches in the backend/app/auth/providers a module with the name stored in the environment variable. If it finds the module it loads from it the add_auth_routes otherwise it loads add_auth_routes from


All sing-in pages are stored in the src/components/pages/singIn folder.

In this folder there is the SignInStandard component which is the standard login page. This page, on form submit, executes a POST request to the backend sending username and password. Once the component receives the response it uses the onLogin function of the authentication provider to store in the context the user data retrieved from the database.

Developers can implement their own sign-in components and can make requests to the backend as they please. Based on the authentication settings (.env file), PrivateRoute will load the correct SignIn page.

Developers can implement multiple sign-in components recalling themselves. For example when implementing an OIDC authentication the external provider requires a callback endpoint on the frontend to land when the access to the user data, through the external provider, has been granted (OIDC authorization code flow). At the callback enpoint the frontend will render another component which will execute the remaining authentication passages.

Because OIDC providers usage is common all the sub-projects already provides an AuthCallbackRoute component that, based on the authentication settings (.env file), loads the correct sing-in-callback component (which must be implemented). The landing endpoint for the external provider is already calculated in the AuthCallbackRoute (based on the application base url) and can be used (imported) into other components.

These are the requirements when implementing custom authentication components:

  • The first component to render when the authentication procedure begins must be exported from the index.js as a named component with the SignIn prefix (i.e. SignInCustom).
  • At the end of the authentication procedure (which may involve multiple components), the component must receive a response from the backend with the user data and call the onLogin function of AuthDataProvider to save those data in the context.
  • When writing a sign-in-callback component, it must be exported from the index.js as a named component with the SignInCallback prefix and the same suffix of the corresponding SignInPage (i.e. SignInCallbackCustom).
  • Use axiosWithCredentials when performing requests to the backend. This axios instance already has the correct base url and it is instructed to send and receive cookies.

In the oidc-google sub-project we add a SignInGoogle component. This component makes a request to get the correct url to redirect the user to the external provider authentication and authorization page. Once the response arrives it redirects the user to that page.

When the external provider redirects the user to the frontend callback page, AuthCallabackRoute renders SignInCallbackGoogle. This component reads the code, received as params in the current url, and executes a GET request to backend login endpoint (adding all required params). When the backend returns the user data SignInCallbackGoogle calls the onLogin function to update user data in the frontend. It is duty of your component to redirect the user to the home page or the protected page! In our case we can return to the private page we were trying to access before the login; this is possible because we sent to the OIDC provider a state with the correct path and when the provider gave us the response it returned again that params.

The exports addition in the index.js file are mandatory in order to allow the PrivateRoute and AuthCallbackRoute logic to load the correct sign-in page.

How can PrivateRoute and AuthCallbackRoute import the correct component? Developers have to set the REACT_APP_AUTHN environment variable in the .env file with the name of their custom authentication procedure, in our example google.

These components import, from the src/components/pages/signIn/index.js file, all the components defined in the signIn folder and, based on the environment variable load the correct component to render.

In our example we load the SignInGoogle and SignInCallbackGoogle components. If the name specified in the environemnt variable does not match any of the exported components the app renders the SingInStandard component.


Each sub-project has its own folder with all the required files and dependencies.

Architecture Folder
RESTful APIs jwt
SESSION session
OIDC GOOGLE oidc-google


We suggest to use the provided docker-compose files to run the projects. Before starting check you have docker-compose installed on your OS. All the following commands must be execute from the sub-project main folder (jwt or session directory).

Create a .env file. This will be used by the docker-compose to check environment variables. example.env file contains a set of possible environment variables.

touch .env

To run the production mode type:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

The -d flag will run the docker instance in background.

Before running the project in production mode you must set in the .env file the REACT_APP_BASE_URL variable with your site name. This is mandatory to allow the reverse-proxy and the frontend to correctly work. See the example.env file for an example.

To run the development mode type:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up -d

When all containers are ready you can find at http://localhost:3000 which is the standard location for react application in development mode.

The development instance does not automatically start the backend because, for development purposes it is more convenient to run it locally. If you have the correct packages (see the requirements.txt file in backend folder) installed on your OS you can start the backend typing:

cd backend

Otherwise you can use conda to create a virtual environment, install the packages listed in the requirements.txt and run the backend.

The python backend is accessible at http://localhost:5000.

To run the frontend outside its container, check you have npm and nodejs installed on your OS. Then type:

cd frontend
npm i
npm start

By default authentication is disabled. To enable authentication add to the .env file the string REACT_APP_AUTH_ENABLED=TRUE, export this value as an environment variable directly on your OS if you are not using the docker-compose files.

In the jwt sub-project when authentication is disabled you can't execute requests to the private endpoint because you have not the JWTs. If you want to update this logic you have to implement a custom decorator.

The oidc-google sub-project requires the GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_SECRET environment variables. We do not provide a default value for them. Moreover, when you launch the backend locally, you need to accept the ssl certificate every time you relaunch it (https://localhost:5000).


Here we will describe the containers structure.


  • FRONTEND: It uses a node:15 image to start a development instance of the react app. It install all required npm packages then the src and public folder are mounted as volumes in the container; this strategy allows automatic page refresh when developers update a file in those folders.


  • FRONTEND: At first it build a node instance with the frontend similarly to what we have done in development mode, then it start nginx server running the frontend instance. When the nginx instance is ready the build part is dropped lowering the image size. This container has no volumes attached.

  • BACKEND: jwt and oidc-google projects use the tiangolo/uwsgi-nginx-flask image which starts a uwsgi flask instance inside an ngnix server. When bulding the image we install the python packages listed in requirements.txt. On the other side session project uses use a standard python image to run the backend because Flask-SocketIO already provides a production ready server based on gevent or eventlet (which must be installed on the docker image).

  • TRAEFIK: Based on traefik:2.3 image. Reverse proxy to manage requests redirect between the frontend and the backend. It also manages the certificates generations. This solves the problem to generate independent certificates and the need to accept them separately (in fact with firefox users had to accept both the frontend and the backend certificate, with traefik they have a unique certificate for all the containers).

Containers Architecture