- Syllabus Review
- Introductions and Roll Call
- Admin work: signing the Course Agreements Form; getting into Discord
- Distribution of kits and keys
- Break
- Presentation: Loosening Up with DIY Drawing Machines
- Announcement of Assignment 1: DIY Drawing Machine (due Thursday 1/18)
In which we allow ourselves to make shitty machines and even shittier drawings.
Show: Ruler, stencil, spirograph, pantograph, doodletop...
What is a drawing? List your assumptions.
- A drawing is made by one person.
- A drawing is made on paper...
What is a machine? List your assumptions.
- A machine is electric.
- A machine is not a living thing...
- Aram Bartholl, PAINT Class
- Karina Smigla-Bobinski, ADA
- Tim Knowles, Tree Drawings
- CROMATICS, Robo-Rainbow
- Kyle McDonald & Matt Mets, Blind Self Portrait,
- Laura Devendorf, Being the Machine
- Jay Silver, Drawdio
- Pierre & Damien, Zachary Lieberman et al., IQ Font
- Vik Muniz, Clouds
- Addie Wagenknecht, Roomba Self-Portrait (24:40 — 31:50)
- Jean Tinguely Metamatics (1959)
- Rebecca Horn, Pencil Mask (1972)
- Carolee Schneeman, Up to And Including Her Limits (1973)
- Arthur Ganson, Faster!
- Kanako Ishikawa, Fan/Cat Drawing Machine
- Meagan Kombol, Subway Lines
- Olafur Eliasson, Station to Station
- Echo Yang, Egg Timer Drawing Machine
- Tom Whitwell, Mecha-Musical Machine
- Loackme, Turntable Drawing Machine
- Sam van Doorn, STYN (Machine that Records Pinball)
- All Lovely Stuff, Rubber Band + Spool
- Korina Anne Cruz, Walk with Paintballs
- Lindsey Colbourne, Marble Run
- Szymon Paśko, Bubble Drawing Machine
- Shifra Steinberg, Creator of Universes
- Matthias Dorfelt, Mechanical Parts
- Eindri Kyaw Sein, Drawing Machine PInterest
- Anne-Marie Sircello, Drawing Machine PInterest
- New College Swindon Product Design, Drawing Machine PInterest
- CMU School of Design DIY Drawing Machines
- Alban Voss, Xbox Rumble Drawing Machine
- Stan Krzyzanowski, Drill Press Drawing Machine
- Kaitlin Carlisle, In-Car Drawing Machine
- Balint Bolygo, Trace II
- Kiki van Caspel, Drawing Machine for Two
- Snow College, DIY machine workshop
- Katerina Fisenko, Paint Spinner
- Mary Thompson, Drawing Machine Installation
- Claire Mitchell, EMG Drawing Machine
- Amelia Saffron, Gravity Powered Drawing Machine
- Lauren Zemering, Top
- Jess John, Floor Spinner
- Nisha, Massager
- Enna Ikuta, Ink Spinners
- Maria Mikołajczak, DIY Pinball Drawing Machine
- Michalina Jasinska, Harmonograph
- (CMU alum) Zachary Rapoport, Paint Waves
- Arlene Sharp, Electric Whisk Drawing Machine
- Cameron Zotter, Drill Drawing Machine
- Wen Zhou, Umbrella Drawing Machine
- Angela Bulloch, On/Off Line Drawing Machine
- Jamie Newton, Bird Drawing Machine and other drawing machines
- Cameron Zotter, Box Fan Drawing Machine
- Tinkering Studio, Rubber-band powered drawing machine
- Jurg Lehni: Otto