This document details the steps to reproduce the demo given by @gmacario during the last day of the Jenkins & Java 10+ Hackathon which took place on 2018-06-22.
YouTube Video: (from 18:52 to 28:10)
See #268
Please refer to section "System Requirements" of
Login to a Bash shell on the machine where you installed Docker (in our example, login as gmacario@mac-tizy)
Clone easy-jenkins source code from GitHub
mkdir -p $HOME/github/gmacario && cd $HOME/github/gmacario && \
[ ! -e easy-jenkins ] && git clone
Switch to development branch
cd $HOME/github/gmacario/easy-jenkins && \
git checkout feature/install-nexus-oss && git pull --all --prune
Bring-up easy-jenkins
cd $HOME/github/gmacario/easy-jenkins && \
If everything is OK, you should get an output similar to the following:
Creating easy-jenkins_myjenkins_1 ... done
INFO: Run the following command to configure your shell:
INFO: eval $(docker-machine env easy-jenkins)
INFO: Browse to access the Jenkins dashboard
INFO: Initial administrator password: c253570cfcec43b79e92f47008dc0ac0
gmacario@mac-tizy:~/github/gmacario/easy-jenkins (wip/try-java10-jcasc)$
NOTE: Take note of the displayed URL and initial administrator password (they may differ from the ones shown here) since you will need them later on.
(Optional) Check docker-compose logs
eval $(docker-machine env easy-jenkins) && \
docker-compose logs -f
-- example:
- On page "Unlock Jenkins", paste the Jenkins initial administrator password (see output of
or typedocker-compose logs
), then click "Continue" - On page "Getting Started", click "Install suggested plugins"
- On page "Create First Admin User", fill in the requested details, then click "Save and Continue"
- On page "Instance Configuration", accept the proposed value for Jenkins URL, then click "Save and Finish"
- If requested, click button "Restart" and refresh the browser until you get the "Welcome to Jenkins!" login page
- On page "Welcome to Jenkins!", login with the credentials of the first admin user you have created, then click "Sign in"
- On the main Jenkins dashboard page, click "Build Executor Status", then click the "Configure" icon of node "master" and fill in the following data
- Labels:
- Click "Save"
- Labels:
- Click "Open Blue Ocean"
- Click "Create a new Pipeline"
- Where do you store your code? GitHub
- Connect to GitHub: Create an access token
- On page "New personal access token" fill in the following data:
- Token description: Choose a meaningful name (example:
easy-jenkins @mac-tizy
) - Click "Generate token"
- Token description: Choose a meaningful name (example:
- Copy the access token and paste it to the Pipeline setup page, then click "Connect"
- On page "New personal access token" fill in the following data:
- Which organization does the repository belong to? An organization you belong to (example:
) - Choose a repository: my-jenkins-pipelines (you may fork it from
- Click "Create Pipeline"
Result: TODO
cd $HOME/github/gmacario/easy-jenkins && \
eval $(docker-machine env easy-jenkins) && \
docker-compose down -v && \
docker-machine stop easy-jenkins
Logged as gmacario@mac-tizy
cd && \
source $HOME/.bashrc && \
(Optional) Login to remote Docker Host with the following command
ssh -p 20022 gmacario@localhost
- Browse http://localhost:29080
- Click "Open Blue Ocean"
- Inspect pipeline "my-jenkins-pipelines"
- Inspect pipeline "my-genivi-pipelines"
- Inspect pipeline "easy-jenkins"
NOTE: Currently on easy-jenkins master
- Browse
- Click "Open Blue Ocean"
- Inspect pipeline "my-jenkins-pipelines"
- Inspect pipeline "easy-jenkins"
(Optional) Login to remote Docker Host with the following command
ssh -p [email protected]