diff --git a/master/documentation/getting-started/helm/index.html b/master/documentation/getting-started/helm/index.html index cada014..3142034 100644 --- a/master/documentation/getting-started/helm/index.html +++ b/master/documentation/getting-started/helm/index.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ Helm - WireGuard Portal
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Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name wg-portal:

helm install wg-portal oci://ghcr.io/h44z/charts/wg-portal

This command deploy wg-portal on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration. The Values section lists the parameters that can be configured during installation.


Key Type Default Description
nameOverride string "" Partially override resource names (adds suffix)
fullnameOverride string "" Fully override resource names
extraDeploy list [] Array of extra objects to deploy with the release
config.advanced tpl/object {} Advanced configuration options.
config.auth tpl/object {} Auth configuration options.
config.core tpl/object {} Core configuration options.
If external admins in auth are defined and there are no admin_user and admin_password defined here, the default admin account will be disabled.
config.database tpl/object {} Database configuration options
config.mail tpl/object {} Mail configuration options
config.statistics tpl/object {} Statistics configuration options
config.web tpl/object {} Web configuration options.
listening_address will be set automatically from service.web.port. external_url is required to enable ingress and certificate resources.
revisionHistoryLimit string 10 The number of old ReplicaSets to retain to allow rollback.
workloadType string "Deployment" Workload type - Deployment or StatefulSet
strategy object {"type":"RollingUpdate"} Update strategy for the workload Valid values are: RollingUpdate or Recreate for Deployment, RollingUpdate or OnDelete for StatefulSet
image.repository string "ghcr.io/h44z/wg-portal" Image repository
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Image pull policy
image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion
imagePullSecrets list [] Image pull secrets
podAnnotations tpl/object {} Extra annotations to add to the pod
podLabels object {} Extra labels to add to the pod
podSecurityContext object {} Pod Security Context
securityContext.capabilities.add list ["NET_ADMIN"] Add capabilities to the container
initContainers tpl/list [] Pod init containers
sidecarContainers tpl/list [] Pod sidecar containers
dnsPolicy string "ClusterFirst" Set DNS policy for the pod. Valid values are ClusterFirstWithHostNet, ClusterFirst, Default or None.
restartPolicy string "Always" Restart policy for all containers within the pod. Valid values are Always, OnFailure or Never.
hostNetwork string false. Use the host's network namespace.
resources object {} Resources requests and limits
command list [] Overwrite pod command
args list [] Additional pod arguments
env tpl/list [] Additional environment variables
envFrom tpl/list [] Additional environment variables from a secret or configMap
livenessProbe object {} Liveness probe configuration
readinessProbe object {} Readiness probe configuration
startupProbe object {} Startup probe configuration
volumes tpl/list [] Additional volumes
volumeMounts tpl/list [] Additional volumeMounts
nodeSelector object {"kubernetes.io/os":"linux"} Node Selector configuration
tolerations list [] Tolerations configuration
affinity object {} Affinity configuration
service.mixed.enabled bool false Whether to create a single service for the web and wireguard interfaces
service.mixed.type string "LoadBalancer" Service type
service.web.annotations object {} Annotations for the web service
service.web.type string "ClusterIP" Web service type
service.web.port int 8888 Web service port Used for the web interface listener
service.web.appProtocol string "http" Web service appProtocol. Will be auto set to https if certificate is enabled.
service.wireguard.annotations object {} Annotations for the WireGuard service
service.wireguard.type string "LoadBalancer" Wireguard service type
service.wireguard.ports list [51820] Wireguard service ports. Exposes the WireGuard ports for created interfaces. Lowerest port is selected as start port for the first interface. Increment next port by 1 for each additional interface.
service.metrics.port int 8787
ingress.enabled bool false Specifies whether an ingress resource should be created
ingress.className string "" Ingress class name
ingress.annotations object {} Ingress annotations
ingress.tls bool false Ingress TLS configuration. Enable certificate resource or add ingress annotation to create required secret
certificate.enabled bool false Specifies whether a certificate resource should be created. If enabled, certificate will be used for the web.
certificate.issuer.name string "" Certificate issuer name
certificate.issuer.kind string "" Certificate issuer kind (ClusterIssuer or Issuer)
certificate.issuer.group string "cert-manager.io" Certificate issuer group
certificate.duration string "" Optional. Documentation
certificate.renewBefore string "" Optional. Documentation
certificate.commonName string "" Optional. Documentation
certificate.emailAddresses list [] Optional. Documentation
certificate.ipAddresses list [] Optional. Documentation
certificate.keystores object {} Optional. Documentation
certificate.privateKey object {} Optional. Documentation
certificate.secretTemplate object {} Optional. Documentation
certificate.subject object {} Optional. Documentation
certificate.uris list [] Optional. Documentation
certificate.usages list [] Optional. Documentation
persistence.enabled bool false Specifies whether an persistent volume should be created
persistence.annotations object {} Persistent Volume Claim annotations
persistence.storageClass string "" Persistent Volume storage class. If undefined (the default) cluster's default provisioner will be used.
persistence.accessMode string "ReadWriteOnce" Persistent Volume Access Mode
persistence.size string "1Gi" Persistent Volume size
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Service account annotations
serviceAccount.automount bool false Automatically mount a ServiceAccount's API credentials
serviceAccount.name string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
monitoring.enabled bool false Enable Prometheus monitoring.
monitoring.apiVersion string "monitoring.coreos.com/v1" API version of the Prometheus resource. Use azmonitoring.coreos.com/v1 for Azure Managed Prometheus.
monitoring.kind string "PodMonitor" Kind of the Prometheus resource. Could be PodMonitor or ServiceMonitor.
monitoring.labels object {} Resource labels.
monitoring.annotations object {} Resource annotations.
monitoring.interval string 1m Interval at which metrics should be scraped. If not specified config.statistics.data_collection_interval interval is used.
monitoring.metricRelabelings list [] Relabelings to samples before ingestion.
monitoring.relabelings list [] Relabelings to samples before scraping.
monitoring.scrapeTimeout string "" Timeout after which the scrape is ended If not specified, the Prometheus global scrape interval is used.
monitoring.jobLabel string "" The label to use to retrieve the job name from.
monitoring.podTargetLabels object {} Transfers labels on the Kubernetes Pod onto the target.
monitoring.dashboard.enabled bool false Enable Grafana dashboard.
monitoring.dashboard.annotations object {} Annotations for the dashboard ConfigMap.
monitoring.dashboard.labels object {} Additional labels for the dashboard ConfigMap.
monitoring.dashboard.namespace string "" Dashboard ConfigMap namespace Overrides the namespace for the dashboard ConfigMap.