Releases: google/mesop
Releases · google/mesop
- The underlying Mesop Angular app is now compiled using Angular production mode when running Mesop in prod mode. This improves performance and the overall production readiness of deploying Mesop apps!
What's Changed
- Add copybara strip comments for safe_iframe.ts by @wwwillchen in #153
- Add docs for embed by @wwwillchen in #154
- Fix angular material colors for M3 by @wwwillchen in #155
- Support dict for dataclass_with_defaults (used by stateclass) by @wwwillchen in #162
- Create optimized / prod-Angular app for prod mode by @wwwillchen in #157
- Add e2e tests by @wwwillchen in #163
- Tweak docs/ to highlight value prop by @wwwillchen in #169
- Cut v0.5 release by @wwwillchen in #170
Full Changelog: v0.4.2...v0.5
What's Changed
- Add a text to image IO function. by @richard-to in #99
- Switch to ipv6 host by @wwwillchen in #91
- Add simple chat widget function. by @richard-to in #100
- Add basic table with Pandas support by @richard-to in #103
- Update to reference cli.venv by @wwwillchen in #108
- Add version attribute so Mesop users can easily tell which version of Mesop they're using by @wwwillchen in #112
- Make MesopException the parent class of more specific mesop exceptions & expose as public API by @wwwillchen in #113
- Update hot reloading logic in by @richard-to in #116
- Update BUILD in pip_package to not directly reference @rules_python by @wwwillchen in #120
- Create shorthands for Margin, Padding, and Border by @wwwillchen in #122
- Make it so wide code examples do not overflow. by @richard-to in #127
- Fix by @wwwillchen in #130
- Fix imports when using mesop CLI by @wwwillchen in #129
- Fix state serialization bug with pandas.DataFrame. by @richard-to in #126
- Add on table cell click event by @richard-to in #125
- Plumb style for markdown by @wwwillchen in #132
- Support style for button by @wwwillchen in #133
- Support style for checkbox and radio by @wwwillchen in #134
- Update default UI for radio component by @wwwillchen in #131
- Increase timeout in chat_test due to flakiness by @wwwillchen in #137
- Improve DevEx for hot reloading: show errors from hot reloading right away by @wwwillchen in #135
- Move ng_deps = [//mesop/web/src/utils] to components/defs.bzl since most components will need it by @wwwillchen in #144
- Add aspect_ratio and overflow_wrap to Style by @wwwillchen in #136
- Deflakes chat_test.ts by @wwwillchen in #145
- Add embed (iframe) component (closes #140) by @wwwillchen in #143
- Rename simple{_test} -> many_checkboxes{_test} & deflake by reducing # of checkboxes by @wwwillchen in #146
- Fix so pip_package works by @wwwillchen in #139
Full Changelog: v0.4.1...v0.4.2
What's Changed
- Linux support by @rczhang in #38
- Allow
to be set to 0. by @richard-to in #78 - Make all (API-exposed) dataclass kw-only by @wwwillchen in #80
- Allow columns CSS property to accept int/str vals. by @richard-to in #86
- Document input race condition issue anti-pattern by @wwwillchen in #89
- Document component key (closes #74) by @wwwillchen in #88
- Ensure edit events from visual editor is only processed in debug mode by @wwwillchen in #92
- Fix logic for setting debug mode from colab_run and wsgi_app (closes #83) by @wwwillchen in #90
New Contributors
- @rczhang made their first contribution in #38
- @richard-to made their first contribution in #78
- @wwwillchen made their first contribution in #80
Full Changelog: v0.2...v0.4.1
Visual Editor
New visual editor launched!
Blog post