- hfossli/AGGeometryKit-POP:
- ideo/avocado: An interaction design toolbox
- myell0w/MTDActionSheet: A customizable UIActionSheet replacement for the iPad
- chrismiles/DynamicXray: iOS UIKit Dynamics runtime visualisation and introspection library.
- hfossli/AGGeometryKit: Quadrilaterals on CALayer, CGGeometry-functions, UIView/CALayer properties and other invaluable tools.
- tristanhimmelman/THContactPicker: An iOS view used for selecting multiple contacts. This view mimic the contact selection in the Apple Mail app
- happyfoxinc/helpstack: iOS Support Framework
- kronik/DKCircleButton: Flat circle button with sonar tap animation
- SocialObjects-Software/SOMessaging: Messaging library for iOS 7.x
- shams-ahmed/SAScrollTableViewCell: An easy-to-use UITableViewCell subclass that implements a scrolling effect cell with media content such as images, video sound etc...
- mrcrow/MRoundedButton: UIControl subclass like iOS 7 Phone app button
- nst/STHTTPRequest: A NSURLConnection wrapper for humans
- slembcke/Cocos2DShaderCookbook: A introductory guide to shaders with Cocos2D 3.1.
- jessesquires/JSQMessagesViewController: An elegant messages UI library for iOS
- fortinmike/XcodeBoost: An Xcode plugin that aims to make altering and inspecting code quick and easy.
- lanayotech/vagrant-manager: Manage your vagrant machines in one place with Vagrant Manager for OS X
- nicklockwood/Presentations: Code samples and projects for presentations that I have given
- KinveyLabs/KCSIBeacon: Generic iBeacon Management and Utilities
- AFNetworking/AFNetworking: A delightful iOS and OS X networking framework
- ming1016/RSSRead:
- steipete/Aspects: Delightful, simple library for aspect oriented programming.
- zipme/RQShineLabel: Secret app like text animation
- gleue/TGLStackedViewController: A stacked view layout with gesture-based reordering using a UICollectionView -- inspired by Passbook and Reminders apps.
- herinkc/HTPressableButton: Pressable button with ease of use for iOS developers.
- facebook/KVOController: Simple, modern, thread-safe key-value observing for iOS and OS X.
- calmh/syncthing: Open Source Continuous Replication / Cluster Synchronization Thing
- gitchain/gitchain: Gitchain prototype implementation (keep in mind, it is not yet ready at all!)
- gopherjs/gopherjs: A transpiler from Go (golang.org) to JavaScript for running Go code in a browser
- dotcloud/docker: Docker - the open-source application container engine
- go-martini/martini: Classy web framework for Go
- joewalnes/websocketd: Turn any program that uses STDIN/STDOUT into a WebSocket server. Like inetd, but for WebSockets.
- hashicorp/consul: Consul is a tool for service discovery, monitoring and configuration.
- shurcooL/markdownfmt: Like gofmt, but for Markdown.
- xiam/shooter-server: shooter.io is a network based multiplayer space shooter game.
- astaxie/build-web-application-with-golang: A golang ebook intro how to build a web with golang
- spf13/hugo: A Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator built with love by spf13 in GoLang
- progrium/logspout: Log routing for Docker container logs
- packetbeat/packetbeat: Open Source Application Monitoring
- gogits/gogs: Gogs(Go Git Service) is a Self Hosted Git Service in the Go Programming Language.
- soundcloud/roshi: Roshi is a large-scale CRDT set implementation for timestamped events.
- astaxie/beego: beego is an open-source, high-performance web framework for the Go programming language.
- coreos/etcd: A highly-available key value store for shared configuration and service discovery
- mitchellh/packer: Packer is a tool for creating identical machine images for multiple platforms from a single source configuration.
- limetext/lime: Experimental Sublime Text clone
- zenazn/goji: Goji is a minimalistic web framework for Golang that's high in antioxidants
- hashicorp/serf: Service orchestration and management tool.
- inconshreveable/ngrok: Introspected tunnels to localhost
- gengo/goship: A simple tool for deploying code to servers.
- hashicorp/envconsul: Read and set environmental variables for processes from Consul.
- docker/beam: A library to break down an application into loosely coupled micro-services
- filamentgroup/tablesaw: A group of plugins for responsive tables.
- kevva/imagemin-app: imagemin as an OS X, Linux and Windows app
- facebook/jest: Painless JavaScript Unit Testing
- rdio/jsfmt: Like gofmt, but for JavaScript
- buunguyen/octotree: Browser extensions to display GitHub code in tree format
- Reactive-Extensions/RxJS: The Reactive Extensions for JavaScript
- fastly/epoch: A charting library for rapid development of web based analytics and reporting software.
- anijs/anijs: Declarative handling library for CSS animations.
- facebook/react: React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It's declarative, efficient, and extremely flexible. What's more, it works with the libraries and frameworks that you already know.
- angular/angular.js: HTML enhanced for web apps
- popcorn-official/popcorn-app: Allow easily streaming from torrents, without any particular knowledge.
- joewalnes/filtrex: A simple, safe, JavaScript Filter Expression compiler for end-users
- rschmukler/agenda: Lightweight job scheduling for node
- yyx990803/vue: Intuitive, fast & composable MVVM for building interactive interfaces.
- julianshapiro/velocity: Accelerated JavaScript animation.
- joyent/node: evented I/O for v8 javascript
- driftyco/ionic: Advanced HTML5 Mobile App Framework. A beautiful front-end framework for developing hybrid mobile apps in HTML5. Best friends with AngularJS.
- mozilla/scanjs: Static analysis tool for javascript code based. Scanjs uses Acorn to convert sources to AST, then walks AST looking for patterns.
- romanmatiasko/reti-chess: Reti Chess is a lightweight version of real-time chess app built in Node.js, Express and Socket.IO
- getify/native-promise-only: A polyfill for native ES6 Promises as close as possible (no extensions) to the strict spec definitions.
- GitbookIO/gitbook: Command line utility for generating books and exercises using GitHub/Git and Markdown
- dhg/davegamache:
- TryGhost/Ghost: Just a blogging platform
- coreybutler/fenix: A software app that manages development web servers and webhooks.
- adobe/brackets: An open source code editor for the web, written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.