- Fix - Leaving the
argument for custom Design Bar items would throw an error, we've created a fallback for it - Fix - Quotations in text fields are now properly escaped
- Fix - Fixed the post widget which was broken between 1.1.2 and 1.1.3
- Fix - Removed query strings from Layers custom font includes, this fixes the 404 issue some users experienced when loading the customizer
- Fix - WooCommerce column shortcodes no longer break
- Enhancement - Setting content widget to 12 columns no longer forces 745px max width on the excerpt container
- Enhancement - Added a filter to the
function, developers can now use thelayers_inline_' . $type . '_css
filter to add custom CSS to the inline style generator - Enhancement - Improved the instantiation of customizer defaults and color controls
- Enhancement - Added filter on the
function to control the output of the HTML - Enhancement - Better handling of animations in Safari
Post widget hotfix
- Fix - Post widget category selection is now fixed
New dashboard links, color helper file and form item support
- Fix - Added missing text domain to widget descriptions
- Tweak - Moved color helper functions into their own file,
- Enhancement - Added support for multi select boxes in
, developers can usemulti-select
input type.
New color controls and much smarter handling of text colors, plus a brand new Layers Dashboard!
- Tweak - Dashboard edit
- Fix - Custom font variants now load correctly
New color controls and much smarter handling of text colors, plus a brand new Layers Dashboard!
- Enhancement - New Dashboard! The Layers Dashboard now has quick setup links, a live documentation search, plugin lists and a news feed
- Enhancement - Added column color support to the Post Widget
- Enhancement - All Widgets now get intelligent text coloring which responds to the light or darkness of your background colors
- Enhancement - Added button color selectors to the Post widget
- Enhancement - Added support for the 'target' attribute to the button form type
- Enhancement - Added .invert styling for headers
- Enhancement - Added 'border' option to the 'layers_inline_styles' function
- Enhancement - Added Site Accent color which affects all buttons and links
- Enhancement - Builder pages now obey password protection
- Enhancement - Slider now focusses on which ever slide you are busy editing
- Enhancement - If there is only a map widget on the page, it will sit flush with the header
- Enhancement - Improved support for WooCommerce price filter widget
- Enhancement - Improved default color settings for child themers
- Enhancement - Improved handling of 'layers_inline_styles()' which now uses 'func_num_args()'
- Enhancement - Added new Button controller to the design bar which affects button background colors along with 'layers_inline_button_styles()'
- Enhancement - Added more a dynamic class which handles the use of adding .invert to containers
- Enhancement - Added filters to the Layers sidebar classes
- Enhancement - Improved class handling in Layers widgets, each widget now has a much neater way of creating widget container classes
- Fix - Added better customizer default handling via the 'layers_customizer_control_defaults' hook
- Fix - Logo Center with no menu no longer breaks
- Fix - Payment method block alignment no longer has a margin on the left
- Fix - Pagination location on the post widget
- Fix - Clicking the canvas in the customizer now closes widgets using the customizer API
- Fix - Gutter option on all widgets with masonry active now works
- Fix - .pull-right problem where adding it to a .column was not forcing float: right;
- Fix - .upsells now align properly on desktop and mobile
- Fix - Tag archive pages
- Fix - Layers pages set to password protected now require a password to view
- Fix - Slider image-center + text right will now align all text correctly
- Fix - Removing your logo no longer leaves a broken image
- Fix - WooCommerce product tag archives now have the correct styling
- Fix - Slider 'layout-full-screen' not working - if auto height is not checked then slider hard sets height which stops full-screen working
- Tweak - Header cart background color has changed for a hash value to a transparent rgba background color for better handling of different header colors
- Tweak - Improved spacing of the comment form block as well as a font-size decrease for "Leave a Reply"
- Tweak - Gave copyright border-color rgba (same reason as header cart)
- Tweak - Better .button styling in .story
- Tweak - Increased the width of sub menus
- Tweak - Nested comments now clear the .copy div in the parent comment
- Tweak - The 'search' button in the Search Widget is now inline with the input field on screens larger than tablets
- Tweak - Bread crumbs css is now based on RGBA for better handling of container background colors
- Tweak - Bread crumbs css now included in .invert class
- Tweak - Removed color from headings in .story and .copy as they are already declared as defaults at the top of the CSS
- Tweak - All color settings (Header and Footer included) are now find under Site Settings > Colors
- Tweak - Escaped 'add_query_arg()' as possible security flaw was recently identified
- Notice - Layers 1.0.9 has full WordPress 4.2 compatability
Hotfix for the Slider responsive CSS
- Fix - Update 1.0.7 broke sliders in phone view, this fixes that, slides now behave as in 1.0.6
Layers page Import / Export fix
- Tweak - Changed the way the Layers customizer menu is constructed in render_customizer_menu() to make it more extendible
- Tweak - WooCommerce CSS tweaks on product-single
- Tweak - Slider CSS tweaks
- Fix - When adding a new standard page and selecting the Layers Template without clicking save the customizer would throw a 404, now we force users to click save first
- Fix - Page exports would occasionally cause users to reach a 'Warning: headers already sent by' error, we've fixed this error by moving the export trigger
- Fix - The page import button would fail with a JSON not allowed error, we have added json and JSON to allowed file types to counteract this problem
- Fix - When switching to a Layers child theme, customizer settings are now kept alive and transferred to your child theme
- Enhancement - Widget placeholder text is now translatable
- Enhancement - Added hooks to title container, posts and pages
Patch fix which fixes the order of the custom CSS implementation
- Fix - Star ratings no longer bump to the top right of the page on WooCommerce product single pages
- Enhancement - Added four new icons to admin font - desktop, tablet, iphone and tick
- Tweak - Moved 'layers-custom-styles' enqueue to it's own action in the footer to make sure it loads last
- Tweak - Bail if no css is generated by layers_inline_styles()
- Tweak - Moved 'layers_inline_css' filter to layers_apply_inline_styles()
Bug fixes and language additions
- Tweak - Changed the "Page Builder" page template to "Layers Template"
- Enhancement - Added the ability to bypass the built-in Customizer sanitization
- Fix - Unchecking all post meta display not longer causes all of the options to actually display
- Enhancement - Added new dropdown to customizer so that users can easily navigate back to dashboard, create new page and preview page
- Enhancement - Added the "range" option to the Form->input() function
- Enhancement - Added Chinese translation files
- Enhancement - Added Turkish translation files
- Enhancement - Added German translation files
- Enhancement - Added Spanish translation files
- Fix - When adding a single top menu, the opposite menu no long defaults to show pages
- Fix - Added license information to swiper.js
- Fix - WooCommerce pages no longer have a spacing issue when right sidebar is turned on
- Fix - .sub-menu width in off-canvas menu has been fixed to avoid text-wrapping
- Fix - Dots from payment methods in Woo checkout page have been removed
- Fix - Grouped product styling in WooCommerce has been fixed
- Fix - The large gap appearing above a sticky header when you're logged in on a mobile phone no longer appears
- Fix - Fixed when clicking any widget design bar sub menu would erroneously deselect active states of all the controls visual selectors
- Tweak - Text change 'Editing widget content' slide
- Tweak - Removed unused WooCommerce CSS and placed them in new pro woo extension
- Tweak - get_theme_mod( 'custom-css' ); no longer uses layers_inline_style, this is in preparation of PostMessage support
- Tweak - Clicking anywhere on the page will close any open design bar sub menus
- Tweak - Stop persistent Layers page filtering in page list, choosing all would confusingly show only Layers pages
Security and code quality updates
- Enhancement - Added 'range' type to the form options
- Enhancement - Added filtering to the design bar setup per widget (thanks @kevinlangleyjr)
- Enhancement - Improved class initiators (thanks @prettyboymp)
- Enhancement - Added filters to design bar components (thanks @prettyboymp)
- Enhancement - Clicking out of the design bar closes a control (thanks @prettyboymp @jeffstieler)
- Enhancement - Added customizer-preview.js for scripts executed in the customizer preview iframe only
- Fix - Deleting all slides then adding your first slide again threw an error (thanks @prettyboymp)
- Fix - Fix references from i8n to i18n
- Fix - Added check_ajax_referer() for Ajax nonceing
- Fix - Removed double <title /> tag
- Fix - Improved nonce handling and removed any reference to $_REQUEST[] in the code
- Fix - Updated Google maps API link for SSL compatability (thanks @oskapt)
- Fix - Improved localization (thanks @tmconnect)
- Fix - Added sanitization helpers which we hook into the customizer to clean up the Customizer data
- Tweak - Added Typekit ID field to the Site Settings, this means that getting Typekit into Layers is now even easier and safer
- Tweak - Move hooks and filters outside of their related function_exists closures
- Tweak - Replaced deprecated get_page() with get_post()
- Tweak - Added version number to all css and js assets being enqueued
- Tweak - Added nonce check and remove unnecessary conditional from to update_page_builder_meta()
- Tweak - .media block (used extensively in the content widget html) has been tweaked to behave better on different screensizes and with different column widths
- Tweak - Changed jquery-masonry to masonry v3 not dependent on jquery
- Tweak - Updated hook used for meta box registration
- Tweak - Changed in-line styles and scripts to always use admin_print_styles and admin_print_scripts hooks
- Tweak - Moved fouc rendering issue fix from in-line to the customizer-preview.js
- Tweak - Slider behaves better in responsive mode - no longer image/copy overlap
- Tweak - Apply class to Slider for layout eg slider-layout-full-screen and a unique not-full-screen
- Tweak - Merged color.css typography.css and framework.css so that fewer style sheets are loaded, therefore improved load times
Post-launch bug fixes before settling into a release schedule
- Fix - Portfolio preset template now works correctly (thanks @nitinthewiz)
- Tweak - Removed layers_site_title(); function in favor of WordPress built in site title function
- Tweak - Added to the 404 page
- Fix - Product page styling with sidebars is now correct (thanks @luizbills)
- Tweak - Added target=_blank on the Built With Layers badge
- Fix - Fixed the Layers dashboard header
Theme Check requirements and url updates
- Fix - Added sprintf() to any hard coded urls
- Fix - Corrected all Layers Dashboard urls
- Fix - Removed unuses scripts from /assets/js/
- Fix - Fixed 404 page styling
Some quick fixes that help improve the overall experience
- Tweak - Removed un-needed scripts from loading on the front-end
- Fix - Removed un-used images from the /assets/css/images folder
- Tweak - Added a notice to download the Layers Updater to the Layers Dashboard
- Tweak - Cleaned up third party JS scripts
- Fix - Removed unused WooCommerce Sidebars