- Fix log levels in JS: oshai#57
- Update kotlin to 1.3.10.
- Compile with Kotlin 1.3.0: oshai#55 thanks @walokra.
- Back to Kotlin 1.2.60, created 3 artifacts on maven central.
- Refactor - move toStringSafe() to common lib.
- This version (+1.5.7 which has no changes) are mostly deployed for multiplatform checks.
- Add Partial support for multiplatform #21
- common and js implementation.
- kotlin version is now 1.2.30, when tried to upgrade an additional (unneeded) dependency in pom.xml on common module was created.
- Add Partial support for multiplatform #21
- Split directories.
- Currently only jvm artifact is deployed.
- Add MDC Support #31
- Upgrade to Kotlin 1.2.10.
- 1.4.7 was broken see issue #30
- Upgrade to Kotlin 1.2.0.
- Fixed issue #20 - add
that provides the Logger actual implementation. Can help in operations such as setting log level.
- Fixed issue #22 - Suppress exceptions from toString methods.
- Upgrade to Kotlin 1.1.
- Fixed issue #17 - bad location in some logging methods.
- Supported
values in parameters that allows it in slf4j. - Update to kotlin 1.0.6.
- Added KotlinLogging object allow getting a logger in the following way:
private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger {}
- Changed KLogger to be an interface
- Fix issue #11 - Location Awerness of logger
- Remove dependency on kotlin reflection to make it even more lightweight.
- Update to kotlin 1.0.4.
- Published artifacts to maven-central.
- Added lazy evaluated message methods for throwables: oshai#7.
- Changed artifactId and jar name from kotlin.logging to kotlin-logging and changed groupId to io.github.microutils
- Moved the bintray path
- Added tests for class name in logger in KLoggerNameResolverTest
- Added KLoggerNameResolver and KLoggerFactory
- Added documentation
- Added KLogger method inline - better for Android methods count
- Added documentation and sources jars to release
- Removed KLogger method inline - should not affect performance and line numbers will be better
- Changed names of classes:
- WithLogging -> KLogging
- HasLogging -> KLoggable
- WithNamedLogging -> NamedKLogging