Peter wants to follow his favourite blog aggregator
. He
heard about Reader and installs it because it fulfills his requirement. After
starting Reader he gets granted by a Welcome Screen to which tells him what
to do next. He already knows the exact Feedaddress, klicks on "Add a RSS Feed"
and he is done. The layout of subscription, items and RSS Content is familiar
and he is happy a happy user.
Olaf is a power user. He read about Reader in OMGUbuntu and installs it immediatly. After recognizing that its a stable, not that featureful application he searches for a bleeding edge version of Reader. He sees that Reader uses flatpak development and installs this version. As a power user, Olaf has a OPML File as a RSS Source. He gets granted by the welcome screen and clicks "Import OPML File". Probably he will get a Notification in Reader, that this feature is not implemented till now. He gets a Link there with a Link to github issues and fills immediatly a enhancement issue because he needs OPML import. And he fills a issue for the missing Online feedreader sources. And a issue because Liferea is so much better and Qt is the goto toolkit.
Sarah is graphic designer and follows some design blogs. She doesnt need a RSS Preview of her favourite blogs because she watch their content in firefox. She wishes there would be a indicator to track blogs because all that RSS Feed Management is so buerocratic. Then she reads about a new RSS Application in OMGUbuntu. It supports Plank Dock integration and a hidden mode. This works in Ubuntu too! She realizes that Reader is additionally designed to just watch for feeds and a User Interface just for simple management and links to her beloved Design blogs. She is sold and gives all her money to Readers authors.