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Use strophe to connect nginx or haproxy websocket proxy

Recommand using haproxy as websocket proxy because "Connection reset by peer" happens in nginx and then connection become unavailiable, especially lots of concurrent connections or large data transfer

Especially thanks to Dele Olajide for developing the project (


####Server Side (openfire):

  • If you use Openfire 3.10, download websockets.war (I rebuild the plugin source within openfire 3.10 source) here and put it to your openfire plugin directory
  • If you use Openfire 3.9.3, download websocket plugin (, and unzip file to your openfire plugin directory
  • Restart openfire server (When you use websockets.war, you have to check whether websocket.jar and Websocket.jar coexist in plugin directory. If it happens, delete Websocket.jar and restart openfire to ensure openfire load correct jar)
  • Visit openfire admin site and select the tab "Server" and you should see the child tab "WebSockets" and the default "Web Application Name" is ws

####Server Side (nginx): Note: if you want to connect openfire directly, just skip this step

        location /xmpp-websocket {
            proxy_pass http://yourOpenfireServer:7070/ws/server;
            proxy_http_version 1.1;
            proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
            proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
            proxy_set_header Host $host;
            tcp_nodelay on;

####Server Side (haproxy): Note: if you want to connect openfire directly, just skip this step

            nbproc 2
            maxconn 4096

            mode http
            timeout connect 5s
            timeout queue 5s
            timeout server 30s
            timeout client 5s
            timeout tunnel 1h

        frontend wss
            bind *:44443 ssl crt yourcrtfile_location
            timeout client 1h
            default_backend ws_backend

        backend ws_backend
            balance source
            option forwardfor # This sets X-Forwarded-For
            timeout queue 86400000
            timeout server 86400000
            timeout connect 86400000

            server ws1 weight 1 maxconn 4096 check inter 10000

        listen stats
            bind :55688 ssl crt yourcrtfile_location
            mode http
            stats enable
            stats hide-version
            stats realm Haproxy\ Statistics
            stats uri /
            stats auth admin:adminPassword
            stats refresh 10s

####Client Side (to nginx websocket proxy (openfire)):

  • Checkout strophe-openfire-websocket.js and include strophe-openfire-websocket.js to your html
  • Add the code below to your js
    var arrURL = document.URL.split('/'),
        protocol = (arrURL[0] === 'http:' ? 'ws://' : 'wss://'),
        wsUrl = protocol + arrURL[2] + '/xmpp-websocket';

    var conn = new Openfire.Connection(wsUrl);

####Client Side (to haproxy websocket proxy (openfire)):

  • Checkout strophe-openfire-websocket.js and include strophe-openfire-websocket.js to your html
  • Add the code below to your js
    var conn = new Openfire.Connection('wss://yourHaproxyServer:44443/ws/server');

####Client Side (to openfire directly):

  • Checkout strophe-openfire-websocket.js and include strophe-openfire-websocket.js to your html
  • Add the code below to your js
    var conn = new Openfire.Connection("ws://yourOpenfireServer:7070/ws/server");