Time is the one thing in life that you can never get back. Once it's gone, it's gone forever. In today's fast-paced world, even though it seems like we're working 24/7, are we really making the best use of our time?
I made a new app/service that lets users summarize the deluge of info that comes our way every day. Its unambiguously named MakeMySummary.
Time is always a scarce resource for developers. From aggressive deadlines, to multiple projects, to unexpected requirements, our time is constantly in demand. That's why we're always on the lookout for tools and processes that help us boost productivity. In this article, we'll look at five web development tools that might just give you that extra boost in productivity you need.
How much of your productive time is taken away by all those meaningless news, stories and activities? Especially if you are a high performing executive or professional, how productive would you be if you weren’t distracted? We lose a lot of time on the activities that seem to be crucially important, while they are not. Although social media and numerous web-based communication platforms have definitely made communication a much less bothersome task, it is simply mind boggling to realize just how much of our time is spent on social media.
The most effective way to maximize the productivity of your development team is to use collaboration tools. Software developers these days are not expected to work full-time without even contacting or communicating with each other for long. If there is no collaboration among the workers, your million-dollar worth of a product cannot sustain since it’s been developed in a communication-restrictive environment.
I have a confession to make: I was on Twitter over the winter holidays when I should have been spending time with my family. What was the trending topic that caught my eye, you might ask? Last minute Christmas gift ideas? Pictures of pets in Santa hats? No, but I wish I could say it was one of those things. Instead, it was about work culture toxicity in tech.
I love to build stuff online, but do I have too many side projects?
An interview with Julien Quintard on why he is building Routine and why productivity tools as we know it is going to change drastically in the a few quarters.
I respect the various reasons people pursuing a career, but I'm clearly wired for something else and will exhaust all options before I go there.
Travel is one of the most critical aspects of the global economy. The international community and global economy were built on the ability of people to move from place to place and access lands unknown. It is part of what makes the world what it is today.
Here are 12 VS code shortcuts to help code faster.
Project management systems are supposed to make the life of teams easier and the work process faster and more efficient.
A simple hack on your browser that can get you more focused and keep you out of web browsing rabbit holes.
As a developer, you need to do more than ship code: you must deliver consistently, on time, and keep people updated. Check out these 3 project management tips.
How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day, August 2000 by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
If you are running a business or just started your own startup, it’s important you keep an eye out on every minute detail. In case you are hiring designers, software developers, and/or a team for project management, tracking total working hours is probably what you should be doing.
When you’re in a serious discussion with people who are beside you, make sure you turn off your cell phone.
Parkinson’s Effect is all about an overlooked barrier to efficient time management summarised as; every task takes exactly the amount of time you devote to it.
How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day, August 2000 by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
Are we drowning in the chaos of too many thoughts and ideas? It seems as though our minds are constantly cluttered. How can we function regardless?
Faced with a mind numbing, insurmountable challenge, you stare at
your screen, thinking of all the hours that are about to slip by you as
you chip away at the never ending task you’ve been set.
At first glance, tracking employee time seems pretty straightforward. Your employees simply denote the hours they were at work on a timesheet, or punch a time clock and turn their time cards in at the end of the week or month. What could go wrong?
In the event when Corona virus caused great disruption in the whole world, and people are compelled to stay at home, many people are also falling prone to mental illness like depression and anxiety.
Work meetings are an obvious necessity for many reasons. However, these meetings can become overly frequent and pointless. How then can they be optimized?
Monitoring employees’ productivity is a key to success at any company, be it a startup or a huge enterprise. CEOs and HR Managers know how important employee tracking is. Some modern technology and classic proven methods will help you keep an eye on employees’ activity. Here’s the list of the best ways to keep track of your team’s productivity.
The concept of time is viewed from a philosophical and scientific point of view.
Zain Kahn goes over 11 meta-skills to accelerate your career. ``
Today I will tell you what principles to follow when planning your day. I use these practices myself and it helped to significantly reduce the level of daily stress. I also want to note that I adhere to these rules not only at work, but also in life, and I plan my everyday activities in the same way.
Before you find the perfect productivity techniques, stop doing these simple things first.
How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day, August 2000 by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
Coding is hard! As time passed, I improved my skills and learned some tricks that made me better at coding!
Having trouble hitting deadlines and staying focused? Well, have no fear! This article will introduce four productivity hacks that almost anyone can implement immediately and see fast results.
Here is how I saved my team 2200 hours annually not to do it.
Optimizing your remote workforce can easily be done using the help of big data analytics, as it can easily point towards time management issues and overwork.
My best short productivity tips to achieve your goals and avoid procrastination
An increase in productivity will almost always translate to an increase in revenue for the organization. These tips can help your business save time.
Gather 'round the campfire, and let me tell you a scary story, one that you might already know from the bones. But, when added to the flesh and sinew of raw detail, you might find yourself sweating, thinking of an all-too-familiar codebase...
If you run a nonprofit, you're no stranger to the idea of wearing many hats at your organization.
It was a big, scary decision to make—going from a conventional 9-to-5 desk job working in operations of a small company, to launching my own digital business where I work as a content manager and writer.
How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day, August 2000 by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day, August 2000 by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
In a world, the ability to perform deep work is the most valuable skill in the 21st century, and here’s how you can apply it in your day-to-day routine.
How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day, August 2000 by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
Management is a tricky job. You are required to care for other people and their growth while also feeling responsible for their emotional and mental well-being.
Another ten productivity tips for programmers to help improve workflow and efficiency in 2021.
Time estimation is an important skill for software developers, a nightmare for project managers, and just as opaque for customers. Why such a situation? Let's take a look!
46. NFX's Gigi Levy-Weiss Talks About Startup Speed, Time Management Tips and Developing a Laser Focus
Every entrepreneur knows that speed is key to a startup’s success.
Here are my 5 tips and trick I use to code 3 times faster. Find out how you can start earning more money and save your precious time.
How to Live on Twenty-Four Hours a Day, August 2000 by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
The emergence of ChatGPT has stirred major buzz around the world and massive disruptions across multiple industries.
Have you ever wondered how time tracking can invest in your growth and raise the bar of your profitability? Investing every inch of a cent into production has always been crucial for the survival of thriving startups.
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
Parkinson’s law says that work expands to fill the time available for its completion. Work complicates to fill available time, but if you wait until the last mi
In 9 to 5 office jobs, most meetings are scheduled mid-morning, which is the most productive time for Bears, effectively reducing peak performance time by half.
Half of the world is in quarantine due to the corona-virus outbreak, and most of the people have no clue how to use this time for developing new skills.
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. Chapter XII: Dangers to Avoid
tl;dr In this game of startups; some win, some lose.
In today’s, in the past and probably in the future world — the time is more valuable than money, and the right time waits for no one. Hence, we have to make the most out of it to succeed in life.
The traditional work model, 9 to 5 in an office with the whole company face to face, is going the way of the dodo bird. For a number of businesses thriving in the 21st century, that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
Think you know how you’re spending time? I’m not sure.
Do you often panic if you haven’t finished a task on time or just don’t have enough energy left?
Exploring the reasons why fasting from technology (limiting its use to periods of time in the day) can improve your productivity and overall quality of life.
Have you ever gotten to the end of your day and while you've completed tasks, you don't feel you accomplished what you set out to do? Are you're working hard at a list of tasks that you're trying to finish but you're not able to give 100%? Do you have no idea where time has gone and you have nothing to showcase your work? Do you procrastinate? Do you lose time in your day scrolling social media feeds, your inbox or YouTube? There may be a solution that could help you. The Pomodoro Technique and it could transform your life.
In our hectic modern world, we believe that rushing from one task to the next and managing multiple priorities shows everyone that we are productive.
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. Chapter VI: Remember Human Nature
You are reading this because of one of two reasons. Either you want to be more productive, or you are looking for all that time that you lose during the day. You woke up early, worked all day and it still seems that your code or project did not move anywhere.
To-do lists are so last year. Increase your willpower and protect your brain from The Zeigarnik Effect with these personal productivity tips.
Tired of chasing shiny ideas? Commit. Ditch conventional advice and embrace your weird*ss self to start actually doing things.
Meet the founder of Crypto Fireside! In this installment of Meet the Writer series Andrei Rotariu talks about crypto and the true value of time management.
Why is time management important in a team?
Over the years I’ve tried different methods or adapted existing ones to make the most of my working time, but each new technique reminds me of the GTD method.
Jomo is the opposite of FOMO. And FOMO is a pandemic right now. In this article, we will give tips to enjoy JOMO.
These simple, easy-to-follow productivity tips will improve your output dramatically.
The 50/10 method is simple. It says work for fifty minutes; rest for ten minutes.
Here are a few tools that help make your Google Calendar work a little harder for you! These tools use AI tech to enhance the value you get from your Calendar.
Efficient work is not about working hard, but about being smart with our time. Time is our ultimate non-regenerable resource. Let’s spend it wisely.
You were asked to write a program, and during the discovery phase of the discussions were asked how long it was going to take. The spotlight was on you as everyone turned to face you. On their faces you could see the real question they were asking… How long are you going to set us behind our actual target? Cause let’s face it, that is what they really want to know. How long do they have to wait before they can use and advertise that new feature to the market.
How can developers be extra productive? You’re a developer or you manage a team of developers, higher productivity can get you extra things done through ...
Abhor online project management tools? They are an unrelenting aspect of remote work. Meet Slack, Asana, and WhatsApp, the three horsemen of the WFHpocalypse.
What types of issues should you really spend your time on in software development - specialized or generalized?
Filling in and submit timesheets are tedious. Today there are timeless software and tools that capture all employee activities.
The World is full of distractions, the more you try to ignore a string of distractions the more you find yourself tangled in those strings of distraction. We are never taught how to manage our time nor our finance. It is the thing that we have to manage or learn on our own. The truth is people actually never learn to manage their time. They just do things whatever they have or according to their priorities. But within these priorities, people tend to get lost in their thoughts, urges, or fictional societies. In between these priorities, it’s really complicated to stay focused and do things. We easily get lost and get distracted. Staying focused for a longer time is tough for your brain. Especially when you are doing intensive work or in short the thing that releases a few dopamines.
Managing Guidance From The Diary of an Amateur (not anymore) CEO Who Runs a Six Million Revenue BusinessWhy invent the wheel when someone has already invented a bicycle? Whether in business or any other category, learning from others’ experiences increases your chances of success along with saving you time, resources, and money.
If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself, right? The perfectionist in you likes to be in control and is good at finding excuses - “Outcome won’t be as good.” “It will take me longer to assign and explain than to do it myself.” “I don’t have anyone with the right skills.” “No one in the team wants to do it anyway.”
Tom works in the estimating department of a mid-sized plumbing contractor. As he walks in the door Tuesday morning, he gets hit with the following:
I devised a few ways to keep track of my time and to maintain focus during the “new-normal” (as they say) WFH days . Thought maybe it might be useful
Here are four techniques that can help your reclaim your control over your time: Time Blocking, Color-Coding, Batching, and Calendar Audits.
Working as a salesperson has gotten pretty difficult – especially this year. Many have had to stay home, use video conferencing platforms, and making video calls to engage with prospects.
This is a short guide from the Head of Project Management at Techstack, detailing practical steps for managing your time effectively.
The story depicts an approach to make a working day of a knowledge worker humane and split it into flexible parts, allowing one to work with urgent and long-ter
The flow state: A state of hyperfocus where you perform at an amazing level. Read about our different approaches to getting into this wellspring of focus.
Have you ever felt like having done nothing after a full day of work? Do you find yourself going away from the office so you can finally get things done? Good news: you’re not alone. Bad news: this may be linked to how you communicate at work!
Remote work is not something new that has surfaced in recent times. But With the COVID-19 pandemic – It has become much more relevant and necessary to the global workforce eyeing for revival.
Every year in the United States,construction spending goes up. Is your business ready for these increased costs? As your schedule continues to fill up, you'll need to focus on growing your business as opposed to managing day-to-day tasks, especially if some of these daily tasks can be automated.
The leadership I’ve learned through life could be summed up and put on the front of a t-shirt, “95% of the leadership skills I learned, I learned in the Army.” If that saying isn't already a thing: ™️. Though I left the U.S. Army a little over 20 years ago, I still stand by that statement.
Think of a startup as a plane that is flying from New York to Los Angeles. After 6.5 long hours of flying across the states, this plane will have to land. At this point, there are two outcomes:
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day, by Arnold Bennett is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. Chapter VII: Controlling the Mind
Renovation projects have a lot of moving parts that must work simultaneously. No wonder, large projects take 20% longer to finish than scheduled and are 80% over budget. From planning to budgeting to hiring to the actual remodeling, all processes have to be coordinated for the whole project to be completed.
I’ve been living in Montréal for almost two years now. I’m currently going in vacation in France to see friends and family, for the fifth time in these two years. Montréal is not that far from France. You take off on the evening, and you arrive early on the morning. (Short night though.) For the return it’s even shorter: you land only a couple hours after taking off, thanks to the time shift.
"Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients and your business." – Richard Branson
Time management does not mean managing time, rather it means managing yourself. Well, we have a 24 hours time span every day, but how we will use the time depends entirely on us. Time management can help you to use the time precisely and handle your work within your assigned
time. You need to plan the work first, then track and manage your work.
I gave a talk about this topic a couple of months ago at forloop Summit Lagos, Nigeria. I decided to write a blog post out of it so here it goes.
On today’s episode of Startups On Demand, I am joined by Ian Sanders, CEO and Co-Founder of Blue Cape, a stealth startup in the field of healthcare analytics.
Whether you loathe online project management tools a little or a lot, they are an unrelenting feature of remote work. Slack, Asana, WhatsApp (and/or Telegram) a
A few tips on how to stop wasting time and be more productive.
How The One Thing Philosophy can help you to concentrate on the right things, improve your focus and really get things done at the end of the day.
Do time-saving apps like Canva help or hinder freelancers and digital creatives? Tell us what you think in a Tweet!
From the desk of a brilliant weirdo #1:
This post will share seven soft skills programmers can develop to position them for greater success in the new year.
Whenever you say “I don’t have time,” you are sending a message about how you prioritize and organize your own life. Stop using this phrase.