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Installing and preparing easy-jenkins

On a bash shell on the Docker Client, type the following commands to install easy-jenkins:

$ git clone
$ cd easy-jenkins
$ ./

Notice that the will try to create a docker-machine if this is not already available.

A more complex invocation may be used to create the containers to a different docker-machine (in the following example, mv-linux-powerhorse):

$ git clone
$ cd easy-jenkins
$ eval $(docker-machine env mv-linux-powerhorse)  # OPTIONAL - if docker-engine on a different machine
$ docker-compose stop; docker-compose rm -f; docker-compose build --pull
$ ./

The $ docker-compose ... commands are used to make sure the machine runs the most updated images as defined by easy-jenkins.

If the installation is successful, the following messages will be displayed on the launching terminal:

gmacario@ITM-GMACARIO-W7 MINGW64 ~/easy-jenkins (master)
$ ./
INFO: Docker machine mv-linux-powerhorse exists, skipping docker-machine create
INFO: Using Docker machine mv-linux-powerhorse
Creating easyjenkins_myjenkins_1
Creating easyjenkins_build-yocto-slave_1
INFO: Browse to access the Jenkins dashboard
INFO: Run the following command to configure your shell:
INFO: eval $(docker-machine env mv-linux-powerhorse)

gmacario@ITM-GMACARIO-W7 MINGW64 ~/easy-jenkins (master)

Take note of the ${JENKINS_URL} (in our example, where the Jenkins dashboard could be accessed.

Watch docker-compose logs until line INFO: Jenkins is fully up and running is displayed:

$ eval $(docker-machine env easy-jenkins)
$ docker-compose logs
myjenkins_1         | INFO: Completed initialization
myjenkins_1         | Feb 02, 2016 7:05:31 AM hudson.WebAppMain$3 run
myjenkins_1         | INFO: Jenkins is fully up and running

Browse ${JENKINS_URL} as explained by the INFO: Browse xxx to access the Jenkins dashboard message above and verify that the Jenkins dashboard is displayed correctly.

Running Jenkins for the first time

Jenkins 2.0 requires to supply an Administrator password before the actual configuration may be completed.

Getting Started - Unlock Jenkins

Find the Administrator password using docker-compose logs as in the following example

$ eval $(docker-machine env easy-jenkins)
$ docker-compose logs
myjenkins_1 | INFO:
myjenkins_1 |
myjenkins_1 | *************************************************************
myjenkins_1 | *************************************************************
myjenkins_1 | *************************************************************
myjenkins_1 |
myjenkins_1 | Jenkins initial setup is required. An admin user has been created and a password generated.
myjenkins_1 | Please use the following password to proceed to installation:
myjenkins_1 |
myjenkins_1 | 9805450d56d6418dae8b92ebd3f3098c
myjenkins_1 |
myjenkins_1 | This may also be found at: /var/jenkins_home/secrets/initialAdminPassword
myjenkins_1 |
myjenkins_1 | *************************************************************
myjenkins_1 | *************************************************************
myjenkins_1 | *************************************************************

TODO: Display Administrator password using docker-compose logs | grep xxx inside

Fill in the password in the form, then click Continue.

The following page will be displayed

Getting Started - Customize Jenkins

Choose Install suggested plugins.

TODO: Check whether plugins are already installed from the list at myjenkins/plugins.txt.

You will then be shown the "Getting Started - Create First Admin User" page

Getting Started - Create First Admin User

  • Username: xxx
  • Password: xxx
  • Confirm password: xxx
  • Full name: xxx
  • E-mail address: xxx

then click Save and Finish.

If everything is OK, a page "Jenkins is ready!" will be displayed.

Getting Started - Jenkins is ready

Click Start using Jenkins to proceed.

The Jenkins dashboard should be displayed

Jenkins Dashboard

Build project seed

Browse ${JENKINS_URL}/job/seed, then click Build Now

Result: The following projects will be generated and show up in the Jenkins dashboard:

  1. add_jenkins_slave
  2. build_gdp
  3. configure_git