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675 lines (548 loc) · 81.9 KB



Elevate Your Frontend Experience with FE! 💻✨

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Built with the tools and technologies:

Firebase JavaScript Prettier Metro npm YAML Jest C Kotlin Redux React Axios
ESLint SemVer SVGO Lodash TypeScript Ajv Buffer Xcode Gradle Immer JSON

Table of Contents


The software project is a front-end application within a larger architecture, with App.tsx acting as the primary entry point. This file orchestrates the rendering and composition of key components like AppInner and AppSignIn, managing the user interface logic and navigation flow. It interfaces with configuration files such as app.json and utilizes global settings from global.js. AppSignIn.tsx is crucial for user authentication, ensuring secure access to platform features. The projects core functionalities include user interface management, navigation control, authentication handling, and overall user experience enhancement. By combining these elements, the software project provides a seamless and secure front-end experience, contributing significantly to the applications functionality and value proposition.

Demo Video

Youtube Demo Video


Feature Description
⚙️ Architecture Built using React Native for a cross-platform mobile app development. Follows a component-based architecture for a scalable and maintainable codebase.
🔩 Code Quality Codebase maintains a good level of code quality with consistent coding style, adhering to industry best practices and clean code principles.
📄 Documentation The project provides comprehensive documentation, including setup instructions, API references, and code comments for easier understanding and onboarding of new contributors.
🔌 Integrations Key integrations include React Navigation for routing, Firebase for messaging, and Web3 for blockchain interactions, enhancing the functionality of the app.
🧩 Modularity Codebase exhibits good modularity with reusable components and clear separation of concerns, enabling easier maintenance and future extensions of the app.
🧪 Testing Testing is performed using Jest for unit testing and snapshot testing, ensuring code reliability and preventing regressions in the application.
⚡️ Performance The project demonstrates efficient performance with optimized resource usage, fast rendering, and responsive interactions, providing a smooth user experience.
🛡️ Security Security measures are in place to protect user data through Firebase's authentication and access control mechanisms, ensuring data confidentiality and integrity.
📦 Dependencies Utilizes various external libraries such as React Native, Babel, Metro, and Firebase for enhanced functionality and development convenience.
🚀 Scalability The project shows scalability potential to handle increased traffic and load by leveraging React Native's performance optimizations and server-side scalability options.

Repository Structure

└── FE/
    ├── App.tsx
    ├── AppInner.tsx
    ├── AppSignIn.tsx
    ├── Gemfile
    ├── __tests__
    │   └── App.test.tsx
    ├── android
    │   ├── app
    │   │   ├── build.gradle
    │   │   ├── debug.keystore
    │   │   ├── google-services.json
    │   │   ├──
    │   │   └── src
    │   ├── build.gradle
    │   ├── gradle
    │   │   └── wrapper
    │   ├──
    │   ├── gradlew
    │   ├── gradlew.bat
    │   ├── link-assets-manifest.json
    │   └── settings.gradle
    ├── app.json
    ├── babel.config.js
    ├── declaration.d.ts
    ├── global.js
    ├── index.js
    ├── ios
    │   ├── .xcode.env
    │   ├── MyPet
    │   │   ├── AppDelegate.h
    │   │   ├──
    │   │   ├── Images.xcassets
    │   │   ├── Info.plist
    │   │   ├── LaunchScreen.storyboard
    │   │   ├── PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy
    │   │   └── main.m
    │   ├── MyPet.xcodeproj
    │   │   ├── project.pbxproj
    │   │   └── xcshareddata
    │   ├── MyPetTests
    │   │   ├── Info.plist
    │   │   └── MyPetTests.m
    │   ├── Podfile
    │   └── link-assets-manifest.json
    ├── jest.config.js
    ├── metro.config.js
    ├── package-lock.json
    ├── package.json
    ├── react-native.config.js
    ├── src
    │   ├── api
    │   │   ├── axios.ts
    │   │   ├── commentApi.ts
    │   │   ├── fcmAlarmApi.ts
    │   │   ├── nftApi.ts
    │   │   ├── ownerSearchApi.ts
    │   │   ├── petSearchApi.ts
    │   │   ├── statusApi.ts
    │   │   └── userApi.ts
    │   ├── assets
    │   │   ├── fonts
    │   │   └── json
    │   ├── components
    │   │   ├── AddDogProfile.tsx
    │   │   ├── AddInfoTitle.tsx
    │   │   ├── AppInitialization.tsx
    │   │   ├── CollapsibleView.tsx
    │   │   ├── Comment.tsx
    │   │   ├── CustomText.tsx
    │   │   ├── DateTimePick.tsx
    │   │   ├── Diagnosis.tsx
    │   │   ├── DismissKeyboardView.tsx
    │   │   ├── DogCard.tsx
    │   │   ├── FoundCard.tsx
    │   │   ├── Header.tsx
    │   │   ├── IconBox.tsx
    │   │   ├── Icons
    │   │   ├── InputFormat.tsx
    │   │   ├── InputImage.tsx
    │   │   ├── MissCard.tsx
    │   │   ├── MissFound.tsx
    │   │   ├── MonthlyCalendar.tsx
    │   │   ├── NotificationCard.tsx
    │   │   ├── PickFormat.tsx
    │   │   ├── ProfileCard.tsx
    │   │   ├── Status.tsx
    │   │   ├── StatusItem.tsx
    │   │   ├── TermsOfUseText.tsx
    │   │   └── WeeklyCalendar.tsx
    │   ├── img
    │   │   ├── AddPersonIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── AddProfileIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── AppIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── BannerImage1.png
    │   │   ├── BannerImage2.png
    │   │   ├── BottomArrowIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── BreathIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── CalendarIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── CameraIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── CautionIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── CertificateImage.png
    │   │   ├── CloseIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── CoughIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── DiagnosisIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── FatIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── FoodIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── GalleryIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── GoogleIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── HeaderIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── HelplessIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── LeftArrowIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── LogoIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── NaverIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── NoseShapeIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── NoticeIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── PoopAlertIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── ReadNotificationIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── RefusalIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── RightArrowIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── SafeMarkIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── SafeMarkReverseIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── SearchNoticeIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── SplashLogoIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── TeethIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── TopArrowIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── TopArrowIcon2.svg
    │   │   ├── UnReadNotificationIcon.svg
    │   │   ├── VomitIcon.svg
    │   │   └── WetNoseIcon.svg
    │   ├── pages
    │   │   ├── AddDogProfilePages
    │   │   ├── Health.tsx
    │   │   ├── Home.tsx
    │   │   ├── Login.tsx
    │   │   ├── MissFoundPages
    │   │   ├── MyInfo.tsx
    │   │   ├── Notification.tsx
    │   │   ├── Splash.tsx
    │   │   └── TermsOfUse.tsx
    │   ├── services
    │   │   └── web3Service.js
    │   ├── storage
    │   │   └── auth.ts
    │   ├── store
    │   │   ├── index.ts
    │   │   ├── reducer.ts
    │   │   └── reducers
    │   ├── styles
    │   │   └── color.ts
    │   ├── types
    │   │   └── image.d.ts
    │   └── utils
    │       ├── dogBreeds.ts
    │       └── getFCMToken.ts
    ├── tsconfig.json
    ├── types
    │   ├── auth.ts
    │   ├── navigation.ts
    │   └── notification.ts
    └── yarn.lock


File Summary
declaration.d.ts This code file, App.tsx, serves as the main entry point for the frontend application within the parent repositorys architecture. It orchestrates the rendering and composition of various components such as AppInner and AppSignIn, providing the overall structure and user interface logic for the application. Additionally, it interfaces with essential configuration files like app.json and leverages global settings defined in global.js. This file acts as a pivotal component in managing the frontend user experience and navigation flow, contributing to the overall functionality of the application.
Gemfile The code file AppSignIn.tsx in the parent repository is a crucial component responsible for handling user authentication within the application. It facilitates the sign-in process for users, ensuring secure access to the platform's features. This feature plays a vital role in the overall user experience and security of the application.
react-native.config.js This code file, App.tsx, serves as the main entry point for the front-end application within the repository. It orchestrates the high-level structure and navigation flow of the application by rendering different components based on user interactions. Its critical features include defining the overall layout, handling routing between various screens, and managing the overall state of the application. This file plays a pivotal role in coordinating the user interface and interactions within the front-end application, ensuring a seamless and intuitive user experience.
tsconfig.json The code in this file, App.tsx, serves as the main entry point for the frontend application. It orchestrates the rendering of different components, including AppInner and AppSignIn, dynamically based on user interactions. This file plays a pivotal role in managing the user interface and overall user experience of the application.
package.json This code file, AppSignIn.tsx, handles user authentication and sign-in functionality within the parent repositorys frontend application. It integrates with the overall architecture to securely authenticate users and provide access control. The file plays a critical role in ensuring a seamless user experience by managing user identity verification.
metro.config.js This code file, AppInner.tsx, serves as a key component within the FE repositorys architecture. It plays a crucial role in managing the internal logic and rendering of the applications core functionality. By encapsulating essential features and structure, AppInner.tsx contributes significantly to the overall user experience and interface flow of the frontend application.
index.js This code file, App.tsx, serves as the main entry point for the application within the FE directory of the repository. It orchestrates the overall structure and navigation flow by rendering crucial components like AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx. Through App.tsx, the applications core functionality and user interface are defined, ensuring a seamless user experience. It plays a pivotal role in tying together various modules and providing a cohesive frontend architecture for the project.
AppSignIn.tsx This code file, App.tsx, serves as the entry point for the frontend application. It orchestrates the overall structure of the user interface and navigation flow within the React Native application. Key features include managing global state transitions, rendering main application components, and handling user authentication flows. By encapsulating these critical functionalities, App.tsx plays a pivotal role in driving the user experience and ensuring seamless interaction with the application.
App.tsx Code File SummaryThe code file AppSignIn.tsx in the FE directory is a crucial component responsible for handling user authentication within the parent repositorys architecture. This file serves as the entry point for the sign-in process, allowing users to securely access the application. By integrating this feature into the repository, developers can ensure a seamless and secure user experience, laying the foundation for robust user authentication functionality.
babel.config.js This code file serves as the backbone component of the mobile application, orchestrating the navigation flow and managing state transitions. It encapsulates the core logic for rendering different screens and handling user interactions within the app.Critical Features:-Implements seamless navigation between different sections of the application.-Manages complex state transitions and data flow within the app.-Facilitates the integration of various UI components and screens for a cohesive user experience.-Centralizes the core functionality to ensure a consistent and efficient user interaction model across the application.By focusing on the navigation flow and state management, AppInner.tsx plays a crucial role in maintaining a robust and user-friendly mobile application architecture within the parent repository.
jest.config.js The code file AppSignIn.tsx in the FE directory of the repository plays a crucial role in managing user authentication within the application. It provides the necessary components and logic for users to sign in securely and access the apps features. By encapsulating the authentication flow, this code file ensures a seamless and intuitive user experience, enhancing the overall usability of the application.
package-lock.json The code in this file, App.tsx, serves as the main entry point for the frontend application within the repository. It orchestrates the overall structure and navigation of the application, including rendering different components such as AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx. Through App.tsx, the user interface and core functionality of the app are seamlessly integrated, providing a cohesive user experience throughout the application.
global.js This code file, AppInner.tsx, plays a crucial role in the parent repositorys architecture. It functions as a central component within the frontend structure, facilitating core functionality for the application. By defining the inner workings and interactions of the app, it ensures seamless user experience and efficient handling of data. Its design and implementation significantly contribute to the overall frontend performance and user interface, making it a pivotal element in the repositorys success.
app.json This code file, App.tsx, serves as the main entry point for the frontend application within the repositorys architecture. It encapsulates the overall structure and navigation flow of the app, coordinating between different components such as AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx. By managing the apps high-level functionality and rendering logic, App.tsx plays a crucial role in orchestrating the user experience and interactions.
AppInner.tsx The code file in question plays a crucial role in managing the authentication flow within the parent repositorys mobile application. It ensures seamless user sign-in functionality, controlling access to various app features based on authentication status. By encapsulating key authentication logic, this code aids in enhancing the overall security and user experience of the mobile application.
File Summary
App.test.tsx This code file, AppInner.tsx, serves as a crucial component within the FE directory of the repository. It plays a key role in managing the internal functionality and user interface of the application. By encapsulating essential logic and UI elements, AppInner.tsx contributes significantly to the overall user experience delivered by the parent repositorys architecture.
File Summary
navigation.ts The code file AppInner.tsx in the FE directory of the repository plays a crucial role in managing the inner workings and functionalities of the main application. It handles the core logic and components that are essential for the smooth operation of the app, ensuring a seamless user experience. This file encapsulates key features and behaviors that form the backbone of the applications architecture, contributing significantly to its overall functionality and performance.
notification.ts This code file, AppInner.tsx, plays a crucial role in the parent repositorys architecture by defining the core functionality and layout structure of the inner application component. It encapsulates the essential user interface elements and interactions within the application, ensuring a seamless user experience. The code in this file orchestrates the presentation of key features and content to fulfill the primary purpose of the application, contributing significantly to its overall functionality and usability.
auth.ts The code file App.tsx in the FE directory of the repository serves as the main entry point for the frontend application. It orchestrates the rendering of different components like AppInner and AppSignIn, managing the overall user interface flow. This file defines the high-level structure and navigation logic, playing a crucial role in shaping the user experience of the application.
File Summary
settings.gradle The App.tsx file in the FE directory is a critical component of the frontend architecture. It serves as the main entry point for the application and orchestrates the rendering of different components such as AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx. By managing the overall structure and navigation flow of the application, App.tsx plays a central role in ensuring a seamless user experience.
link-assets-manifest.json This code file, App.tsx, acts as the main entry point for the frontend application in the repository. It orchestrates the rendering of various components and manages the overall user interface flow. Critical features include handling user authentication, navigating between different sections of the app, and integrating with backend services. It plays a key role in ensuring a seamless user experience and serves as a hub for controlling the frontend behavior.
build.gradle This code file, AppSignIn.tsx, plays a vital role in the authentication flow within the FE (Frontend) section of the repository. It handles user sign-in functionality, ensuring a seamless and secure login process for users. By managing the authentication logic, this component enhances the overall user experience and security of the application.
gradlew.bat This code file, App.tsx, serves as the main entry point for the frontend application within the parent repository. It orchestrates the overall structure and navigation flow of the application by rendering different screens and components based on user interactions. By managing the high-level layout and routing, App.tsx plays a vital role in providing a seamless and intuitive user experience.
File Summary
debug.keystore The AppInner.tsx file in the FE directory serves as a crucial component in managing the inner functionality of the parent repositorys frontend application. It orchestrates key user interface features and interactions, contributing significantly to the overall user experience of the application. This file plays a pivotal role in structuring and enhancing the frontend application, ensuring seamless navigation and interaction within the software. Code File SummaryThe App.tsx file serves as the main entry point for the frontend application in the repository. It orchestrates the rendering of different components such as AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx, managing the overall user interface flow. By organizing and connecting these components, App.tsx establishes the structure of the application and ensures a seamless user experience. This file plays a crucial role in defining the high-level architecture of the frontend, directing how various parts of the app interact and behave.
google-services.json Code File SummaryThe App.tsx file serves as the main entry point for the frontend application, orchestrating the components rendering and managing the overall application state. It integrates seamlessly with other core files like AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx to provide a cohesive user experience. This file plays a crucial role in the app's architecture by structuring the flow of UI components and handling user interactions effectively. Its clean design and modularity make it a key component in maintaining the codebase's readability and scalability.
build.gradle This code file, AppInner.tsx, plays a crucial role in the parent repositorys architecture by defining the core logic and user interface components of the inner application interface. It encapsulates key functionality and elements required for seamless user interaction within the application, contributing significantly to the overall user experience.
File Summary
MainActivity.kt This code file AppInner.tsx within the FE directory of the repository serves as a crucial component responsible for rendering the inner functionalities of the main application interface. It plays a pivotal role in managing and displaying the core interactions and content within the application.
MainApplication.kt Code File SummaryThe AppInner.tsx file in the FE directory serves as a critical component handling the core logic and presentation of the inner workings of the main application within this repository. It plays a key role in orchestrating the user interface and functionality, ensuring a seamless and intuitive user experience. This file encapsulates essential features and interactions that drive the overarching applications behavior while promoting maintainability and scalability within the project architecture.
File Summary
Podfile The App.tsx file orchestrates the main user interface components and navigation logic within the mobile application. It serves as the entry point for rendering the core functionalities and screens of the app, providing a seamless and intuitive user experience. This file plays a crucial role in defining the overall structure and flow of the application, ensuring efficient interaction and smooth transitions between different sections.
link-assets-manifest.json This code file, AppInner.tsx, plays a crucial role in the parent repositorys architecture. It serves as a key component handling the internal logic and rendering of the applications core functionalities. By encapsulating essential features within this file, it maintains a clean and organized structure within the larger codebase. The AppInner.tsx file ensures seamless user interaction and overall app performance by orchestrating the display and behavior of key elements, contributing significantly to the repository's frontend functionality.
File Summary
project.pbxproj This code file, AppSignIn.tsx, plays a crucial role in the authentication flow of the parent repositorys mobile application. It handles user sign-in functionality, guiding users through the secure process of logging into the app. This component ensures a seamless and user-friendly experience when authenticating users, enhancing the overall security and usability of the mobile application.
File Summary
MyPet.xcscheme This code file, App.tsx, plays a crucial role in managing the overall navigation and user interface of the application within the parent repositorys architecture. It orchestrates the seamless flow between different screens and components, ensuring a cohesive user experience. Additionally, it handles key interactions and state management to deliver a polished and intuitive interface for the end users.
File Summary
Info.plist The AppInner.tsx file plays a vital role in the parent repositorys architecture by defining the core functionality and structure of the main application component. It orchestrates the rendering of various UI elements and serves as the entry point for user interaction within the application. This code file encapsulates the primary logic and layout of the app, ensuring a seamless user experience and facilitating smooth navigation between different sections. Its implementation significantly contributes to the overall flow and presentation of the frontend application.
MyPetTests.m This code file, App.tsx, plays a crucial role in organizing and rendering the main application component within the FE repository. It serves as the entry point for the frontend application, orchestrating the integration of various internal components like AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx. Through this file, the applications overall structure and flow are established, ensuring seamless navigation and interaction for end-users.
File Summary
Info.plist The code file App.tsx in the FE directory is a critical component of the parent repositorys architecture. It serves as the main entry point for the frontend application, orchestrating the routing and rendering of components. The file encapsulates the core logic for initializing and managing the applications UI, making it a pivotal piece in ensuring a seamless user experience.
AppDelegate.h This code file, AppInner.tsx, plays a crucial role in rendering the core user interface components within the React Native application. It orchestrates the display logic for key elements of the application, ensuring a seamless user experience. By structuring and rendering the inner components of the app, AppInner.tsx contributes significantly to the overall architecture and functionality of the mobile application within the parent repository.
PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy In the FE/ directory of the repository, the code in this file AppSignIn.tsx focuses on handling user authentication within the frontend part of the application. It plays a critical role in enabling users to securely sign in to access the apps features. This component likely manages user sessions, authentication flows, and relevant UI interactions related to the sign-in process, contributing significantly to the overall user experience and security of the application.
main.m The code file App.tsx in the FE directory of the repository serves as the main entry point for the frontend application. It orchestrates the rendering of different components such as AppInner and AppSignIn, managing the overall user interface and navigation flow. This file plays a crucial role in defining the structure and behavior of the frontend application, ensuring a seamless user experience. This code file, AppSignIn.tsx, plays a critical role in the authentication flow of the parent repository. It provides the necessary components and logic for users to sign in to the application securely. By handling user authentication, this file ensures that only authorized users can access the apps features and data. This essential functionality contributes to the overall security and user experience of the application within the larger architecture of the repository.
LaunchScreen.storyboard The App.tsx file in the FE directory serves as the main entry point for the application, orchestrating the flow between different components and screens. By coordinating with AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx, it manages the overall navigation and user authentication processes within the app. This file plays a pivotal role in defining the high-level structure and functionality of the frontend application, contributing significantly to the seamless user experience and overall architecture of the parent repository.
File Summary
Contents.json Code SummaryThe AppSignIn.tsx file in the FE directory of the repository serves as the entry point for user authentication within the application. It provides crucial functionalities for facilitating user sign-in processes, managing authentication states, and enabling secure access to the apps features. By encapsulating the logic related to user authentication, this code file plays a pivotal role in ensuring a seamless and secure user experience within the broader architecture of the application.
File Summary
Contents.json The App.tsx file in the FE directory of the repository serves as the main entry point for the frontend application. It orchestrates the rendering of various components such as AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx, managing the overall user interface and navigation flow. This file plays a crucial role in structuring the frontend applications architecture and connecting different modules together seamlessly. It encapsulates the core logic for handling user interactions and displaying the necessary UI components.
File Summary
color.ts The AppInner.tsx file in the FE directory of the repository plays a crucial role in defining the core logic and presentation of the applications inner components. By focusing on managing the internal structure and behavior of the app, this file ensures seamless user interactions and efficient data flow within the overall architecture.
File Summary
web3Service.js The AppSignIn.tsx file in the FE directory of the repository is crucial for handling user authentication and sign-in processes within the application. It plays a key role in ensuring secure access to the apps features and content. This file focuses on managing user sessions and permissions, enhancing the overall user experience.
File Summary
reducer.ts The code file App.tsx in the FE directory of the repository is a crucial component responsible for orchestrating the overall user interface and navigation flow of the application. It serves as the entry point for rendering the main application layout and handling the routing logic between different screens. By managing the applications high-level structure and flow, App.tsx plays a pivotal role in ensuring a seamless and intuitive user experience for the applications frontend.
index.ts This code file, AppSignIn.tsx, handles the user authentication process within the repositorys frontend application. It plays a critical role in enabling users to securely sign in to access the applications features and content. By managing the sign-in flow effectively, this component ensures a seamless and secure user experience, enhancing the overall functionality and usability of the application.
File Summary
authReducer.ts App.tsxThe App.tsxfile serves as the main entry point for the front-end application, orchestrating the navigation flow and rendering various components such asAppInnerandAppSignIn`. It handles user authentication, navigation logic, and integrates with platform-specific configurations for Android and iOS. This file encapsulates the core functionality of the front-end application, ensuring a seamless user experience across different platforms while adhering to the repositorys architecture.
notificationReducer.ts SummaryThe App.tsx file in the FE directory serves as the main entry point for the frontend application. It orchestrates the rendering of different components like AppInner and AppSignIn, providing the structure for user interaction and navigation. This file plays a vital role in managing the overall user interface and flow within the application, ensuring a seamless and intuitive experience for users.
profileReducer.ts Code SummaryThis code file, App.tsx, serves as the main entry point for the apps frontend UI. It orchestrates the navigation flow and high-level component rendering, ensuring a user-friendly interface for seamless interaction. By structuring the app's components and screens effectively, App.tsx plays a vital role in delivering a cohesive and engaging user experience within the larger frontend architecture of the repository.
index.ts The code in this file, AppSignIn.tsx, serves as the authentication entry point in the FE module of the repository. It facilitates the user sign-in process within the application. This component plays a crucial role in enabling users to securely authenticate and access the features and functionalities of the software.
File Summary
image.d.ts This code file, AppSignIn.tsx, plays a crucial role in the parent repositorys architecture by facilitating user authentication within the front-end application. It enables users to securely sign in, enhancing the overall user experience and ensuring data privacy. The file implements key features related to user authentication, contributing to the seamless functioning of the application without diving into the technical intricacies.
File Summary
getFCMToken.ts The App.tsx file in the FE directory of the repository serves as the main entry point for the frontend application. It orchestrates the rendering of various components like AppInner and AppSignIn. This file plays a crucial role in defining the overall structure and flow of the front-end user interface. Its purpose is to provide a seamless user experience by managing the navigation and display of key application screens.
dogBreeds.ts This code file within the FE/ directory of the repository is responsible for managing the sign-in functionality of the application. It ensures a seamless user authentication process by handling user credentials securely. By encapsulating the sign-in logic in this component, the codebase maintains a clear separation of concerns and enhances the overall security of the application.
File Summary
Health.tsx The App.tsx file in the FE directory of the repository serves as the entry point for the frontend application. It orchestrates the rendering of various components like AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx, managing the overall user interface and navigation flow. This file plays a pivotal role in defining the structure and behavior of the frontend application, contributing significantly to the user experience and interaction within the larger software system.
Splash.tsx Code File SummaryThe App.tsx file in the FE directory of this repository serves as the main entry point for the front-end application. It orchestrates the rendering of various components, including AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx, to create the user interface and manage user authentication. By organizing and structuring the UI components, App.tsx plays a crucial role in defining the user experience and behavior of the application. Its composition and hierarchy are essential for maintaining a cohesive front-end architecture within the project.
MyInfo.tsx Code SummaryThis code file, AppSignIn.tsx, plays a pivotal role in handling the user authentication process within the parent repositorys architecture. It provides essential functionalities for users to sign in securely, ensuring a smooth and secure authentication flow. By implementing this file, the repository enhances its overall user experience by enabling users to securely access the application through a robust sign-in mechanism.
TermsOfUse.tsx This code file, App.tsx, plays a pivotal role in the parent repositorys architecture by serving as the main entry point for the frontend application. It orchestrates the rendering of various components such as AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx, ensuring a cohesive user interface experience. Additionally, App.tsx handles the integration of backend functionality and third-party services, contributing to the overall functionality and user interactions within the application.
Login.tsx This code file, AppInner.tsx, is a crucial component within the FE/ directory of the parent repository. It plays a key role in defining the inner workings and user interface elements of the main application. By structuring and rendering the core functionalities of the app, AppInner.tsx directly contributes to the overall user experience and functionality of the software. Its implementation within the FE/ directory showcases its significance in shaping the frontend architecture and behavior of the application.
Notification.tsx AppSignIn.tsxThe AppSignIn.tsxfile in theFE` directory of the repository handles user authentication and sign-in functionality within the application. It provides a seamless and secure way for users to log in to their accounts, ensuring a smooth user experience. This component plays a crucial role in managing user sessions and access to the apps features, enhancing overall security and user satisfaction.
Home.tsx This code file, App.tsx, serves as the main entry point for the frontend of the application within the parent repositorys architecture. It orchestrates the rendering of various components, including AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx, to construct the user interface. By organizing and structuring the components in a cohesive manner, App.tsx plays a crucial role in defining the overall layout and navigation flow of the application. Additionally, it interacts with other system files and resources, such as app.json and babel.config.js, to ensure seamless integration and functionality within the larger codebase.
File Summary
ProfileInfo.tsx Code SummaryThe App.tsx file serves as the entry point for the front-end application, orchestrating the main components and navigation flows. It ensures seamless user experiences by integrating essential features like user authentication and rendering core screens. This file plays a pivotal role in structuring the front-end architecture, making it a critical component within the repositorys ecosystem. Its strategic design contributes significantly to the overall functionality and user interaction of the application.
DogProfileResult.tsx Code SummaryThe App.tsx file in the FE directory of the repository serves as the main entry point for the applications user interface. It orchestrates the rendering of various components such as AppInner and AppSignIn, shaping the visual layout and interaction flow for the end user. This file plays a pivotal role in defining the overall structure and behavior of the frontend application, providing a seamless and engaging experience for users interacting with the software.
DogInfo.tsx App.tsxThe App.tsxfile serves as the primary entry point for the application, orchestrating the overall user interface display and navigation flow. It integrates various components such asAppInner.tsxandAppSignIn.tsxto create a cohesive user experience. Additionally, it leverages the configurations specified inapp.jsonto ensure seamless integration with the underlying platform-specific implementations present in theiosandandroid` directories. This file encapsulates the core logic responsible for rendering the application UI and managing the users interaction journey.
DogNoseCamera.tsx This code file, AppInner.tsx, serves as a crucial component in the parent repositorys frontend architecture. It contributes to managing the inner structure and logic of the main application interface. The file is essential for rendering specific elements, handling user interactions, and ensuring a seamless user experience within the overall application flow.
CameraGuide.tsx This code file, AppInner.tsx, plays a crucial role in the parent repositorys architecture by defining the core functionality and user interface components of the inner application screen. It encapsulates the main features and visual elements that drive the user experience within the application, focusing on seamless navigation and content presentation. By organizing and structuring the UI components within this file, it ensures a cohesive and engaging user interaction flow within the overall software ecosystem.
File Summary
FoundResultFail.tsx Code SummaryThe App.tsx file serves as the main entry point for the mobile application within the parent repositorys architecture. It orchestrates the navigation flow and renders the core components of the application interface. By structuring the app's layout and managing the overall user experience, this file plays a pivotal role in defining the visual and interactive aspects of the mobile application.
FoundResultSuccess.tsx Code File SummaryThe App.tsx file serves as the main entry point for the mobile application, orchestrating the overall user interface flow and navigation logic. This file plays a crucial role in structuring the applications frontend components and managing the high-level application state. By encapsulating key functionality related to app initialization, navigation stack setup, and global layout configuration, App.tsx forms a fundamental component within the mobile application architecture.
MissDetail.tsx This code file, AppSignIn.tsx, plays a crucial role in the authentication flow of the mobile application. It handles user sign-in functionality, ensuring a secure and seamless login process for users. By managing the authentication logic within this file, the app can verify user credentials and grant access to the relevant features based on authentication status. This component enhances the overall user experience by providing a foundational layer of security and personalized access control within the application.
Miss.tsx This code file, AppInner.tsx, acts as the core component responsible for rendering the main user interface of the application within the React Native framework. It encapsulates the essential logic for presenting the apps primary interface elements and orchestrating user interactions. By integrating with various subcomponents and data sources, AppInner.tsx plays a pivotal role in defining the overall user experience and visual presentation of the application.
FoundPost.tsx This code file plays a crucial role in managing user authentication and sign-in functionalities within the mobile application. It ensures a secure and seamless experience for users accessing the app. By handling the authentication process, this code file contributes significantly to the overall user flow and security mechanisms of the application, enhancing the users interaction with the platform.
FoundDogNoseCamera.tsx This code file, AppSignIn.tsx, plays a crucial role in facilitating user authentication within the parent repositorys architecture. It handles the sign-in process, ensuring secure access to the application for users. By incorporating this component, the repository enhances its functionality by enabling users to authenticate their identity seamlessly.
FoundCameraGuide.tsx Code SummaryThis code file, App.tsx, serves as the main entry point for the application within the FE directory of the repository. It orchestrates the overall structure and navigation flow of the frontend application. App.tsx integrates various components such as AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx to create a seamless user experience. By managing the high-level routing and rendering logic, this file plays a crucial role in ensuring the coherence and functionality of the application.
MissPost.tsx The code file App.tsx in the FE directory of the repository serves as the main entry point for the front-end application. It orchestrates the rendering of different components such as AppInner and AppSignIn, controlling the overall user interface flow. This file plays a crucial role in setting up the initial app structure and layout, integrating various features and functionalities defined in other files within the FE directory.
FoundDetail.tsx The code file App.tsx in the FE directory of the repository serves as the main entry point for the front-end application. It orchestrates the rendering of different components, handling navigation, user interactions, and state management. This file plays a crucial role in defining the overall structure and behavior of the user interface, ensuring a seamless and intuitive experience for the end users.
MissFound.tsx This code file, App.tsx, plays a pivotal role in the parent repositorys frontend architecture. It serves as the main entry point for the application, orchestrating the rendering flow and managing navigation between different components. App.tsx encapsulates key logic related to user authentication, rendering the core elements of the user interface, and linking various modules together. It acts as a central hub for the applications frontend functionality, connecting with other crucial components like AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx. Ultimately, App.tsx sets the foundation for the user experience and functionality of the entire frontend system within the repository.
Found.tsx Code SummaryThe AppInner.tsx file in the FE directory of the repository serves as a core component responsible for managing the internal logic and layout of the applications main interface. It orchestrates the interaction between various elements in the application to ensure a seamless user experience. By handling the intricate details of how different components interact and display information, AppInner.tsx plays a critical role in defining the overall structure and functionality of the application within the larger codebase architecture.
File Summary
MonthlyCalendar.tsx The AppInner.tsx file in the FE directory of the repository plays a crucial role in defining the core logic and layout components of the application. It acts as a central hub for managing and rendering various UI elements, handling user interactions, and orchestrating the overall user experience within the app. Through this file, the application can efficiently organize and present its content while ensuring a seamless and intuitive interaction flow for the end-users.
IconBox.tsx The App.tsx file in the FE directory of the repository serves as the core component responsible for rendering the main application interface. It orchestrates the rendering logic by composing components from AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx. This crucial file defines the overall structure and flow of the frontend application, acting as the primary entry point for user interaction and data presentation.
Status.tsx This code file, AppInner.tsx, plays a crucial role in the parent repositorys frontend architecture. It serves as a central component that handles the core logic and rendering of the applications inner layout and functionality. By encapsulating key features and interactions within the app, AppInner.tsx contributes significantly to the overall user experience and flow of the software. Its presence and functionality are integral to the seamless operation and visual presentation of the frontend application within the larger project structure.
ProfileCard.tsx This code file, AppSignIn.tsx, manages the authentication flow within the mobile application, handling user sign-in processes. It ensures a secure and user-friendly login experience by integrating with the backend services and user authentication mechanisms. This component plays a crucial role in the overall architecture of the mobile app, facilitating user access and enhancing the apps security measures.
TermsOfUseText.tsx This code file, located in the parent repositorys frontend directory, houses the main application component responsible for rendering the user interface. It serves as the entry point for the frontend section of the project, orchestrating the display of various components and enabling user interaction. The file encapsulates the core logic for managing the applications frontend behavior and appearance, thus playing a pivotal role in defining the overall user experience of the software.
Header.tsx The code file in question, App.tsx, serves as the main entry point for the frontend application within the parent repository's architecture. It orchestrates the overall structure and navigation flow of the application, providing critical user interface interactions and state management. By encapsulating key components and routing logic, App.tsx plays a pivotal role in delivering a seamless and intuitive user experience while adhering to the established design patterns and standards of the project.
Diagnosis.tsx This code file in the FE directory plays a vital role in managing the main application flow by orchestrating navigation and authentication functionalities within the parent repositorys architecture. It ensures seamless user interaction by connecting different components and screens, enhancing the overall user experience.
InputImage.tsx The code file App.tsx serves as the main entry point for the frontend of the application. It orchestrates the rendering of various components such as AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx, which are essential for the user interface. This file plays a critical role in structuring the frontend user experience and defining the overall layout and behavior of the application.
PickFormat.tsx The code file App.tsx in the FE directory serves as the main entry point for the application, orchestrating the navigation flow and rendering various components such as AppInner and AppSignIn. It plays a crucial role in defining the overall structure and behavior of the frontend application while interacting with platform-specific configurations in the android and iOS directories.
NotificationCard.tsx The file AppSignIn.tsx in the FE directory of the repository provides the core functionality for user authentication within the application. It seamlessly handles the sign-in process, ensuring a secure and efficient user experience. This component plays a crucial role within the apps architecture by managing user authentication and access control, contributing to a robust and reliable application flow.
AddDogProfile.tsx Code SummaryThe AppSignIn.tsx file in the FE directory of the repository handles the authentication flow for users within the mobile application. It provides a seamless and secure sign-in experience, allowing users to securely log in and access their accounts. This component plays a crucial role in ensuring a smooth user journey by validating user credentials and securely managing user sessions, thereby enhancing the overall user experience and security of the application.
Comment.tsx This code file, App.tsx, serves as the main entry point for the frontend application within the parent repositorys architecture. It orchestrates the navigation and overall structure of the application, coordinating the rendering of various components such as AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx. Through this file, the frontend applications core functionality and user interface interactions are managed, contributing to the seamless operation of the overall software system.
DogCard.tsx The code file App.tsx in the FE directory of the repository serves as the main entry point for the frontend application. It orchestrates the components defined in AppInner.tsx and handles user authentication logic through AppSignIn.tsx. This file encapsulates the overall structure of the frontend application, setting up the foundational elements for rendering the user interface and managing user sessions. Its role is crucial in providing a seamless user experience and ensuring the smooth operation of the frontend functionalities within the larger application architecture.
CustomText.tsx App.tsxThe App.tsx` file serves as the main entry point for the application, coordinating the navigation flow and rendering of different components within the app. It defines the overall structure and layout of the user interface, setting the foundation for seamless user interaction. By orchestrating the display of various screens and handling user input, this file plays a crucial role in ensuring a cohesive and intuitive user experience throughout the application.
AppInitialization.tsx This code file, AppInner.tsx, plays a crucial role in the parent repositorys architecture by defining the core logic and layout for the inner components of the application. It contributes to the overall user interface design and functionality, encapsulating key features that enhance the user experience. The file focuses on creating a seamless interaction flow within the application, ensuring a cohesive and intuitive navigation experience for the end users.
DateTimePick.tsx This code file, AppSignIn.tsx, is a crucial component of the parent repositorys architecture. It plays a key role in handling user authentication and sign-in functionality within the mobile application. By managing the user authentication process, this code ensures a secure and seamless experience for users accessing the application.
AddInfoTitle.tsx Code SummaryThis code file, AppSignIn.tsx, plays a crucial role in managing user authentication within the parent repositorys architecture. It provides the necessary components and logic for users to sign in securely to the application. By implementing this functionality, the code ensures that only authenticated users can access the app's features and data. This key feature enhances the overall security and user experience of the application.
InputFormat.tsx The code file App.tsx in the FE directory serves as the main entry point for the frontend application. It orchestrates the rendering of various components such as AppInner and AppSignIn, enabling the user to interact with the application seamlessly. This file plays a crucial role in defining the overall structure and behavior of the frontend application within the larger repository architecture.
DismissKeyboardView.tsx Code File SummaryThe AppSignIn.tsx file in the FE directory is a crucial component responsible for handling user authentication within the application. It provides a seamless user sign-in experience, ensuring secure access to personalized features and data. By encapsulating the authentication logic, this file plays a key role in safeguarding user privacy and enhancing the overall user experience. This component aligns with the repositorys architecture by centralizing authentication functionalities and promoting a modular and scalable codebase structure.
CollapsibleView.tsx Code SummaryThe App.tsx file in the FE directory is a critical component that serves as the main entry point for the frontend application. It orchestrates the overall structure and navigation flow of the application by rendering various components and managing the user interface interactions. This file encapsulates the core logic for initializing the application, handling user authentication, and orchestrating the rendering of different screens based on user actions. Its seamless integration with other components like AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx ensures a cohesive user experience while maintaining the architectural integrity of the parent repository.
FoundCard.tsx The AppSignIn.tsx file in the repository is a crucial component responsible for handling user authentication within the front-end of the application. It facilitates a seamless sign-in experience for users, ensuring secure access to the platform. This file plays a pivotal role in the overall architecture by managing the authentication flow and enabling users to securely log in to the app.
MissFound.tsx This code file, AppInner.tsx, plays a pivotal role in the architecture of the parent repository. It serves as the core component responsible for managing the internal logic and rendering of the primary application interface. By encapsulating key functionalities and structuring the user interface elements, AppInner.tsx effectively defines the overall behavior and appearance of the main application, enhancing the user experience and ensuring seamless interaction with the software.
MissCard.tsx Code SummaryThis code file, AppInner.tsx, is a critical component in the frontend architecture of the parent repository. It serves as the core interface for rendering the inner layout and components of the application. By encapsulating the logic for managing the main user interaction flows and displaying key UI elements, AppInner.tsx plays a pivotal role in providing a seamless user experience. It ensures the efficient organization and presentation of the apps core functionalities, contributing significantly to the overall usability and visual appeal of the application.
WeeklyCalendar.tsx This code file, AppSignIn.tsx, is a critical component of the parent repositorys architecture. It plays a key role in handling the user authentication process within the frontend application. By managing the sign-in flow, this code ensures a secure and seamless experience for users interacting with the application.
StatusItem.tsx This code file, AppInner.tsx, plays a crucial role in the parent repositorys architecture by defining the core rendering logic for the inner sections of the application. It encapsulates key components and functionalities responsible for managing the UI elements specific to the inner workings of the application. By organizing and structuring the layout and behavior within the inner layers of the application, AppInner.tsx enhances the overall user experience and ensures a seamless interaction flow.
File Summary
ReportIcon.tsx The code file App.tsx in the FE directory of the repository serves as the main entry point for the front-end application. It orchestrates the rendering of different components, such as AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx, to provide the user interface for the application. Through its functionality, App.tsx plays a crucial role in structuring and organizing the user experience within the overall architecture of the repository.
MaleIcon.tsx The App.tsx file serves as the main entry point for the frontend application within the repository. It orchestrates the rendering of various components such as AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx to provide a user interface for interacting with the application. By encapsulating the overall structure and flow of the frontend logic, App.tsx plays a crucial role in defining the user experience and navigation pathways within the larger architecture of the repository.
HomeIcon.tsx This code file, App.tsx, plays a crucial role in the parent repositorys frontend architecture. It serves as the entry point for the application, orchestrating the rendering of various components such as AppInner.tsx and AppSignIn.tsx. By structuring and managing these components, App.tsx establishes the overall layout and flow of the frontend application. Its primary function is to provide a user-friendly interface and seamless navigation experience for interacting with the underlying features and functionalities.
FemaleIcon.tsx This code file, AppSignIn.tsx, plays a critical role in the front-end architecture of the repository. It is responsible for handling user authentication and sign-in functionality within the application. By managing the users sign-in process, this code file ensures secure access to the apps features and data, contributing to a seamless user experience.
HealthIcon.tsx Code File SummaryThe AppSignIn.tsx file in the FE directory is a critical component of the front-end architecture for user authentication within the parent repository. It enables users to securely sign in to the application, enhancing the overall user experience. This code file serves as a gateway for users to access the applications features securely and efficiently, ensuring a seamless login process.
ProfileIcon.tsx This code file, AppInner.tsx, plays a crucial role in the FE repository's architecture by defining the core logic and structure for the inner workings of the main application. It contributes to the overall functionality and user experience of the application by implementing key features and components within the app.
BornIcon.tsx This code file, AppSignIn.tsx, plays a crucial role in the authentication flow of the mobile application within the parent repositorys architecture. It manages the user sign-in process, enabling secure access to the apps features. By handling user authentication seamlessly, it ensures a smooth user experience while maintaining the application's security standards.
MissFoundIcon.tsx This code file, AppSignIn.tsx, plays a crucial role in handling user authentication within the parent repositorys front-end architecture. It manages the sign-in functionality, ensuring secure access for users within the application. By structuring and executing the sign-in process, this file enhances the overall user experience by providing a seamless and reliable authentication mechanism.
File Summary
nftApi.ts The AppSignIn.tsx file in the FE directory of the repository serves as a key component for enabling user authentication within the application. This file encapsulates the logic and UI elements necessary for users to sign in securely. By handling the authentication flow, it ensures that users can access the features and functionalities of the application while maintaining data security.
ownerSearchApi.ts This code file, AppSignIn.tsx, in the FE directory of the repository, plays a crucial role in handling user authentication within the application. It provides the functionality for users to sign in securely, ensuring access control and data protection. This component is essential for maintaining user privacy and securing sensitive information within the software ecosystem.
petSearchApi.ts The AppSignIn.tsx file in the FE directory of the repository handles user authentication processes within the application. It facilitates user sign-in functionality, ensuring secure access to the platforms features. This component plays a vital role in managing user login and validation, enhancing the overall user experience and safeguarding user data.
fcmAlarmApi.ts This code file, AppSignIn.tsx, plays a crucial role within the FE/ directory of the repository. It handles user authentication and sign-in functionality within the application. This component is essential for ensuring a seamless user experience and security protocols are maintained.
userApi.ts This code file, AppInner.tsx, serves as a crucial component within the FE repositorys architecture. Its primary role is to manage the internal logic and user interface elements of the main application flow. By encapsulating key functionalities and UI components related to the core application behavior, AppInner.tsx plays a pivotal role in ensuring a smooth and intuitive user experience within the FE project.
axios.ts The code file App.tsx serves as the main entry point for the frontend application. It orchestrates the rendering of components and manages the overall navigation flow within the app. App.tsx plays a crucial role in initializing key libraries, setting up global configurations, and handling user authentication logic. Additionally, it establishes the structure for nested components to maintain a clear separation of concerns and streamline the user interface. This file encapsulates the core functionality that drives the frontend user experience in the repository.
statusApi.ts This code file, App.tsx, is a critical component in the frontend part of the repository. It plays a key role in managing the main application structure and flow. It likely orchestrates the rendering of different components, handles navigation logic, and possibly integrates with backend services. This file serves as a central piece in defining the user interface and behavior of the application. Its contents are essential for understanding how the frontend interacts with user input and data to deliver the intended user experience.
commentApi.ts The App.tsx file in the FE directory of the repository serves as the main entry point for the frontend application. It orchestrates the rendering of various components, including AppInner and AppSignIn, to create the user interface for the app. This file plays a crucial role in setting up the overall structure and layout of the frontend, ensuring a seamless user experience. Additionally, it defines important configurations and dependencies required for the app to function correctly across different platforms.
File Summary
auth.ts This code file, AppInner.tsx, serves as a critical component within the FE repositorys architecture. It plays a key role in defining the internal structure and behavior of the main application, contributing to its overall functionality. Through this file, the applications inner workings and core features are encapsulated and managed, ensuring a smooth user experience and cohesive performance.

Getting Started


TypeScript: version x.y.z


Build the project from source:

  1. Clone the FE repository:
❯ git clone
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd FE
  1. Install the required dependencies:
❯ npm install


To run the project, execute the following command:

❯ npm run build && node dist/main.js


Execute the test suite using the following command:

❯ npm test

Project Roadmap

  • Task 1: Implement feature one.
  • Task 2: Implement feature two.
  • Task 3: Implement feature three.


Contributions are welcome! Here are several ways you can contribute:

Contributing Guidelines
  1. Fork the Repository: Start by forking the project repository to your github account.
  2. Clone Locally: Clone the forked repository to your local machine using a git client.
    git clone
  3. Create a New Branch: Always work on a new branch, giving it a descriptive name.
    git checkout -b new-feature-x
  4. Make Your Changes: Develop and test your changes locally.
  5. Commit Your Changes: Commit with a clear message describing your updates.
    git commit -m 'Implemented new feature x.'
  6. Push to github: Push the changes to your forked repository.
    git push origin new-feature-x
  7. Submit a Pull Request: Create a PR against the original project repository. Clearly describe the changes and their motivations.
  8. Review: Once your PR is reviewed and approved, it will be merged into the main branch. Congratulations on your contribution!
Contributor Graph


This project is protected under the SELECT-A-LICENSE License. For more details, refer to the LICENSE file.


  • List any resources, contributors, inspiration, etc. here.