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API Documentation
Manage servers in the GleSYS server platforms.
- apikey: yes
- user login
- username: no
- cloudaccount: yes
- customernumber: no
- anonymous: no
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/list
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: Get a list of all servers on this account.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/details
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: serverid
Optional arguments: includestate
Description: Get detailed information about a server such as hostname, hardware configuration (cpu, memory and disk), ip adresses, cost, transfer, os and more. Set 'includestate' to true to include 'isrunning', 'islocked' and 'status' to the response. The 'status'-field can be either 'running', 'updating' or 'ready'. These fields replaces the deprecated 'state'-field. These fields are not included by default for performance reasons.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/networkadapters
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: serverid
Optional arguments: None
Description: List networkadapters for the server.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/backup
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: serverid , enabled
Optional arguments: None
Description: Enable or disable backup for a server. Currently only supported for VMWare servers.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/estimatedbackupcost
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: serverid
Optional arguments: enabled
Description: Estimate backup cost for existing servers. Currently only supported
for VMWare servers. The current
object in the response contains the current backup cost for the server. The
object in the response contains the estimated backup cost for the server including overrides. The
object in the response contains the difference between the estimated
and current
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/status
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: serverid
Optional arguments: statustype
Description: Get status information about a server. This information may contain on/off-status, CPU/memory/disk-usage and uptime. Not all information is supported by all platforms. To get specific details use the statustype parameter (comma separated for multiple). CPU/memory/disk-usage is cached for one minute. The 'isrunning'-, 'islocked'- and 'status'-fields replaces the deprecated 'state'-field. The 'status'-field can be either 'running', 'updating' or 'ready'.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/reboot
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: serverid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Reboots a server. Does the same thing as server/stop with type set to reboot.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/reset
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: serverid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Resets a server. Comparable to reboot but forcefully shuts the server down and starts it up again, without breaking power to the server. Currently only supported for KVM servers.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/stop
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: serverid
Optional arguments: type
Description: Shutdown, power off or reboot a server. Not all shutdown types are supported on all platforms.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/start
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: serverid
Optional arguments: bios
Description: Power up (boot) a server.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/create
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: datacenter , platform , hostname , templatename , disksize , memorysize , cpucores
Optional arguments: description , ip , ipv6 , transfer , bandwidth , campaigncode , sshkeyids , sshkey , rootpassword , users , backupschedules , cloudconfig , cloudconfigparams
Description: Create a new virtual server.
While both id, tag or name for templates can be used as the templatename
argument, it is recommended that you use id.
Available templates can be found via the server/templates
If you use the word 'any' as an argument, instead of an ip address, one will be choosen for you, automatically.
If you dont supply the ip argument, one will be choosen for you, both for ipv4 and for ipv6.
If transfer is supplied as an argument, it will automatically be converted to bandwidth to keep backwards compatibility.
To enable backup for KVM supply a schedule. Supported frequencies are 'daily' and 'weekly'.
Example: { "backupschedules": [{ "frequency": "daily", "numberofimagestokeep": 7 }] }
Supports passing of a cloud config template written in the mustache templating language via the 'cloudconfig' argument. The 'cloudconfigparams' and 'users' will be
available when rendering the template. To try out rendering you template, the server/previewcloudconfig endpoint can be used. Cloud config is only supported on the
KVM platform.
The users
argument is required when platform
is set to KVM
and no custom cloud config is passed. For VMware the users
argument is required for cloud config based templates.
For any user supplied in the users
argument a password and/or a public SSH key is required.
Example: { "users": [{ "username": "cloud", "password": "correct-horse-battery-staple", "sshkeys": ["ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nz..."] }] }
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/createfrombackup
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: backupid
Optional arguments: datacenter
Description: Create a server from backup. Currently only supported for KVM servers.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/createmanualbackup
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: TODO
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/deletemanualbackup
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: TODO
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/destroy
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: serverid , keepip
Optional arguments: None
Description: Destroy a server and remove all files on
it. This change is final and cannot be undone. You will NOT be asked for
confirmation. Pass keepip=yes
to keep the server's IP addresses on
your account – or keepip=no
to release them back to the public pool.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/edit
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: serverid
Optional arguments: disksize , memorysize , cpucores , transfer , hostname , description , bandwidth , backupschedules
Description: Edit the configuration of a server.
You can change such parameters as amount of cpu cores, memory, hdd and transfer.
Most arguments are optional so you can change all, none or just a few of the parameters at a time.
If transfer is supplied as an argument, it will automatically be converted to bandwidth to keep backwards compatibility.
To edit backup for KVM supply a new or empty schedule. Supported frequencies are 'daily' and 'weekly'.
Update: { "backupschedules": [{ "frequency": "daily", "numberofimagestokeep": 7 }] }
Delete: { "backupschedules": [] }
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/clone
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: serverid , hostname
Optional arguments: disksize , memorysize , cpucores , transfer , bandwidth , description , datacenter
Description: Create an copy (clone) of another server. This copies all files on the server. It will not boot the clone when the cloning is done. This has to be done manually. The ip-adresses are not moved from the original servers. The clone will not have any ip-address so if one is needed it should be added by the ip/add-function. Cloning is only supported on the VMware platform. If transfer is supplied as an argument, it will automatically be converted to bandwidth to keep backwards compatibility.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/limits
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: serverid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Only for OpenVZ. Get the beancounter limits for a server. The limits lets you know if you have exceeded any of the limits that are set for your server. These are limitations such as allocated memory, open files and more. More information about the parameters returned by this function can be found at http://wiki.openvz.org/UBC . You can reset the failcount of a limit using the function server/resetlimit.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/resetlimit
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: serverid , type
Optional arguments: None
Description: Only for OpenVZ. Resets the failcount for a beancounters limit to zero. See the documentation for server/limits for more information.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/listbackups
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: serverid
Optional arguments: None
Description: List available backups for a server.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/console
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: serverid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Get all the connection information you need to be able to connect to an server with VNC. This gives you console access and could be useful if you have locked yourself out using a firewall, or in a number of other situations.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/resetpassword
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: serverid , rootpassword
Optional arguments: None
Description: Reset the root-password of a OpenVZ-server to a password of your choice. The password needs to be at least 8 characters.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/templates
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: Get a list of all operating system templates that are available when creating a server using the server/create-function.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/allowedarguments
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: serverid
Description: Lists the allowed arguments for some of the functions in this module such as disksize, cpucores etc.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/resourceusage
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: serverid , resource , resolution
Optional arguments: None
Description: Return resource usage over time for server.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/costs
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: serverid
Optional arguments: None
Description: List all costs for this server such as cpu-, memory-, license- and managed hosting-costs and more.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/listiso
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: serverid
Optional arguments: None
Description: List all isos available for mounting in a virtual machine
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/mountiso
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: serverid
Optional arguments: isofile
Description: Mount one of the isos listed in server/listiso on a virtual machine. This currently only supports vmware-servers.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/estimatedcost
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: serverid , cpucores , disksize , memorysize , bandwidth , campaigncode
Description: Estimate cost for a server, new or existing.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/server/previewcloudconfig
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: cloudconfig
Optional arguments: cloudconfigparams , users
Description: Preview a cloud config mustache template. A list of parameters to be used when rendering the template can be provided, along with a list of users in the same format as the server/create endpoint.
Functions for managing IP adresses, and their PTR records.
- apikey: yes
- user login
- username: no
- cloudaccount: yes
- customernumber: no
- anonymous: no
Url: https://api.glesys.com/ip/listfree
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: ipversion , datacenter , platform
Optional arguments: None
Description: Get a list of all ip adresses that are available and not used on any project or server.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/ip/listown
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: used , ipversion , datacenter , platform
Description: List all ip addresses that are reserved on this project. This is both ip-addresses that are being used by servers and those that are free, on this project. You are able to filter the results using the optional arguments.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/ip/details
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: ipaddress
Optional arguments: None
Description: Get detailed information about an ip-address such as gateway and netmask. This information is not available, or needed, on all platforms.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/ip/take
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: ipaddress
Optional arguments: None
Description: Take an free ip and add it to this project. You can list free ips with the function ip/listfree. Once you have reserved an free ip on this project you can add it to a server with the ip/add function.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/ip/release
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: ipaddress
Optional arguments: None
Description: Return an unused ip-address to the pool of free ips. This ip cannot be allocated to an server. If it is, you have to remove it first with the ip/remove function before you can release it with ip/release.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/ip/add
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: ipaddress
Optional arguments: serverid
Description: Add an ip-adress to an server. The ip has to be free, but reserved on this project. You are able to list ip-adresses with ip/listown and reserve on this project by using ip/take. To find free ips you can use ip/listfree. When adding an ip to a VMware server you have to configure the server yourself, unless the ip was added during the creation of the server (server/create). You can get detailed information such as gateway and netmask using the ip/details-function.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/ip/remove
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: ipaddress
Optional arguments: release
Description: Remove an ip from a server. This does not release it back to GleSYS pool of free ips. It just removes it from the server and keeps it on the project so that you can use it for other servers or the same server at a later time. If you want to remove the ip from this project entirely, use the function ip/release.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/ip/setptr
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: ipaddress , data
Optional arguments: None
Description: Sets PTR data for an IP. Use ip/listown or ip/details to get current PTR data
Url: https://api.glesys.com/ip/resetptr
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: ipaddress
Optional arguments: None
Description: Resets PTR to default value
Url: https://api.glesys.com/ip/estimatedcost
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: Estimate IP address costs for a project.
Not required.
Manage archive volumes. Get information about archive volumes and create or edit volumes.
- apikey: yes
- user login
- username: no
- cloudaccount: yes
- customernumber: no
- anonymous: no
Url: https://api.glesys.com/archive/details
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: username
Optional arguments: None
Description: Get detailed information about an archive volume.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/archive/delete
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: username
Optional arguments: None
Description: Delete a archive volume. All files on the volume are permanently destroyed.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/archive/list
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: Lists all active disks on this account.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/archive/create
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: username , password , size
Optional arguments: None
Description: Create a new backup volume. Size is in gigabytes.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/archive/changepassword
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: username , password
Optional arguments: None
Description: Change the password for an archive user.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/archive/resize
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: username , size
Optional arguments: None
Description: Resize an archive volume. It is only possible to upgrade the size of the disk. Downgrading is currently not supported. If you need to downgrade, please create a new volume and transfer all data to the new volume. Then delete the old volume.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/archive/changedescription
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: username , description
Optional arguments: None
Description: Change the description of an archive.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/archive/allowedarguments
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: Lists the allowed arguments for some of the functions in this module such as archivesize.
Functions for managing email account and email aliases on domains.
- apikey: yes
- user login
- username: no
- cloudaccount: yes
- customernumber: no
- anonymous: no
Url: https://api.glesys.com/email/overview
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: filter , page
Description: Returns an overview of all domains and the number of email accounts and aliases. The
results can be paginated by passing the page
parameter and the relevant pagination information will be available in the
property of the response object. The results can be filtered using the filter
Url: https://api.glesys.com/email/list
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: domainname
Optional arguments: filter
Description: Gets a list of all accounts and aliases of a domain with full details. It is also possible to filter the results by setting the optional filter parameter to an existing alias or account. Example: [email protected]. Please note that if you are getting the list using HTTP GET, you need to escape the @ in the filter (@ == %40). DEPRECATION: The 'quota' field is deprecated and has been replaced with 'quotaingib'.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/email/editaccount
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: emailaccount
Optional arguments: antispamlevel , antivirus , autorespond , autorespondmessage , quotaingib , rejectspam
Description: Edit an email account and change things like quota, autoresponse and antispam level. Allowed values for antispam is 0-5. Set rejectspam to completely reject spam instead of just marking it as spam(defaults to false). DEPRECATION: The 'quota' parameter is deprecated and has been replaced with 'quotaingib'.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/email/delete
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: email
Optional arguments: None
Description: Delete an email-account or alias.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/email/createaccount
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: emailaccount
Optional arguments: antispamlevel , antivirus , autorespond , autorespondmessage , quotaingib , rejectspam
Description: Create an email account. Allowed values for antispam is 0-5. Set rejectspam to completely reject spam instead of just marking it as spam (defaults to false). DEPRECATION: The 'quota' parameter is deprecated and has been replaced with 'quotaingib'.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/email/quota
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: emailaccount
Optional arguments: None
Description: Gets quota information about an account. How much is being used and how much is available. DEPRECATION: The 'quota' and 'used' fields are deprecated and have been replaced with 'quotaingib' and 'usedquotainmib'
Url: https://api.glesys.com/email/createalias
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: emailalias , goto
Optional arguments: None
Description: Create an email alias.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/email/editalias
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: emailalias , goto
Optional arguments: None
Description: Edit an email alias.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/email/costs
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: Get email related costs and pricelists.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/email/resetpassword
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: emailaccount
Optional arguments: None
Description: Reset password for an email account.
List invoices and manage invoicing related settings.
- apikey: yes
- user login
- username: no
- cloudaccount: no
- customernumber: yes
- anonymous: no
Url: https://api.glesys.com/invoice/list
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: List all invoices of the customer that own this account.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/invoice/next
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: Shows an estimation of what the next invoice will look like. This shows costs for servers, changes, what has been changed and summaries.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/invoice/paybypaypal
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: invoiceids
Optional arguments: None
Description: Pay one (or more) invoices with paypal
Information about available country data.
- apikey: yes
- user login
- username: no
- cloudaccount: yes
- customernumber: no
- anonymous: no
Url: https://api.glesys.com/country/list
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: Fetch a list of all known countries and territories.
Manage the current customer.
- apikey: yes
- user login
- username: no
- cloudaccount: no
- customernumber: yes
- anonymous: no
Url: https://api.glesys.com/customer/settings
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: name , address , zipcode , city , nationalidnumber , invoicereference , phonenumber , email , invoiceaddress , invoicezipcode , invoicecity , separateinvoiceaddress , vatnumber , paymentmethod
Description: Change settings for an organization. NOTE! The field canpayinvoicesmanuallyusingpaypal is deprecated and can be removed without notice.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/customer/listcollaborators
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: Lists the collaborators for the organization. Collaborators can be given access to projects within the organization. Organization owners has full access to the organization, including billing.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/customer/listprojects
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: List all Projects for this Organization. This endpoint is not accessible with an API key.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/customer/editcollaborator
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: collaboratorid
Optional arguments: isowner , projectaccess
Description: Edit a collaborator. Project should be specified in the format
Url: https://api.glesys.com/customer/removecollaborator
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: collaboratorid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Removes a collaborator from the organization.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/customer/createproject
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: name
Optional arguments: None
Description: Create a new project. Requires authentication as a user.
Functions to manage the current account.
- apikey: yes
- user login
- username: no
- cloudaccount: yes
- customernumber: no
- anonymous: no
Url: https://api.glesys.com/account/info
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: Provides information about the currently logged in account. PLEASE NOTE: maxnumemailaccount has been deprecated in favor of maxnumemailaccounts.
Manage and use a users payment cards.
- apikey: no
- user login
- username: yes
- cloudaccount: no
- customernumber: no
- anonymous: no
Url: https://api.glesys.com/paymentcard/add
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: language
Optional arguments: cutomernumber
Description: Get an url that needs to be visited to add a new payment card for an organization. The language parameter determines the language of the website the url points to. Can be EN or SV.
Set up and handle VPN-accounts.
- apikey: yes
- user login
- username: no
- cloudaccount: yes
- customernumber: no
- anonymous: no
Url: https://api.glesys.com/vpn/listusers
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: List all vpn-users on this account
Url: https://api.glesys.com/vpn/createuser
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: username , password
Optional arguments: None
Description: Create a new vpn-user. Usernames has to be prefixed with your accountname, ex: clxxxxx_vpnuser.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/vpn/deleteuser
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: username
Optional arguments: None
Description: Delete a vpn-user from this account.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/vpn/edituser
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: username
Optional arguments: password , enabled
Description: Enable/disable and change password for an vpn-user.
Create and manage loadbalander instances.
- apikey: yes
- user login
- username: no
- cloudaccount: yes
- customernumber: no
- anonymous: no
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/list
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: List all loadbalancers on your account
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/details
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: loadbalancerid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Detailed information about a loadbalancer instance
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/create
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: name , datacenter
Optional arguments: None
Description: Creates a new loadbalancer with the
provided name
in the specified datacenter
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/edit
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: loadbalancerid
Optional arguments: name
Description: Edit a loadbalancer
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/destroy
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: loadbalancerid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Completly destroys a specified loadbalancer instance
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/addfrontend
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: loadbalancerid , name , port , backendname
Optional arguments: sslcertificate , maxconnections , clienttimeout
Description: Creates a frontend on specified loadbalancer. It will bind to a port on the loadbalancer instance and forward it to the specified backend.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/editfrontend
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: loadbalancerid , frontendname
Optional arguments: sslcertificate , port , maxconnections , clienttimeout
Description: Edit a frontend on a loadbalancer.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/removefrontend
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: loadbalancerid , frontendname
Optional arguments: None
Description: Remove a specifed fronted.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/addbackend
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: loadbalancerid , name
Optional arguments: mode , stickysession , connecttimeout , responsetimeout
Description: Creates a backend on specified loadbalancer. It will forward traffic from related frontend to specified targets. Mode will default to TCP but HTTP mode can be used to get more HTTP specific functions as StickySessions which will route traffic from a specific client only to a specific target.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/editbackend
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: loadbalancerid , backendname
Optional arguments: mode , stickysession , connecttimeout , responsetimeout
Description: Edit a backend on a loadbalancer.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/removebackend
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: loadbalancerid , backendname
Optional arguments: None
Description: Remove a specified backend.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/addtarget
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: loadbalancerid , backendname , ipaddress , port , name , weight
Optional arguments: None
Description: Creates as target which will represent one of the servers related backends will forward traffic to.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/edittarget
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: loadbalancerid , backendname , targetname
Optional arguments: ipaddress , port , weight
Description: Edit the options for the specified target.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/enabletarget
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: loadbalancerid , backendname , targetname
Optional arguments: None
Description: Enables specified target.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/disabletarget
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: loadbalancerid , backendname , targetname
Optional arguments: None
Description: Disables specified target. A disabled target will NOT recive any traffic
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/removetarget
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: loadbalancerid , backendname , name
Optional arguments: None
Description: Removes specified target
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/addcertificate
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: loadbalancerid , certificatename , certificate
Optional arguments: None
Description: Add ssl certficate to loadbalancer instance. certificate should be a base64 encoded .pem file that contains a certificate and a private key. Note: ssl will not automatically be used, you will need to added it to a frontend.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/listcertificate
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: loadbalancerid
Optional arguments: None
Description: List certificate attached to an loadbalancer instance.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/removecertificate
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: loadbalancerid , certificatename
Optional arguments: None
Description: Removes ssl certificate from loadbalancer instance.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/errors
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: loadbalancerid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Show loadbalancer errors
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/addtoblocklist
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: loadbalancerid , prefix
Optional arguments: None
Description: Blocks ip or prefix from access any url on the loadbalancer
Url: https://api.glesys.com/loadbalancer/removefromblocklist
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: loadbalancerid , prefix
Optional arguments: None
Description: Removed an ip or prefix from loadbalancer blocklist
Log in/out and manage the currently logged in user.
- apikey: no
- user login
- username: yes
- cloudaccount: no
- customernumber: no
- anonymous: no
Url: https://api.glesys.com/user/createorganization
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: country , type , name
Optional arguments: None
Description: Create an organization for the current user.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/user/details
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: Get information about the currently logged in user. Username, name, twofactor method and more.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/user/edit
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: name
Description: Update information about the current user.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/user/login
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: username , password
Optional arguments: otp , verificationcode
Description: This function is used to login with an username and password. If twofactor authentication is enabled, an authentication token is required. You will be provided with an temporary API key that can be used together with any of the organizations or projects that the user has access to. One of these project keys or organization numbers and the API key can be used as authentication for subsequent API requests. Script that needs to use the API should generally not use this. Using non-temporary API keys created through GleSYS Cloud is far better for that use case as they don't require you to share your password and OTP-devices and can be limited to accept connections from just a few ip adresses and can limit which functions they can be used with.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/user/logout
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: Destroy the current user session.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/user/enabletwofactor
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: method , secret , verification
Optional arguments: None
Description: Enable twofactor authentication for the currently logged in user.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/user/disabletwofactor
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: password , otp
Optional arguments: None
Description: Disable twofactor authentication for the currently logged in user.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/user/changepassword
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: currentpassword , newpassword
Optional arguments: otp
Description: Change password for the currently logged in user. This require otp-authentication if it is enabled for the user.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/user/listorganizations
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: Lists information about the organizations your user belongs to.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/user/searchdata
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: Get a dataset for service entites on the projects and organizations this user has access to. This dataset can be used for searches.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/user/signup
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: name , email , password , locale , useragent , termsofservice
Optional arguments: None
Description: Signup to create a new user. To proceed with a sign up you need to accept the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy, they are available at https://glesys.com/terms-policies.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/user/supportchallenge
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: TODO
Url: https://api.glesys.com/user/initiatesupportchallenge
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: TODO
Url: https://api.glesys.com/user/confirm
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: token
Optional arguments: None
Description: Confirm signup.
Information about the GleSYS API, such as service information.
Not required.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/api/maintenance
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: Get a list of GleSYS services that are in maintenance mode.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/api/serviceinfo
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: Deprecated. Please use https://status.glesys.com/api/v2/summary.json instead.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/api/listfunctions
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: List all functions in the api
Module for managing SSH keys that can be used for GleSYS servers.
- apikey: yes
- user login
- username: no
- cloudaccount: yes
- customernumber: no
- anonymous: no
Url: https://api.glesys.com/sshkey/add
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: sshkey , description
Optional arguments: None
Description: Add public sshkey to your account which can be used when deploying new servers.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/sshkey/list
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: List your saved sshkeys.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/sshkey/remove
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: sshkeyids
Optional arguments: None
Description: Remove specified sshkey.
Set up and handle network adapters.
- apikey: yes
- user login
- username: no
- cloudaccount: yes
- customernumber: no
- anonymous: no
Url: https://api.glesys.com/networkadapter/create
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: serverid
Optional arguments: bandwidth , adaptertype , networkid , name
Description: Create a network adapter.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/networkadapter/details
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: networkadapterid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Details for a network adapter.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/networkadapter/edit
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: networkadapterid
Optional arguments: bandwidth , networkid , name
Description: Edit a network adapter.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/networkadapter/delete
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: networkadapterid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Delete a network adapter.
View information about your network circuits.
- apikey: yes
- user login
- username: no
- cloudaccount: yes
- customernumber: no
- anonymous: no
Url: https://api.glesys.com/networkcircuit/details
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: networkcircuitid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Show information of a specific network circuit, including a verbose view of the billing.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/networkcircuit/list
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: Get a list of all network circuits in this project.
Set up and manage Networks.
- apikey: yes
- user login
- username: no
- cloudaccount: yes
- customernumber: no
- anonymous: no
Url: https://api.glesys.com/network/list
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: List your networks.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/network/details
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: networkid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Details for a specific network
Url: https://api.glesys.com/network/create
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: datacenter , description
Optional arguments: None
Description: Create a network
Url: https://api.glesys.com/network/delete
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: networkid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Delete a network
Url: https://api.glesys.com/network/edit
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: networkid
Optional arguments: description
Description: Edit a network
Manage file storages.
- apikey: yes
- user login
- username: no
- cloudaccount: yes
- customernumber: no
- anonymous: no
Url: https://api.glesys.com/filestorage/createvolume
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: datacenter , planid
Optional arguments: name , autopromotion
Description: Create a new file storage.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/filestorage/listvolumes
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: List file storages.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/filestorage/volumedetails
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: volumeid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Details for a file storage.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/filestorage/editvolume
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: volumeid
Optional arguments: accesslist , planid , autopromotion
Description: Edit a file storage
Url: https://api.glesys.com/filestorage/deletevolume
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: volumeid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Delete a file storage.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/filestorage/resourceusage
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: volumeid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Resource usage for a file storage.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/filestorage/listplans
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: volumeid
Description: List all available plans.
Manage your projects.
- apikey: no
- user login
- username: yes
- cloudaccount: yes
- customernumber: no
- anonymous: no
Url: https://api.glesys.com/project/edit
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: name , color
Description: Edit a project.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/project/rename
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: name
Optional arguments: None
Description: Rename a project.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/project/delete
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: Request to delete a project.
Manage your Object Storage Instances
- apikey: yes
- user login
- username: no
- cloudaccount: yes
- customernumber: no
- anonymous: no
Url: https://api.glesys.com/objectstorage/instancedetails
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: instanceid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Get detailed information of an Object Storage Instance such as datacenter, descriptions and associated credentials.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/objectstorage/listinstances
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: projectkey
Optional arguments: None
Description: Get a list of Object Storage Instances for a project
Url: https://api.glesys.com/objectstorage/createinstance
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: projectkey , datacenter
Optional arguments: description , createinitialbucket
Description: Create a new Object Storage Instance. Your first credentials will be created automatically
Url: https://api.glesys.com/objectstorage/editinstance
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: instanceid
Optional arguments: description
Description: Update the description of an Object Storage Instance.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/objectstorage/deleteinstance
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: instanceid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Delete an Object Storage Instance together with credentials and all of your files. This change is final and cannot be undone. You will NOT be asked for confirmation.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/objectstorage/createcredential
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: instanceid
Optional arguments: description
Description: Create credentials for an Object Storage Instance.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/objectstorage/deletecredential
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: credentialid , instanceid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Delete credentials for an Object Storage Instance. This will not delete any associated files
Url: https://api.glesys.com/objectstorage/estimatedcost
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: instanceid , averageUsageInGib
Description: Get cost for new or existing Object Storage Instance.
Manage additional disks for your servers. Currently only supported for the VMware platform.
- apikey: yes
- user login
- username: no
- cloudaccount: yes
- customernumber: no
- anonymous: no
Url: https://api.glesys.com/serverdisk/create
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: serverid , name , sizeingib
Optional arguments: None
Description: Create a new disk for a server.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/serverdisk/reconfigure
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: id , sizeingib
Optional arguments: None
Description: Reconfigure a disk. Currently only supports reconfiguring the size of the disk. The new size cannot be lower or equal to the current size.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/serverdisk/updatename
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: id , name
Optional arguments: None
Description: Update the name for a disk.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/serverdisk/delete
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: id
Optional arguments: None
Description: Delete a disk. This change is final and cannot be undone.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/serverdisk/limits
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: serverid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Show disk limits for a server. This includes the number of additional disks allowed per server as well as the minimum and maximum size per disk. Note that the minimum and maximum size allowed might vary depending on which data center the server belongs to.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/serverdisk/estimatedcost
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: serverid
Optional arguments: additionaldiskingibdelta , additionalgolddiskingibdelta , additionalsilverdiskingibdelta
Description: Estimate additional disk cost for a server. The
parameter can be used to calculate an estimate with an increased or decreased
amount of addtitional disk space. For example, setting this parameter to 10 for a server with 20 GiB in
additional disk space will result in an estimated cost for 30 GiB in addtional disk space. The current
in the response contains the current additional disk cost for the server. The estimated
object in the response
contains the estimated additional disk cost for the server including overrides. The diff
object in the response
contains the difference between the estimated
and current
Manage your private networks
- apikey: yes
- user login
- username: no
- cloudaccount: yes
- customernumber: no
- anonymous: no
Url: https://api.glesys.com/privatenetwork/details
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: privatenetworkid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Get detailed information of a private network.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/privatenetwork/list
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: None
Description: Get a list of private networks for a project
Url: https://api.glesys.com/privatenetwork/create
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: name
Optional arguments: None
Description: Create a new private network.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/privatenetwork/edit
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: privatenetworkid
Optional arguments: name
Description: Update the name of a private network.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/privatenetwork/delete
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: privatenetworkid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Delete a private network.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/privatenetwork/listsegments
Method: Both Https POST and GET
Required arguments: privatenetworkid
Optional arguments: None
Description: Get a list of network segments for a private network
Url: https://api.glesys.com/privatenetwork/createsegment
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: ipv4subnet , name , privatenetworkid , platform , datacenter
Optional arguments: None
Description: Create a new network segment.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/privatenetwork/editsegment
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: id , name
Optional arguments: None
Description: Update the name of a network segment.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/privatenetwork/deletesegment
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: id
Optional arguments: None
Description: Delete a network segment.
Url: https://api.glesys.com/privatenetwork/estimatedcost
Method: Only Https POST
Required arguments: None
Optional arguments: privatenetworkid
Description: Get cost for new or existing private network.