codereview: should the Go project stop importing GitHub PRs? #61182
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I started contributing to Go a few months ago and used the Github workflow on my first submission. The especially difficult part was getting formatting conventions right on the commit message: sending updates that rendered differently on Github to match the required format for Gerrit took most of the time. In hindsight, learning the Gerrit workflow from the start would have been much simpler. |
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From my experience contributing to projects hosted on external services is usually cumbersome because it requires extra account registration and small drive by contributions like link fixes are probably not being done anymore. |
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One data point from another project: we also use Gerrit in the CUE project, and we also allow GitHub PRs for convenience, but in a slightly different way to what Go does currently. We do the code review and CI on the GitHub side, and manually import to Gerrit only when a PR is approved and ready to be merged. This approach is still far from perfect, but we think it works a bit better for PR contributors, since their workflow remains pretty natural. The only difference is that we can't and won't merge the PR directly, since the GitHub repository is simply a mirror from Gerrit. On our side it's a little bit more work, since we effectively review code on two platforms, even if Gerrit is the primary one. However, most of us are already used to doing reviews on GitHub, even with its shortcomings. And one could argue that we save work by not having to maintain any form of server or bot to make this all happen; we simply have an It's worth noting that using Gerrit directly is still best in most cases, particularly when someone wants to contribute a big or complex change, or when someone wants to contribute regularly. For those cases, we still kindly ask the person to learn the Gerrit route, and I think that's fine. |
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I contributed my first (and currently only) change to the Go project through GitHub a few years back when I was a relatively fresh developer. There were definitely a few quirks with the workflow and I remember having various issues getting titles and commit messages updated but it turned out well in the end. In hindsight, I don't think I would have considered contributing if it wasn't already possible though a service like GitHub where I already felt confident in the tooling. Even to this day I feel similarly about various other projects that are not on GitHub or GitLab (especially using mailing lists, phabicator, etc.) because the step up in learning might not be worth it if I don't want (or have the time) to become a regular contributor. That being said, I could consider contributing through Gerrit in the future because I already have some minor knowledge of how it works from last time (and I care about the project enough). Removing the support for importing PRs from GitHub would likely result in less new developers contributing to the project. There do however seem to be a vast majority of problems with how it is currently done and I believe that the best solution would be to improve the PR workflow through GitHub, if possible. If not, I would not personally be against removing the support as the current cons seem to outweigh the pros in many ways. |
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I think it would be nice to have some measurement of the review friction mentioned above; "a large fraction of code reviews for GitHub PRs require multiple rounds of comments of the form “please mark comments as resolved in Gerrit if they have been addressed”", etc. I started such an analysis tool in, which could be extended to look at how many back-and-forth comments GitHub pull requests have. As I put this together quickly, I only looked at the proportion of merged CLs, which is indeed lower with GitHub, even for "new" contributors:
(This tool suspiciously "finished" fetching at exactly 10000 CLs, so I think I hit a Gerrit limit rather than actually analyzing all CLs). |
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In another thread, @bcmills referenced #21956 "Just use github for everything" as declined. The issue however, was closed with
Not that it was declined. Just that it was off-track. (this was before the proposal processes) Regarding that proposal, I think the amount of discussion that it received, and the number of people who 👍 it means that a large portion of people would prefer using GitHub. I suspect that still rings true today. A key thing that was supposed to happen from that issue was the documentation of the key differences (#22002) between gerrit and github and what the community wanted from its contributing/reviewing experience. That was ultimately closed due to the creation of the very bot of this discussion. I think #22002 should be re-opened/recreated and done first, and only then a more general decision had regarding how to improve PRs and contributions in general (where using Github vs Gerrit vs both could be discussed). Should the discussion there decide that gerrit is the only solution, the bot can be removed. As it stands, I believe this discussion is suggesting a solution to a premature question. |
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I strongly agree with using exactly one review tool. It's unfortunate for the project if the issue tracker is on Github and reviews are on another site, because linking between the two is inconvenient, labeling is harder to keep consistent. But I think the project has a few problems with that with the bidirectional synchronization already. As a (rare) contributor, I think that the review comments I get via Gerrit are significantly better than in Github. They can be ordered as the reviewer desires, whereas Github comments are sorted by the order that they're added to the draft. Understanding the scope of the requested changes can be difficult in Github. |
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Whilst the vast majority of code on the Go ecosystem exists primarily on Github, it seems like the maintainers have a preference for the workflow of Gerrit. Instead of suggesting changes to the Gerritbot, workflow engine, or source of truth, would it not make more sense to poll for familiarity of the both tools, and make proposals based on those going forward? We take a similar approach to a lot of other changes to the language and ecosystem. I do not see why we would risk making the language “less approachable for new contributors”, “more difficult to manage for those already familiar with Gerrit”, or “require specific knowledge of GitHub/Gerrit/other tool” without data to baseline the conversation. |
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Push commit to github pr is still more convenient than to solve the data model mismatch problem, I think there is another solution. Not to stop importing github PR totally, but stop 2 way sycning, and limit the usage of github PR. Bot will still import code from github PR as replacement of And don't sync code review back to githuh PR, force contributors to use Gerrit for code review and discussion, only let bot add a comment with its gerrit link, and maybe, lock conversation of PR or just omit them. github PR support check, so a bot can detect misused github features, for example, markdown description or not gofmt-ed source code, show a error in github PR check, and don't import them. In this way, contributors are familiar with github but not Gerrit will only need to learn how to use gerrit web, which imo is easy. No need to learn go codereview cli, which imo is very hard to use. |
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I think the right thing to do would be to change the bot which mirrors GitHub PRs to gerrit, to instead immediately close the GitHub pr and share a link to a replacement on gerrit, with an explanation of what happened. Fully removing support for GitHub prs is going to dissuade a lot of people from ever even trying to become a contributor, but if you just accept initial commits via GitHub and then force people to gerrit I think it is much less harsh, and i think gets you most of the centralized workflow wins you are interested in. I hope you dont fully shut down github PRs. |
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Don't get me wrong but for a big project (like Go) Gerrit is a good firewall which raises a bar and prevents tons of PRs with a questionable changes. As a result it keeps core team less disrupted. (sorry, don't have any numbers, just gut feelings) |
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The GitHub |
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This answer may not be suitable for reply here, but there isn't a more appropriate place found. The choice of a tool for code review should not only be considered from the perspective of code review. I believe we face yet another issue. The inability of Google search engine to index the content from Gerrit poses a problem. This implies that one cannot access the content they are interested in through Your only choice is to perform an internal site search:
What is my current strategy when I need to search for relevant issues?
What are the limitations of this approach?I am unable to find comments made during the review process. What's my ideal scenario?I should be able to find what I am looking for through Google/GitHub/Gerrit or any other platform. |
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We should consider staying on GitHub and taking inspiration from the Flutter project's success in building a vibrant community. |
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See #45246 If you stop importing GitHub PRs, how can you solve the following situation: remote: PERMISSION_DENIED: The caller does not have permission remote: [] remote: locale: "en-US" remote: message: " is not available from your location." remote: remote: [] remote: request_id: "c922a8c106674b4f9de1731653555818" fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403 (running: git push -q origin HEAD:refs/for/master) git-codereview: exit status 128 |
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As somebody who occasionally contributes to Go I do like GitHub interaction. I have not found many (any?) issues with it. I make a PR like I am used to, I get a link to the Gerrit by the bot, I go there, and I star it with the account I have signed in there using my Gmail account. If needed, I respond to comments in Gerrit. But otherwise I just push new commits to my branch and PR is updated, and Gerrit as well. So I have found this very useful in the sense that I do not really need to learn how to use Gerrit in terminal, I use it just for comments through the browser. The rest I just do regular PRs. About commit message formatting, I think that would be the issue with using just Gerrit as well. Go requires the message to be formatted in a particular way so one has to learn that. One middleground solution could be that some basic git commit message checks are added to GitHub Actions and Gerrit bot is run only after that is cleared. |
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I discussed this with a broader subset of the Go team. @thepudds (who is not on the Go team, but is a valued contributor!) has been making significant improvements for many of the friction points I named at the start of the discussion. The consensus from internal discussions is that we would like to see how those improvements pan out, and if they end up reducing the friction of GitHub PRs by as much as we expect, then it is worthwhile to continue importing GitHub PRs. Thanks everyone for the feedback and ideas, and especially to @thepudds for putting those ideas into action. |
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#33502 keeps linking to this discussion:
Yet this discussion is closed. So, what is the correct status there? @rsc @bcmills |
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In #18517 (accepted Jan. 2017), we decided to start importing GitHub pull requests for the Go repositories as Gerrit changes, in addition to our more typical direct-to-Gerrit workflow.
In the time since then, I have reviewed many contributed changes to the various Go repos, including those posted as GitHub PRs and those posted directly to Gerrit.
In my experience, the GitHub workflow is not working well.
hooks do not apply for GitHub PRs, so simple reminder steps like “make sure your code isgofmt
'd” often require extra rounds of review comments.In addition, the bot that implements the import workflow is somewhat buggy and not always reliable
(see for the complete list).
It may be possible to fix many of the bugs in the GerritBot implementation, at some indeterminate cost. However, I do not believe that it is possible to address the mismatches in the data model in a satisfactory way — especially not without significant additional development work on GerritBot, which I don't foresee becoming a priority for the Go project in the near future.
In this discussion, I would like to investigate the possibility of no longer accepting GitHub PRs, and reducing GerritBot to simply closing them with a message directing the requester to the Gerrit workflow in the Contribution Guide. That would essentially reverse #18517 in light of several years' experience with the result of that proposal.
[edited 2023-08-11] Since this discussion began, a number of these friction points have been addressed. We will continue to import GitHub PRs and see if the friction in that process has been sufficiently reduced. (#61182 (comment))
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