This is simply a renamed version of, yii-jade will no longer be maintained.
Yii's extension for Pug template system
Install yii-pug with composer. Because it is not in the standard composer repositories, you will need to add the repository to your composer.json file as well:
"repositories": [
"url": "",
"type": "vcs"
"require": {
"greenhost/yii-pug": "dev-dev@dev",
To enable yii-pug, add this to your 'config/main.php' file:
'class' => 'ext.yii-pug.CPugViewRenderer',
You may want to add the following line, so the compiled templates will have passed data to a template in the main var list
'prepend' => array('<?php extract((array)$data); ?>'),
It is possible to configure other variables: check the class variables in
. Each public variable can be configured in your main.php
yii configuration file, e.g.:
'class' => 'ext.yii-pug.CPugViewRenderer',
'filePermission' => '775',
sets the file permissions of all the files yii-pug creates to 775. Note that
this is applied to the compiled templates with chmod
, so this overrides the
umask you set in PHP. Also note that this does not override any permissions of
directories that are automatically created.